Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 535: Purify Real Fire

Chapter 24: Purification of Real Fire

Emperor Tianxie nodded: "In fact, if you want to improve your physical strength, Qiqiqibao is the most suitable. However, these seven things are too arrogant, and your eight-dimensional King Kong body cannot bear it."

The seven heavenly treasures are the geniuses of Tianyuan who are 800 years ago, and the seven treasures condensed by the heavenly Taoism. If they are integrated into the body, they can greatly enhance their strength and the body is not bad.

Li Xing naturally thought of this. He thought about it and said, "When the cultivation of King Kong is not bad, the skill of the ninth may be a test to break the Qiqibao, but at the moment, I don't have this ability. Moreover, I have only five pieces, and two are missing. "

The seven treasures that break the sky are the immovable heart, the unbreakable blood, the unstained skin, the immortal immortal, the immortal flame, the glorious heavenly charm, and the eternal light. Among the seven treasures, except for the immortal immortal and the undyed skin, the rest are already in the hands of Li Xing.

Skybreaker Qibao was prepared for himself by the Skybreaker Master. The mage-breaking mage has reached the state of affairs, and the ten-fold respect of the law, so only the Supreme Body can bear the power of Qibao.

Although Li Xing has cultivated Vajrayana's magical powers and has reached the eighth level, he can't withstand this mighty force. Only by impacting King Kong's Ninefolds, did he have a chance to try, but it may not necessarily succeed.

Utilizing the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone to cultivate the eighth weight of King Kong's martial arts, and the seventh weight with shocking seven treasures, this is a temporary plan. However, before implementing this plan, Li Xing had several things to deal with.

The five elements of true fire are still circulating in the body at the moment, tempering the body. However, he knew that the five elements of the five fires had the idea of ​​a mage master, which had not yet been fully used by him.

Moreover, the Five Elements Master did not give up his plan to consolidate Li Xinglian at all, maybe he was waiting for an opportunity. Therefore, the immediate priority is to truly transform the Five Elements into their own.

Real fire is extremely precious, especially for Dan Shi. If Li Xing's Great Dan Ding wants to improve further, he must have the Five Elements. With real fire, he can easily refined the god.

"Huh! The Five Elements Monarch thought that the Dharma was attached to the Five Elements Real Fire, so I didn't want to, and how did he know my methods?" Li Xing sneered, performing a purification technique in ancient magic.

Suddenly, a large amount of purification air descended from the void and rushed into the five elements of real fire. This purifying air is abnormally magical, and the Falun is suddenly washed away by it. After rushing several times in succession, all the Dharma ideas disappeared completely.

At this moment, Wan Famen, a mysterious space, the old five-element Fajun is meeting with several senior officials of Wan Famen. These people are unpredictable and unpredictable. Many of them are capable people who have stepped into the tenfold state of law!

"Not good!" The Five Elements Falun Gong who was talking, his face changed greatly. "The little beast actually refined the mana mark I left! Damn it!"

A voice said: "I'm afraid I have already left the Heavenly Machine Hall at this moment, and have acquired the Heavenly Machine.

"Anyway, let me take a trip and catch the kid. If he knows the truth, he will worship Wan Famen and become a core disciple. If he doesn't know him, kill him directly and take everything from him." Two voices sounded, and the speaker was hiding in a burning flame.

"Red Flame Master, since you are willing to take a shot, you will naturally catch it. However, the junior worships the heavenly operator as a teacher, and I am afraid he will intervene." Teaching in Vientiane.

Chiyan Fajun sneered: "What is the heavenly man? He didn't even step into the path. He initially bet with the teacher and was trapped by Vientiane for a hundred years. He even left Zhou Tianyi and dare to Are we right? "

"The heavenly man was just a monk who practiced in the past, and now he is Fatian Jiuzhong, who is good at inference, and I am afraid he will never be trapped again in Vientiane. You are also Fatian Jiuzhong and you may not fight him." Slowly said, "So, you take my 'Mixian Deity' on this trip, and if he doesn't know anything, he will catch me."

"Not right." Another more far-reaching voice sounded, "The heavenly man has an octopus tower, and the Vientiane **** can't be afraid of fighting. Five elements, this matter is related to you, you bring the" Five Elements Sword "to accompany Red Homura walked back. "

This open land has a very high status, and even Vientiane Taoists are very respectful to him, and nodded: "Tianji Daojun said that it is extremely true, so arrange it."

The Five Elements Duke was extremely annoyed and trembled: "No matter what you do on this trip, you must catch that little beast!"

However, he said that Li Xing purified the five elements of the true fire and put it into the Yuanshen as a tool for alchemy in the future. At the same time, this real fire can always temper his physical body.

After dealing with the five elements of true fire, attention fell to the ancient Xuanjing again. On the first page of this ancient mystery, several ancient characters have been absorbed on the first page, giving off some power. On the first page, there should be 108 words in total, but most of them are still vacant.

Li Xing had a hunch that if this 108 ancient ancient texts could be completely filled in, this verse would reveal a huge secret, which is very important to him.

