Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 502: Osawa worship

Chapter 91: Osawa worships the moon

The twelve goddess sent by Li Xing are not trivial. When he was practicing ancient magic, he was in urgent need of elixir, and he was not willing to use these twelve gods, because if this set of twelve gods were taken continuously, they could have unexpected magical effects.

Of the twelve gods, the last three are ancient gods. The cultivation of Beichen Evergreen can be promoted to the tenth level of God training, and it may even break through to the level of law and heaven.

Beichen Changqing is not an arrogant person. He accepted Shendan and smiled slightly: "My life has nothing left. If I can really break through, maybe I can live a few more years. I really want to look down and you can grow to Which step, is it like shining the power of heaven, like the power of eternity? "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Righteous father, rest assured, I won't let you down." Then explain the order of taking Shendan one by one.

After clearing up Bei Chenji, things are not over yet, and there is a ghost that has not been dealt with. However, Yousha saw the opportunity early. As soon as he learned that Li Xing had entered the city, people left in advance, without even being informed by Bei Chenji.

At this moment, he was hiding in a house, and his breath was relaxed. Yousha decided to wait for the news to see if Li Xing would deal with Bei Chenji. If Li Xing doesn't take the shot, he will go out again; if Li Xing takes the shot, he will leave Tianxingmen and find another way.

In the room, Yousha is thinking about what to do in the future if Li Xing does not tolerate him. Just thinking, a sudden flash of light appeared before him, and Li Xing appeared with a smile.

Yousha was startled and called: "It's you!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Yousha, can you think of it? Last time on the trip to the South China Sea, I have performed an ancient divination" tracking technique "and locked your position. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will be caught ! "

"I fight with you!" Yousha was frightened and angry, and suddenly shot. However, as soon as his hand was raised, he suddenly became stiff and unable to move, and seemed to stand still.

Li Xing looked at him coldly: "You are not as good as an ant in front of me, and you want to resist? Now, I am just using a jade-step magical skill,‘ one mind fixation ’.”

The ordinary jade-level little magic spell, under the utterly overwhelming divine power, also released terrible power, Yousha could not resist at all.

You Sha showed an expression of begging for mercy. Unfortunately, it was too late. Li Xing waved his hand, and "Da Zhuo Shu" was put on display, turning him into a puppet, thrown into Bai Yang Jing Tian, ​​and managed the medicine together with Na Ximen Tian went.

After disposing of Yousha, Li Xing had nothing to do and immediately returned to the Eight-pole Tower. Next, he has to find a way to integrate Yin and Yang to prepare for condensing the fetus.

In the eight-pole tower, in front of Li Xing, there were two beads suspended, namely the Taiyin **** bead and the sun **** bead. Both of these things are precious. The Taiyin Shenzhu was captured from the son of the prince Zuo Zun and left tiger.

The sun **** bead was obtained from the sun **** king. These two things, one yin and one yang, can be used to understand yin and yang.

Among the primitive gods, the Taiyin **** beads slowly rotate to release the power of the Taiyin; the sun **** beads also slowly cast out to release the power of the sun. Both forces are released at the same time, washing the air.

Generally, the **** and man practice to the fifth level of training. After opening the yin and yang meridians, they must understand yin and yang, and finally achieve yin and yang unity. However, in the end, what is Yin-Yang unity, even if it is a person who practices the fivefold or even higher level of God, he can't say why.

In one's eyes, there is a so-called "yin and yang unity". Therefore, the "Yin and Yang unity" step is quite difficult. Even the Emperor Tianxie has no way to give pointers, and it is entirely dependent on his own understanding.

The power of the yin and the power of the sun are distinct, and no one interferes with each other. Every day passed, Li Xing seemed to be stuck at this level, unable to break through.

Three days later, Hu Bafang, Honglu Shuangsha, and Pig Ganglie returned from the north and entered the Qiyun faction. Li Xing arranged for them to stay as elders, and stayed here.

After that, Li Xing decided to leave the Eight-pole Tower and go out to walk, hoping to have some insights during the journey. When going out, the heavenly man gave Li Xing a sentence: There is yin in the west, yang in the east, yin and yang intersect, and the sun and the moon go hand in hand.

Li Xing seemed to understand this slang, so he had to ask him in detail, but the heavenly man closed it again and ignored him.

Out of the eight-pole tower, he went west all the way and flew in the direction of Daxia Kingdom. The road is long, and he doesn't even know if he will gain anything from this trip.

He flew quickly, quickly entered the territory of Daxia, and continued westward, seemingly aimless and looking for something. After arriving at the west of the Daxia Kingdom, he arrived in the western Daze.

According to legend, the western Osawa is boundless and extends to the west indefinitely, without end. In addition, there are countless monsters and monsters in Osawa, which are very dangerous. Once a man or a magician enters, there is often no return.

In front of Li Xing, there is boundless Osawa. In Osawa, the steam was raging, the poisonous gas was diffused, and the dark and gloomy part was dark and horrifying, and seemed to lead to the direction of hell.

"Master, it would be better if the apprentice went to Dize." Li Xing said.

