Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 521: Myth age

Chapter 10: The Age of Myth

The ancestors of Xueshan didn't dare to offend the four dragon guards, but they were not afraid of Li Xing. Li Xing naturally didn't timid him either, the two sides fought together twice, fisting.

Although the world is chaotic and all rules are in a state of chaos, after all, Li Xing is a master of martial arts. On close combat, the fighting ability is higher than the ancestor Xueshan. The two fight for a long time.

"How can this son's physical body be so strong? How can his strength be so powerful?" The ancestor Xueshan became more and more surprised, and finally realized that he would have to be beaten to death!

Finally, he yelled, turned and walked away, and said loudly, "To spare you today!"

Li Xing even sneered and did not catch up, let the other party leave and turned to look at the four dragon guards. The four guards ignored him and stepped to the side without knowing what happened.

Fighting against the ancestors of Xueshan, Jun Qianheng sighed at this moment: "Brother Li, since this place is a chaotic world, we are afraid we can't go out."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, as soon as we come, we will walk around and we may find it."

Immediately, the two walked around in a chaotic world as if they were swimming in the mountains. It is found that the laws of this world are always changing. You know, the master ’s practice is to understand and apply the laws of heaven and earth.

If the rules change at any time, the mage will be powerless to cast spells. Even the god-man cannot perform divine magic. In other words, in a chaotic world, only melee combat is effective.

Chen Long's four guards did not follow Li Xing and did not know where they went. The ancestor of Snow Mountain, because he knew that Li Xing's fist was fierce, he even hid far away and did not dare to show up.

After walking for three or four days, they found nothing. The two felt that there was no difference between them and the outside world, except that the rules were chaotic.

"Brother, I bow down a chaotic demon, and that devil seems to like this environment quite much." Li Xing said, and released the chaotic demon again.

As soon as the Demon of Chaos came out, he began to draw the power of Chaos with great excitement. The chaotic world is full of this chaotic power, which can reverse the rules, break the rules, and create chaos.

The demon of chaos is equivalent to a clone of Li Xing. Its feeling and understanding are also the feeling and understanding of Li Xing. At this moment, a voice in the Chaos Demon's heart was screaming, "There is such a strong source of chaos! This time the Demon King has developed!"

This sound seemed to be conveyed from another distant world, a chaotic idea blessed on the devil's head, trying to break free of Li Xing's shackles.

"Huh?" Li Xing looked coldly, knowing the deity of Chaos Demon, and wanted to seize control of this avatar. However, when he realized the immovable way, he was indifferent, and the deity of the chaos demon was helpless. When Li Xing thought about it, he repressed it fiercely.

The chaos demon cultivates chaos magic, which is in the same vein as the chaos **** of ancient times. At this moment, it instinctively began to practice "chaos magic." After practicing this magic skill, you can cast Chaos Magic and Chaos!

Although the power of magic is not as good as spells, the power is above ordinary divine magic. Compared with the ancient divine magic practiced by Li Xing, it is not much more.

Chaos demon, practicing over and over again, actually gradually complete the magic, and then break through the first weight in one fell swoop.

This devil, to put it plainly, is just a clone, and the strength is far worse than the deity. The strength of the Chaos Demon deity is extremely arrogant, and even if he encounters a tenfold mage, he can fight.

The chaos magic skill practiced as a split has not even broken through the first. The magic of chaos is eighteen in total. The practice of the deity has reached the thirteenth.


The momentum of the Chaos Demon surged, breaking through the chaos magic power first and stepping into the second.

This was an unexpected surprise for Li Xing. The Chaos Demon is equivalent to a part of his strength. The stronger the Devil's strength is, the stronger his strength is.

"It seems that it is not necessarily a bad thing to enter the chaotic world this time! The demon of chaos, give me full training, I'll see how far you can go!" Li Xing yelled.

From Li Xing's grinning expression, Jun Qianheng saw that he had taken advantage, and couldn't help sighing. People are more mad than others. He is also a wizard, but when he sees Li Xing, he simply feels that his cultivation is rubbish.

"I can slay the mage now, I don't know what kind of cultivation he will achieve in the future? I'm really looking forward to it!" Jun Qianheng was heartbroken, and then thought, "But I am Qian Qianheng, I will not lose to any people!"

With a flash of thought, Jun Qianheng also began to cultivate. He was in the midst of chaos and realized the emperor's power.

Chaos magic power comes second, and Chaos magic power comes third. Over time, the repair of the devil's head is advancing by leaps and bounds, and Li Xing's repair is also rising. When the magic power of chaos finally broke through the sixth and reached the seventh, the strength of this devil was already equal to that of Li Xing!

Chaos magic power is seventh, and it is a pass. Once in this realm, he immediately controls a trace of chaos.

"It turned out to be chaos!" Li Xing wasn't idle. Every time the chaos demon practises, his insights are refined. He even uses the truth of the true martial sky array and the yin and yang to develop the opposite side of chaos and the way of order!

