Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 522: Baiyang Jingtian. Country of Chaos

Chapter 11: Bai Yang Jing Tian. Country of Chaos

In Jun Qianheng's shocked eyes, Li Xing opened his mind to the chaos of the chaos. He wanted to use the power of Jiuyang Jingtian to collect the core of chaos.

Guanghua shook, and Jiuyang Jingtian absorbed the power of the surroundings, and immediately surrounded the core of the chaos. The two great forces started a contest, and Li Xing became a bystander instead. He just guided the power of Jiuyang Jingtian to come out, and the rest depends on which of the two sides is stronger.

Jiuyang Jingtian is the cave sky created by the ancestor of Chunyang. Once this sucking power is exhibited, it will be extremely great, and the core of chaos will also be shaken by it.

If the chaos core has wisdom, it can be immediately taken away to avoid being ingested by Jiuyang Jingtian. Or, it can kill Li Xing in one shot, and it can also be avoided.

But the key point is that the core of chaos does not think, it is just a dead thing, so the power gradually absorbed is completely covered and controlled, and it wo n’t be long before it will all enter the Jiuyang Jingtian.

Ingesting the chaos core is not a day's work, so it is consumed day by day. Half a month has passed unknowingly. The chaos core has gradually risen, and it can be successfully ingested after a short while.

However, during this time, the ancestor of Snow Mountain happened to happen to coincide with Li Xing's position. He immediately saw a scene where Li Xing collected the core of the chaos, thinking that he saw the cheap, and said, "What is this little thief doing? There seemed to be something mysterious about that chaotic light, and he must not be allowed to succeed! "

With this in mind, the ancestors of Xueshan rushed forward and yelled: "Suffer!"

Li Xing was so absorbed in his attention that he seemed unable to fight back. Jun Qianheng screamed, "Old thief! Pass me this level first!"

The ancestor of Xueshan laughed: "With you?" A punch was punched, and the strong wind was spreading, and Jun Qianheng was shaken away at the same time. At the same time, he punched hard at Li Xing's back.

At this moment, Li Xing opened his eyes suddenly and yelled, "Back!"

Suddenly, the chaotic world shook, and the fist of the Snow Mountain ancestors hit the empty space. At the same time, a strong force came from behind him, banging on his back.


The ancestor of Xueshan grunted and almost fell.

But it was Li Xing's understanding of the chaotic martial arts, using the power of the chaotic world, leveraging his strength, using the punch of the Snow Mountain ancestors to bombard him back, hurting him.

This time, the ancestor of Snow Mountain was not light, and shocked and angry, but he did not give up, and immediately shot again.

Li Xing laughed: "Teach you what the chaos is!"

He felt a movement, and the power of the chaotic world was partly used to bless the ancestors of the Snow Mountain. His fetus suddenly shocked and the atmosphere was chaotic. This time, the ancestor's soul fluttered.

The French tire is his foundation. Once the French tire is damaged, the repair will be a waste!

"Stop the thief!" The ancestor yelled, and backed up again and again.

Unfortunately, this chaotic power has been launched, and it is too late to hide. I saw the mana raging, and many of the treasures he hid among the fetuses appeared one by one. This ancestor of the Snow Mountain has a rich collection. There are actually six relics! Many other elixir, magic symbols, etc. were exposed.

Of course, Li Xing was not polite to him, "haha" smiled, reached out and gently moved all these things into his hands. In particular, half of the maps are very similar to the one in Jun Qianheng's hands.

The ancestor of Xueshan was furious and roared, but the more angry he was, the more chaotic the fetus could be, and he couldn't help but tremble his heart: "If I continue this way, I may fall into this place and stay in the mountains, not afraid of no firewood!" Fast retreat is the best policy! "

This person, with a determined personality, immediately gave up everything and ran full speed.

Li Xing could only mobilize the chaotic forces around him. Once the ancestor of Xueshan ran away, he couldn't do anything about it. He could only watch it. It was a shame. If the ancestor of Snow Mountain does not leave, he can use the power of the chaotic world to kill him directly!

Soon after the ancestors of the Snow Mountain retreated, the chaotic core shook violently, and "huh" was suddenly taken into Baiyang Jingtian. In Baiyang Jingtian, the thunder was rolling, the situation was turbulent, and the core of chaos was constantly changing, expanding rapidly up and down the Quartet.

Soon, in Baiyang Jingtian, a huge country emerged, a chaotic country!

In the chaotic country, there are mountains and waters, planting quilts, countless views, and boundlessness. Li Xing was shocked. What happened?

The Great Emperor of Heaven looked at the expansion and change of the chaotic kingdom from a distance, saying: "The residual power of the chaotic gods is really powerful, and it can open up such a world! Li Xing, the Taoism of the chaotic gods must be in this chaotic kingdom, If you have time in the future, look for it carefully. "

"Yes." Li Xing accepted the country, and his heart was very relaxed.

At the same time, once the chaos core is collected, the entire chaos world disappears instantly. The chaotic world was originally created under the influence of the chaos core, and the chaos core disappeared, and it also disappeared with it.

Wu Longwei and the ancestors of the Snow Mountain immediately felt that the power of chaos had disappeared, and now turned into a huge ice cave under the glacier. The ancestors of the Snow Mountain were the most happy. With a loud roar, he turned to kill Li Xing.

Unfortunately, Li Xing responded very quickly, and he sacrificed the nimble lamp long ago, and disappeared with Jun Qianheng.

"Li Xing! The old man caught you, and must have broken you into thousands of dead bodies!" Seeing no one could see, the ancestor of Xueshan roared, but to no avail.

Li Xing and Jun Qianheng hurried out of the ice cave and flew towards the west in the direction of the Mystery Gate.

During the flight, Jun Qian hurriedly said, "Brother Li, let's stop here."

Li Xing knew that Jun Qianheng was also a peerless figure. He planned to nod his head and said, "Okay, let's break up, and there will be a period later."

Jun Qianheng thought for a moment, took out that half of the map ~ www.readwn.com ~ and handed it to Li Xing, and smiled: "Brother Li, your means are a hundred times higher than mine, hoping to find Tianwaitian."

Li Xing was taken aback: "Brother Li, you have been looking for a map, why send me?"

Jun Qian said indifferently: "Although you and I have known each other for a short time, but I know who you are. If you can enter the sky outside in the future, will you forget me?" He laughed, "So this thing is not white give you."

Li Xing laughed and nodded: "Okay! Let's high-five, if I can find Tianwaitian, I will notify you immediately!"

Jun Qianheng stretched out his palm, the two of them made a high-five contract, and then dashed and separated.

Further west is the sphere of influence of the Mystery Gate. Li Xing had to proceed cautiously, directly hiding his figure, and sneaking quietly.

On this day, he walked to a snow valley and suddenly saw seven weirdoes and a frowning man in front of them. They surrounded a mage and threatened evil words.

At a glance, Li Xing looked at him, but why were they? These seven people are not others. They are the seven strange monsters in Hengling. They are actually intercepting a passing mage!

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