Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 513: Congratulations

Chapter 2: Congratulations

Tianfeng Shenzhou is a superb holy relic, one of the eight holy relics in the eight-pole tower. Once exhibited, the majesty will not be alive. It will carry a billowing wind and clouds, all the way, swaggering across the city, wherever you go, everyone will look sideways.

Li Xing is still on the road, and the Gu family has begun to lively. A few days later, two people in the Gu family got married, one was Gu Xuan, and the other was Gu Xuan's brother named Gu Zhen.

The Gu family's struggle was also fierce. Especially after the two ancestors of the Gu family came out, the struggle for power among the younger generation has entered a fierce heat. Originally, there was not much opportunity for waste materials like Gu Xuan.

However, due to Li Xing's blending, he just stepped into the level of practicing God. In this way, Gu Xuan has become a figure of the Gu family, and his status has been continuously improved. Maybe it works from time to time. Not long ago, he actually broke through the triple training of the gods, and his position skyrocketed.

However, there is still a mountain high, and Gu Zhen is a top ten figure in the practice of God. His strength is much higher than him. Moreover, Gu Zhen's father, Gu Yi, and another clan uncle Gu Hua, are strong contenders for the clan's growth.

Today, the Gu family's power is three points in the world, and Gu Lun, Gu Yi, and Gu Hua each control some power. However, Gu Lun's power is currently the largest one, but has already begun to be devoured by two other people.

Not long ago, Li Xing reported that Gu Lun had an idea and immediately tried to make peace with the North Teachers and form an alliance, thereby improving his status.

However, Gu Yi and Gu Hua were not vegetarian, and took separate actions. Gu Yi has the most movements, forming alliances with the neighbouring Liu family, and marrying a newcomer to the Gu family on the same day.

In this way, the Gu family will hold two weddings a day, and even an old Gu family ancestor was shocked and personally came to host the wedding. In this way, the wedding has become the time for Gu Lun and Gu Yi to show their influence.

From the number and grade of guests on both sides, you can see the strength of the two. So this time, the two sides are connected.

At the Gu family, in the courtyard where the Gu Lun family lived, Gu Xuan frowned at the moment. Gu Lun was standing beside him, his face was somber, and he seemed to have encountered some problems.

"Father, Gu Yi actually invited a mage to join the show. This time, it will be a big show, and it's overwhelming me! Gu Xuan hatefully said.

Gu Lun sighed: "The mage Shiraishi, Gu Zhen's grandfather, suddenly appeared somehow. At this moment, Gu Yi suddenly had a strong support! Originally, we invited Li Xing to make him the first in heaven. The reputation of the gods and men stabilized them. But now it seems that things are not good. "

"I don't know if he will come or not." Gu Xuan smiled bitterly. "For three days, Shi Xing, when you look at it, Li Xing's achievements are really incredible. I think he was just my next military academy."

"Xuaner, do you think Li Xing will come?" Gu Lun asked, "If he comes, maybe things will change for the better. You know, this is a total battle between me and Gu Yi. Many people in the Gu family are watching. The direction of the wind, to determine which side to invest in. "

"Father rest assured, Li Xing is like this man, and the old way is hot, and he will give me this face." Although Gu Xuan was a little embarrassed, his eyesight was quite accurate, and Li Xing was a man of temperament.

Gu Lun nodded: "That's good, we must greet him grandly. At the same time, we must vigorously publicize and let people know that Li Xing, the No. 1 **** and man in the Wanfa Conference, has arrived at the Gu family."

"Naturally." Gu Xuan nodded. "Father, I always think that Li Xing may surprise us unexpectedly."

"Where do you start?" Gu Lun stunned.

"Intuition." Gu Xuandao, "When I worked with him before, he always gave me unexpected surprises, and I think this will be no exception."

Gu Luan smiled bitterly, he naturally would not believe his son's intuition.

Also in the Gu Family, the compound where the Gu Yi family lived.

Gu Yi stood respectfully in the living room, and in front of him sat a mage, which was mage Shiraishi. Master Shiraishi, since chasing Li Xing Tower for the last time, failed to chase Li Xing, he went home and took a trip.

This white stone mage has been away from home for more than fifty years. As soon as he returned home, he knew that his son and grandchildren were already full. A young daughter who was originally married to the Gu family. As soon as the news of Master Father-in-law returned, Gu Yi immediately saw the opportunity and went to visit.

How to say it is also my own son-in-law, Master Shiraishi is very face-saving and responsive. Coincidentally, in the case of Gu Zhen's big wedding, Gu Yi asked Master Shiraishi to come forward and work as one of the witnesses with an old ancestor of the Gu family.

Gu Yi had a big belly and a fat head and big ears. At this moment, the flesh on her face laughed into a ball and squeezed out a flower. She said, "Master Father, Zhener's wedding is hosted by you, Xiao Yan's face has light! "

Master Shiraishi hasn't been home for decades. When he came back this time, he wanted to take care of his family, because he was kind to his children and grandchildren. He laughed and said, "This is a trivial matter. It's nothing."

