Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 520: Chaotic world

Chapter 9: The Chaos World

However, in the face of this master's blow, Jun Qianheng and Li Xing did not change their expressions.

Li Xingdao: "If this hits him really, we have to get rid of the skin if we don't die."

"That's right, Fa Tian's quadruple is not covered." Jun Qianheng nodded. "However, after we also get to Tian Tian's quadruple, we must fight this old thief all over the street."

The ancestor of Snow Mountain heard the conversation between the two, and felt wrong, grabbed his hands, and the figures of Li Xing and Jun Qianheng suddenly disappeared. Hundreds of miles away, Li Xing sacrifice a nihilistic lamp, hiding with Jun Qianheng.

"Your magic is really a wicked door!" Jun Qianheng now admired Li Xing admirably, "can you help me get a clone."

"This is an ancient divine art, called avatar art. The power will be more and more powerful in the future." Li Xingdao, "The ancestor of Snow Mountain must be mad now, he will not let go, and will look for us everywhere."

"What to do? This old ghost is so slippery that he doesn't want to say more inside information." Jun Qianheng resentfully said, "I don't know where that day is."

Li Xing said indifferently: "Watch the changes quietly." In secret, he passed on the voice of the **** Tian Xie.

"Master knows what's happening outside the sky?" Li Xing asked.

Tian Xie was silent for a moment, and said, "In ancient times, Tian Wai Tian has existed. According to legend, many powerful men who break the void will directly enter Tian Wai Tian Cultivation."

Li Xing was taken aback: "So, Tianwaitian is the same as Tianjie?"

"Yes, Tianwaitian could have counterbalanced the heavenly realm, where there is boundlessness. Tianwaitian, there is heaven outside, which means that it is above heaven." Tianxiedao said, "But this place is so mysterious that even a tenfold mage cannot enter unless Can break the void. "

"What's going on with this map?" Li Xing wondered. "Since it's impossible to enter, is the map fake?"

"False is not too bad." Tianxie thought. "However, shortly before the fall of the teacher, I heard from the disciples that a sky outside the sky appeared on Tian Yuanzhou. This sky outside the sky is an organization with great power It's just that it's hidden in the dark and doesn't attract much attention as a teacher. "

"Master said, the heavenly sky on the map is the heavenly sky organization?" Li Xing was surprised.

"As far as I know, Tianwai Tian was built in an extremely large cave sky, and that cave sky itself is a remarkable Xuanjie cave magic weapon. As for whether this sky is related to the true sky, it ’s not for the teacher. Got it."

Hearing here, Li Xing had a general idea. Obviously, Tian Wai Tian in the mouth of the ancestor of the Snow Mountain is exactly the Tian Wai Tian established in the magic weapon of the cave and is an organization.

However, it was said that Li Xing and Jun Qianheng suddenly disappeared, the ancestors of Xueshan were frightened, and immediately opened their minds and searched wildly. Unfortunately, he couldn't sense the nimble lamp, and naturally couldn't find either.

"These two jerk! Be sure to look for the entrance to Tianwaitian!" Xueshan's ancestors did not give up, still searching around, vowing to find two people and seize the map.

In the chaos of the glacier, the danger was so serious that Li Xing and Jun Qianheng lost their way, turning around like a headless fly. Coincidentally, he actually encountered the ancestors of Snow Mountain, of course, the latter could not find them at all.

"Well, let's follow this old thief and see how he goes out?" Jun Qianheng suggested.

"Yes, he is a quadruple of law, and there should be a way out." Li Xing agreed.

However, the two did not know that their ideas were completely wrong, and Xueshan's ancestor did not decide to go out at all, because he was looking for a map to enter Tianwaitian.

"Fuck! Where did the kid go? There's no breath at all!" A black line also kept running through the chaotic glacier, and the four dragon guards inside talked.

"Ghosts know! Let's keep an eye on Xueshan ancestors ..."

"Stare at what, just kill him, this old thing looks ridiculous!" The fourth son said fiercely.

"No hurry, maybe he can find the kid." The boss calmly analyzed, "Continue to follow.

The ancestor of the Snow Mountain also did not know the direction. He was looking wildly and wildly, and he touched a huge ice cave near him. This ice cave is very weird and produces an insane suction.

The ancestor of Xueshan roared, struggling, and was dragged in, and disappeared instantly.

The two Li Xing were startled, showing their stature at the moment, before they were under the hood of the Void Lantern, unaffected, and paused for a while.

"What to do? Will this old thief die?" Jun Qianheng had no idea.

Li Xing blinked: "There is a magic lamp of nihility, don't look at it as follows."

Both were brave and extravagant. After discussing a few words, they jumped directly into the bottomless ice cave. In the ice cellar, the vastness and coldness, a huge suction, can devour everything.

Following this force, the two landed continuously and then landed, it seemed that they would never reach the end.

