Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 512: Sawanomon

Chapter 1: The Gate of Ze

"Do not move?"

Li Xing shook his head, for a moment he didn't know why, he said: "Master is unknown, he has his own reason, and now I have successfully practiced Jiulongyu, and my strength has increased greatly. Even when I met Fa Tian Er San, I was not afraid of him. Go out for a walk. "

I also thought: "The Elder Mage Red Eyebrow Master of the Mysterious Demon Gate has a picture of the demon in his hand, capture the picture of the demon, and kill this person, you can get Leidi Rune. One year is very short. The deadline is up. I It's better to go to the Mystic Gate and complete this thing now. "

As I was thinking, the tower that was too forbearant suddenly jumped from him, "buzzing" and shaking. Li Xing moved in his heart and laughed, "Why, do you want me to worship?"

The Tower of Tolerance shoots a ray of light, throwing out the bones of a huge strange bird, and several things. Li Xing then remembered that in the Tower of Tolerance, Master Wuyun in Daze was suppressed.

The Tower of Tolerance is too stingy to kill, it is very powerful, and can kill the refiner. This mage Wuyun was suppressed for a long time, and his essence has been absorbed by the Tower of Tolerance.

The level of the Tower of Tolerance is still above the Jiulongyu. There are two innate bans in it, which are many times stronger than the latter. Now, it has absorbed the power of a mage, and its strength has been improved, and it is brewing a third confinement.

Li Xing laughed: "It has been refined by you."

"If you want to sacrifice me, your strength is not enough." The Tower of Tolerance said, "Wait for you to gather the babies. This mage Wuyun has something on your body, see if you need it."

Li Xing stretched out his hand, a space pocket flew into his hand, took a dip in his power, and immediately laughed. This black cloud mage has a rich collection, and has collected a lot of beasts and elixir. Although there are not many superb ones, there are a lot of them.

These things are all materials for practicing Dan. For Li Xing, it is also a harvest.

He nodded: "Okay, then wait for me to gather the baby."

"You are more horrified than your old master. When you gather the babies, you really do n’t know how powerful it is." Tolerant Tower said, "Being able to follow a master like you will have a future, I hope you soon success."

It turns out that magic weapons can continue to evolve and grow. The more fierce the master that they follow, the greater the chance for future growth. For example, Li Xing is destined to sweep all directions in the future, kill countless powerful people, and obtain a lot of resources.

With resources, the magic weapon in his hands can continue to grow and grow, generate new innate laws, and step by step.

Li Xing smiled and said, "You will not be disappointed."

In the next few days, after a little preparation, Li Xing went to see the sky operator and prepared to enter the eighth tower of the eight pole tower. Eight pole tower, a total of eight, he only entered the first three.

The heavenly man saw Li Xing and laughed, "It's amazing that he sacrificed the magic weapon!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey, Master."

"Where is the prize," said Tian Tianzi, "those three words, you deserve it."

Then he asked: "You came to me, did you want to say that you want to enter the eighth tower of the eight pole tower?"

Li Xing blinked: "Master is really good at arithmetic."

"Shit arithmetic." Sky Operator rolled his eyes, "Guess."

Li Xing couldn't help laughing.

"This eight-pole tower is not a trivial matter. There are eight hundred and forty-eight congenital laws. Even if it is a sacrifice by a teacher, it is extremely difficult. You don't even mention it." Tian operator said, "However, this is not It prevents you from realizing the Eight-pole Way, and with your current strength, you can reach the fifth floor. As for the six hundred and seventy-three layers of six hundred, you can only gather the **** babies. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "It seems that uniting the babies is the key."

"That's nature." The heavenly man said, "Your **** is not a god, you don't know the heavens and the earth are far away.

Li Xing nodded: "The disciples are taught." After a pause, "the disciples have one more thing and want to ask the Master to help each other." Immediately, he said that dozens of heavenly beasts were sealed.

The sky operator said lightly: "Easy, you let them go."

Li Xing had already been prepared to bring a beast cage up. The heavenly operator deserves to be Fatian Jiuzhong, and his fingers are connected with each other.

