Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 505: Suppression of Jinwu scissors

Chapter 94: Suppression of Jinwu Scissor

These people embraced Li Xing and flew north. Li Xing secretly observed that all of them were five or more people who practiced God, and three of them were the most powerful. Especially those who talked to him were the strongest.

"I haven't consulted the hero Gao." The young man said, seeming to be polite and sincere.

"Li Xing." Li Xing said lightly.

"Tongguang in Xiayang," the youth said, "the son of the Jinwu tribe."

Li Xing nodded: "It turned out to be Yang Yang, how could Yang Yang suddenly appear here?"

"Ah, we came here to observe the movement of the Overlord Snake. We didn't want to meet Li Yingxiong Feijian to cut the snake. The sword light was really earth-shattering, and the ghosts and gods were unpredictable." Yang Tongguang said, "I don't know what it is Magic soldier? "

It turned out that when these people arrived, Li Xing had been fighting the Overlord Snake for a long time. They failed to see Li Xing's resistance to the Overlord Snake, only to see a sword light killing him, and the Overlord Snake was in a different place.

Therefore, in these people's minds, Li Xing was not much valued, but he only dreaded the ice sword in his hands.

"An ancient magic soldier." Li Xing told the truth, others have seen it, it is useless to conceal it, just to be honest.

"Brother Li has this magical soldier, even if he encounters a mage, he can fight a war!" Yang Tongguang enviously said.

"Where, I can only urge this magic soldier once, so if I encounter a strong enemy, I still have to flee." Li Xing said modestly.

Yang Tongguang's eyes flashed, and he laughed: "Brother Li passed the prize."

A moment's flight, a huge abyss ran across in front of me. I couldn't see the other side of the abyss, I wonder how wide it was.

"Brother Li, let's go to the abyss, this is the Jinwu tribe." Yang Tongguang accelerated his flight speed, and Li Xing and others followed closely behind.

Flying to the center of the abyss, a dozen people suddenly scattered around, and suddenly surrounded Li Xing in the center.

Li Xingjing stood in the air and said lightly, "What do you mean?"

"Huh! You idiot, there was the ancient soldier in the past, we will still jealous of three points. But now, you will die!" Yang Tongguang, his face suddenly changed, his eyes were fierce and his expression was haggard.

Li Xing looked surprised: "Brother Yang, what are you doing? We have no grudges, why are you killing them?"

"The Naha king snake, we have noticed it for a long time, and then prepared for three months, borrowed magic weapons from the elders, and dared to come. I don't want to be boarded by you first, and took away Dahua's pearl! Shouldn't you be damned?" The same time, authentic.

"But that's not bad. You killed the Overlord Snake for us, and we kill you again, it's easier!"

Li Xing looked frightened, and said angrily, "Why are you so unreasonable? The king snake was beheaded and killed by me, and the things naturally belong to me! Besides, can we think that we can kill me?"

"Haha ..."

A dozen people of God laughed loudly.

Yang Tongguang looked at Li Xing with a cat-and-mouse expression: "You can't kill you? Do you think you are a mage? Tell you, you are standing on the abyss of Luobao! Here, no matter what magic or sacred things are cast, The magic weapon will fall! "

Li Xing blinked: "This is the abyss of Luobao?" He looked down, and Heiyou was bottomless, and he really felt a vague breath.

"In the abyss of Luobao, you cannot cast any magic weapon!" Yang Tongguang laughed. "So, are you dead?"

"I'm going to die if I don't use the magic soldier?" Li Xing seemed unconvinced. "You might look down on me too much."

"Haha ..."

The crowd laughed again, and another tenfold God of Humanity said, "Tongguang, don't talk nonsense with him, just do it."

Yang Tongguang was not in a hurry, and said leisurely: "Don't panic, he can't escape anyway. Without that magical soldier, he is just a small figure training five gods, and I can pinch him with two fingers. "

Li Xing sighed suddenly and said, "In this case, let's do it, Xingning will die!"

"Huh! You are not qualified to fight against us!" A ninefold **** man arrogantly, waved his hand, and directly suppressed Li Xing. The power of true shape is no small matter. If you change to a five-fold god, you will be shocked to death.

At this moment, Li Xing looked at the big hand that had fallen down with a mocking expression, and then flipped his right hand. Huanghuang's divine power condensed into a large hand, the civilization disappeared, and the thunder appeared.


As soon as the hand was flipped and repressed, the sky changed color, and the echo of "Boom" in the abyss seemed to be shocked by the supreme power of Li Xing.



More than a dozen people stayed, stupid, crazy, and completely lost in confusion. Why is this small five-man godhead so horrible?

One type of great divine magic was performed by Li Xing, and its power was endless. The power of flipping over covered a circle of five hundred miles and no one could escape.

"Hurry up and sacrifice‘ Jinwu Shear ’!” Shouted a god-man.

Yang Tongguang shouted sternly: "Once the magic weapon is cast, the magic weapon will fall, and we all can't afford it!"