Constant calculation and repeated enlightenment, Li Xing actually enlightened two martial arts continuously, chaotic martial arts and order martial arts! The two kinds of open roads, one Yin and one Yang, cooperate with each other, which greatly improves the power of chaotic martial arts.

This is because with the continuous improvement of the devil's behavior, he is forced to continuously improve his spiritual realm, thereby restraining the devil, otherwise, he may be collected by the chaos.

Chaos and order, two truths, one Yin and one Yang, one positive and one negative, are all under Li Xing's grasp at this moment. However, after the seventh level of chaos magic power, he had to stop practicing, because he couldn't control the demon head anymore.

However, now that he has the true meaning of chaos, he can control the power of chaos!

Li Xing opened his eyes at this moment. In his eyes, this chaotic world is no longer chaotic. In the confusion, there are also losses and laws. There is yang in yin, and there is yin in yang. Just like in order, there is chaos.

"Brother, let's go!" Li Xing said.

"Walk? Where to go?" Jun Qianheng blinked. "Can you leave this place?"

"Maybe," Li Xing said, "I'll take you to see the heart of the chaotic world."

Jun Qianheng smiled: "OK! Brother Li, I admire you more and more!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, Li Xing actually took a divine light and flew into the sky with Jun Qian. It seemed that the power of chaos could no longer affect him.

In the distance, the ancestors of the Snow Mountain and the four dragon guards saw this scene and couldn't believe their eyes. You know, in the chaotic world, even they can't fly. How did this Li Xing do it?

In fact, Li Xing was not as easy as he was on the surface. He flew a little unevenly along the way. He and Jun Qianheng fell for a while. His understanding of the power of chaos is still very basic and cannot be fully controlled. However, this is enough for the two to operate normally in a chaotic world, at least flying in the Shenguang is not a problem.

"Brother, do you know what kind of chaos exists?" Li Xing asked.

Jun Qianheng thought for a while: "Ancient times, divided into three periods, the first period is the era of myths, the second period is the era of barrens, and the third period is the era of destruction. Gods of chaos are the characters of the myth era, his affairs, Little is known today. However, the chaos is one of the more famous beings in the era of mythology, and his legend is quite complete. "

"It is said that the **** of chaos is the seventh child of Cangtian who once ruled the heavens and sky. Throughout the age of the **** of order, the **** of chaos has fallen." Jun Qianhengdao, "The legend is only a legend, the age of myth Who can tell the truth? "

Li Xing nodded: "But now it seems that the legend should be true!" His gaze was fixed on the front. "You feel no, there is a chaotic force in front, it should be the core of the chaotic world, I do not know what it is . "

Jun Qianheng said in surprise: "Can you sense the power of chaos?" He didn't know that Li Xing had learned the chaos of martial arts and martial arts of order.

Li Xing smiled and nodded.

Jun Qianheng stared at Li Xing and sighed: "Are you a human?" He understood now that Li Xing's previous practice was simply to understand the chaos!

As a matter of fact, if a character in an illegal tenfold state is impossible to perceive chaos in a chaotic world, but Li Xing has done it!

"Of course it is human." Li Xing rolled his eyes.

Finally approaching the core of the chaotic world, the scene before him shocked both Li Xing and Jun Qianheng. I saw a huge ball of light suspended in the sky, emitting a chaotic light.

In that light, there were flowers, insects, fishes, beasts, mountains, forests, and various utensils, words, and history, one by one. There seems to be a magnificent epic, flowing in the hearts of the two, shocking people.

"This ... what the **** is this?" Jun Qianheng murmured to himself, "this should be an extremely brilliant civilization!"

"This is chaotic civilization!" Li Xing was sober from shock ~ www.readwn.com ~ A time of chaos! "In the look, there seemed to be some realization.

"The chaotic spirit has fallen, and the civilization he created has disappeared! In the age of mythology, I don't know how many mythic stories it contains! How many heroes and heroes have appeared! It's really desirable."

Jun Qianheng sighed again and again: "Deserves to be a god! In the legend, the ancient gods are extremely powerful, they can change the world, create the world, and destroy the world! It seems so!"

Li Xing stared at the light group in front of him and suddenly said: "Brother, you protect the law for me, I want to collect this source of confusion!"

"What? You want to collect this source of chaos? Are you crazy?" Jun Qianheng was startled. This source of chaos, but the core strength of the whole chaotic world, the thoughts and power left behind by the chaotic gods, Li Xing How can a mortal be charged?

Not to mention Li Xing, even if Dao Zun and Dao Jun appear, they may not dare to say that they can collect this source of chaos!

Li Xingdao: "My approach may not be successful, but there are 30 to 50% chances! The source of this confusion contains the memories of the ancient myth era. It is extremely important, and I must get it!"

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