Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 510: God Level 9

Chapter 99: The Ninth God Level

When Li Xing punched, the man was still a few hundred meters away, but he punched in a punch, and the man suddenly came in front of him, his fist almost hit the nose of the fanatic. When it comes to melee, he is a hundred times better than just the one!


The mad electricity pointed out, and above the fingertips, the electric light "cracked" and blew. This finger is a powerful method that is called "Yindian Finger".

The power of spells is horrible. Li Xing didn't dare to carelessly, and the power was strengthened again.

His fist banged his finger, and he only heard a "click", a roar of fury, and a broken finger! He never imagined that the opponent was so powerful and his fist so hard. Directly hit his mana back, and then break his phalanx!

After hitting this punch, Li Xing immediately felt that after participating in the realm of yin and yang unity, his own strength soared sharply! Now I'm full of divine power, I'm afraid it has exceeded 10 million Beijing!

He obtained ancient texts such as "yin and yang", "rigid and soft", and "sun and moon". Once enlightened, the power is naturally overbearing.

As soon as the mad electricity finger broke, Li Xing laughed: "Crazy electricity, hand over the word" electricity ", I will spare you today!"


The frenzied look was cold. Suddenly, an electric light "Zi Zi" blasted a dagger and stabbed at Li Xing. This dagger is obviously a sacred object, and it contains the power of lightning!

"Yin Dagger! Kill!"

When the dagger stabbed, it turned into three strands of lightning and struck from three weird angles, making it impossible to avoid.

Li Xing sneered, the whole body was also electro-optically exploding, the thunder light fluttered out, and actually directly swallowed the three electro-optic lights into a tonic. You know, he understands the power of thunder and lightning better than the opponent in the eight-pole tower.

Crazy electricity is frightened, what's going on? His Yin Dian, never missed, how can he not hurt the other party?

Li Xing laughed with a "haha": "If you don't know what to do, don't blame me for being ruthless!" A big hand grabbed, a martial arts move was performed, no big handprints were produced, and the suppression was severe.

The fingerprints of Wusheng are a big move evolved by Wushu. Wushu killing moves transcends the scope of divine magic. It is close to heaven, and its power is naturally powerful. I saw a huge hand covering Qiankun, suppressing the eight poles, formed by the condensing of three thousand gods.

No life, no vitality left, this is the true meaning of inanimate martial arts, leaving no room for the other party. Since he realized the integration of yin and yang, he can perform martial arts.

This big move, seemingly simple, actually contains the mystery and power of the Three Thousand Gods, and it is irresistible.


The fanatic's pupil shrank to the size of the needle tip instantly, he felt inevitable, escaped, and could only fight back with all his strength! Above his head, there was a ray of magical phosgene. This phosgene is the life force released by the fetus, noble, great, and inviolable.

Among the phosgenes, there is a word "electricity", which floats up and down. As soon as the word "electricity" appeared, the ancient Xuanjing on Li Xing's body immediately vibrated, emitting a light, instantly covering the word "electricity", and then taking a picture.

Kuangdian was surprised to find that the foundation of his cultivation, the word "electricity", immediately contacted him, watched it fly away, and fell into Li Xing's hands.

The word "Dian" landed on the first page of the Ancient Xuanjing, supplementing the contents of this magical book. The ancient scripture is the nemesis of all ancient writings. No matter what kind of text meets it, it must be obedient.

"Impossible!" Mad Light was crazy, stupid, totally unexpected that this kind of thing would happen.

He originally wanted to use the word "electricity" to launch a Jedi counterattack. At this moment, he hoped that he would fall into danger and immediately fall into danger. The dead handprint has been suppressed.

Three thousand phosgenes, strangling repeatedly, carrying various martial wills, hundreds of heavenly powers. Madam's body protector light, continuously exploded, broken to death to the end, supreme divine power poured directly into his body.

The crazy fetus's fetus began to oscillate, and it may break at any time, and it will be repaired.

At this moment, Li Xing suddenly closed his hands, and Wusheng's fingerprints dissipated.

The fanaticism walked in front of the ghost gate and was shocked, but he wondered why Li Xing didn't kill. As a killer, there will be no intolerance in my heart, only endless killing intentions.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Madam stared at Li Xing. "You know, don't kill me today, I will kill you in the next day!"

Li Xing asked strangely, "Do I have a reason to kill you? I have defeated you and won the title of the god-killer ninth, and I also snatched your word" electricity ", the purpose has been achieved."

"Aren't you afraid of revenge in the future?" Madden narrowed his eyes.

"It's up to you?" Li Xing scorned, "I can defeat you today, and in the future, you will not be my opponent."

This made the fanatic almost vomit blood. He simply looked down on him and felt that his personality was insulted. But the killer had a calm heart, he laughed coldly and didn't do anything.