Suddenly, all the beasts were awake, including Shenlong, Tianshi, Binghuang, Xuan birds, and so on. They shouted one after another, constantly pounding the cage, trying to come out. However, the cage was made by the star iron, it was extremely hard and did not move at all.

Li Xing yelled, "All give me peace!" This roar, containing the supreme power, performed an ancient divine technique, "Shocking Sky Roar".

The tumultuous power made the beasts stunned and looked at Li Xing in surprise.

With a wave of Li Xing, Yuanshen wrapped up dozens of heavenly beasts and said goodbye to heaven.

Next, the beasts were thrown into the Baiyang Jingtian. The rich white aura caused the beasts to be stupid. Where is this? One of the pair of Tiens was the wealthy father and mother, and they immediately saw the wealth.

"Hello ~"

The lioness roared, suddenly turned into a person, turned into a middle-aged beautiful woman, and looked at riches with tears in her eyes: "Baby, is it you?"

The rich and "wow" rushed over and looked at Li Xing. Li Xing took out the cold light sword, stepped forward and "snorted" a few times, split the cage open, and released the beautiful woman.

The rich and noble slammed into the arms of the beautiful woman, showing her admiration, and the beautiful woman cried more than a long time before asking, "Baby, what's going on? Who is he?"

The rich shook his body, and after half a day of weather, his body suddenly changed, turning into a teenager, thirteen or fourteen years old, with a small braid on his head. It turned out that Tiens training can be transformed into a human body in the late stage of God training.

However, wealth is just barely okay, and changes are quite difficult. At this moment, he turned into a person and said, "Mother, he is a rich master."

The beauty's face changed, why? Has his son been taken as a beast slave?

As soon as Li Xing looked at her face, she knew what she was thinking about, and then explained the past, one by one, and then said, "This white sun is full of vitality. Instead of being outside, you are at risk of being killed. here."

In the other cage, the male Tianshi also changed into a middle-aged man with a big nose and a magnificent appearance. He said in a deep voice: "This little friend, thank you for helping us out. This place is full of aura, and we want to stay Nothing is impossible. But, what is the purpose of the friend? "

Li Xing smiled slightly: "It's very simple. In Baiyang Jingtian, it's always good to be aloof. It's always better to be more angry. Moreover, Baiyang Jingtian I let you see, this is the big secret in my body. Let you out? "

As soon as this word came out, the beasts were silent. In the Jinwu tribe, there was only a dead end. Today, why not ask for more? There is plenty of aura here, as long as you settle down to practice, maybe you can achieve positive results.

Moreover, they also feel that Li Xing is not easy to deal with, and they can suppress them at any time. If this person is angered, maybe he will end up being killed.

So after some consideration, the beasts agreed.

Li Xing nodded, immediately split the cages one after another, and then said, "You practice here, and after we have established trust between us, I will allow you to go out and work and go to Qiyun to be an elder."

The wealthy family knew each other, and Li Xing did not disturb them, and now they took out Baiyang Jingtian and returned to the Baji Tower.

When he entered the tower, he immediately thought of it, and the eight-pole tower sent out a force, pulling him into a new space-time. In front, there is a portal with the words "Zezhidongtian" on it.

Li Xing has obtained the eight poles, and understands the meaning of the eight poles. The eight poles correspond to the eight natural phenomena of sky, earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, mountains, and ze. Eight kinds of phenomena correspond to one extreme way.

Seeing Ze Zhidongtian, he stepped in without hesitation. The word "Ze" from Yin represents the artistic conception of dampness, decadence, gloom, swamp, etc. As soon as it enters, Li Xing is surrounded by these negative emotions.

Looking at it, in a huge swamp, it seems to be back in the western Osawa. There is poisonous gas and traps in this Osawa, enveloped by boundless darkness, surrounded by thick coldness.

Being in it makes people feel hopeless and painful, and feels hopeless in this life.

Li Xing stood still in the air, with a mountain-like momentum. Yamazawa is opposite, similar to fire and water. The mountains are high and firm, the depths are deep, and the atmosphere is very different.

