Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 525: Teana Star Force

Chapter 14: Heavenly Power

After such a venomous magical practice, once it is backwashed, the consequences are extremely dire. Suddenly an extremely fierce expression suddenly appeared on Master Redbrow's face, and his mind was actually affected. After that, he waved his hands and looked mad.

"My baby is here ... my baby is here ..." He didn't look like a mage at all, he called out three times, and his body began to break down gradually, turning into a plume of black smoke.

This is the phenomenon of his physical soul, completely swallowed up by fierce souls and ghosts. The Fatian dual mage disappeared and left the world.

Li Gui killed Red Eyebrow, and the resentment in his heart faded. He was covered by Li Xing's meditation and gradually dissipated. Thousands of spirits escaped and reborn.

After killing Red Eyebrow, Li Xing took out the destiny amulet and input a little magic. Suddenly, the card flashed, which showed that Li Xing successfully completed the mission, and he could go to collect the reward, the broken Lei Fu Run.

However, if Li Xing passed away at this moment, he must hand over the Tian Motu, so he is not ready to go immediately, and is prepared to study the Tian Mo Tu before then.

In an inconspicuous mountain in the northwestern region, Li Xing sacrificed the lamp of nihilism and began to study the map of the demon. Eighteen demon head images were drawn on the map of the demon. Each demon head is lifelike and able to communicate with the demon world.

The image of the eighteen demon heads made Li Xing very surprised, because the first demon head is exactly fascinating, the second one is poor, the third is chaos, the fourth is inspiration, and the fifth is invisible. The seventh is the beings.

Many demon heads are simply the training target of the fierce Zen.

"How can this happen? Does the demon fierce Zen originate from the demon figure? Or, is the demon figure made from the demon fiend?" Li Xing thought in surprise.

However, the demon head is really useful to him this day. At this moment, the fascination of the demon head is visualized, and it jumps directly into the sky demon figure. This fascination is equivalent to a avatar of Li Xing. As soon as it enters the Tianmotu, it enters a void space, and the boundless magical energy infiltrates.

This demon head actually began to grow quickly, drawing the magic charm of the demon world through the map of the demon. This phantom is also a demon king of the demon world, the leader of the phantom family. This deity is extremely powerful and owns a territory called the phantom demon domain.

In the phantom domain, there is a special phantom spirit that can strengthen the phantom power.

Immediately, the five demon heads of misery, chaos, inspiration, invisibleness, and sentient beings were also put into the map of heavenly demons by Li Xing, and they began to cultivate. Every moment, the demon heads are growing rapidly.

"Let ’s go on like this, within a year, the strength of the six demon heads will be greatly improved!" Li Xing trembled, he was not worried about handing over the demon figure. Because in accordance with the rules, he only needs to return the Tianmotu within three years.

Three years is enough for him to cultivate the strength of the demon head, and it is okay to hand over the sky magic map at that time.

"Master, the next step is for the disciples to look for a lot of red veins and sacred objects to prepare for the impact of practicing the Sixfold God.

Relics and Danmai are precious things. It is good for a mage to have one. In his future cultivation, the demand for these things is simply an astronomical figure, which cannot be completely obtained by plunder.

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hehe" before, "I was also a headache for this matter before I was a teacher. Your foundation is too solid, so the power consumed when you break through is also huge. But now it seems that it is no longer a problem!"

Li Xingyi: "Not a problem?"

"Yes, that big star map of the day can draw the power of the stars. The power of the stars can be transformed into the origin of the stars. Cultivation with it is more effective than using holy relics and red veins?" There are three thousand stars and three thousand nodes. If you slowly connect all of them, you will get many unexpected benefits. "

"Every type of astral force can brew several types of astrology. The power of astrology is not under Daoism! As long as you learn, it will be a matter of nailing it in the future."

There was no happy expression on Li Xing's face: "Master, it is not easy to absorb the power of the stars and transform them into the origin of the stars. The chaotic array of vientiane cannot be achieved."

Star force is a very special kind of force, and each kind of star force represents a kind of truth, a kind of unique true meaning, which is naturally not easily absorbed.

"Anyway, there are many good things. For it, it is worth it to pay more." Tianxie Daodao said, "This Dazhou Tianxing map, even if Dao Zun is obtained, must be extremely cherished. Even in heaven, it is also a thing. Arcana, you must make good use of it! "

Li Xing thought about it, and felt that if he could truly become the Supreme Star, his strength would inevitably go further, but it would be worth the effort. Immediately: "Master, I will try it, apprentice!"

There are three thousand nodes in the Dazhou Tianxing graph, and one of them has been opened, and that node is exactly where Lichen is located. The celestial star is the king of all beings, the master of all stars, and dominates all power.

Li Xing's divine thoughts shrouded the past and penetrated into the star map of Da Zhou. Among them, countless nodes have forbidden his infiltration, and only one node can enter, the Celestial node.

Divine thought entered this node. Immediately, a vast star power descended from the meditation, and the star map of the whole week suddenly shrank into the Zhenwu sky array and entered the chaotic nebula.