Emperor Tianxie: "If you want to go, go." Just say this, and go silent. The higher Li Xing's cultivation, the more and more the Tianxie Emperor will not easily express his opinions. He always allows Li Xing to take his own ideas.

With a slight smile, Li Xing said, "Okay!" He fluttered lightly, like a shadow, quickly passing through Dazao. This method is an ancient divine technique called "Fashion in the World". It only needs a very weak divine power to quickly walk, just like the wind.

At your feet, everything receded, and the scene changed constantly. Times are mounds, times are mud ponds. Finally, after three days of walking, Li Xing entered a dense forest.

There was such a forest in Daze, and Li Xing deliberately went in to explore it. At the edge of the forest, several silver wolves lingered unwillingly, but when Li Xing released a scent of breath, they immediately fled away with their tails.

In fact, along the way, countless demons once stared at Li Xing, but in the end they were scared by his horrible momentum and dare not fight his idea.

In the dense forest, it was dark and humid, poisonous insects ran rampant, and suffocation was pervasive. Li Xing had to perform a large poisonous technique to secretly absorb the virulence of these obstacles. Gradually deepening, and finally deep into the forest, the poisonous insects have actually become fewer, and the poisonous fog has gradually disappeared.

In this forest, there is actually another scene. As it passes by, there are gradually bright flowers, tweeting birds, and the light is gradually getting brighter. Suddenly, Li Xing heard a strange voice, and he was so calm that he immediately walked in the direction of the voice.

It didn't take long for him to be surprised. Hundreds of men, women, and children, old and young, dressed very old and very religious, sitting on a clearing in the forest and worshiping in the air.

In the air, there was a bright and bright moon, which radiated Yinhui and fell on the earth.

The presence of Li Xing shocked these people, and they turned around and looked at him. This forest has not been visited by strangers for hundreds of years, so people are curious about Li Xing.

"A distant friend, where do you come from?" An old man had to be white and asked Li Xing kindly. He wore a moon-white robe, holding a cane in his hand, and inlaid a pearl with a big fist in the top of the stick, emitting bright moon-like light.

All the people here gave a feeling of tranquility and tranquility. Li Xing took a nap and said, "The boy comes from the East, and I pass by here, so don't blame him for collision."

"It turned out to be a guest from the East." The old man laughed. "Please worship the Moon Woman with us."

When he went to the countryside to follow the custom, Li Xing naturally did not say that he was not interested in the moon goddess, so he sat on the ground and worshiped with these people. He can feel that everyone is extremely devout and use his heart to sense the so-called moon goddess.

Of course, Li Xing knows that the moon in this world is completely different from the moon in his previous life. Here, the sun and the moon are the masters of the stars, and they hold endless secrets.

By chance, he was able to sense star power, and there were few people who could sense star power between heaven and earth. The difference is that the power of the yin and the power of the sun are relatively easy to sense.

Many people can draw from the power of the yin and the sun to strengthen themselves. Even some demons can do this.

Li Xing stared at the night sky, his eyes extended indefinitely, and he seemed to want to see through the moon. In his body, the tain yin radiates strange power, which motivates Yuanshen to oscillate with a mysterious frequency.

Suddenly, Mantianyuehua suddenly contracted, condensed into a bright line, and landed on Li Xing. This force of Yuehua penetrates into the Yuanshen, making the divine power more rounded.

Li Xing just stayed still. Around him, the good men and women worshipping the moon, looked at him in astonishment, astonished.

The old man said in surprise: "Guests have a relationship with Luna! Please go to Luna Terrace and accept the courtesy of the moon worshipers."

Li Xing opened his eyes, the glimmer of the moon above his head disappeared suddenly, and smiled: "Thank you."

The old man and several men and women led Li Xing into a village behind the open space. This moon worshiper is isolated from the world and has a good nature and is very kind to every past guest.

In the village, many delicate lofts were built. In the central location, there is a huge ~ www.readwn.com ~ white jade platform. On the jade platform, a jade pillar stands. The top of the column is inlaid with a large bead.

That bead radiates a soft moonlight, gentleness and softness, covering the entire table. The old man asked Li Xing to step on the stage and said, "Dear guests, please accept the baptism of the goddess of the moon."

Li Xing nodded, strode to power, and was immediately surrounded by Yuehua.

At this moment, in the sky, there was a strange laugh, like a night owl crying, and then a murmur voice said: "Old ghost, luna pearl, spare you not to die!"

The face of the moon worshiper's face changed greatly, and the old man shouted, "The ghost witch is here, everyone is hiding!"

"Hide? Where to hide?" The ghost and the witch laughed again and again. "I have laid out a large array of nine ghosts. I want to worship you tonight.

Li Xinggang felt Yuehua, and if he realized it, he was interrupted by this nasty voice. He couldn't help anger and said, "Shut up!"

A Yuanshen's big hand rushed out from the middle of Yuehua, but it was Li Xing's "hidden hand" in the Great God. The big hands covered the sky and the moon, and the ghosts and witches in the air were covered at once, and they were captured vigorously.

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