Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 515: Chick chased by monsters

Chapter 4: The chick chased by the monster

Gu Xuan and Gu Lun were the most surprised. They didn't understand what happened and they were stuck in place. Li Xing, however, smiled slightly and entered the place where they practiced with the second old Gu family.

In a simple stone room, Gu Wen and Gu Hai asked Li Xing to sit down, and the three sat quietly face to face. Without much polite words, Gu Wen directly said: "Li Xiaoyou, you can feel old and chill with that blow." He sighed, "I can't hide that sigh."

Gu Wen and Gu Hai are both Fa Tian. They have strength and that Bai Shi is in the middle of the middle. Bai Shi can't stop them. They can't stop them either.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The two have passed the prize."

Gu Hai smiled bitterly: "If you read correctly, Li Xiaoyou is now a five-practice realm?"

"Good." Li Xingdao said, "It's just my cultivation method. It's different from ordinary people, and it has the martial arts will, and killing Shiraishi is nothing."

The two elders looked at each other with a stunned look, and it seemed that their guess was correct. The person in front of them would most likely become a legendary figure in the future, sweeping the wasteland.

They have lived for hundreds of years. What haven't they experienced? Old and mature, knowing what to do and what not to do, Gu Wen immediately said, "Li Xiaoyou, thank you for participating in Gu Xuan's wedding. Let's talk about it in detail later. How about the wedding today?"

Both people understand that Li Xing came from the face of Gu Xuan, and it seems that he will help Gu Xuan in the future! Because only in this way, this person with unlimited future will support the Gu family in the future.

They know deeply what a peerless powerhouse represents in this world where the powerhouse is king.

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, please arrange for both."

What happened next made Gu Xuan fainted with joy. The two ancestors Gu Gu moderated Gu Hai and hosted a wedding for him with a kind smile. That smile made Gu Xuan conclude that he won the favor of his second wife.

As for Gu Zhen, his wedding was cancelled by Gu Wen in one sentence. The reason is simple: you are injured.

Gu Zhen was sorrowful and angry. He vomited blood on the spot and was more seriously injured. Father and son are not fools, they realize that the wind is about to change!

Gu Xuan's wedding was so grand that Li Xing and the second elder of the Gu family were together as witnesses. After that, the guests continued for three consecutive days. Three days later, the second elder Gu family spoke in person, leaving Gu Lun as the patriarch.

As for Gu Yi and Gu Hua, they took power directly on the grounds that they were old and weak, and repaired as low. This time, Gu Lun was in power and raised his eyebrows. What surprised him even more was that Li Xing gave him three Taiyi Shendan after the wedding.

With Taiyi Shendan, Gu Lun claimed that he could go to the next level!

The Gu family, listening to Xue Xiaozhu's internal combustion of a good ambergris, Li Xingzheng and Gu Wen talked about chess. After Li Xing practiced Da Luo's shocking power, the chaotic vientiane array was extremely powerful in calculation.

As soon as the start, Gu Wen was killed and lost his helmet and armor, and he lost a long time ago. His forehead was full of cold sweat, and he smiled bitterly with his hand: "The gap is too big, this chess cannot be played!"

Gu Hai smiled "Hehe" and said, "Li Xiaoyou, your chess style is too sharp. When you are invincible, neither of me is an opponent."

Li Xing swept the chessboard and laughed: "The two guards are more than enough, and they are not enough to open up."

In a word, they fell into deep thought. Gu Wen and Gu Hai have been practicing for more than 300 years. Seeing that the life limit is approaching, they have been unable to break through. As Li Xing said, the two have more success than others, and they have insufficient development.

They rarely go out and practice boring all day long, hoping to break through and step into the law and the sky. Just, trying again and again, and failing to this day. Gradually, the two had given up hope, and then they broke through and asked about the Gu family.

"Well, Li Xiaoyou said, but unfortunately, it's too late. Our life limit is approaching, and we are too old. I'm afraid this life is hopeless." Gu Wen sighed, his voice was bleak.

When they first became mages, they filled their chests with pride, but at this time they were sullen, and their ambitions were gone. They said that they were waiting for death.

Li Xing raised his eyebrows: "Two people live one life as if they were grasses and one autumn. If I am two people, knowing that they can't do anything, I have to fight him again. As for the unsuccessful success, it's okay, just ask for no regret in my heart."

Gu Wen and Gu Hai both looked at Li Xing, and said in unison: "It's a good heart without regrets, we've been taught!"

Li Xing said with a smile: "Fatian is one, breaking through to Fatian two, the power of elixir may be helpful."

Gu Hai shook his head: "After entering the mage, the effect of Shen Dan is very weak, and it must be done by Fadan. However, Fadan is precious, how can we get it?"

Fadan, which transcends elixir, does not even belong to Xuanjie elixir. It is the source of the master, plus the treasured elixir. In other words, Fadan is actually the source of the Master.

The qualities of the masters with different qualities are different. Yizhong Tian's mage source can refining Yizhong Dan, the same way, Jiuzhong's mage's source can refining Jiuzhong Dan.

