Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 533: Evangelism

Chapter 22: Evangelism

However, at this moment he is trying to open the Tianji Temple, and has no time to deal with Li Xing, and can only stare. Li Xing was also seriously injured, suspended in the air, motionless and fully repaired.

Chiyang aura, don't flow into the body in large quantities, he simply took this opportunity to practice Chiyang Gong. Chiyang Gong, he only stepped into the first place, practicing very slowly. Now practice after severe injuries, the speed suddenly increased a lot.

At the beginning, in order to be able to practice quickly, he would have to "self-harm" from time to time. Since entering the level of training God, I have never done it like this. Today, the sword of Fury Warfare almost killed him with a sword, and the severity of the injury was shocking.

But it said that the angry war mage, after being cut, he ignored Li Xing, but urged the Extinction Sword with all his strength, and kept cutting around. This continued for a day, and the extinction sword became more and more sharp, and the space was cut by it to appear numerous cracks, dense, and full of black texture.

Suddenly, a mighty palace, somehow triggered, emerged from the void. This palace unleashes an ingenious idea, making people totally unpredictable. It seems that it represents the mystery of the heavens and the earth, and mortals cannot see the mystery at all.

"Tianji Temple! Tianji Temple finally appears!" The angry warfare man burst into laughter, his body flashed, and rushed towards Tianji Temple.

The Tianji Hall is extremely huge, like a mountain. The portal of the main hall is also a very powerful bank, and it is lived by a layer of heavenly light *. Entering the temple, the angered warlord eagerly ran into the magical light of the day.

"Ka La La!"

An optical net suddenly stopped the angry war mage, somehow, the angry war lord suddenly held his hands in his head, his face in pain, shouting again and again.

Li Xing was shocked. What is that optical network? Why is it so powerful?

At this moment, three Faguang galloped and three people appeared. These three people, one by one, are ruthless and arrogant, they are Tianquan, Tianheng and Tiandu. The three masters are all Fatian Triples.

The three were very shocked when they saw the Tianji Hall. Master Tianquan said, "The elders of the Five Elements are pointing in the right direction, and there is indeed a Tianji Hall here!" Then, he looked at Li Xing who was still recovering from his injuries.

At this moment, Li Xing slowly opened his eyes and stared at the three.

"Are you Li Xing?" Master Tianquan approached step by step, sneer again and again, "Unexpectedly, you are already injured, it seems easier to kill you."

"You are all people of all kinds of methods?" Li Xing asked, Shen's expression remained unchanged.

"Yes, Wan Famen decided to open the forbidden ground long ago. The three of us just came to see the situation. In the future, more masters will come and dig this place thoroughly!" Master Tiandu smiled, "But you There is no chance to see it. "

"Oh?" Li Xing actually stood up and grinned. "Three idiots, think you can catch me?"

Suddenly, he disappeared, but he sacrificed the lamp of nihilism and transformed into nihilism.

"What?" The three mages were startled, and the three chants were soaring, trying to get Li Xing out, but unfortunately they couldn't find anything. How can their imagination be far less than the blow of the Extinction Sword?

"Hateful!" Tiandu stomped angrily, "I didn't expect such a baby on him!"

"Junior, get out of here!" As the three of them were annoyed, the thunderous voice of the angry warlord came rolling.

Tianquan looked at it with a mocking expression, and said coldly: "Furious fighting old ghost, do you think we are afraid of you now? You are trapped by Tianji.com, if you can't figure it out, you can't get out!"

The angry warlord snarled again and again, "How do you know, junior?"

"Of course I know." Master Tianquan smiled, and an expression of Zhizhu was showing on his face. "I, Wan Famen, started planning to open the Heavenly Machine Hall thousands of years ago. I have been preparing. How can I not know what happened in Heavenly Machine Hall? Even some of my mages have fallen under the power of Tianjiwang. "

During his speech, he took out a strange light, only the size of a slap, and Guanghua flickered constantly, and he could calculate lightning millions of times every moment.

"Old ghost, do you see it? This is the magic light of Heavenly Machine! With the help of it, you can pass through Heavenly Machine Network!"

The angry war prince smirked with a smile: "Do you think that you can only enter by relying on the magical light of heaven? This prince can't get in, so don't even think about it!"

"It may not be so, old ghost, you look at it." Tianquan Master, holding Tianji Shenguang in his hand, ran straight to the gate of Tianji Hall. As soon as he entered it, he was also enveloped by Guangwang. At the same time, a mysterious idea was conveyed.

The idea is very complicated, and even the prince cannot comprehend its true meaning, unless he has an inferred artifact such as the magical light of the heavenly machine to enter. Suddenly, this idea was introduced into the magical light of heaven.

Shenguang flashed frantically and kept calculating. However, when Tianji Shenguang calculates, he needs to consume a large amount of mage's source, and the mage of right to power does not dare to take it lightly and urge him.

In the distance, Tianheng and Tiandu, two mages, stayed on the left and right to prevent outsiders coming in.

Tianji Shenguang flickered for a dozen breaths, and Tian asked: "How about heaven's power?"

"It looks like you can enter it at most a quarter of an hour!" Tianquan laughed. "You are waiting outside to prevent old men from fighting in anger."

