Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 537: Heavenless King

Chapter 26: Heavenly King

At the time of Li Xingfei's death, the four dragon guards had been secretly following, and it was they who did not allow the scarred ancestors to dare to act lightly. A thin black line followed Li Xing from a distance, which was not found.

"Boss, this kid is so ghostly, we wouldn't be able to keep up with him if the contact on the lady didn't work," a guard said.

"The Scarface ancestor was uneasy just now, but the strength of this little **** has actually improved! You see if he didn't, he actually defeated the mage with one move, and that Sky Fox is also quite famous."

"So it seems that this kid will surpass us one day or another. At that time, will we not need our guardian lady?" The fourth senior dragon dragon dragon always refused to accept others, and at this time had to admire Li Xinglai.

"It also depends on how Her Majesty arranges. His Majesty said that once this Li Xing breaks through the level of Fa Tian, ​​there will not be many people who can suppress him in the world. Let us wait and see." Old Avenue.

The demon forest seemed to turn into a "quiet forest". On the way down, Li Xing didn't even touch the demon hair. He couldn't help wondering. There must be a reason behind the abnormal thing, he decided to stop and find the reason.

When it comes to understanding the demon forest, the people around Li Xing put Xue Feifei first. This little girl has been thrown into Baiyangjingtian by Li Xing for a while, and slept a lot.

As soon as he thought, Xue Feifei was taken out of Jingtian. Her long eyelashes fluttered a few times, opened her eyes, and immediately jumped up and shouted, "Where did you go?"

As soon as Li Xing listened, he said earnestly, "I decided not to go to Mimon Gate, and returned to the same way."

"Oh." Xue Feifei didn't doubt it. "Where are we going?"

Li Xingdao: "Go southwest to Daxia Kingdom." Then he told the strange things that happened along the way and asked, "Do you know why this road is so quiet?"

Xue Feifei's eyes flowed, and she secretly murmured: "Some dragon monsters must have issued a demon order, so the demon retreat." She thought so, but did not dare to say it, only said, "Oh, it must be the monsters are sleeping went."

Li Xing rolled his eyes and the monster slept? He stared at Xue Feifei, who looked freely, and said with a smile, "Master, if you go further, this is the place of Heifeng Lao Yao."

In the demon forest, there are three emperors, two emperors, three sages, and six old demons. They are all famous and are overlords. Heifeng Lao Yao is one of them.

Heifeng Old Demon is not easy to mess with, Li Xing decided to detour. However, sometimes trouble comes to you automatically.

Seeing, Li Xing and Xue Feifei gradually moved away from the sphere of influence of the Heifeng Lao Yao. Suddenly, three black lights stopped two of them, showing three evil-looking characters.

The three of them had a big fangs, a red eyebrow and a big head. Each of these three people is a tenfold practice of God, and is full of momentum.

The three blocked the way, and the big man yelled, "Well! Chicks stay, men get off!"

Xuefei Fei angrily pointed at the three of them: "Three fierce black winds, you dare to provoke Miss Ben, you are so brave!"

"Haha ..." The three laughed abruptly.

"He said we didn't dare to mess with her? Who did she think she was?" The fang man asked with a smile, but he soon noticed that the other two had widened eyes and looked behind him in surprise.

He could not help but turn around and saw a strange brilliance escape from the void, condensing into a sign. Above this order, there is the grandeur.

"Wang demon order!" The three shrank to one place vigilantly, looked around, and yelled, "Which messenger has arrived?"

There was no answer, and it was quiet all around.

Li Xing frowned, gazing at the condensed whip, thoughtfully. Xue Feifei was furious, and said that the four big idiots, how could she show the Wan Yao Ling so blatantly?

"Miss walks away, Wutiandaojun's car will arrive soon!" Suddenly, an anxious voice sounded in Xue Feifei's ears, naturally, only she could hear.

Xue Feifei was taken aback. The lawless monarch is a very high status in the demon forest, and his strength is so strong that even the demon emperor cannot be controlled by him. How could he pass here?

She is not afraid that Wu Tiandao Jun is not good for her, but she is afraid of being revealed because she is so familiar with Wu Tiandao Jun!

"Master, let's go!" Xue Feifei left Li Xing.

Li Xingqi said: "Hurry up? What's wrong?"

Sheffield stammered, "I ... I'm afraid of these three."

"Don't be afraid." Li Xing smiled slightly.

During his speech, he suddenly shot, and a great divine spell "hiding the sky" severely suppressed it. The three fierce black winds, before being able to sober from the deterrence of Wan Yaoling, saw a giant hand covering the sky, covering the sky over a radius of ten miles.

Above the giant palm, the infinite divine power rolled down, and the three could not help changing colors.

"No! Let's go!" One of the three fierce men yelled, all three struggling with all their might and trying to escape.

Unfortunately, the gap between them and Li Xing is too big, their bodies are directly fixed and they cannot move.

