Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 539: Strong demons

Chapter 28: Strong Demon Clan

The entire demon forest is actually a magic weapon of the heavens! Li Xing was shocked again, but more surprising news is still below.

"Xiaoyou, you may not know that the demon forest evolved by mountains and rivers is just an external scene. There are three realms in the mountains and rivers, which are Xiajing, Shangjing, and Wangjing. The monster forest you know is just Xiajing. Xiajingzhi The product flow is complex, although there are masters, but the number is not large. The demon forest circulated by the outside world actually includes these three great fields. "

"In the upper realm, the aura is more abundant, occupying good mountains and rivers, and masters are like clouds. However, it is nothing compared with the royal realm. In the royal realm, the flow of people is a mage, a god, and a man. There are even people in the state. For example, the heavenly monarch and other peerless talents are cultivating in the king. "

Li Xing fixed his mind and asked, "How can I enter the kingdom of the kingdom and the king?"

"These three realms belong to the three great realms created by Shanhetu. To enter the three realms, you must pass the consent of several elders of the demon tribe. Otherwise, even if you cultivate to the sky, you still don't want to enter it."

Li Xing said with emotion: "No wonder, at first, the Yao Clan was able to fight against the Quartet superpowers. It turned out to have such a strong foundation!"

Talk about, Li Xing finally asked the focus: "What is Xiao Xue's identity?"

Heifeng old demon smiled "Hehe": "I told a lot of friends before to explain the identity of the princess. The first demon emperor, Shenwei was so worldly, that the human monk couldn't lift his head. Unfortunately, the demon emperor finally suffered Another powerful plot, unfortunately, fell. "

"When the first demon emperor fell, he left a baby girl and left it alone to the next demon emperor and several other henchmen. These three are the so-called one emperor and two juniors. One emperor is the new demon. The emperor, the two princes, are the ruleless and the lawless. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly, dare to love the two lawless, seemingly arrogant and overbearing figures.

"These three are respected by the demon emperor for their strength. They are second to none. They are the second father and third father of the baby girl. They care for her in the name of their father. . Naturally, this princess is the orphan of the demon emperor. "

Listening to such an explanation, Li Xing felt that the scalp was numb, and Xiaoxue's origin was not ordinary! She has three fathers, and all of them are Xiuwei above Daojun!

The law is tenfold, and it is also called the state of Tao. The state of Tao has the levels of small perfection, perfection, and great perfection.

Dao Jun's cultivation is beyond Li Xing's imagination, beyond his scope of knowledge. As for Dao Zun, it is even more unfathomable. Emperor Tianxie, Emperor Tianwu, and others are the superpowers of Taoism.

Speaking of which, Li Xing basically figured it out. He thanked Heifeng Lao Yao.

The black wind old demon said at this time: "Little friend, you make friends with the princess, and the future of the future is limitless. That ’s why the lawless monarch said that when you step into Fatian, you can go to see him." This There was a weird smile on the old demon's face, although it was unknown that Li Xing understood what he was thinking.

With a slight smile, he didn't care, and stood up: "Thank you for your advice and leave."

"Okay, then don't stay. If there is anything in the future, you can look for old age. As long as you can, you won't quit." Heifeng Laoyou politely said.

Farewell to the black wind old demon, Li Xing embarked on the road to Daxia Kingdom. Compared with his predecessors, he converged a lot during the flight, sacrificed the nimble lamp, and walked quietly.

I have been back and forth in the demon forest a few times before, and I haven't encountered a really powerful monster, so he is somewhat dismissive of the demon forest. But now I understand that crouching tigers and dragons here are countless masters, but I have never encountered them before.

He hurried on the road, speeding up a lot, and within a few days, he left the demon forest and entered the Great Xia Kingdom.

It was Li Xing who landed in the Xia Kingdom and the northeast border. At the border here, a brave prince was sealed, and the **** and man were rehabilitated. He was immediately stunned by Li Xing's majestic momentum, and quickly brought people to check it.

At the first sight of Li Xing, Guo Ganhou recognized it. The name of King Zhenxi, not many people in Daxia Kingdom.

"Ah! It turned out that the king of Zhenxi was driving in, and Xiaohou had missed him. He asked Wang Ye to forgive him!" Kuogan Hou hurried forward to see him. The marquis was one level lower than the king, and Li Xing's name was there, and he had to respect.

"You're welcome." Li Xingwei nodded and asked, "I happened to pass by here and didn't want to alarm Hou Ye."

Guogan Hou even whispered: "Whereever, Lord Wang can come here, Xiao Hou is deeply honored, please invite Lord Wang to sit in the house, so that Xiao Hou can make the landlord's friendship a bit."

"Just don't bother," Li Xing refused. "I'll have time later to visit again."

"The young Hou wouldn't dare to stay strong, I don't know where the Lord Wang is going, what?" Asked Guo Ganhou.

Li Xing also did not hide it, saying: "Go to Tian Yi Men and meet an old man."

"It turned out that the Lord was going to Tianyimen." Guogan Hou laughed. "Coincidentally, Xiaohou is the core disciple of Tianyimen, and can lead the way for Wang Ye."