"Be careful." Tian Heng and Tian nodded.

At this moment, a light and shadow suddenly crashed into the light net, which was Li Xing. This time, everyone was taken aback. This guy was injured, dare to come back?

Tianquan's face changed drastically, and he said in a dark voice, "Li Xing, you seem to have enough life!"

"Fuck your mother's fart!" Li Xing smiled coldly. "You are trapped in Tianji.com. You can't protect yourself. Do you want to deal with me?"


After that, Tianheng and Tiandu both shot at the same time, and the two mana masters approached Li Xing. However, as soon as the big hand encountered the optical network, the instant collapsed, the two mage yelled, and backed up in a hurry.

"Huh!" Li Xing also received the mysterious idea, and began to use Zhenwu Tianzhen to quickly calculate. "As long as I can enter Tianji Temple one step ahead, how can you help me?"

"Can you enter the Heavenly Machine Hall?" Mage Tianquan laughed. "Unfortunately you don't have the Godly Light!"

"What is God's magical light?" Li Xing pushed the Zhenwu sky array with all his strength, and the thunder rolled in the chaotic nebula. The recently captured Shen Dan was directly put into it for calculation.


Tian Zhen ’s calculation speed has soared, and finally surpassed Tianji Shenguang. Gradually, that complex idea was understood by Li Xing. Everyone saw that the light net on him was gradually disappearing.

Tianquan was taken aback, and he was in a hurry. He shouted, "Burning the source, try your best!"

Suddenly, the majestic mage source rushed into the magical light of heaven, and also increased the calculation speed. Like Li Xing, the Tianji network outside him also kept disappearing.

At this moment, the angry mage saw his eyes turned red, and he worked hard to urge the Extinction Sword, but it was easy to trigger the Tianji Temple, but was picked up by these two juniors, and he vomited out of blood.

Both Tian Heng and Tian couldn't get started with Li Xing. At this moment, they all mentioned their throats and cried out, "Tianquan! The speed of the little beast's calculation seems faster than you, and Tianjiwang will disappear!"

"I know! You don't talk nonsense!" Tianquan smiled coldly, biting the tip of his tongue, wondering what secret method was used, and actually increased the speed of the calculation twice. The speed of the Tianji network around him immediately passed Li Xing.

Li Xing's eyes narrowed, and his heart trembled: "Be sure to be one step ahead to enter the Tianji Hall. It seems that I can only fight it back!" He had just been seriously injured, and his injuries had not recovered, so he couldn't mobilize with all his strength.

At this moment, seeing that Tianquan was about to enter the Heavenly Machine Hall, Li Xing was also anxious at once. He shouted, and the newly agglomerated star Fu Dan was suddenly struck into the Zhenwu Heavenly Array. The celestial celestial force suddenly filled the chaotic nebula, and the calculation speed of the sky array increased rapidly.

However, with such a fierce calculation, Li Xing is also suffering tremendous pain. Every part of the muscles and bones of the whole body was shaking and cracking slightly. He is now like a man made of crushed porcelain, covered with blood.

Tianquan showed its secrets and immediately gained an advantage. Tianheng and Tian were very happy. "Haha" laughed, but without three laughs, the voice stopped abruptly because Li Xing did not know what method was used, and the speed of the calculation was actually Promote quickly.

"Four! There will be a period later!" Li Xing laughed a long time ago, and the light net outside him finally completely disappeared. He was also freed from the shackles, and was forced into the Temple of Heaven by a tremendous force.

As soon as Li Xing entered the Tianji Hall, the light net outside Master Tianquan disappeared. Unfortunately, he was always one step behind. Suddenly, the Heavenly Machine Hall “shocked” and disappeared again, and the angry warlord was also ejected.

As soon as the fury was free, he roared again and again: "Three juniors, die!" Tianji Dian disappeared, he completely lost the opportunity to enter, and immediately vented his anger to the three people in Tianquan.

Tianquan, Tianheng and Tiandu were shocked and furious, and they all fought to resist. On that day, Quan directly released a magic weapon ~ www.readwn.com ~ to fight the angry warlord.

It is said that Li Xing's eyes were dark, and the countless gorgeous brilliance around them retreated, and after a few breaths, they entered a strange time and space. Under the ground, the ground paved with mysterious mysterious light extends out infinitely.

Above his head was a void.

Li Xing stood on the boundless earth, with infinite void above his head, and suddenly felt extremely small. A great figure descended from the void. This figure is three kilometers high, with a high crown and a wide band, with an ancient appearance, and with infinite wisdom in his eyes.

As soon as the great figure appeared, without a word, a big hand pressed into a group of strange brilliance into Li Xing's body. As soon as the opponent shot, Li Xing was about to dodge, but no action had yet taken place, and Guanghua was already in the body.

That Guanghua entered the Zhenwu Heavenly Array, which was immediately divided into three, condensed into a book, a mysterious large array, a majestic force.

At the same time, the great figure said: "The mystery of the heavens, the origin of Seoul, reshape the true body, and kill nine days!"

"Boom!" Time passed and space shifted. At the next moment, Li Xing had already left Tianji Hall and returned to Miro.

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