Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 518: Snow Mountain Pie and Xuanbingmen

Chapter 7: Snow Mountain Pie and Xuanbingmen

This monarch Qianheng has cultivated Tianzigong to great consummation. At this moment, he seems to be the Son of God, with infinite power and boundless momentum.

Li Xing's "hairy demon" made the mage look angry, and the killer said plainly: "You two, die together!"

The big mana was suppressed again. The big man was formed by the aggregation of countless mana runes. The lethality was amazing and heavier than a thousand mountains. The big hand shrouded two people at the same time, Li Xing screamed, and Jiulong Xuan struck out.

This trance, carrying an overwhelming trend, overwhelmed Jun Qianheng all at once, but it was he who exerted the "outstanding martial arts", released the will to the world, and borrowed the power of the world. At the same time, there were three thousand magical lights behind him, which kept flickering. As the Jiulongyu passed, the space shattered, revealing black cracks.

"What?" The mage was frightened, and felt only a violent impact.

"Boom!" Mana's big hand collapsed, and Jiulong turned into nine dragons. He immediately surrounded the mage and heard only a few clicks. The hands and feet of the mage were bitten by you and my mouth. Fan screamed.

During the screaming, the mage revealed his appearance and it turned out to be a cow spirit.

Jun Qianheng stayed and directly received Tianzigong. He finally saw that Li Xing's strength had far exceeded it, and it was strong enough to pervert!

Jiulongyu immediately devoured a mage, completely absorbed and refined the mage's origin. After a full meal, the nine dragons are full of energy. It can be concluded that if given enough master sources, the nine dragons will continue to improve their strength, and eventually break through, and become a dragon!

The five bull monsters were frightened and screamed and fled.

The mage was beheaded and killed, and an old man knew a thousand miles away. An old man suddenly knew that his eyes were cold and turned into a magical light, soaring into the sky, he was about to beheaded to kill Li Xing.

Suddenly, four arrogant mana, intercepted halfway, let this Fa Tian stop abruptly, the old man growled and said, "What man!"

Four phantoms emerged, one brutally said, "Four Dragons and Four Guards!"

The old man was startled and shouted, "Why do you stop me?"

"Strong ancestor, the weather is not good today, and it is not suitable to go out. You still stay at home obediently." Xu Yi said lightly. "We are concerned about your body. In case of a cold, isn't it beautiful?"

The old man was a strong ancestor. He felt that his son had been beheaded and immediately went to revenge. He did not want to be stopped by the four dragon guards, and was suddenly shocked and angry. However, no matter how angry, he also has to endure, because the strength of any of the four dragon guards is not under him.

How can he stop the four together?

Dali's ancestor was stopped, but Li Xing didn't know. He beheaded a cow demon mage and immediately said, "Hurry up! Don't let Dali's ancestor come!"

Jun Qian nodded his head and flew with Li Xing.

During the flight, Li Xing displayed a nimble lamp, covering all three, silently, and the Master could not see it.

"Good thing!" Jun Qianheng admired, "Where did you grab it?"

Li Xing said: "How can I remember."

Jun Qian sighed: "I don't believe in killing you. You are practicing the Fivefold God. Fivefold God-Man, are you so scary?"

"No way, some people are destined to be strong." Li Xing said arrogantly.

Jun Qianheng hummed, but he had to be convinced, Li Xing was indeed stronger, much stronger than him. While flying, the two talked about the situation in recent years, and there was no hostility between them.

In fact, Li Xing didn't kill Jun Qianheng in the secret realm of the Great Famine at that time. Reunited at this moment, quite kind, a feeling of meeting old friends.

After Jun Qianheng came out of the great wasteland, he has been acting alone, and has had many adventures. His strength is not under the sun **** king, the dragon **** king and others.

Flying out of the sphere of influence of the strong ancestor, Jun Qian suddenly said, "Li Xing, I have one thing to do, and we will break up."

"What is it?" Li Xing paused and asked curiously, "Is it a good thing?"

Jun Qianheng licked his lips: "It's not a good thing, it's a terrible thing."

"How to say?" Li Xing asked.

"Revenge," Jun Qianheng said coldly.

When Li Xing swept around, he saw a beautiful hill, on the top of the mountain, and said immediately: "When revenge is not in a hurry, let's go down for a few drinks and talk about your affairs. I'll be fine at that time. How about staying with you? "

Jun Qianheng couldn't think of Li Xing's enthusiasm. He even managed the revenge of others. He said angrily: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Afraid! But the person who killed me has not yet been born."

Jun Qianheng finally landed on the hill with Li Xing. The two drank Baiyang wine, ate the fruit, asked and answered, and talked about Jun Qianheng's life experience.

Jun Qianheng's father, named Jun Jue, is also a Wizard of the World. Jun Jue became famous and was born in the Kingdom of Mi Luo.

