Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 44: 7 Star Gate. Xu Guang

The temperament of a person is related to his mood. Even if they are not born in Zhong Ming Ding Shi's house, they can also have a special temperament.

Compared with Li Xing, Li Hu looked around, looking for the figure of the county master, and whispered to Li Xing: "Master, what do you think the county master looks like, is it a beauty?"

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "Of course!"

真的 "Really?" Li Hu's eyes lit up. "How did the young master know?"

"Fun to play with you," Li Xingdan said indifferently.

虎 Li Hu froze and continued to glance around.

Li Xing's position is relatively high, because the invitation card he holds has his seat marked on it. Li Xing's left and right are the eminent officials of Qingyun City. People like Li Fei, Li Zheng, Chen Xue and others are still behind Li Xing.

It turned out that not only the people who came to the banquet were from Qingyun City, but also the young talents from the surrounding cities.

Li Xing's special temperament and his important position have attracted a lot of envious eyes. In the face of these eyes, Li Xingquan did not see it, he closed his eyes and practiced his blood. He really didn't want to waste a little bit of time.

In the distance, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang both looked curiously at Li Xing, Chen Shuang whispered: "Sister, how strange, how can Li Xing sit there?"

I heard Chen Shuang asking like this, Chen Xue was unconscious and said, "Why can't he sit there?"

Chen Shuang stayed for a while, then "噗" laughed.

Chen Xue consciously said nothing, and quickly said: "Maybe this person has a thick skin and grabbed a spot."

霜 Chen Shuang looked at Chen Xue with a smile, touched her with her arm, and whispered, "Sister, I think this Li Xing has great potential!"

Chen Xue hummed, "What's that got to do with me?"

霜 Chen Shuang sighed: "I know my sister hasn't forgotten it, Li naturally was ..."

"Okay, stop talking about this." Chen Xue interrupted Chen Shuang's words.

霜 Chen Shuang shrugged his shoulders, grinned, and said nothing.

If Chen Shuang and Chen Xue were surprised at Li Xing's sitting in that position, then Li Zheng and Li Fei were angry.

"What is he! Sitting in such an important position! Damn!" Li Zheng whispered fiercely, and poured the wine from the glass on the table.

飞 Li Fei also gritted his teeth and said, "This wild species! I don't know what kind of noble people are in contact with, so I got this position." Suddenly, he saw a young man sitting not far away.

The young man was about twenty years old, with luxurious clothes and a cold and arrogant look.

飞 Li Fei's eyes brightened, and he whispered, "Isn't that Xu Guang, the Seven-Star Gate of Star City?"

Qi Tianxing City is three hundred miles away from Qingyun City. The status of Qixingmen in the city is equivalent to that of Sanyi Garden in Qingyun City. The Seven Star Gate Xu family controls the business of the entire Star City, and it is more powerful than Sanyi Garden.

Xu Guang is the son of Qixingmen, and no one is used to the stop. Today, when Li Fei looked at his expression, he knew that he was dissatisfied to be placed in such a position.

After a turn of thoughts, a poisonous plan was born. Li Fei and Li Zheng secretly discussed for a while, and the two of them struck a wink. Li Fei raised his glass to Xu Guang and smiled: "Brother Xu, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still like that It's romantic and admiring! "

Although Xu Guang is arrogant, he most likes others to slap him. Li Fei's words are so nice. He looked at him indifferently and said, "It's Li Fei, you are here."

飞 Li Fei sat down aside, talked a few gossips, and suddenly sighed.

光 Xu Guang is proud, but he is also curious and asks strangely: "Li Fei, why do you sigh?"

飞 Li Fei pointed at Li Xing and whispered, "See? No, it's such a good thing that sits in a more important position than us, which makes people feel dull!"

In fact, Xu Guang noticed Li Xing already, but for some reason, when he saw the indifference on Li Xing's face, and looked at Wang Hou's dung expression, Xu Guang was extremely unhappy.

"What! This kind of pretentious person, see me more often!"

This is Xu Guang's first impression of Li Xing. In his eyes, Li Xing is a pretense.

At this time, listening to Li Fei, Xu Guang stared at him: "What is his identity?"

Li Feigan laughed: "Speaking of, this man is really the shame of our Sanyiyuan! His father was an alcoholic, and his mother did not know where the wild woman came from, so he gave birth to him. As soon as this man was born It ’s just a waste. I ca n’t practice blood, and I ’m alive like a servant. Until recently, somehow I left the dog **** and salted fish turned up and started to practice blood. And not long ago, I also won the entry. Cloud pie quota. "

光 Xu Guang was slightly surprised: "He can win a place like this?" The original Qixingmen, like Sanyi Garden, also has a place in the Qiyun School. Therefore, Xu Guang also knows this and understands that if he can get a place, he is either a person with status or a person with sufficient strength.

飞 Li Fei patted his thigh: "Who knows what kind of tricks this wild species has used, and it has really won the quota! Brother Xu thinks that this kind of waste wild species even sits on us, it is a shame for me!"

光 Xu Guang saw Li Xing's unhappiness at this time. At this time, he knew his "origin", and the atmosphere became even more instantaneous. He glanced and saw that the county master had not yet arrived, and immediately waved behind him.

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ came with a servant from Xu Guang.

一 As soon as this servant appeared, Li Fei felt a powerful field, secretly saying, "This man's momentum is not lost to Li Yuan at all!"

Xu Guang whispered to the servant, and the servant glanced at Li Xing, and nodded: "Master, rest assured, the villain will leave him shameless."

光 Xu Guang nodded with satisfaction, and said to Li Fei, "Brother Li, you and I look good."

飞 Li Fei was overjoyed and secretly said, "Li Xing, Li Xing! How do you deal with it! Even if you deal with the past, you have offended Xu Guang, a big enemy under the tree!"

Li Xing was practicing blood, and was suddenly shocked, because he sensed a murderous veil toward him.

I was shocked in my heart, Li Xing took a look around, and secretly said, "Who is going to start with me?" People who practice blood are very sensitive. Once an enemy moves, they can feel it instantly.

兴 Li Xingzheng wondered that Xu Guang's servant had come over with a glass of wine and said humbly: "My son, my young master respects his son with a glass of wine!"

人 The person's footsteps are extremely stable. Every time he takes a step, the ground shakes slightly, and the carpet sinks half an inch deep.

Li Xing sneered in his heart, calmly and vocally, "Dare! I don't know who's your son's name?"

The servant got closer and closer, and said with a smile, "My son-in-law Xu Guang, Xu Guang, toast the son a cup!" After that, he went to Li Xing and sent the glass to Li Xing.

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