With one stroke to suppress the three fierce, Li Xingzheng was about to kill. Suddenly, an endless might came from the south. He moaned, and the divine power collapsed instantly. Although the three fiercers were free, under this might, all shivered, and they actually gave the five-body throwing ceremony and fell to the ground with trembling. They seemed to realize something.

The sound of thunder came from Rumble, and I saw billions of brilliance to the south. The sky was blasting and a car was driving. The car was incredibly expensive, with many feats inlaid on it, each of which made Li Xing salivate and widen his eyes.

On top of the car, there was a towering man sitting on top of it, with a canopy of phobia and sky, and pulled by a nine dragon. The nine dragons, all of which are snow-white in color, are pure snow and ice dragons, each of which is equivalent to the strength of Fatian Jiuzhong Fajun.

The man, with a jade crown on his head, was wearing a pure white cloud robe. Above his face, he was obscured by a layer of cloud air and could not see clearly. This man, with a magnificent skeleton and numerous weather, seems to be the mountain, the sea, the Lord of the Nine Heavens, and the God of ancient times. It seems that all the honor, glory, and pride of the world are blessed to him alone.

In front of this man, any life is extremely humble, not even a cricket reptile, and a feeling of filth comes from within.

In the empty space, a black line "bounced" and exploded, showing the four dragons of the dragon. They were forced out of their figure by the mighty might. At this moment, their faces were pale, and they respectfully stepped forward to see: "The four dragons of dragon, see Heavenless King!"

Li Xing was also uncomfortable. Although he did not bow to the ground like Heifeng Sanwei, he was also under tremendous pressure, and his whole body was rattling. Yuan Shen also became restless and seemed to collapse.

The noble man was just the Heavenly King. His eyes did not stop on Li Xing, but fell on Xue Feifei. A majestic but gentle voice sounded: "Good girl, are you crazy again?"

Xue Feifei smiled and stepped forward to Yingying: "Second father."

She turned out to be the daughter of Heavenly King? Li Xing was so surprised that he opened his eyes wide and wanted to ask, but the immense power made him speechless.

"Voice is so sweet? It's not like you. In the usual way, your girl gives you at most a white eye and weirdness." His eyes finally fell on Li Xing.

With his gaze at him, Li Xing finally couldn't hold it. He slammed, spit out blood, and was teetering.

"Dao Jun's strength is really powerful! One eye can make me seriously hurt!" Li Xing was shocked, sitting on the ground with one buttock.

"Second father, don't hurt him!" Xue Feifei was anxious, and quickly stepped forward to support Li Xing.

"Oh?" Wu Tiandao Jun was very surprised, with a meaningful "hehe" smile, "Girl, who is he?"

"He is my friend." Xue Feifei hurriedly said, "second father, you have something to go, I will visit your elderly when I have time."

Wutiandaojun "haha" laughed: "You let me go, I don't want to leave unless you call Dad."

"Dad did you call it casually?" Suddenly, a voice of the same majesty and honor came. As soon as this voice arrived, the pressure on Li Xing suddenly disappeared, and there was even a strange power, which was conditioning his blood and letting the injury recover for less than half.


The cloudiness on Wutiandaojun's face rolled for a while, and he said nothing, urged the car to leave, leaving only a sentence for Xue Feifei: "Good girl, this boy is very good. When he becomes a mage, you can show it to the second father Look. "

Xue Feifei breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "Good second father." And then said in the other direction, "Daddy, you go back!"

The dragons and four guards also bowed in this direction and were extremely respectful.

Suddenly, all the power of the entire demon forest disappeared.

At this moment, Heifeng San fierce said nothing and turned away. Xue Feifei's identity scared their courage, how dare to stay?

"Want to leave?" Chen Long's four guards were furious. Only these three **** things had dared to be rude to the lady and had already committed the death penalty.

"Four, the old man begged the little apprentice." Suddenly, a black wind rose from the ground, and a black dwarf was entrusted above the air outlet, with an ugly appearance.

Upon seeing this person, the boss of the four guards sneered: "Heifeng ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you want to do it?"

The person who came was the black wind old demon. He grinned bitterly, and with a flick of his finger, a black light burst out and instantly penetrated the three fierce cheeks. Just listening to a series of screams, one's tongue was smashed, and blood was flowing in his mouth.

"Lao Shi has punished three bad guys, and the four brothers gave me a face and spared them." This black wind old demon has always been arrogant. But in front of Chen Long's four guards, there was a look of obedience.

The four dragon guards also knew that the old monster was not afraid of them, but His Majesty the Emperor. They were not too hard to press too hard, so they said, "Let ’s not be proud."

The black wind was a roll, and the pale black three fiends disappeared with the black wind old demon.

At this moment, Li Xing stared at Xue Feifei without saying a word. Sheffield bit her lip and looked at him poorly.

For a long time, Li Xing sighed, turned his face, and simply said, "Xue Feifei, you go!"

Xue Feifei didn't cry this time. She blinked and her body changed for a while. Suddenly she turned into a little fox. She had to jump into Li Xing's arms and she was intimate.

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