Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 544: King Kong is not bad. 8 is complete!

Chapter 33: King Kong is not bad. Yae is complete!

Li Xing nodded again and again. However, at present, the accumulation of star power is insufficient, and it is not proficient in using it, let alone understand the meaning of star power, not to mention the great power. .

When the Dasha node of Dazhou Tianxing was opened, the Holy Spirit of the bones could finally be refined that day. Originally, there was an idea in the heavenly bone Holy Spirit. This idea is very dangerous. If it is swallowed directly without refining, it may be anti-passenger and seize Li Xing's body.

At this time, after the continuous hardening of the magic circle, the thoughts in the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Bone have been completely killed and become ignorant and self-conscious.

Li Xing kept it up and immediately put it into the Big Five Elements Furnace. Although this big five-element furnace is not sacrifice, its own characteristics make it no matter what enters it, it will be transformed into pure source power.

Even a treasure like King Kong ’s sword, he could n’t hold on and was completely melted, achieving Li Xing ’s Seventh King Kong ’s magical power.

The celestial spirit entered the Furnace of Five Elements, and seemed to encounter the nemesis, and immediately emitted infinite phosgene. These phosgenes are constantly rolling and transforming, releasing a force of sting, hard power, unyielding force, a spirit of fighting spirit rather than broken.

This is the spirit of the bones. Once this spirit is released, it begins to infect Li Xing. In the midst of it, a verse appears in his mind, named "Tian Gu Tao Jing".

Li Xing is well-versed in a systematic method of practicing bone strength.

The core of the bone way lies in the cultivation of the bone. With the power of heaven and earth, or thunder, or fire, and other natural forces, strengthen the bones and spirit through various magical means. At the beginning, iron bones were condensed, the iron bones were ten percent, the body was strong, and he had an extraordinary bone.

After the iron bones, the strong bones condense, the strong bones are 10% strong, and the character is tough, rather than bend, they will fight against the sky, and when they are strong, they will be strong.

After the strong bone, it is true bone. The level of true bones, returning to normal, cultivate the spirit of bones from bones.

After the real bones, there are Tao bones, there are Taos in the bones, every move, all fit in the heavenly Tao.

After the bone, you can go to Tiangujing. The realm of heavenly bones has the power of being against the sky, and can directly ascend to the realm of heaven and become a celestial being.

The five realms of iron bones, strong bones, real bones, canal bones, celestial bones, and canal bones are bone canals. Bone Tao is a cultivation faction in the era of antiquity. All its core secrets are now known by Li Xing.

"Bone Tao is really wonderful! With the help of the nine lives and nine destroyers of King Kong, the magical power is not bad. With the bone Tao classics on this day, I can directly cultivate the real bones!"

The Bone Spirit of this day is the bone-building power of the bone-creating figure in the ancient times. This bone force contains the avenue of bones, and if you get it, you can get the bone tradition.

The source of bone strength continued to flow out, was absorbed by Li Xing, and eventually reached its limit. This state of limit was breached, and Li Xing's physical body suddenly exploded, turning into a rolling light, blending with the source of bone strength.

Extremely tiny particles are constantly arranged and combined to reach a higher level.

This is a long process and a painful process. However, Li Xing hasn't practiced this skill once, but he can still hold it.

The meaning of bone lies in Gang, which has something to do with the Taigang martial arts practiced by Li Xing. Li Xingju touches the bypass. At this time, the practice of bone meridian can quickly succeed.

I saw that the phosgene tumbled, the power generated became stronger and stronger, and a unique temperament was created.

After seventy-two days, Li Xing finally appeared again. At this time, his temperament changed, and his strength improved qualitatively, reaching a level of terror.

He opened his eyes, lased with light, and released a coercion. The beasts in Jingtian were all oppressed to the ground and unable to move. Even the wealthy hummed and lay down obediently.

"Finally reached the eighth weight of Vajrayana's magical power! I feel like I have a strength and can directly kill a mage of a heavy sky!" Li Xingdao.

"The road is still long." Tian Xie the emperor calmly said, "when you break through the ninth weight and absorb the real person's origin, it is called strong."

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, with the origin of real people, we can consolidate the Xuanjie flesh. My strength at this time is enough to venture outside, so I might as well go to various ferocious Jedi and wild places to find opportunities." At this time, he took Sky magic figure, with a shake, the six magic gates fell out of the picture.

The map of the heavens and the demon communicates the six demon heads fascinating, ferocious, chaotic, inspirational, invisible, and sentient beings. In recent times, they have been hidden in them. As soon as this time came out, the six demon heads rose in strength and almost all condensed into entities.

The strength of the phantom head is about ten degrees of completeness of the god-man. Viciousness and chaos are equivalent to the practice of ordinary gods. Inspiration and intangibility can fight against Fa Tianyi. As for the sentient beings, if they encounter the duality of Fa Tian, ​​they can also fight one another.

The six demon heads are powerful, which are all equivalent to Li Xing's avatar. Taking them out, the strength is greatly increased. Moreover, if the crisis is at stake, the six demon heads can be used directly as cannon fodder, but his deity can easily escape.