There is no time to think about it. Supreme divine power is shrouded in the air, and everyone is included. At the same time, another type of great divine art "big cricket technique" was developed. Instantly, the expressions of more than a dozen people were confused, and then became extremely empty.

Li Xing's great cricket technique is very evil. He was in Da Xia Kingdom after beheading and killing a powerful demon, and then he got the seed of the great magic technique, so that he became a great magic technique. After being cast, he turned people into crickets.

At the same time that these people became puppets, their memories were read by Li Xing. In a moment, he knew exactly what the Jinwu tribe was.

"It ’s true that the wealthy parents are here! And not only Tiens, but also tiered spirit beasts such as Phoenix, Sirius, Dragon, and Sky Fox!" Li Xing sneered, calling for wealth and explaining things to it .

Wealth and joy: "Master, do you have a way to rescue my parents?"

"That's natural." Li Xingdao said, "However, the Jinwu people are really strong. There is a strong and powerful man who can't come hard. We can only sneak in and leave."

Wealthy is very excited: "Master! As long as you save your parents, you will never forget the great grace in your life!" Then he stuttered, "Although the lord, the celestial ambassador, is a fake, but he will be loyal to his master all his life!"

At the time, Li Xing encountered riches when he was still a blood warrior. At that time, in order to subdue it, Li Xing disguised himself as the "Secretary of the Upper Realm". As a result, the rich and the rich were fooled and followed Li Xing.

Of course, it later understood that all the upper bounds and sacred envoys were all flickering. But having said that, following Li Xing is really good, the little days are so moisturizing, it is not willing to leave at all.

Speaking of the "truth" at this moment, Li Xing blushed and coughed: "Rich and rich, don't mention the previous things. You go back and wait for the news. I will let you meet your parents."

The wealthy also knew that Li Xing had his own ideas, so he obediently returned to Jingtian. Li Xing drank, and more than a dozen god-men, under his control, handed over all the elixir and magic symbols on his body.

Among them, Nayang Tongguang had a magic weapon. This magic weapon is a pair of dark golden scissors, which are more murderous than the Jiulongya.

"Well, this idiot actually led me to Luobao Abyss. If he took out this magic weapon early in the morning, I can only run away." Li Xing had a feeling of picking up treasure. You know, the magic weapon is no small matter, it is more precious than the holy things.

At this moment, Jinwu was cut to death and seemed to be restrained by a mysterious force below the abyss. This is convenient for Li Xing to receive the scripture, directly open Baiyang Jingtian, and throw it in.

Immediately after entering the country, Jinwu Sheared lively. I only heard a thunder blast in the air, it turned into two golden blackbirds, head to tail, strangling in the sky.

However, as soon as the golden blackbird appeared, the magic circle was also spurred, and the white sky and the aura of spirit were suppressed, condensing a large array, and this magic weapon was suppressed, and a wailing burst out in it.

Ignoring that magic weapon, Li Xing immediately ordered these people to go to Jinwu after collecting everything. And he performed the ancient magic "fine dust" and followed quietly.

Flying over the abyss of Luobao, there are a series of tall peaks in front of it. Each peak is surrounded by green light. The mountains and the mountains are full of lush vegetation, full of aura, and it is actually a treasure of Feng Shui.

Between the peaks, there is a mountain peak, the tallest, which is directly inserted into Jiuxiao, and it is great. The peak, above Jiu Xiao, was not transparent at all.

Just below the mountain peaks, palaces were built, avenues were opened, squares were opened, and hundreds of thousands of people lived. Looking down, everyone can fly to the sky, even a three-year-old child is a three- or four-practice figure.

As for Guoshi, it is not unusual at all. God-man is also very common. Among the ten nations, there are two or three god-man in it.

This place is the site of the Jinwu tribe. The mountain peak is called "Jinwu Peak". The peak is the Jinwu tribe's forbidden area. Only the head of the tribe can enter. Legend has it that, above the peak, there is a sacred tree called Jinwu Shenmu with all sorts of incredible power.

The secret ~ www.readwn.com ~ even the son of the patriarch Yang Tongtian was not clear, Li Xing even more did not understand. However, he has decided to take a look at the summit.

Yang Tongtian and others swayed and landed on the plaza, and people saluted one after another and were called "big master". Yang Tongguang, the young master, was completely under the control of Li Xing. He went directly to the Tianshouyuan, and the rest followed.

Tianshouyuan is the place where the Jinwu tribe detains the heavenly beasts. At present, in the entire Celestial Beast Garden, more than ten Celestial Spirit Beasts are detained. Every ten years, a spirit beast is brought to the peak of Jinwu to hold a so-called "holy sacrifice".

Tianshouyuan is built on the mountainside of Jinwufeng. When Yang Tong waited for someone to break in, the several gods who guarded the beast garden were surprised, and quickly asked, "What is the young master doing?"

Yang Tong said, "You go out, I need to do something."

He is the son of the patriarch. Several gods did not dare to ask more questions, and left the beast garden without saying a word. In the beast garden, there are strange stone ridges and stone forests standing like a maze, but Yang Tongtian soon found a cave, a huge cave.

Here, it is the prison where spirit beasts are held.

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