Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 534: Vajrayana is not bad 8th

Chapter 23: King Kong is not bad

"What's going on?" Li Xing was so surprised that he didn't understand what happened.

Tian Xie was shocked, and his onlookers were clear, and Shen said, "Gossip less, immediately leave this place, find a potential repair!"

Without saying anything, Li Xing first lost the Song Zancong, and at the same time performed ancient magic and heart swapping, which erased the other party's memory. When Song Zancong was awake, he had returned to the palace, but he no longer remembered Li Xing.

A divine light, silent, left Miro and continued to fly north. Li Xing was looking for a place to digest the three things obtained in the Heavenly Hall.

At the same time, several brilliances flew up from the abyss, and the five elements of the monarch, the four men of heaven, the capital of heaven, and the balance of the heavens, as well as the monarch of the angry battle appeared.

The angry war mage stared fiercely at the four of them, and suddenly laughed wildly: "Five elements! In the end, you still get nothing, and Tianji Temple disappears again! When the kid enters it, he will definitely get Tianqizi's no upload, not you! "

The Five Elements Duke was extremely upset at this moment, and everything was under control. However, the sudden appearance of the angry warlord made him trapped in a fantasy. And that Li Xing, did not know what method was used, actually escaped the shackles of mana and entered the Heavenly Machine Hall.

Before Li Xing, he put down the blood, the five elements of real fire, the big five elements of the furnace, the five elements of ancient characters, not bad day blood. It can be said that all the possessions and all the savings were invested in Li Xing, hoping to invest it Refine the body.

It is a pity that Li Xing was able to escape and took away all his treasures.

"He can't escape! Sooner or later he will fall into my hands!" The Five Elements Duke snorted heavily. "Furious battle, the grievance between us, say it later!" With a wave of his sleeve, Fa Guang swept away, taking the right to heaven, etc. People, go straight to the air.

The angry warlord did not catch up, because even if he could catch up, he could not fight the other four. He slammed hard and said to himself, "I haven't returned to the Troll Gate for hundreds of years. I wonder what the situation is now?"

Li Xing flew all the way north, deep into the ice and snow wasteland, the farther into it, the colder the weather, you can already meet some mighty monsters. Such as Binglong, Binghuang, etc., once they enter their territory, they will be attacked.

Fortunately, Li Xing had a nimble lamp, but it was safe all the way, without any trouble. His injuries have not recovered, and he must find a place as soon as possible to adjust his body.

Above the ice and snow wasteland, there are huge ice and snow abyss everywhere, and at this moment, another abyss blew across the eyes. Li Xing glanced and said, "Cultivate here!"

Immediately, with the help of the nimble lamp, he went into the abyss to hide and practice alone.

In the sky of Chiyang, Li Xing sat cross-legged, with a pained expression. The extinct sword light of the angry warfare lord made him severely wounded. After Canada came to fight again and again, causing injuries.

For another person, I am afraid that he has died directly at this moment, but Li Xing's physique is arrogant and he persists.

The intricate lines of Chiyang Reiki quickly entered his body and repaired his injuries. After seven full days, he recovered completely and finally had time to study the three things in the sky array.

At that time, a great figure appeared, and a power was struck into his body, and that power became three things, a book, an array, and a force.

When Li Xing practiced, Emperor Tianxie kept silent. At this point, his injuries recovered, and Tian Xie finally said, "Li Xing, the impact on the teacher for nine lives and nine destroyers is not bad. The magic is seventh!"

"Can you break through?" Li Xing looked surprised.

"Do you know the origin of these three things? Do you know who the man in the Temple of Heaven is?" Tian Xie asked the Emperor, and before Li Xing spoke, he continued, "That man was the God of Heaven, in the wild days. Great existence! The three things he gave you are his ethics! "

Li Xing's heart was pounding. He looked closely and saw three things, each with their own extraordinaryness. That book, although without the mysteries of the ancient Xuanjing, contains a special flavor, and it seems to carry a kind of avenue.

The large array was even more amazing, and his chaotic Vientiane large array was nothing compared to it. This formation is composed of three thousand complex formations in a mysterious way. With only one glance, Li Xing felt disgusted on his chest, dizzy, and dared not look at it again.

As for that group of energy, it was Li Xing's most anticipated thing. It revealed a breath that made Li Xing extremely comfortable.

"These three things should be Tianji Taoshu, Tianji Avenue, and the source of real people!" Tian Xie the Emperor exclaimed, "The source of real people! You got it!"

As soon as Li Xing's eyes lighted, his thoughts moved and he wanted to wrap the real person. Unexpectedly, in the source, a hard and overbearing breath came, directly bounced his divine thoughts.

"It's so powerful!" Li Xing tried several times in a row and couldn't shake the slightest.