That day, the Holy Spirit of the Bone is in the Heavenly Gate. If you want to get the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone, you must first enter the Heavenly Gate. Of course, how to do this depends on the machine, and he currently has no detailed plan.

When he heard that the other person was Tianyimen, Li Xing was agitated, and he laughed and said, "Yeah, I and Tianyimen's Jiubian Shenjun are old friends, and they are lacking a referral."

The Jiubian God and Li Xing had a battle at the Wanfa Conference. The specific course was not known by Hougan Hou. He thought the two did not know each other and became friends. At this point, when he heard about Jiubian Shenjun, his face changed for the first time, revealing a difficult look.

Li Xing felt strange and asked, "Why, inconvenient?"

"That's not true," said Guogan Hou. "I heard a fellow mention that some of the three younger brothers who have recently passed through the gates in Tianyi are extremely powerful and have overwhelmed the Nine Transformers."

"Three people?" Li Xingyi said, "The Nine Transformers should be the first master of the Tianyi God-man series. How can they be oppressed? Is the other party a mage?"

"If it is a mage, they will not suppress the nine-change gods. They are all ten figures who practice the gods." Guogan Hou said, "The three people are the iron bone god, the true bone god, and the strong bone god. They are all The strength is high, and the Nine Deities are not their opponents at all. "

"So what?" Li Xingdan said indifferently. "Isn't they forbidden to see the gods?"

Kuogan Hou smiled bitterly: "It's more serious than this. After the Iron Bone God severely wounded the Nine Transformers, he released his words, and for ten years, he was not allowed to go one step or visit. Otherwise, he would have to Be taught. "

"Tianyimen is a high-level man, but isn't he just asking about this?" Li Xing asked, frowning, thinking that these three newly emerged princes may have something to do with the Holy Spirit.

"I didn't leave it at all, it seemed that I was going to make the three gods with iron bones up." Kuogan Hou sighed, "This result is also expected, the strong is the respect. The nine change gods are no longer the first of Tianyimen. Monotheistic people are naturally oppressed. "

Li Xing thought for a while and said, "Anyway, you can just take me to Tianyimen. If anyone is in trouble, I will come out and take care of myself."

Kuogan Hou hesitated for a moment, and said, "I can't even fight with the mage in this town, and he is also the first **** of Tianyuanzhou. He will be a peerless figure in Daxia Kingdom in the future. Take him there, or you will offend people. "

The thought flashed, and he dared to say, "Okay, Xiao Hou gave his life to accompany the gentleman.

The words are so eloquent, in fact, he has a way to protect himself, which can bring Li Xing to himself without affecting himself.

Li Xing thanked them, and the two kept going straight to the sky.

Li Xing has been to Wan Fa Men and has seen what is called grandeur. The super big school, which is also Tianyimen, has another story. Tianyimen, built on a lake, stands in the northwest of Daxia.

Among the boundless Osawa, nine giant pillars rise from the sky. Each of these pillars is several thousand meters tall, extremely thick, and over a hundred meters in diameter. The giant pillar, black and faint, has various runes engraved on it, which flashes constantly, representing profound doctrines.

The nine giant pillars are arranged in a wonderful way, inserted directly into the sky, supporting a strange light. This strange light is called the illusion of true light, with special attributes, harder than iron, and can change shapes at will.

True light condenses bridges, halls, and avenues. Everything is integrated into the heaven and the earth, and it has won the "Tianyi" way.

Guogan Hou and Li Xing landed on a square at this moment. Two top ten scholars came forward to meet him. When they met Guogan Hou, they respectfully said: "Brother!"

"I'm here to do something. This is my friend. Come with me to see the old man."

"Yes." The two dared not stop, flashing to the sides.

Li Xing and Guo Ganhou, walked out of the square. Along the way, the scenery is endless. Li Xing carefully observed it and kept it in his mind. In fact, his Baiyang Jingtian is similar to this, he can change various scenes at will ~ www.readwn.com ~ But, Li Xing has limited knowledge and has not experienced much scenery, so he can imitate scenes, after all not much. Now to Tianyimen is such an amazing place, it is his opportunity to open his eyes, and naturally will not let go.

"In the future, I will build such a world in the middle of Baiyang Realm." He thought to himself.

At this point, Guo Ganhou said as he walked, "Master Wang, Jiubian God is forbidden in the 'lonely garden', right in front of me. I let off the wind for Wang Ye, Wang Ye quickly go back, it is best to meet up and come out immediately, lest They were found by Iron Bone. "

Li Xing said indifferently: "Okay, I understand." After getting his bearings, he flew directly.

The area of ​​the lonely garden is not large and its location is remote, not the core location of Tianyimen. This place was once the place where Tianyimen was about to die, so he was called the Lonely Garden.

The God of Nine Transformers is so young that he is banned from staying here, naturally a deliberate insult and torture.

Flying over the lonely garden, Li Xing felt that there was an enchantment of power that enveloped the entire lonely garden. Once he entered, he would touch this restraint and startle the master of the force.

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