Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 540: Powerless

Chapter 29: Boundless Power

Obviously, the prohibition was laid by the iron bone gods and others to prevent Jiubian gods from leaving the place. At a glance, Li Xing immediately offered a lamp of nihilism, and flashed into it without restraint.

This nimble lamp is very magical. Breaking through every layer of divine power to restrain it is naturally nothing to worry about.


Li Xinggang appeared in the lonely garden, he heard a drink, and the Jiuchang God with full of anger appeared. When he saw Li Xing, he froze suddenly and cried in surprise, "It's you!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "It's me, Jiu Nian becomes the king, and we meet again."

"How did you come here?" Jiubian Shenjun's anger disappeared, he sighed, "Did you join Tianyimen?"

At the beginning, after Li Xing won the first place in the God-Man List of the Wanfa Conference, Tianyimen said that he was recruited by him, so the Jiubian Shenjun had this question.

"Of course not." Li Xingdao said, "I just pass by and see by the way. I heard that you were oppressed by the three new-generation gods?"

Jiubian Shenjun's face again showed anger, and he snorted heavily: "Three beasts! I haven't offended them, but I'm so humiliated!"

Li Xing sighed: "This is an obvious thing. Tianyimen has not paid much attention to you, and the three new-generation gods are the key targets for training. You are already out of breath."

Although Jiubian Shenjun understands this, he still feels sad when he hears Li Xingyi's words, clenched his fists and shivered.

Li Xingdao: "Brother Nine, there are ups and downs in life. After going through the trough, you may not be able to fly into the sky again. Don't be discouraged. It is important to improve."

The Jiubian God has a long sigh: "Now that I am imprisoned here, I can't get the supply of elixir, how can I cultivate?" He was about to break through, but the appearance of the three new gods made him lose the resources to continue to martial Right, so not even a breakthrough.

Li Xing thought for a while: "The sky is boundless, the brothers become nine, you and I have had a fate at the Fa Conference that day, and we have also fought. This is also a fate, I decided to help you."

"You help me?" Jiu Bian Shen Jun froze, then narrowed his eyes, "Li Xing, what are your requirements, it's better to say straight."

"Happy." Li Xing smiled slightly. "It's true. I came to Tianyi to know the whereabouts of the Holy Spirit. Can you tell me?"

"What? Holy Bone Spirit! Do you dare to fight it?" Suddenly, Jiubian Shenjun became vigilant and subconsciously hostile to Li Xing.

Li Xing stared at the other person with a sneer expression: "Brother Nine, you are so slave! You have been abandoned by Tianyimen, and you are so loyal. Even so, when I didn't come Yeah, goodbye! "

After speaking, he turned and left.

In the heart of Jiubian Shenjun, he quickly said, "Brother Li, stay!"

Li Xing settled down and turned back, "What? Nine change brothers still have advice?"

Jiubian Shenjun bit his teeth and hated: "You're right! I have been informed that the martial arts have indeed given up on me. So that the three new gods can quickly rise to the top through the suppression of me and determine their position in Tianyimen . "

"Well, Tianyimen is really unwise. In fact, Jiubian Brothers have very high qualifications. How can they give up at will?" Li Xing said with emotion.

Jiubian Shenjun sneered: "What am I! The three beasts all accepted the benefits of the heavenly bones and the Holy Spirit and possessed a heavenly bone."

"Tian Bone?" Li Xing said in his heart. "It seems that the Holy Spirit of this bone is extraordinary."

"Yes, the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone can transform a human body into a Heavenly Bone, so that it can be improved by leaps and bounds, soaring in strength." Jiu Bian Shendao said, "A long time ago, the martial arts began to use the strength of the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone to cultivate talents. Without success, many people were killed. But some time ago, there was a breakthrough, and the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone suddenly cultivated three wizards, namely, iron bones, real bones, and strong bones. "

"Li Xing, if you can provide me with cultivation resources, I am willing to tell you the position of the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone, but you still have to promise me one thing." The Nine Transformed God's eyes flashed.

"Oh?" Li Xing laughed. "Please."

"Remove the three bones, real bones and strong bones!"

Li Xing was silent. He understood the purpose of the Nine Gods, and if the three newborn gods died and the Holy Spirit was taken away at the same time, this person's status would be stabilized. Because after the three died, Tianyimen could no longer cultivate a stronger god.

The other side's move, Li Xing was pregnant. You know, it ’s extremely difficult for outsiders to find the Holy Spirit without the help of the people inside Tianyi.

For a long time, he asked, "Three people are all in the sky. How can I kill them?"

"They are not in the sky." Jiu Bian Shen Jundao, "These three people, I don't know where to get the news, go to find Master Tao listening to capture the ancient text. I tell you the location, you can go to kill."

Li Xing's eyes flickered: "Brother Jiuhuan is forbidden to stop here, and he is also well informed, it is really not easy!"