Gu Yi's eyes turned, and she said, "Master Father-in-law, I heard that Gu Lun has invited a godhead who is on the top of the list of gods, called Li Xing. Hehe, it's really beyond your control, then Li Xing can't help it Man, naturally, is not as grand as his father-in-law. "

Upon hearing the word "Li Xing", Master Shiraishi raised his eyebrows: "I also heard about this person long ago. This person may be one of my enemies."

Gu Yi was overjoyed, and said in his heart that this is all right, let the father-in-law directly kill that Li Xing! He immediately became angry: "It turned out that Li Xing was the father of his father-in-law, father-in-law, that must not let him go!"

This Gu Yi, who would have liked Gu Lun to die clean, and then he had the upper hand. When he saw the opportunity, he immediately got up.

Master Shiraishi said lightly: "The two are just the same name, not necessarily one. Originally, I wanted to go to verify, but I learned that this person worshiped the heavenly operator as a teacher. That operator had far higher mana than me, so I didn't dare to rush. Since he came this time, I happened to ask. "

"Yes, once he proves that he is an enemy, the father-in-law naturally cannot spare him." Gu Yi repeatedly said.

The day of the big wedding finally came, and all major forces sent envoys to Dahe. The Tianbo family, the Ji family, the Nanshan family, the Qing family, and so on. Even the Tianxingmen also sent people. For a while, the guests of the Gu family were full of horses and horses.

Gu Xuan and Gu Zhen have both ushered in the bride, both standing in front of the door to greet the guests. These visitors found that after giving gifts, they often had to choose one way to go, either left or right. There was no third way to go.

To the left is to go to the valley earthquake place, to the right is to go to the valley place. Then the people from both sides will arrange accommodation and food.

In this way, many guests will be embarrassed, they will not matter what Gu Zhen, Gu Xuan, any side. Therefore, there are many people who simply follow their feelings and go to the house where the people are pleasing to the eye.

In this way, the two sides are quite equal, and there are usually many guests joining, and no one has an advantage.

When Gu Zhen welcomed the guests, he squinted and looked at Gu Xuan, who was not far away, with a look of disdain. He looked down on this puppet from an early age, but he did not expect that this useless thing could even practice God, and it was very human-like, which made him extremely unhappy.

In his childhood, Gu Zhen showed his talent for cultivation. When he was less than 20 years old, he stepped into the level of practicing God and was placed in high hopes by his family. He really leaped forward all the way afterwards, and now he is the top ten of God.

The ten-fold practice of practicing God has given him a high status in the family. It can be said that if it was not for his strength, his father Gu Yi would not have the status he has today.

Gu Zhen, who has been sailing since childhood, grows up in countless praises, and has a high self-esteem. He naturally despise Gu Xuan.

Feeling the stinging gaze, Gu Xuan immediately understood the emotions of the other person, because he had been looked down upon more than once, not secretly: "Gu Zhen, let you look down on me! Someday, I will make everyone look at you!"

At this moment, the sky changed, and a huge Shenzhou flew to the sky. This Shenzhou is naturally the sky wind Shenzhou of Li Xing. After preparing for a few days, after a period of flight, he finally arrived at the Gu family.

As soon as Shenzhou arrived, Gu Xuan didn't know who was coming. He was shocked. Was it another big person invited by Gu Zhen?

But what happened next made him put his heart in his stomach. Above Shenzhou, a wind bridge was lowered. A man and six women descended from the wind.

"Haha! Brother Li, you are finally here!" Gu Xuan laughed and drove forward to greet Shenguang. Behind him, all the gods and men who could be mobilized from Gu Lun flew into the air, arranged on both sides, and welcomed Li Hing party.

Li Xing nodded slightly and said, "Brother Gu, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are better than ever."

Gu Xuan smiled, "I'm so glad you can come!"

Among the crowd, there were envoys from various forces, and some of them recognized Li Xing.

"It's Li Xing!" Someone cried out in surprise.

"Who is Li Xing?" Some people didn't know.

"You don't even know Li Xing?" The former looked scornful. "He is the master of the world who won the first place on the list of gods and men!"

The latter's face changed: "That's it! Isn't he the first **** of Tianyuanzhou?"

At this moment, it seems that all the light between heaven and earth has converged on Li Xing. And behind him, the six beauties are all extraordinary in temperament, and they are all practicing at the level of God.

A few words from Li Xing and Gu Xuanhan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Send someone a gift. On the Shenzhou, ten gods were landed. All of these ten god-men were all practicing the gods, and naturally they were all from the ancient forbearance family.

Each of them held a gift and walked towards Gu Xuan in turn.

Gu Xuan took a single look at the ceremony, suddenly widened his eyes, took a few sips of air-conditioner, and hurriedly treated the spirit behind him: "Uncle Qiang, sing salute!"

The so-called singing ceremony refers to the number of various gifts given to the guests, announced loudly. Generally, this honor can only be achieved by a heavy ceremony.

The man named Uncle Qiang quickly took the gift list with both hands and yelled, "Tianchen Kingdom, Tianxingmen Doctrine, Zhenwu Hou Li Xing, congratulations to the great brother Gu Xuan for his big wedding, and a special gift."

"Ancient god, ten!"

"Elder Divine Seeds, Three!"

"Great Divine Seeds, thirty!"

"What?" The people below were stunned. How could the gift be so valuable?

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