"Going all the way, by the way, you have to return the demon figure to the original owner to get the Thunder Emperor Rune." Li Xing said, "I hope that we can find two other pieces of heavenly treasures, and then you can practice King Kong's magic Ninth is heavy. "

On the same day, Li Xingyu went out of Baiyangjingtian, out of the mountain, and continued eastward. During the flight, I suddenly found an old place, the misty cliff.

At the beginning, he had come to the misty cliff to participate in the sword-sword conference.

At this moment, the misty cliff was full of people, and twelve years passed unconsciously, and it was time for the misty sword. Li Xing's heart was filled with emotion, and he could not help slowing down the flight speed, and glanced at it again.

He did not intend to stay, but decided to go east. However, his slowdown has attracted some people's attention.

"Well? Isn't he a god-man wanted by Wanfamen? How did he get here?" On the misty cliff, a ninefold god-man's eyes brightened. He is a man in misty palace. He has always had news with Wanfamen, knowing Wanfamen Wanted Li Xing.

This disciple said nothing, and released the message sign directly. A light beam rose into the sky and went to the misty palace.

In the misty palace, the twelve hall masters are in a meeting. Among them, the forgotten hall master beckoned a light, saying, "Li Xing, who is wanted by all ways, passed in my territory. Will all the hall masters leave him?"

The masters of the twelve halls are all puppet-level practitioners. Naturally, I have heard of Li Xing's power. How dare to keep him?

However, one of the halls of the Fanchen said, "Would you like to invite a few elders out of the mountain? The mage will definitely capture this person."

The main hall of Forgetfulness Hall said: "This is a terrific thing, don't take it lightly." At the beginning, she also said that in case Li Xing became the enemy, she would take it out herself. However, at this point, she definitely has no chance, because the two are not in the same grade.

"The conditions for the opening of the Wan Fa Men are excellent. As long as you slay Li Xing, you can get three heavenly veins, three thousand gods, and a magic weapon!" One? "

The people were silent, struggling inside. Li Xing's fierce name has spread, and he is a peerless figure who has beheaded a mage. Such a person must be killed as soon as he fires, and he must not be allowed to escape, otherwise the consequences will be endless.

"How about asking too many elders?" Said Wang Qingdian, "let them take their ideas."

"That makes sense!" The Lord of the Celestial Palace immediately sent a message. After a moment, the three light rays descended and appeared in the palace. They are the true leaders of the misty palace, the three mages. These three mages are all old-fashioned. They are obviously huge when they see them. They are old things that have lived for hundreds of years.

The life span of a mage ranges from a few hundred years to a thousand years. The higher the revision, the longer the life span, especially in the realm of life, can live a thousand years old.

"You said that Wan Famen opened such a favorable condition just to kill a small figure who practiced five gods?" One of the elders asked, his eyes flashed with greed.

These three people are about to reach the end of their lives, and they are still Fa Tian. If they do n’t break through, I ’m afraid there is no time. Wan Famen actually came up with three thousand gods, a magic weapon, and three veins.

Adding these things together may allow them to break through and step into the duality of law and heaven. The three mages immediately tempted.

"Yes, that man is really practicing the fivefold of God, but his power is very strong and he is a prince." The Lord of the Celestial Palace hurriedly said, and the rest of the Lord also rose to worship.

Another mage said: "We haven't asked about the world for hundreds of years. How can we go back empty-handed this time?" He looked at the other two mages and smiled, "They left and killed the man."

The third mage nodded: "Our three talents, even the three mages can be trapped for a while, and we have full confidence in dealing with this kid."

As a result, three Faguangs flew out of the misty palace.

Li Xing flew over the misty cliff and was ready to speed up. Unexpectedly, at this moment, three arrogant Falun rushed over and locked him.

"Boy! Stop!" A voice reprimanded, condescending.

Li Xing stunned, which mage should embarrass himself? He was not afraid, he stopped in place and Jinghou came.

Three ways light flew to ~ www.readwn.com ~ Three people appeared, their faces were old, and it seemed that they didn't live long.

Li Xing politely arched his hand: "What's the advice of the three seniors?"

A mage laughed: "Catch you."

Li Xing Yiyi: "Catch me? I have a grudge against the three?"

"There is no resentment," said another mage, "but you are a criminal wanted by Wan Famen, and you will be rewarded by handing you over to Wan Famen."

As soon as I heard this, Li Xing's eyes suddenly cooled down, and he nodded, "I see. You three are immortal, just wait for your death at home, but you ran out to deal with me. Yeah, I am The lack of a few spellcasting charms will suppress you and be slaves forever! "

Suddenly, Li Xing took a shot. This shot was a rock-shattering shock. King Kong's eighth-strength power that did not damage the magic was completely revealed. Shenguang has a big hand and directly suppresses it.

The three mages only felt that the world was dark, and the whole body was imprisoned instantly, and he could not help yelling, "Oh! Is he still a man of God?" One by one, his face changed tragically.

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