Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 542: 6 authentic texts

Chapter 31: Six True Texts

"No! This person is too powerful to fight with him!" The iron bone **** Jun decided to retreat, but it was too late, Li Xing had already launched a Xeon strike, and the bound hands of the gods were attacked twice.

The blood gourd slipped around, and then it stopped and couldn't move. At the same time, a giant force shocked, and the Iron Bone Monarch bounced away.

"Bring me!" Li Xing screamed loudly, his big hands cracked down, and the gourd was directly taken into Baiyang Jingtian.

After losing three magic weapons, the spirits of the three great gods are flying away, and the war will be eliminated, and they will immediately run away.

"Three, can you still do it? Leave it!" A shocking giant appeared in the air, but it was Li Xing who performed another martial arts move, which was also the strongest attacking move, with chaotic fingerprints.

Many martial arts, such as tearing, sky falling, and instantaneous, unite into a chaotic will, condensing the chaotic array, and suppressing it violently. This move calls for the chaos of the chaos and suppresses everything.

This big hand seems to be able to bury the heavens, suppress all kinds and fight against the sky.

"Ah! What kind of magic is this? No! It seems Taoism, is it Taoism?" The three princes, roaring hysterically, followed the darkness before them, and were suppressed by Li Xing.

In the chaotic mudra, the martial arts will be strangled one after another, and the three men's whole body flashed, and they were able to persist. The flashing light was extremely hard and extremely cold.

"Li Xing, these three people have the strength of the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone. You can't obliterate it. Quickly plunge into the realm and suppress it directly. Don't be afraid they will run away!"

"Yes." With a flash of white light, the three gods were directly taken into Jingtian, and together with the three magic weapons, they were suppressed.

Baiyang Jingtian, a huge law formation, runs slowly and contains indescribable power. However, this force was controlled by Li Xing and used it to suppress the magic weapon and the three gods.

The array was running, and the three gods were still dead, but their faces were full of fear.

"Li Xing! Killing us is not good for you! We are the outstanding disciples of Tianyimen. Once we die, Tianyimen will surely trace it to the end. By then, you will surely die!" The true bone **** roared.

"Nice! Li Xing, don't kill us, let's discuss everything. We can even recommend you to enter Tianyimen and make you the first disciple in the door. How about the first god? In the future, you have the opportunity to lead the group and become The envy of many masters!

"Li Xing, you must not know how terrible there is in our body. That is a great man in the era of ancient ruin! That great man has created the bones and once swept the world!"

The three great kings persuaded Li Xing from three aspects in an attempt to escape.

However, Li Xing was not moved at all. He just said coldly: "First, you must die; second, Tianyimen will not know that you died in my hands; third, the matter of the Holy Spirit in your body, I already know that this is one of the reasons for capturing you today. "

After hearing these words, the three were frightened and angry, and began to curse Li Xing.

Li Xing tried his best to urge mana to kill the body's aura outside the three. The pressure of the French array increased, and eventually the three could not bear the physical body, and they issued a curse before they died.

"Li Xing! You must not die! You must not die!"

"You beast! Bastard! You bastard! You actually want to kill me, I'm a wizard, I'm a heritage person, I can't die, I can't die!"

"No one can kill me, I want to resist, a real outbreak!"

The three men behaved differently in the face of death, but in the face of the Confederacy and the cruel Li Xing, all resistance was futile and all means were lost. They successively broke down physically, and the source of the imperious god-man was taken by Li Xing. Ingest and store.

The source of the god-man generated by the three gods is equivalent to the energy of thousands of ancient gods, and can serve as a source of deduction power.

However, in the core position of the three flesh, each flew a little aura. This aura is very small, but extremely agile, extremely tough, and extremely mysterious. As soon as they come out, they instantly become one, turning into a ghost image of a great figure.

As soon as this phantom appeared, in Li Xing's mind, some information appeared instantaneously and was generated out of thin air.

This ghost image is the creator of the bones, the bone emperor!

Bone is the strength that supports the human body. It has the meanings of responsibility, tenacity, tenacity, integrity, unyielding, and so on. People often use "bonelessness" and "cartilage" to describe people who are not in charge, and to describe the younger generations, it can be seen how important the bones are.

An old idea was conveyed from the shadow: I have a supreme bone, all the law does not touch, all evil does not invade, break all laws, and overcome all the ways!

This ghost image was suppressed by the French array, but still stubborn, tenacious, and upright. It seems that there is no power to crush it, and there is nothing to defeat it!

"Is this the bone way?" Li Xing revealed shock in his eyes. He now understands how precious and amazing the Holy Spirit is.

"Good baby! With this, King Kong's magical skills will surely succeed." Tian Xie said excitedly.

