Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 45: General trend of peace

Li Xing secretly said: "In front of everyone, this person must not kill me." During flashes, he reached out to pick up the wine glass. Only when the hand touched the cup, a horrible blood force burst into the body suddenly, following the meridians and traumas, damaging Li Xing's meridians.

I felt strange pain all over my body, Li Xing's body shook slightly, but he firmly held the wine glass and stared at the servant coldly.

There was a trace of crickets in the servant's eyes, and he pulled back.

人 This person has long been thinking about it. If Li Xing receives the cup, he will either evacuate backwards or blame it. In the former, Li Xing will inevitably remain shameless; in the latter, he can also seriously hurt Li Xing, making it impossible for him to continue to attend the gifted banquet.

仆 The servant's calculation is very good, but he doesn't know one thing, that is, Li Xingqian is afraid of being scared and least afraid of getting hurt.

After that, seeing that the strength of the other party was horrible, Li Xing didn't choose to retreat. Instead, he stubbornly inherited and caused trauma to the meridians.

The servant servant respected the wine, returned to Xu Guang, and whispered a few words. Xu Guang's face showed a cold smile, and his mocking eyes looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing also noticed Xu Guang, stared at him with a cold look. When he saw Li Fei sitting beside Xu Guang, everything was clear. No need to think, it must be this Li Fei who provoked.

"It seems that people are good and deceived!" Li Xing thought to himself, "Some people, only by stepping on his feet and treating him like a dog, can he be honest!" This incident made Li Xing understand one thing.

Li Xing closed his eyes and felt that Jiuyang Zhu was gradually emitting a strange energy, repairing his body.

He touched for about half an hour, Li Xing's injury was almost recovered, he did not open his eyes and continued to practice blood. Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded beside me: "Li Xing! Call me!"

Li Xing opened his eyes and saw Qian Bixie standing in front of him with a smile.

Li Xing was shocked. How did Qian Pixie know his identity?

I want to know that when Li Xing went to work in Fuguiju, he did not indicate his identity. It is said that Qian's family would not know his origin. But it is clear that the invitation that Murong Jiaojiao sent to Sanyi Garden was also related to Qian's warding off evil, which means that Qian wicking's already knew Li Xing's identity.

Li Xing had doubts, Qian Qianxie seemed to read it out. He sat on Li Xing's side and laughed: "Brother Li has concealed me so hard! If it was not for the Murong family to inquire about the news, I would not know Li Brother is the master of the Li family. "

Li Xing calmly asked, "Is Murong Jiaojiao inquiring about my identity?"

Qian Bixie nodded: "Exactly! Then Murong Jiaojiao looked at Brother Li's words and was shocked to be a heavenly man. He immediately came to visit. However, I don't know where Brother Li lived. What was unexpected was that it took only one month. The Murong family then investigated your identity. "

"I never imagined that you are actually from Sanyiyuan. It is said that Sanyiyuan Fujia Qingyun City, why would anyone go to work in Fuguiju? But then I learned that Brother Li was a Zizhuwan man, haha Li Xing really has a good mind. "Qian Xie praised Li Xing for being able to spoil him.

兴 Li Xing smiled slightly: "It's all about the past, don't mention it. Brother Qian, the lord of Murong County invited the invitation before I came here. I wonder what this gifted feast is like?"

Saving money to ward off evil and mysterious smile: "Hey, this matter can not be said for the time being, please Brother Li to watch it. Then Murong Jiaojiao is most pleased with the mood, I am afraid it will take a long time before you and I drink alcohol first."

钱 This money is close to Li Xing, and he is very respectful.

Those who practise blood, see wine as water, drink thousands of glasses without feeling drunk, Li Xing will drink a large glass.

Saving money to dispel evil in Qingyun City is also a famous poet. Half of the people present recognized him. Someone just toasted Li Xing, and now this money ran away from evil spirits, and was quite close to Li Xing. This could not help but surprise many people secretly. What is the origin of this person, who is in the front, and has met many celebrities. Is it Prince Gonggui?

On the other side, from time to time, Bai Jing and Bai Qiong of the Bai Family of Sanyiyuan took their eyes to meet Li Xing, and the sisters secretly discussed.

"Sister, we used to think he was a waste. I didn't expect it to be a personal talent. I won't talk about winning the quota, but I know everyone from Murong's family," said Bai Qiong.

Baijing sneered: "This man's city is really deep. He was a pitiful figure and lied to my outsider for so many years. Such a person, I think about it and I am afraid."

But Bai Qiong didn't take it seriously and said: "Men are only right when there is a city government. Such talents will not suffer." Having said that, she glanced at Li Xue and whispered, "Li Xue made money this time!"

Bai Jing disagreed: "Li Xue was married by Li Ziran before he was born. At that time, he had no scenery at all, and naturally spoke freely. However, if Li naturally did not propose it, would Li Xue be cheeky? Admit it? "

Bai Qiong paused and chuckled: "Also! If I'm Li Xing, I may not even look at her! Huh, look at her cold look, it seems that everyone in the world is not worth her a look, what's so great! "

I can't see it for the blind. Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are the most beautiful pair of sister flowers in Sanyi Garden. Bai Jing and Bai Qiong are also beauties, but by comparison, they are far behind.

People in Sanyiyuan secretly like to compare a pair of sister flowers of the Bai family with a pair of sister flowers of the Chen family ~ www.readwn.com ~ This comparison, Bai Qiong often hears in his ears, secretly jealous.

Li Xing talked with Qian Bixie and asked about Murong Jiaojiao's identity.

Qian Bianxue said: "There are only four jade princes and one prince in Pingguo. Brother Li also knows that our Pingguo was actually separated by princes and split into 36 families. Each prince, or occupying three or five The cities, or occupying hundreds of cities, have their own policies. "

"Each prince has an interest relationship with several major factions in Pingguo. For example, Fang Hou Wangxing, a subordinate of Qingyun City, is an internal disciple of the Qiyun faction. The 35 cities under his management are also They have a more or less interest in Qi Yun faction. "

"Taking Sanyi Garden as an example, at least one fifth of the annual income should be used to honor Qiyun faction. Otherwise, would Qiyun faction give up nine places to Sanyi Garden in vain?"

"And Murong Tianxing is one of the four jade princes, with 186 subordinate cities and one of the five princes of Pingguo."

"Speaking of Murong Tianxing's power, it ranks second among the five princes, so it is extremely powerful and no one dares to mess with it."

Li Xing doesn't know much about these things. At this point, after listening to Qian Bixie's words, he became interested and asked him about the division of forces in Pingguo.

Although Qian Bixie is a literati, he knows the trend of the world. He wet his hands with wine, swiped a few times on the table, and said to Li Xing: "The 36 princes of Pingguo actually belong to the five martial arts. These five martial arts, the first The strong one is Qi Yunpai. "

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