Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 506: Jinwu's Egg

Chapter 95: Jinwu's Egg

Li Xing appeared at this moment, and in a flash, he entered Tianshou Cave. The inside of the cave is extremely wide, and the prison cages made of the extremely hard star iron are placed randomly. In the cage, various beasts, large and small, were imprisoned.

These beasts, all in deep sleep, seem to have been cast spells. Li Xing also didn't look closely. With a wave of his sleeves, his divine power rolled wildly, and he directly took these prison cages into Baiyang Jingtian.

Immediately, he disappeared for a second time and ordered Yang Tongtian and others to go straight to the top of Jinwu Peak. Instinctively, he felt that there should be something he wanted to see above the peak. As for what Jinwu Shenmu, maybe it is a treasure, it is better to take it!

Anyway, during this trip, he didn't have to be polite to the Jinwu people, take as much as he could, and then the Yellow Crane was gone forever, and the Jinwu people couldn't help it.

On the way to the summit, there are special guards to prevent anyone outside the clan from entering. However, just like when entering the Heaven Beast Garden, the god-man who took care of the road at the peak waist failed to stop Yang on the same day. In desperation, they immediately reported to the patriarch.

The Jinwu Peak is a Jinwu tribe's forbidden area, and only the patriarch can enter. But the young master had to break through, and the guards had no choice but to go to the patriarch for advice.

Li Xing showed off the dust, rising all the way up, getting higher and higher, and soon entered the cloud, and reached above the white clouds. Looking down at this time, the sea of ​​clouds is endless, and Yuntao is rolling and magnificent.

After more than a dozen breaths, a narrow staircase appeared in front, and the end could not be seen, and the tolerance was only for ten people in parallel. With memory, Li Xing knew this was the "pilgrimage stage." Only walking on the pilgrimage steps can lead to the mountain safely. Otherwise, it will lead to the ban on the peak and suffer a terrible attack.

However, this pilgrimage is not easy to go, there is "Guardian Jinwu" on it. If it is not for the Jinwu ethnic group, even the algorithmist cannot break in.

According to his memory, Li Xing knew that the so-called Jinwu guard was a kind of organ puppet created with the essence of Jinwu, and it was very powerful. Those who pass the stairs must have Jinwu blood, otherwise they will be killed by Jinwu guards.

Li Xing turned into a mote, completely converging, and adhered to Yang Tong's body, marching all the way.

After walking about a few thousand steps, two golden red lights suddenly landed in the sky. The light converged, and two monsters with human heads appeared. They were burning with dark gold flames around them, blocking everyone's way.

Li Xing felt that the strength of these two monsters was definitely above him!

"This Jinwu guardian is truly extraordinary. If I break through, I will be intercepted." He thought secretly, thanking himself for being cautious and not forcibly breaking into here.

Yang Tong swipes his fingertips on the back of his hand, and the dark golden blood immediately flows down. As soon as the blood hit the air, it blazed. The guardian of Jinwu smelled the blood of Jinwu's blood and immediately flashed to both sides to clear the way. The other gods and men who followed followed also scratched the back of their hands, flowing out the blood of Jinwu to prove their identity before they could enter.

However, they said that the people who came to the ranch went to the patriarch's cultivation area, but were told by the patriarch's followers that the patriarch had gone out a few days ago and would not return until the sun set. The guards sighed, said nothing more, and returned.

For them, although it was sudden that the young master broke into the mountain, it happened that it was confusing. However, after all, they are big masters. Even if they play the lap on the peak, they will not be punished. They will be scolded by the patriarch at most.

Although they have duties, they are also the little ones below. They can't be masters, so it's better to open their eyes and close their eyes.

But he said that Li Xing finally came to the end of the ladder and gradually saw a huge tree.

The tree, which is dark red throughout, is as thick as ten people in a hug, reaching seven or eight hundred meters. The trunk is straight, with very few branches above it, and grows straight up without a single leaf.

The trunk is covered with a deep layer of flame, burning all the time, emitting a dark golden flame, extremely magnificent.

This tree is naturally the Jinwu Shenmu. Below the Shenmu, there is a sunken jade terrace, which is as huge as a small pond, which is filled with the bones of various spirit beasts. Li Xing speculated that this place should be the so-called "holy sacrifice".

His eyes slowly moved up, and he found that there was a huge bird's nest on the top of the Shenmu, made of dark red twigs. The flame above was particularly thick, flying fiercely, sending a tail of flame up to tens of meters into the air, like a fire dragon.

The sound of Li Xing and others seemed to alarm the existence in the bird's nest. At this moment, Guangyan suddenly "screamed", and the seven red lights, which were roughly like a cow's body, shot down and flew around around Yutai, seemingly looking for something.

Li Xing saw it all at once, these seven glorious brilliance, looking for the heavenly order beast!

"What! Actually want to devour the celestial beast?" He became curious and immediately rose into the air, going to the bird's nest to see what happened.

He was so tall that he immediately cleared the situation in the bird's nest.