The source of Ten Masters of Heaven can extract the origin of the avenue and the avenue of the avenue! Avenue Dan can directly let people understand Avenue, the world is rare.

Therefore, when Li Xing mentioned Fadan, the second man shook his head and said that he had no chance to get it.

Li Xing smiled and said nothing more, but he did not take it for granted. In his opinion, if you find some opponents of the mage series and kill them, can you not make Fadan? It's just that this idea is too horrible, it will scare the second old Gu family.

After staying at the Gu family for seven or eight days, Li Xing left and left for Qiyun faction. After sending the women into the octopus tower, he put away the Skywind Shenzhou and flew to the Mystic Gate.

The Mystery Gate is located between the poor mountains and the bad waters, and in the deep forests and old forests. The journey is far away, and Li Xing will fly for a few days.

On the way to the flight, you have to go northwest all the way, and still pass through the demon forest. However, he said that Li Xing had just entered the demon forest and saw a demon wind blowing over him. There was a young girl in front of her, flying in a panic in a **** light.

The young girl, with a beautiful eyebrow, looks like 13 or 14 years old, dressed in white, and has a beautiful appearance. When she flew in, she was hit with Li Xing with a full body, and shouted, "Brother, please help me!"

Li Xing was taken aback and said to himself who you are! But the demon wind came fast enough to think about it. He opened his eyes and yelled, "Retreat!" At the same time he smashed past.

This burst out, the sun and the moon are no light, the situation is discolored, and the rolling power is overwhelming. There was a moan in the demon wind, and it faded away instantly.

The girl was hiding behind Li Xing. She saw the demon wind recede, and her eyes looked worried. How could she worry about the monster chasing her?

Li Xing turned around at this moment, looked at the girl and asked, "Who are you?"

The young girl was born in vain, with small hands like jade onions, clutching the corner of her clothes, and said pitifully, "Brother, my name is Xue Feifei."

Li Xing said, "Why is that monster chasing you?"

Sheffield said: "About wanting to eat me."

Li Xingxin said that you are fine-skinned and tender, and I want to eat it, not to mention the monster, but the mouth said: "This is the case, the monster is gone, you should go home quickly, and don't come out and run around again."

Xue Feifei's eyes suddenly became red, and tears fell down.

Li Xing was startled and asked strangely, "What are you crying for?"

"People, they have no home and have nowhere to go." She looked at Li Xing pitifully. "Brother, you were so good just now that you just kicked the monster away, can you keep me?"

Li Xing's eyes narrowed: "Accept you?"

"Yeah." Xuefei Fei nodded her head seriously. "Fifi can cook, do laundry, and do everything."

Li Xing pouted his lips, intuitively treating the chick as a cumbersome existence, and refused: "I don't need these."

Xue Feifei was anxious, her face flushed and she stomped her feet and asked, "Why would you keep me?"

Li Xing looked weird: "Why should I keep you?"

"Because ... because ..." She said two reasons, and she couldn't say one, so she suddenly cried out, "Wow", "You bully!"

The cold sweat on Li Xing's head came down to me, and my heart said where did I bully you? Is this girl's head abnormal?

However, she couldn't make her cry like this anymore. He immediately sank his face and drank, "Don't cry!"

This was really effective, the girl immediately obediently did not cry, but still looked at him pitifully, begging. These eyes touched something in Li Xing's heart, and between them, this look coincided with the eyes of the little fox who had not seen him for a long time.

He sighed and said, "Aren't you afraid I'm a wicked person? Aren't you afraid I can eat someone?"

Xue Feifei laughed, "Of course you are not afraid, how can you eat people?"

If Li Xing had to leave, he could leave immediately, but the little girl's eyes only made his heart soften suddenly, thinking, "It's okay to bring a girl around me. After I come back, let him go to Qi Yunpai. . "

Think about it this way, saying: "You can follow me, but one thing is that you must obey my order completely, can you do it?"

"I can do it, I listen to you." Xue Feifei grinned, it was cute and beautiful.

Li Xing shook his head: "Okay, I have to hurry, let's go." Drive Shenguang and fly with Xue Feifei all the way ~ www.readwn.com ~ he decided to be on the road, and carefully question the origin of this chick .

A young girl, practicing at the level of God, was chased and killed by a monster, and asked to be taken in immediately. This thing is too weird, even if Li Xing is big, he will suspect that there is a ghost in it.

But it doesn't matter, he believes it won't be long before this little girl's secret will be revealed by him.

Shortly after the two left, two demon beams rose into the air, and two middle-aged men appeared, all of which were at the level of Fatian!

The man on the left had his right arm hanging and seemed to be injured. The right-handed man said: "Only a few years, his strength is actually so strong, you can't take him as a senior."

"It's not impossible." Lao Sidao said, "In order to hide my strength, I can't do my best. This man is really amazing, no wonder His Majesty also values ​​him. The lady should be safe next to him."

"This is not our business," the right-handed man said. "There are four dragon guards secretly taking care of."

After that, the two turned into two demon rays, and flew towards the demon forest, and disappeared for a moment.

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