His mother's name was Min Shu and she was from Xuanbingmen. This Xuanbingmen is not the same as Pingguo's Xuanbingmen, and there is no relationship between them. Xuanbingmen is a martial art with the same strength as the Xueshan faction.

The ancestors of the Snow Mountain School and the Xuan Bingyu of Xuan Bing Men were originally in the same door, but for some reason they had a deep hatred, so the two factions were always opposed. The combination of Min Shu and Jun Jue is naturally not tolerated by the two factions.

In the end, Jun Ju was killed by the ancestors of the Snow Mountain, and Min Shu died of affection, before himself.

After hearing this, Li Xing couldn't help feeling, it seems that there are love stories like Liang Zhu everywhere!

"So, I want to kill the ancestors of Snow Mountain." Jun Qianheng said absolutely, "Revenge for his father!"

"Xueshan's ancestor did this really," Li Xing said. "But he really killed your father because of your mother?"

Jun Qian shook his head: "I don't know, but his father killed him eventually."

Li Xing thought about it and thought things would not be so simple. What's the grudge between Xuan Bingyu and the Snow Mountain ancestors? Even if there is, how could they kill the disciples of the peers in the martial arts with all their heart?

"Are you going to go?" Jun Qianheng stared at Li Xing. "The ancestors of the Snow Mountain are Fa Tian's fourfold cultivation."

"I have my own idea, but you, why go to death? Your strength is definitely not the opponent of Snow Mountain ancestors." Li Xing asked.

"I have my own way." Jun Qianheng's mouth was very strict.

"Oh? What method?" Li Xing wanted to understand.

"Do you really want to know?" Jun Qianheng stared.

"Of course I think." Li Xing said, "If you have a way to kill the Snow Mountain ancestors, I may be able to help you to make the staff more perfect."

"I can't help it," Jun Qianheng said. "But when my mother was dying, she left me something and a sentence."

"What? What words?" Li Xing was very curious.

"Half a treasure map, the sentence he told me was‘ Go to Heaven and Earth ’.” Jun Qianheng sighed. “I was only three years old at the time. When my mother died, I was kicked out of Xuanbingmen.”

Li Xing thought about it. The half map and the sentence that Min Shu handed over must be pointed, but he couldn't guess.

"Do you want to see that picture?" Jun Qianheng asked Li Xing with a shy expression.

"I don't want to watch!" Li Xing said with a stern expression immediately. "If I watched it, I would have to help you. The ancestor of Xueshan is so terrible, I'm very scared and never want to die."

Jun Qianheng "haha" laughed, his eyes moved, he slowly took out half of the map from his arms. This map, similar to that "nautical chart", is actually a magic weapon.

However, only half of this map instrument is unknown.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and looked as if he hadn't seen it. The map showed nothing at all unless he found the other half and then repaired the two.

"The key point is where is Tianwaitian." Jun Qianheng said, "Why did my mother let me go to Tianwaitian."

"It seems that you are not really trying to kill the Snow Mountain ancestors," Li Xing said, "but you want to know what the secret is?"

"You can say that. Snow Mountain ancestors, I can't kill him for the time being. However, from his mouth, we can know the secrets of Tianwaitian and the map. Before the mother was dying, I still remembered it, it must be extremely important, so I want to Figure out what is going on. "

"And the death of my father, you are right. If only because of his mother, the ancestor of Xueshan would never kill his most important disciple." Jun Qianheng's eyes flashed cold, "There must be another secret!"

"How are you going to check? Ask the Snow Mountain ancestors directly?" Li Xing also felt the matter was difficult.

"Yes, just ask!" Jun Qianheng said, "I feel that this map must also be important to him. So, I want to lead him out and ask one clearly."

"He must say?"

"Absolutely." Jun Qianheng said affirmatively, "The cat didn't bother to conceal anything before eating the mouse. When he thought I was going to die and he could get the map, he would relax his vigilance."

Li Xing immediately understood ~ www.readwn.com ~ nodded: "Good idea, when you want to escape, I use the nihil lamp to take you away."

"Don't you dare help me before you hear my specific plan?" Jun Qianheng asked with a smile. "In case of being caught by the ancestor of the Snow Mountain, it will be miserable."

"Isn't Jun Qianheng a fool? Since he is not a fool, he must not plan too badly." Li Xingdao.

Jun Qian said lightly: "Originally, I was only 70% sure. Now that you are willing to help me, I am 10% sure!"

Ten percent? Li Xing's eyes brightened, he didn't speak, and continued to listen to him.

"On the snowy field, there is a place called 'Chaos Glacier'. Entering it, even the mage will get lost. We will be there and meet the snow mountain mage. Once you ask the truth, you can get into the glacier. He simply Can't catch us. "Jun Qianheng said.

Li Xing asked, "Since even the mage has lost his way, how can we get out."

"I don't know," Jun Qianheng said, "but there must be a solution at that time."

Li Xing: ...

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