Jiu Bian Shen Jun said lightly: "The broken ship still has three thousand nails. I Jiu Bian Shen Jun did not fall down so easily. Every day, someone sends a message to me through a special method."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, first you tell me where the heavenly bones are."

"The Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone is not in the Heavenly Gate." The Jiubian Gods said, "It is hidden in the body of the three true Gods. The Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone has been transformed into three parts."

"This thing has already been psychic, and evolved into three major avatars, which were cultivated with the help of the Three Gods." The Jiubian God sneered. "Three idiots, think they really have benefited? If they don't die, they will become the Holy Spirit of the heavens and bones. puppet."

At this time, the Great Emperor of Heaven evil said: "He is right, the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone will eventually take away. The Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone originated from the era of ancient destruction, this is an era of great chaos, and many new cultivation methods have emerged. This The Holy Spirit of the Bone Soul must be cultivated by special means, otherwise it will not leave a ray of consciousness to this day. "

Li Xing nodded, and took out sixty elixir from his body, six ancient elixir, and turned it into the hands of Jiubian god, saying: "These elixir is enough for your shock."

Jiubian Shenjun's eyes brightened, and he said fiercely: "Okay! After I break through and become a mage, I will look good to those who are down!" Then told Li Xing the position of the three true bone gods.

Li Xing wrote it down and said goodbye: "Nine change brothers, hope that when we meet again, you have become a mage."

"That's natural!" Jiubian Shenjun seems very confident. "Brother Li, you have to be careful here, you must kill all three of them to get the Holy Spirit."

"Okay, I understand. Nine will become a brother, and there will be a period later." Li Xing flickered, broke the restraint, and left.

When Li Xing walked away, Jiubian Shenjun's face showed a sloppy look, and he said to himself: "This person is very powerful. Even if the three of them are not killed, it will cause considerable trouble."

"This man is really powerful. I feel that there is a powerful divine power in his body." Suddenly, a dim shadow appeared behind the Jiubian God and made a sound.

"Elder Shadow, you were suppressed by the owner like me, and eventually died. But you have good luck. With a mystery, you can retain the next ray of spirit. It took me a lot of power to resurrect your spirit. You said you would thank me. When will it happen? "

Shadow laughed miserably: "Don't worry, all my treasures will belong to you. I thought that at the time, I was the first master of Tianyi, and now the head, it was just one behind me at that time. Just followers. However, this despicable beast even secretly miscalculated me, so that I eventually died of it! "

"I said, as long as I can become the first master of Tianyi, I will kill the head with my own hands!" Jiu Bian Shenjun fiercely said, "You have opened many treasures and rich collections, among which there are many extremely ancient writings, With those words, I can definitely break through again and again! "

Shadow said: "If you want to get my treasure, let me resolve the immediate crisis. I hope this person can kill three iron bones, otherwise, I'm afraid you can't go out here."

"The best result, they both lost and died, all died!" Jiubian Shenjun said coldly, "when I grow up, none of them can live!"

When Li Xing came out of the lonely garden, Hougan Hou greeted him and hurriedly asked, "Master Wang, have you seen the nine gods?"

He nodded and said, "God dear, I have seen nine changes, and will leave. Will you go with me?"

Hou dare Hou laughed and said, "It's hard to come once. I want to meet a few mentors and friends, and Lord Wang will go ahead."

Li Xing nodded, the two arched farewell.

He is going to the east of Daxia Kingdom, a place called Songtao Mountain.

On Songtao Mountain, Master Tingtao lived. Master Tingtao once brought Nangong Xiaoyi to compete with Li Xing and Nanshan Weng for the Eight-pole Tower. Although I have only seen one side, Li Xing can see that Master Ting Tao has a gentleman style, and there are not many of them.

The three gods, iron bones, strong bones, and real bones ~ www.readwn.com ~ are looking for Master Tingtao to plunder ancient authentic texts. As for Master Ting Tao, where did he get the real text, Li Xing didn't know, he must arrive as soon as possible, so as not to miss the opportunity.

Just as Li Xing hurried on the road, on the Song Tao Mountain, three arrogant divine lights surrounded a mage. The reason why monarchs are called monarchs is because they are powerful and can fight against the mage and even kill the mage. Otherwise, they are not eligible to be monarchs.

Besieged by Master Ting Tao, he openly fearlessly glared at the three and yelled, "You will never succeed! The ancient writings, who have virtues, are not worthy of you!"

The three gods, one by one, are murderous and evil, one of them has a dark complexion and yells, "Old things, if you don't hand them over, we will kill you immediately! If you die, what else is left to do? ? "

Listening to Master Tao ’s long smile, “When you arrived, the old man knew that he was out of reach, and he had the apprentice take something away!”

The three were furious, and the real bone **** sang, "This old thing **** it, kill him!"

"Boom!" Three princes shot at the same time, three true figures, tall and cohesive, immense power.

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