You must know that every ancient text is precious and contains immense power. And how powerful is a scripture written entirely from ancient authentic texts? It's hard to imagine.

The ancient Xuanjing, wrapped in a chaotic nebula, connects the two breaths, making the latter more magical and full of chaos.

After observing the ancient Xuanjing for a while, Li Xing still couldn't see the clue, saying, "Master, if this Xuanjing is written completely, it will definitely record the things of the ancient times."

"Yes, I also feel that the origin of the world and the beginning of the creation should be recorded on this mystery. Even, it may be related to the great sage of ancient times." The real text is extremely difficult, and it may not succeed in a lifetime. "

"It doesn't matter. Find one is one." Li Xing looked dismissive. "If you don't force it, it will."

Tian Xie nodded: "You can think of it best."

The next day, the well-prepared Li Xing left the ice and snow wasteland, headed to the Daxia Kingdom in the southwest, and went to Tianyimen to find the heavenly bones. This trip was naturally difficult, and Tianyimen is one of the superpowers.

As soon as Li Xing set off, Qi Yunpai, the heavenly man suddenly moved his heart, pointed his finger at it, and frowned, "Today there is a great disaster! Where does the woe come from?"

After another calculation, the sky operator suddenly said, "Eight pole! Your big enemy is here, should you fight him?"

After the drink, a fifteen-six-year-old boy, wearing eight-color brocade, said plainly: "Old man, what have you got?"

"Two great figures from Wan Famen came to take me. Li Xing's little **** is not there. Pity me that old bone is desperate for others." Tian operator smiled bitterly. Famen's Tianyi old ghost was killed. Don't you want revenge? "

"Huh! I ca n’t even recover my strength. How can I get revenge? Your disciple has very good qualifications. I have to rely on him to open the remaining eight floors of the cave and then completely worship me. Only in this way can I exert all my power." The talking boy is the spirit of the eight pole tower.

A high-level magic weapon like an eight-pole tower is extremely intelligent and can already condense the Yuanling into a human form.

"So, aren't you going to do it?" Sky Operator sighed. "Looks like we have to stay away."

"Leave the green hills in there, not afraid of no firewood," Baji said lightly, "Li Xing is growing very fast and will not hide forever."

"Reasonable." The sky operator immediately called for You Yuxu and others, and said the situation briefly. He is the strongest person in Fa Tian Jiu Zhong, Li Xing is absent, and everyone listens to him. So, after a while, everyone entered the octopus tower.

Immediately, the eight-pole tower shrank to a height of more than three inches, and was taken into the sleeve by the sky operator. He glanced at the open space below, and mumbled, "Now only the South China Sea is still quiet, go and hide there."

After that, he blasted into the air, a ray of light burst out, and his people disappeared.

As soon as the front foot of the sky operator left, the hind legs of the Red Flame Master and the Five Elements Master arrived. When they saw the empty Qiyun faction, they were shocked.

"The heavenly operator really deserves its reputation, and she slipped ahead of time!" Chiyan Fajun said angrily, "hate!"

The Five Elements Duke's eyes flickered and he said, "Chi Yan, you will send a briefing first, and I will continue to hunt Li Xing."

Chi Yan glanced at him and said, "Do you still want to make him into a body?"

"That's right! You don't know. My family is all on him. How can I be willing?" Master Five Elements said fiercely, "My life span is less than a hundred years. I must catch him as soon as possible!"

Chiyan Fajun nodded his head: "Okay, you take care of it, but in case you teach the strange crimes, you will bear it."

The Five Elements Dharma said lightly: "I have my own words, and you don't need to worry about this."

Chi Yan snorted and turned to leave. The five-element mage flew in the opposite direction.

Li Xingcai flew out of the ice and snow wasteland, and a light beam flew out. He reached out and grabbed a sign in his hand. Starting with that spell, the image and sound of the sky operator are displayed on it.

The above heavenly operator stared and said, "Boy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Did you get me into trouble? How did Wanfamen come to the door? I want to go to the South China Sea for my teacher, and carry the eight pole tower with me for three years Within, you do n’t go back. "

After that, there was no other command, and the spells were directly turned into flying smoke.

Li Xing angered, "Wan Famen actually started to attack me now!"

"Since they know you have entered the Heavenly Machine Hall, of course they won't let it go." Tianxiedao said, "To enhance our strength now is the only way to deal with Wanfamen."

Li Xing snorted heavily: "When I condense the mysterious metaphysical form, I will open the treasure of the Emperor Tianwu, and then hit the level of Fa Tianchang, and make a big noise to Wanfamen!"

It didn't take long for me to reach the demon forest, and in front of him was the site of the Scarfaced Ancestor. Li Xing didn't converge, he flew through the air with a big swing, holding the Jiulongya in his hands, as if he was afraid that others might not know he had magic weapons.

"Who is so arrogant?" A cold voice came up, and the overbearing mana was directly approaching Li Xing.

Li Xing opened his eyes and shouted, "Your little master me!"

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