Li Xing nodded and said, "This ghost image is still too sharp. It needs to be suppressed for a while, and it will be refined after the strength contained in it has been consumed. Otherwise I ca n’t refine it This thing. "

However, he said that Li Xing had three strikes and five divided by two, slayed the three great princes, and revenge for Master Tao. Nangong Xiaoyi walked calmly, and fell down to worship: "Brother Li, thank you very much! Xiaoyi wrote it down!"

Li Xing hurried forward and lifted him up. He said positively, "Xiao Yi, you haven't known me for a long time, but you know me and I know your character. You don't need to say anything."

Nangong Xiaoyi sighed: "I knew that you would not be in the pool, but I didn't expect to make progress so fast. It is really my luck to have a friend like you."

He reached out a bit into the void, and a small dust suddenly zoomed into a small space. In this space, six ancient authentic texts rise and fall, they are "human", "god", "shape", "bone", "rib" and "skin".

These six ancient characters, each pearl, are extremely precious, especially the herringbone character, which holds great potential. As soon as the word appeared, Li Xing almost fell to the ground and worshiped it. The rest of the authentic text is equally magical.

The word "shen" and "shape" are li and yang each other, representing a kind of truth. The words “musculoskeletal skin” represent a layer of the flesh, with skin on the outside, tendons in the middle, and bone on the inside.

A person who practices cultivating muscles and bones outside, practicing vitality inwardly, also refers to the spirit inwardly.

Nangong Xiaoyi held six ancient characters, but her eyes were full of hate, and she said in a deep voice, "Ancient characters! What are your precious things that can be exchanged for my Master's life? I knew today, I would never I won't charge you! "

Speaking of which, the blood shed in his eyes, apparently extremely distressed.

Li Xing sighed and said: "Brother Nangong, death cannot be resurrected. What you have to do, as a living person, what you have to do is not to let the people down."

Nangong Xiaoyi wiped his sleeves, his tears dried up, and said lightly: "Yes! Nangong Xiaoyi, the next day will be destroyed!"

Li Xingyi said: "Destroy the sky?"

"These three are all from Tianyimen. How could they appear without the instructions of Tianyimen? Come and grab my authentic text?" Nangong Xiaoyi sneered, "Master can't die in vain!"

Obviously, Nangong Xiaoyi was dominated by hatred and revenge blood hate.

Li Xing was silent for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I'll help Nangong brother then."

Nangong Xiaoyi was so touched that he handed all six ancient characters to Li Xing, sincerely saying, "Brother Li, please accept these six ancient characters!"

Li Xing looked still and asked with a smile: "Give me? Don't you?"

"It's true that these six ancient characters are very valuable to me. With them, I can break through them more easily. However, I have a self-knowledge of Nangong Xiaoyi and I can't protect these six ancient characters. Yu They are as tired as they are today, and it would be better to give it to Brother Li. "

He looked at Li Xing: "Moreover, Li Xing can have today's cultivation, there must be a lot of adventures, there are many treasures on his body, how can he not want my ancient words for free?"

"Haha" laughed and said, "Brother Nangong, you are really clever. Okay, I am disrespectful. However, I naturally do not want your things in vain." He reached out his hand, and three groups of gods rolled in the palm of his hand. , Contains a strong source of power.

These three clans of divine light, which are the source of the three great gods, have been refined by the Great Five Elements Furnace. The origin of each group of god-man can be easily refined and absorbed, and the effect is even more arbitrary than the ancient god.

It can be said that with these three groups of princes, Nangong Xiaoyi's cultivation can make rapid progress.

"This is the legacy of three people, iron bones, real bones, and strong bones. I give them all to you, and it's an explanation." Li Xingdao said, "You can rearrange the magic and help a lot to break through."

Then ~ www.readwn.com ~ he pointed out, a ray of thoughts was transmitted to Nangong Xiaoyi, but he asked the Emperor Tianxie for the concept of conceiving a fetus and taught it to the other. In the next step, if Nangong Xiaoyi condenses the fetus, you can use this fetus secretion method to greatly improve the success rate of the fetus and the grade of the fetus.

After getting the secret to conceiving, Nangong Xiaoyi looked overjoyed and said, "Thank you!"

After that, Li Xing took out several sacred objects, some godsends and magic symbols, which were all very high-grade things and gave them to the other party, saying, "Brother Nangong, if you have nowhere else to go, you might as well go to the Qiyun School."

Nangong Xiaoyi shook his head, and said, "Before I had sheltered from Master, I haven't been able to really grow up. Later, I decided to take the world by chance and try my luck."

Li Xing was not reluctant, saying: "Okay, you can come to me at any time."

Nangong Xiaoyi was also rude, closed his stuff, and arched, "There will be a period later!"

"No," Li Xinggong said goodbye.

Nangong Xiaoyi turned into a divine light, soaring into the sky. After he went away, Li Xing laughed: "Master, now you can prepare to impact King Kong's No. 8 power!"

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