Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 517: You can't do it, let me

Chapter 6: You Can't, Let Me Come

In an instant, Li Xing felt strength and strength, and his mental strength increased again. It turned out that every time he surrendered a demon head, the power of the demon head would bless him.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xue Feifei sitting opposite the curious, staring at him without blinking.

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "What are you looking at?"

Xue Feifei immediately waved her hands exaggeratedly, and said, "Master, you have been glowing all the time, giving off a terrifying look."

For a month, Xue Feifei was always with her. Li Xing had to admire her and ask, "What are you doing during this time?"

"Look at you," Xue Feifei said earnestly.

Li Xing was speechless for a while, thinking about it and saying, "What is the origin of the quiet and scattered people here, do you know?"

"Quiet and quiet, he is one of the scattered people in the demon forest. He is very tall, and the sky and the sky are sevenfold." Xue Feifei said.

Li Xing was taken aback: "What are you talking about? Fatian Qizhong?"

"Yeah." Xue Feifei said, "In the demon forest, there are many powerful characters. Known as one emperor, two kings and three people, four saints and five scattered people, six old demon, seven evil stars, eleven ancestors."

Li Xing still heard that there were so many capable people in the demon forest, so he asked, "Who are these people? Xiuwei is the same as Wushang people. Is it Qitian Qizhong?"

"This, three emperors, one emperor, two princes, are all enlightened people. The ten heavenly and tenfold figures. The four saints and the five scattered people, who are seven or more times enlightened by the heavens, have not yet entered the Taoism. Fifi explained, "However, these people do not represent all the masters of the demon forest."

"So, there are many hidden masters in the demon forest? How many?" Li Xing was curious. It seems that the world is really big and the masters are like clouds!

"I've heard one person say," Xue Feifei said. "There are no less than ten people in the state of affairs, no less than thirty people in the law."

Dao refers to the tenfold entry of Fatian; Dao refers to the realm above seventh and tenth or lower. Upon hearing this, Li Xing was shocked, thinking about practicing the Five Elements of God, and he couldn't help feeling small.

Xue Feifei looked at Li Xing and asked, "Master, what are you thinking?"

Li Xing looked back and coughed: "Xue Feifei, have you been so familiar with the Demon Forest, have you lived here for a long time?"

"Yeah ..." The girl regretted after speaking, and quickly said, "It's not too long."

Li Xing stared at him, his eyes narrowed: "Not long, how long is that?"

"It should be a year ..." She saw Li Xing's face sink, and said, "... two years, three years, four years ..."

"Xie Feifei, if you don't tell the truth, we will part ways at once!" Li Xing said coldly.


This little girl is showing her killer again, crying loudly.

Li Xing had a headache and smiled bitterly, and said, "It's all up! You don't ask about your business anymore, but you shouldn't cry anymore. I hear a big cry when you cry."

Xue Feifei gave Li Xing a glance from her fingers, and she burst into tears with a smile: "Master, you can't just drive Feife away in the future."

Li Xing rolled his eyes, didn't know what to say, and he didn't even understand why he was so indulgent with this chick. The two haven't known each other for a long time.

After staying in Qingjing Cave for more than a month, Li Xing felt that the cultivation had increased greatly. The next step was to go outside and search for a lot of cultivation resources, especially holy relics. He can now refine the holy relics, draw from the source of heaven and man, and provide the cost of cultivation.

For example, today, the devil and fierce Zen stepped into the sixth, and the magical power of nine lives and nine destroyers also stepped into the seventh. The spirit and the physical body are arrogant enough, and they have learned the magic of yin and yang, as long as they prepare sufficient training resources, Then you can evolve the three thousand magic spells into runes one by one, and then condense on one rune to impact the sixfold practice of the gods!

Practicing the God of Six will condense the divine fetus, and cultivate the divine infant among the divine fetus. At that time, his strength will leap forward again.

On this day, Li Xing came out of the cave and stunned into the air, saying, "Thank you for being quiet and quiet, and the younger one has left."

"You don't have to be polite, Qing Jingshan welcomes the two at any time." Qing Jing's voice sounded loudly.

Li Xing worshiped, took Xue Feifei out of the quiet cave days, and continued to the Mystery Gate.

On this way, Xue Feifei didn't suffer because of the wind and food. However, Li Xing found that this little girl is particularly fond of eating Linguo. Within a few days, the ginseng fruit prepared by him had been ordered by this little pout.

"It's so delicious!" The girl licked her pink tongue and smiled, "Master, is there any?"

Li Xing looked at his pocket, and even the peel was gone! But strangely, he didn't feel the pain, instead he took out Baiyang Lingguo, Yuxianguo, Qixingguo, etc., to hunger with Xue Feifei.

Xue Feifei never seemed to know what was polite and what to eat. In this way, the two flew unconsciously, and flew out for a few more days, seeing that they were about to fly out of the demon forest.

On this day, a frightening monster in front blocked the way, and Xue Feifei's grinning face actually had a little dignity, and said to Li Xing, "Master, let's go around the road."

"Why detour?" Li Xing was surprised. "Is there any powerful monster in front of me?"