Chaotic martial arts, all-inclusive, whether it is the ancient Xuanjing, the Great Zhou Tianxing map, or the Huading tripod, etc., can exist here, be compatible, and exert their due power.

This vast star power came down and first entered Huatianding. After transforming Tianding, after several alienations, it is very powerful, but it is still powerless to Tiandi Star and cannot control it at all.

Xingli ignores the existence of Tianding and walks freely among the stars, seems to be looking for something, and seems to be aimless. At the same time, Xingli also penetrated into his body and tempered his body.

Hong Tao's celestial body is formed in this way, completely relying on the tempering of the celestial body.

"No!" Li Xing sighed. "Hua Tianding can't absorb this thing at all."

If Li Xing wants to use Star Force, he must use Huatianding's transformation to transform it into the Star Force origin that can be directly absorbed. The transformation process is extremely complicated, and Huatianding is temporarily incompetent.

"There is no need to rush, step by step, there is always a way." Tian Xie great empathy, said at this time, "Don't put all hope on the star map, but continue to search for sacred objects, red veins."

"That's the only thing." Li Xing opened his eyes from the cultivation. "At present, my cultivation behavior can already compete with the mage, and the world can go!"

"What's your plan?" Tianxie asked.

"There are many ancient footprints on the ice and snow wasteland, and the disciples are going to try their luck." Li Xingdao.

"This plan is good. Because it was on the snowy field and had a lot of adventures, it has acquired several ancient heritages. The chaotic glacier is also one of the ruins and you got it. But last time, you have n’t really Into the ice and snow wasteland, there are many terrible existences deep in the wasteland, and the mage must be afraid. "

"As long as the apprentice is careful, there will be nothing wrong." Li Xing made up his mind and, without changing, was ready to go immediately.

His current practice is already arrogant enough, and now he is looking for opportunities, accumulating strength, and continuing to break through. Once it breaks through to the sixth level of practicing the gods, the three thousand divine skills are merged together to consolidate the supreme fetus, and the strength once again leaps and bounds to an incredible level.

Next, all the way eastward, once again into the snow and ice wasteland. The ice and snow wasteland is huge, many times larger than the Central Plains. On the periphery of the wasteland, there are also many countries, such as the Miro Kingdom.

The Miro Kingdom is located west of the wasteland. At this moment, Li Xing has arrived in the Miro Kingdom.

He still has some concerns about the Miro kingdom. At the beginning, the prince of the kingdom of Mirai, Songtzanmen, was killed by him.

Although the kingdom of Miro is not as huge as the kingdom of heaven, it is also many times larger than the kingdom of peace. Miro people, sturdy folk, and many monks.

The Kingdom of Miro, Frozen City.

When Li Xing came to such a wasteland country at first, naturally, he should have a good time and take a look at the local customs. This is not bad for his cultivation.

In the frozen city, it is not a lively place, with a wide area and a sparse population, and few people can be seen on the street. Ordinary people cannot live here because the weather is too cold and they will freeze to death as soon as they go out.

Only those who have trained more than five can survive in Frozen City. Therefore, there is not even an ordinary person on the street.

Although Li Xing was walking, he was extremely fast. Among the three thousand magical techniques he practiced, there were dozens of puppetry techniques, each of which was very magical and exhibited its own characteristics.

At this moment, he walked ten miles away without touching his feet, and the scenery on both sides kept receding.

Suddenly, there was a team of cars driving in front of it. Hundreds of guards wearing snow furs gathered in a carriage pulled by nine snowfield beasts and snow leopards. The speed was extremely fast, and they met Li Xing.

Li Xing was about to avoid, but he heard a guard yell, "Things that don't elder, get away!"

Not to mention that the other person is a little god, even the algorithmist cannot tolerate it. Li Xing snorted, hitting him without losing speed. With his divine power, he reached the point of weeping ghosts and gods, and the endless forces lined up the mountain ~ www.readwn.com ~. The hundreds of guards in front of them all screamed, and were "popped" by the huge force. No one could stop his footsteps, Li Xing sneered before reaching the car.

The curtain opened, and a handsome-looking teenager poked out his head. He quickly arched his hand at Li Xing: "The ignorance of his subordinates opened the prince, and he hoped to forgive him."

With this apology, Li Xingqi also disappeared, and he said lightly: "If you take care of you, if you change your mind to something bad, they will be dead."

The boy repeatedly claimed that he had no driving skills at all, and said to Li Xing, "The Lord has immense power, and the child has great respect. Can the King please sit in the house?"

Li Xing's eyes flashed: "Oh?"

"Do n’t be misunderstood. The kid is the 16th prince of the Miro Kingdom, and there is a lack of experts around him. Oh, the master of this kind of cultivation, if you want to help, the kid can do great things!"

"Huh! Is this little character worth the invitation of the little prince?" Suddenly, an arrogant voice came, and then a true-looking big hand came to Li Xing, and there were more than a dozen special forces above the big hand , The power of the sky!

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