As soon as this mountain-like momentum came out, all negative emotions were immediately blown away. He swept his eyes and suddenly rushed out of the Yuan Shen. The Tai Xuan Jing was held by the Yuan Shen and radiated infinite light.

Where the light is, it is like a big day, shining through eternity, the swamps have dissipated and turned into a cold phosgene. Among the phosgenes, there is an ancient "ze" character, bound by the ancient Xuanjing.

At this time, Li Xingtian array continuously calculated, pushed back the rules of the mountain, and quickly grasped the meaning of Zezhi.

In that zeqi, twenty-four Guanghua rose into the sky, and automatically gathered together, and instantly became a golden bowl. Li Xing closed the word, and when he waved, the golden bowl fell into his hands. On closer inspection, it was found that outside the bowl, the book had the word "trap in the pot".

This trapped pot, like the Heavenly Wind Shenzhou, the throne of thunder, and the heavy mountain, is one of the eight holy relics.

Ze word revolves around the ancient Xuanjing for a week, and suddenly "bangs" a loud noise. The entire force of Dongtian comes together to perform a portal, the gate of Ze! As before, Li Xing closed the gate of Ze.

Zeqi enters the body and embraces the power of the mountain like a yin and yang. The wind and thunder are also embracing and influencing each other. This is the benefit of Li Xing's understanding of Yin and Yang.

After receiving the word Ze, Li Xingxin said: "The wind and the thunder, the mountain and the Ze correspond. Master Tianzhu said that I can reach the fifth floor at most, and it seems that I can only comprehend one rule.

Thinking of this, he gave up and continued to enter the fifth floor of the octopus tower, intending to wait until the future is strong enough, and then enlighten the world, water and fire, four rules.

As soon as others came out, Murong Jiaojiao handed in an invitation. Open it and it turns out that Gu Xuan sent it. Na Guxuan, and Li Xing at the beginning were also considered to be a "life and death".

On the post, the words are real and express the feelings of miss. At the same time, he also talked about the teacher's family. As soon as Li Xing's words reached the Gu family, Gu Xuan immediately announced an alliance with the North Teacher's Family, and never violated, giving Li Xing his face.

The post was sent by the Gu family one month ago. Counting the time, five days later, Gu Xuan's wedding day.

It turned out that Gu Xuan was about to marry a woman from Bei's family. The Gu family is one of Tianchen's great forces, and Gu Xuan has a high status. Naturally, these things must be done in a beautiful manner. Therefore, the Gu family posted a lot of posts and invited many people with heads and faces, and Li Xing was one of them.

Speaking of Li Xing, the name of "the first man of God" is very strong. As long as he goes, the Gu family will be welcomed. Besides, he and Gu family ~ www.readwn.com ~ is also quite a friendship and should go.

After reading the post, Li Xingxin said: "Gu Xuan is also an old friend. Although he is not much used now, but he can not be cold." After thinking about it, he decided to prepare a gift and went to the meeting.

His identity is different today. He is a close disciple of the sky operator, the king of the west of the Daxia Kingdom, the righteous son of the master of the star gate, the son-in-law of the North Teacher ’s House, and the actual power of the Qi Yun faction. Not to be underestimated.

Therefore, this gift must not be sloppy. On this trip, Li Xing was going to bring the women with him, Murong Jiaojiao, Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, Bei Shibing, Xue Ling, and Shuiyue, and they all went with him.

Of course, he also spent a lot of time on gifts. Gu Lun, the father of Gu Xuan, needed Taiyi Shendan. Li Xing spent three days to make nine.

Although Taiyi Shendan is difficult to refine, Li Xing's current strength is invincible among gods and humans, and even ordinary mages can't do him. There is no difficulty in training a little panacea.

So, three days later, Li Xing released Tianfeng Shenzhou and let everyone ride on it. The Shenzhou was so big, covering the sky, the glory of the sun was glorious, and the lights were dazzling. The wind was blowing from below, flying towards the Gu family.

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