Emperor Tianxie said, "Isn't it that you are shocked and not bad? Seventh? This is a real human being. You are strong, but you can't bear it. Moreover, your current strength is not enough to control this power. "

"Is this the source of real people?" Li Xing looked shocked. "I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It seems that we must absorb this strength until the ninth most important skill of King Kong is not bad!"

Emperor Tianxie: "Yes, the teacher is in line with your original inference. At the time, Candle Dragon created King Kong Refining, it should be to prepare for the absorption of real human origin."

Li Xing's eyes flickered: "Xuanyuan Bai said that real people can also be distinguished, real people in the battlefield, flying real people, real people, true kings, true sages! He also talked about real people, real people, and high points The lowest level is the origin of real people in the battlefield, and the most precious is the origin of true saints. "

"The origin of this real person is left by Tianjizi." The Emperor Tianxie smiled. "On that day, Jizhi was one of the seven sons of the barbaric era of ancient times. Will the ordinary human origin be left behind? "

"So this real person's origins should also be true saints." Li Xing took a breath. "It's no wonder that I can't absorb such a powerful force at all now."

"King Kong is not bad. The magic is the ninth most important. At that time, King Kong was not bad. It should be able to withstand this force." Tian Xiedao said, "Good things have many hardships, ancient and modern!"

The matter has been very clear, Tianjizi left Taoism, a large array, a book, a real human origin. For Tianji Dazhen and Tianji Tao Shu, Li Xing is temporarily unable to comprehend it, but this is the real source, but it must be absorbed anyway.

After King Kong was ninefold, he was able to absorb the origins of real people, and then he could condense the Xuanjie physical body! After that, the Xuanjie physical body merged with the Xuanjie Divine Infant to create the true shape of Xuanjie!

Even the Emperor Tianxie only knew that from ancient times to the present, only one person in the legend has condensed the Xuanjie true form, and that is the ancestor of Chunyang!

The ancestor of Chunyang is one of the strongest in history, the only one that breaks through the level of law and heaven and enters a higher level of existence. Of course, it is unknown if there is more power before Chunyang ancestor.

Even outside Tianyuanzhou, is there a greater existence than the ancestor of Chunyang, Li Xing and Tianxie also don't know.

Next, Li Xing's goal is very clear, that is, practicing the nine lives and nine destroyers is not bad.

Suddenly the Yueyu passed. In the furnace of the Big Five Elements, King Kong ’s sword has completely melted into a Vajra breath after smelting during this time. Even the golden skeleton found in the tomb completely melted into hard power.

Suddenly, Li Xing shouted, his whole body exploded, turned into a tumbling phosgene, and arranged and combined continuously.

King Kong has not broken the magic, and has broken through six times in a row. He is already very familiar with the cultivation skills. Therefore, the seventh breakthrough of the No. 1 Magical Skill, although equally difficult and difficult, passed without any surprises.

Blind elixir, pieces of sacred things, ancient gods and celestial stars, exploded continuously and integrated into the body. After phosgene tumbled for three days, it reunited into Li Xing's body.

Nine lives and nine destructions. The cultivation of the magical skills is not bad. There is no way to find it, only to come out by yourself. Therefore, how to cultivate and how to grasp it, Li Xing is very independent and has great room for freedom.

When he showed his true body again, he felt that the strength of his body was so incredible that his physical strength was beyond description. You know, the hard and sharp of King Kong's sword can cut everything.

This rigidity and sharpness perfectly complement the original unyielding effect of the blood of Xing Tianxian at the time, making Li Xing's physical body as strong as a horror.

"King Kong isn't bad seventh, and then encounters Master Tianquan and others, it won't be so embarrassing." Li Xing thought to himself, he shouted loudly and rose up.

"Master, the apprentice feels that Vajrayana is not bad for the seventh skill ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is still unable to bear the origin of real human beings, and continues to cultivate." Li Xingdao said, "However, the power of the golden skull and Vajrayana sword has already been I thoroughly absorbed, what is the next practice? "

The Emperor Tianxie seems to have thought about it for a long time, and said, "The Holy Spirit of Heavenly Bone!"

"The Holy Spirit of Heavenly Bone?" Li Xing suddenly remembered that when he was practicing, he refined a bone of the Holy Spirit. And the bone of the Holy Spirit was evolved from the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone.

The Bone Spirit Gate was originally a continuation of a certain force in the era of antiquity. Originally, this power had died out as far back as ancient times, but Taoism was left behind, discovered by future generations, and the Bone Spirit Gate was established.

The Bone Spirit Gate, which was the first faction of the Daxia Kingdom, was later annihilated by the Tianyimen and the other factions, and the Holy Spirit of the Bone fell into the hands of the day.

In the beginning, a single bone spirit fetus was already extremely precious. If you get the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone, it will definitely help him to break through to the eighth weight of Vajrayana!

"Yes! If you can find the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone, you will have a great chance to cultivate to the eighth level." Li Xing nodded. That's right! "

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