Xue Feifei sighed, her tone of speech was not like a young girl: "This demon should be released by the ancestors of Dali, and I don't know who is fighting with them. The ancestors of Dali are one of the eleven ancestors. There are many Suns, which are very difficult to entangle. "

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, what are you afraid of? I have my own way, come with me!" He let out the nimble lamp, and Xue Feifei swayed in the past.

Shortly after the two left, four phantoms appeared, but they were four black armor guards, one after another. If Li Xing sees it, he will know that they are all six peerless powerhouses of Fatian!

"Boss, Miss is missing. The kid must have taken her into the territory of Her Majesty's Patriarch. This is a big trouble!"

"Huh! We're not overpowering our ancestors, what are we afraid of? He doesn't know what to do, he just chopped the old cow!" Another said coldly.

"The fourth child, you know how to fight and kill, and you don't know how to use your brain. The powerful ancestors of the powerful ancestors are infinitely powerful. If you really want to fight, you may not be his opponent. Moreover, we have to hide our identity so that the kid will not be seen How can you take it casually? "

"Respond to the situation and talk about it!" The boss spoke, and the four ghosts disappeared again.

The nimble lamp is extremely mysterious, and the mage cannot notice it. Li Xing kept approaching the place where the monsters gathered and finally saw what happened on the scene.

I saw five monsters, surrounded by a monster. On this man, there was a momentum sweeping the world. At first sight, Li Xing almost shouted, Jun Qianheng!

When he first entered the great wasteland, Li Xing took Jun Qianheng's seat and became one of the five masters. If not, he would not be able to bring three thousand kingdoms out of the wasteland. At the beginning, he defeated Jun Qianheng, but did not kill the other side, let him go.

Goodbye at this moment, Jun Qianheng also has an extraordinary cultivation behavior, the ten great consummation of practicing God, seems to be about to break through and become a mage.

The five bull demon, all of them are ten-strength, they formed a battle, trapped Jun Qianheng.

"Boy! You are too impatient to live on the site of the strong ancestors. You are impatient. Handing over the elixir you have collected can save your life and just waste it for repair. Otherwise, it will make you incomparable Painful death! "A bull demon threatened.

Jun Qianheng looked at the power of the world and sneered, "It's up to you?" He shook his right hand and took a relic in his hand.

This relic is a epee. This sword is three meters long and three feet long. The sword body is dark and dim, but it reveals an ancient and heavy king.

"Thinking that there is a sacred thing, you can fight us? It's naive!" The cow demon yelled, and the five demon mobilized at the same time, each person had an iron rod in their hands.

The iron rod, thick like a human leg, was extremely heavy, but it was made of heavy iron. If it went down, it would destroy the mountains and mountains, and the damage was huge.

The five-headed bull demon form a "five-party vigorous array", advance and retreat together, the formation is mysterious, and once shot, they will be thunderous.

However, Jun Qianheng didn't know of any adventure, and his strength was extremely tyrannical. The big sword was waving, and a layer of green light shook the Quartet, forcing the five demon to approach.

For a while, the two sides struggled hard to separate, Jun Qian crosses the battle and becomes more brave, gradually gaining the upper hand. His big sword trembled, and he shouted with a "scream". He heard only a few squeaks, and all five iron rods were shaken away.

The Five Bull Monsters were shocked. They practiced the great power of the Bull Demon and were extremely powerful. At this moment, they could not beat each other with their fighting strength!

The big sword is flying, it is necessary to cut the five demon under the sword. Suddenly, a big hand with magic power condensed down and yelled, "Ignorant human, die!"

Jun Qianheng's pupils contracted, his face was not afraid, he just shook the big sword in his hand and struck the enemy in the air. This sword has an indomitable momentum, which made Li Xing secretly admire.


Mana's big hands suddenly collapsed, and a middle-aged man appeared in the air, staring at Jun Qianheng aggressively.

Jun Qianheng has the practice of a **** monk, but he had a hard fight with the mage, and he was also seriously injured and had seven holes of blood. Obviously, he won't take advantage of the fight.

In the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ The mage said coldly: "I don't know if I live or die!" A sacred object was added in the hand, which was also a stick. On this stick, the mountains are carved with heavy breath.

The breath was so strong that it pressed Jun Qian's horizontal bones into a "click", and his expression became heavy.

"Jun Qianheng is by no means an opponent, he will die in this person." Li Xing secretly sighed, he stepped out suddenly, but left Xue Feifei in the light of the nimble lamp.

"Jun Qianheng, we have met again." Li Xing smiled and greeted him first.

"It's you!" Jun Qianheng was surprised first, and then "haha" laughed, "It's really a place where life doesn't meet, why, can you help me?"

"Of course." Li Xinghuan raised Jiulongmao and laughed. "I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are still not as good as me. Watching and seeing how I can clean up this hairy monster!"

Jun Qian crooked his nose and said angrily, "I want you to help?" He suddenly stunned the giant sword, sending out an unparalleled momentum, his strength rising steadily, and an air of heavenly spirit, radiating out, people's hearts. Could not help giving birth to worship.

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