In a huge lair 30 meters in diameter, there are seven chubby, round, dark golden bird eggs the size of a calf. The golden flame above it is extremely strong, and it is close to the essence, releasing a majestic, sacred and inviolable.

"What a big bird egg!" Li Xing jumped onto the bird's nest all at once and observed carefully.

"This is the egg of Jinwu." Tianxie Emperor said, "I did not expect that the ancient **** bird Jinwubird could be preserved."

Li Xing was taken aback: "It's a golden black bird, now it's developed! The golden black bird is a mysterious monster!"

"Yes, the ancient **** bird, Jinwu first." Tianxie eyes flashed.

During the conversation, a dazzling streamer flew out of the bird's nest, flying around seven golden blackbirds, shooting out the bright light on the first floor, infiltrating the golden black eggs, and then falling into the bird's nest. Li Xing's eyes were straight, because he clearly saw that in the streamer, an ancient "Sun" was wrapped.

He immediately grabbed his hands and absorbed the word "Sun" into Yuan Shen. The word "ri" entered the Yuanshen, which immediately caused the shock of the ancient Xuanjing to attract it firmly. In the end, the word "ri" also fell into the first page of the Xuanjing and became a word.

Li Xing got the word "Day" and stared, "Master, this Jinwu Shenmu seems to be very extraordinary, it is better to ingest Baiyang Jingtian together!"

"Jinwu Shenmu is extremely hard. It is an extremely precious material for refining, and there are many other wonderful uses." Tianxie said, "Of course, we must take it away!"

The apprentice and the apprentice, each having a bigger appetite than Li Xing, said that the whole **** was wrapped up. Suddenly a "bang" sound, the entire Jinwu Shenmu, as well as the bird's nest, were taken into Baiyang Jingtian.

As soon as this Shenmu entered the sky, it immediately devoured Baiyang Reiki, was deeply rooted in the earth, and exuded an air of kingship. At the same time, the seven bird eggs also burst out of seven brilliance, swallowing up aura, and very happy.

As soon as the Jinwu Shenmu was collected, Li Xing immediately lowered the peak and asked Yang to take him to the treasure hall of Jinwumen the same day. The Jinwu tribe is equivalent to a martial art, and naturally has a treasure.

Because Yang Tongtian is the son of the patriarch, he has great power in his hands and can enter and leave the treasure house freely.

However, Li Xing obviously did not have this opportunity. In the air, a roar was heard: "On the same day, how can you climb the mountain?"

Li Xing was taken aback, knowing that the patriarch of Fatian must have returned. He said nothing, and immediately ordered Yang and others to run in different directions, but he remained hidden.

"Huh?" The air was angry, "You evil!"

Yang Tong limped very fast and went away in an instant. The rest fled with all their strength, attracting everyone's attention. As a result, Li Xing was unaware that the ghost had left the Jinwu tribe unconsciously, and went far away.

Behind is the strong man of Fatian, Li Xing is still more guilty. After crossing the Luobao Abyss, he immediately sacrificed the lamp of nihilism, and then hid in the mountains and drew into Baiyangjingtian to practice.

However, he said that Yang Tongfei flew quickly, but later, he started to burn his divine power and desperately flew. This came as a surprise. The clan Jinwu roared, trying to stop him.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tongtian suddenly “banged” and exploded, turning into a mass of fly ash, completely burning out. This is when he fully mobilized his power and blew himself up.

The other escaped god-man also blew up one by one, leaving no residue. These people had wanted to kill Li Xing and rob Dahua Yuanzhu. How did Li Xing spare them? After carrying out the puppetry technique, it is natural to let them all perish without leaving any traces.

"What's going on?" The patriarch growled.

But the more maddening things are still behind, all the beasts in Tianshouyuan are gone! Jinwu Shenmu and Jinwu's eggs also disappeared!

The entire Jinwu tribe was shocked. All the mages came together in a short time and immediately began a large-scale search. Li Xing's hiding place was continuously fired by dozens of Falun Gong ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Li Xing didn't know how important this Jinwu egg was to the Jinwu people. Seven Jinwu eggs have been guarded by the Jinwu family for generations. Seeing that, in a few hundred years, the golden blackbird can be born.

At that time, the Jinwu family can become powerful in one fell swoop and become a supreme force, and go west to enter the Central Plains. Going east can take root in Lingshan. But now, everything has become a dream bubble. How can the mages not be angry?

The mage searched frantically, and there was no result for more than ten days, so she had to give up. They knew that there must be someone who knew the secret of Jinwu's Egg and seized it.

On the Jinwu Peak, just where the Jinwu Shenmu disappeared, an old man with a purple beard coldly said, "No matter who steals the Tianwu Holy Egg, there is a price to pay! I was planted in the Jinwu Shenmu as long as As soon as I sensed it, I could immediately find the position of the man and make him escape! "

"Yes! No matter who it is, you must not let it go!" The mages agreed.

At this moment, Li Xing is feeling the mystery of the word "ri". With "Yin and Yang" and "Sun and Moon", he suddenly realized the yin and yang way, and immediately broke through to achieve the integration of yin and yang!

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