"So, if you decide to trouble me in the future, it is best to practice hard, because at that time, I will not be merciless."

The crazy electricity stopped talking. From Li Xing, he felt a strong self-confidence. With such a confident person, he had never encountered it before. Such enemies are undoubtedly extremely terrible.

Li Xing defeated Yindian. The god-level killer rankings in the sky immediately changed. The ninth name changed from crazy electricity to thunderstorm. And there was a ray of light entangled in him, making everyone know that he was a thunderstorm, that is, the ninth-level character.

The next time, Li Xing had no time to challenge others, because he was constantly challenged by the rest. If you think about it, a guy who trains in God's fifth rank defeats him and can get the title of God's ninth.

In many people's view, defeating Li Xing is completely an easy task, without risk. As a result, various people appeared and were defeated.

Among these people, the strong ones are Fa Tianyi, the weak ones, and they even have the God of Eight training. They all came with hope, then left with disappointment, of course, they were all seriously injured.

Some have broken legs, some have broken their hands, some have broken a bone, and none of them has not been damaged. Finally, after 16 consecutive people were defeated, people came to their senses.

This thunderstorm is even more terrifying than the original frenzy. Under the five-pronged appearance of practicing God, it contains horrors that can challenge the strength of the mage.

The challenge continues, with injuries, deaths, withdrawals, and fewer and fewer people in Dongtian. After a day, there were only a dozen people left, and Li Xing was undoubtedly one of them.

The Deceiver failed to defeat the King of Hate, and was still the fifth rank of the god-level killer. The King of Fury did not defeat the King of Heaven, and was also sixth in the rank of god-level killer. At this moment, all three heavenly kings set their sights on Li Xing, who was quietly practicing.

Since no one dared to challenge him, Li Xing has been very leisurely. No one has challenged him, and he has not challenged others. He is very satisfied with the ninth place of the god-level killer, because this place allows him to receive enough good and enough tasks.

At this point, no one was fighting anymore, and the challenge was calm. Li Xing sat on the throne of Thunder and practiced with peace of mind. In the ancient Xuanjing, the word "thunder and lightning" interacted with each other and produced a wonderful effect.

Everything in the world can be divided into yin and yang, the thunder is yang, the electricity is yin, and Li Xing understands the meaning of yin and yang as one, and it is much easier to understand this word. Even more comprehension of the rest of the ancient script.

He found that the word yin and yang ruled everything. The words Rigid and Flexible, Thunder and Lightning, Sun and Moon, and Birth and Death are all included.

While learning about the yin and yang way, the chaotic nebula moved at the thought, slowly moving, gradually turning into black and white gas, embracing in one place, turning into a tai chi figure of huge yin and yang fish.

"Chaos gives birth to Tai Chi, Tai Chi gives birth to two geniuses?" Li Xing thoughtfully.

Suddenly, the Deceiver came and smiled: "Brother Thunderstorm, why don't you continue to challenge up? With your strength, maybe you can rank fourth." His words obviously meant to provoke Li Xing and hate Uranus fights.

Li Xing said indifferently: "I can't beat the King of Heaven, but I'm not afraid of him."

Hearing King heard it, his heart was slightly comfortable, and he sneered, "You still know it!"

"But don't be too happy." Li Xing looked at the King of Hate with a smile, "Give me another three years, and after three years, I can beat you full of teeth."

Hate the anger and step by step: "I will kill you today!"

Li Xing said scornfully, "You can't do it if you want to kill me." Suddenly, a kind of nifty brilliance emanated from his body, and his body disappeared instantly.

Hate the search of the King of Law, but I couldn't find where Li Xing was located ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can't help yelling "Wowa". King of Heaven and King of Fury were also very surprised. They couldn't see what Li Xing had done, but they disappeared all at once.

At this moment, God's sight reappeared in the air, saying, "The challenge is over!" Then, with a wave of his hands, several destiny signs landed.

Li Xing also appeared in shape at the moment, and a spell was dropped in his hand. This amulet is very different from the previous destiny amulet, and its quality is unknown, because it is made of a relic.

Starting with the sign, Li Xing input the magic power, which immediately conveyed a lot of information. This information is a one-by-one task, with varying degrees of difficulty, and marked with reward content.

One of the messages caught Li Xing's attention: Kill the Elder of the Mysterious Gate.

As detailed below, the Mystic Gate is a major branch of the Demon Gate, and is now controlled by the elder Red Eyebrow Master. Mage Red-Brow, Law and Heaven is double, and has a picture of a demon on his body.

The magic picture that day was once a treasure of the magic gate town, which was very helpful to the practice of magic. The task is to kill Mage Red Eyebrow, and then capture the sky magic map. After the mission is completed, the sky magic map belongs to the mission publisher.

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