Not far from the ice cave, the four dragon guards showed ugly faces and scolded one after another: "Fuck! What to do now? Would you like to follow up?"

Boss licked his lips and calmly said: "Yes! Your Majesty lets Miss Conservation, what can I do?"

"These two **** boys, aren't they afraid of death?" The fourth child was so angry, "Fuck, let us stay with you!"

"Less nonsense, go on."

The four turned into a ray of black line, followed by jumping into the ice cave, under the traction of a strong suction, kept falling.

At this moment, Li Xing and Jun Qianheng are still declining.

"What the **** is it?" Jun Qianheng's scalp was a little numb.

Li Xing sighed, "Everyone is down, look at it."

I don't know how long after that, the suction suddenly increased, so strong that it could break the space, and even the imaginary lamp lost its effectiveness. There was chaos in front of them, feeling heaven and earth, supreme, no left, no right.

After continuing for a while like this, they suddenly banged and fell into a world one after another.

Under his feet is a piece of green grass, with the sun and moon hanging high in the air. Not far away, there are mountains and rivers. However, some phenomena made Li Xing and Jun Qianheng feel weird for a while.

The water on the mountain flows upside down, completely reversing the principle of the water flowing to the lower place; the clouds in the air are stationary and seem to be heavier than the mountains.

But this was only the previous moment, and the next moment, the water turned down again, and the clouds began to move. Similar things, everywhere, show surprising confusion.

"What is this place?" Jun Qianheng asked in surprise. "Is it a chaotic world?"

Speaking of the chaotic world, Li Xing remembered what Xue Feifei said. This chaotic glacier was changed after the chaotic gods fell. Jun Qianheng's speculation is not impossible.

"Huh! You are really here!" Xueshan's ancestor's voice came from behind.

Two * s startled and turned abruptly. Strange things happened again. They obviously turned back, but one turned to the right and one turned to the left.

Xueshan ancestor: "This is the chaotic world! The chaotic gods evolved after death. I didn't expect that I would come here!"

Li Xingji played a magic lamp of nothingness, but that magic lamp completely lost its effect and lost its invisibility.

"Evil Gate!" The two screamed strangely.

"This time, where are you going?" Xueshan's ancestor looked bleak, "In a chaotic world, all rules and avenues will lose their effect!"

Hearing that, Li Xing was relieved. He slowly turned around and laughed, "So, isn't your spell just like that?"

"So what?" The ancestor of Xueshan proudly said. "My ancestor has practiced for more than two hundred years. He has tempered his body with mana and is extremely tough. He can also kill you with a fist!"

When it comes to tempering the body, Jun Qianheng's mouth is bitter. The physical body of the mage is indeed extremely tough, far beyond the reach of God and man. Even without spells, they can't do this old thief.

Li Xing's eyes lit up. If he was stronger than anyone's fist and who had more strength, he was not afraid of Xueshan's ancestor. He immediately smiled and said, "Yes? Why don't you shoot?"

"Huh!" Xueshan's ancestor stepped out, completely abandoned the spell, and directly killed Li Xing by martial arts.

He stepped out, his strength was endless, and his strength really was overbearing.

Li Xing didn't fear him, but fisted to welcome him. However, the fists of the two of them fought against each other, but one of them fought to the left and one to the right. They did not fight at all, but turned back to back.

"Hell!" Li Xing yelled angrily, but he got a kick from Xueshan's ancestor on his buttocks.


Li Xing had a pain in his buttock and evaded quickly, while hitting a back elbow.


This elbow hit the ancestor's ribs directly, and the supreme divine power began to show power. Only three clicks were broken and three were broken.

The ancestor roared back and forth. He kicked and kicked Li Xing. Li Xing was just like everyone else, but he just broke his ribs with a punch, but what happened?

The ribs passed down with pain, the ancestors of Xueshan looked uncertain, staring at Li Xing.

Li Xing rubbed his buttocks and sneered, "It seems your body is not as strong as you said!"


At this time, ~ www.readwn.com ~, there were four more figures, who fell from the void, and the dragon guard came out. Each of these four people is tall, wearing heavy armor, and has a terrific killing power. His strength is actually above the ancestors of the Snow Mountain!

All three of Li Xing were startled and thought they were reinforcements brought by each other.

Strangely, however, the four dragon guards appeared as if they had not seen Li Xing and Xueshan ancestors. A humane: "Boss, here is really evil, it seems that the mana has expired."

"This is a chaotic world." Old Avenue, "Every rule is chaotic and unpredictable. Your Majesty said that he would not even come to such a ghost place."

The ancestors of Xueshan turned their eyes and hugged fist: "The four are legendary, the four big dragon guards in front of the demon emperor?"

Jiansi squinted at him and scolded, "Done your mother! Are we a dragon four guards and it's your fart?"

Xueshan's ancestor was almost strangled by this sentence, and his nose was crooked.

Li Xing and Jun Qianheng laughed.

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