Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 545: Misty fall

Chapter 34: Misery

Suddenly, the three mages shot with shock. They each played a mana and woven into the sky into a three-color cloud. This Fayun contains the beauty of three talents.

Li Xing's divine power blasted up, and the three-colored faint light shone out, and the huge palm was shaken away.

"It's interesting! Unfortunately, it's still not my opponent!" Li Xing snorted, the strongest martial arts move, and the chaotic fingerprints suppressed. The chaotic power swallowed everything and shrouded everything, and Sancai array overshadowed.

The huge palm, which is a combination of divine power, star power, fighting power, heaven power, magic power and magic power, is chaotic and severely suppressed. The palm covers the sky, the power is infinite, and the power is endless.

The palms of the palms lined with nine colors of flames, soaring and dancing. With this palm, Li Xing angered and had the power of lore.


This time, the misty three mages were not lucky the last time, and the sancai array collapsed instantly. The three were enveloped by a huge force, opened a mouthful of blood, and were seriously injured.

At this point, the three mages were already powerless to resist, and were directly restrained by a force, dragged into a space, Baiyang Jingtian. Baiyang Jingtian, the three seriously injured were suppressed by the French front.

"What is this place?" The three mages in the misty palace looked shocked and screamed.

"From now on, make me a patch, and you can't stop." Li Xing's cold voice sounded.

"Let's be your slave? Think of it!" The Masters roared again and again, "The misty ancestor went out and traveled, and when he returns, he will definitely crush you to death."

"Ethereal ancestor?" Li Xing smiled, "I will destroy him like this!"

Suddenly, the magic array tightened, and the three masters felt that their bodies were on the verge of collapse, and they could be wiped out at any time. This is not a joke. Once you are hanged by the French array, all the cultivation in this life will be abandoned and reincarnation.

The great fear rose in the hearts of the three, and they roared, "Don't kill us! We are willing to be slaves!"

Mage's dignity is stronger than ordinary people, but when facing death, it is more likely to become cartilage. Because it is not easy to become a mage, it is necessary to experience many adventures, countless hardships, and many calamities to succeed.

Become a mage and step up to the sky, no one wants to give up this glory, and the misty three mages are no exception.

Seeing their submission, Li Xing sneered and said coldly: "Every three months, you must surrender three twenty-four patches of forbidden law, one for each person. If you ca n’t finish it, you will be executed immediately!"

Twenty-four-fold banned legal symbols belong to true symbols and are not easy to be refined. The strength of the three mages in the misty palace, three months without laziness, can also make a twenty-four true charm.

And in the process of refining, they will consume a lot of mage's source. If it is not replenished in time, they will not be able to refinish a few runes, and they will die and die. Of course, Li Xing will not let them die so easily, until they lose their use value.

Upon hearing the three masters, their hearts were half cold, and they all said that they were incompetent.

Li Xing did not listen, but said lightly: "I said, I can't do it, die!"

The three of them had a chill and did not dare to say anything. Knowing that this was a dead end, they could not resist, and they obediently began to make the patch. This patch is a basic class of symbols, and the method of refining is simple. However, trying to make twenty-four heavy spells is a kind of slow work and consumes the mage's source.

At this time, Li Xing still had questions to ask, saying, "Did you strike me because Wanwanmen wanted?"

"Yes, Wan Fa Men wants you. It was known by several juniors in the Piao Miao Palace and wanted us to go out of the mountain." A mage said remorsefully, "How can I know that you are so strong, let us plant it in your hands!"

Li Xing hummed and said angrily: "The misty palace dared to hit my mind, and today I will make it extinct!"

After packing up the three mages, Li Xing went straight to the misty palace.

It has been twelve years since the last time I went to Misty Palace. Twelve years ago, he was a three-practice deity, and his strength was able to fight against Yae-jin. In the past twelve years, he has cultivated 3,000 kinds of divine magic and various adventures, but now he has been able to slay the mage, and his strength has improved qualitatively.

The Hidden Palace is built on a magical instrument, which is a mountain range suspended in the air.

Today is the day of misty swords, misty palace is preparing everything. A divine light, intrusive invasion, attracted many gods to come forward to intercept. However, before they approached, they were bounced off by a boundless divine power and seriously injured.

The twelve main halls of the Hidden Palace, as usual, also met in the hall of all dust. At this time, the thoughts of the Lord of the Twelve Palaces were not at the misty meeting at all, but were waiting for the news of the three mages, had Li Xing been captured?

"You said, the three elders would not miss? That Li Xing is not a vegetarian, otherwise Wan Famen will not be moved."

"Impossible! The three elders are very strong. Besides, there are three talents. How can Li Xing, a little god, resist?" Fanchen said, "Presumably, he has fallen into power."

At this moment, a divine light fell into the temple, and the mighty force suddenly forced the Lord of the Twelve Palaces to retreat. Li Xing finally came and stood in the temple coldly.

"It's you!"

The palace masters were horrified, and they forgot to subconsciously, and immediately shot at him. Li Xing didn't even look at it. He waved his hands at will, and the horrible divine power rushed down the mountain.


The Lord of Forgetfulness spit out blood and fell to the ground like a slime, unable to move.

The rest of the palace princes paused and did not dare to shoot.

Li Xing sneered: "People don't offend me, I don't offend. If anyone offends me, I will kill them! Several, ready to bear my own anger!" He waved his hands, covering the Lord of the Twelve Palaces.

He was heartbreaking and he wasn't going to let any one go, so he killed him.


The Lord of the Twelve Palaces is just the level of the Divine Infant. Where is Li Xing's opponent? One after another exploded and turned into the source of gods and human beings, and was collected by Li Xing. However, when the Lord of Forgetfulness exploded, he was sternly guarded by a force, and he was not dead.

"Who is it?" Li Xing looked cold and flashed outside the hall.

In the air, a man in a blue robe with a handsome face floated in the air. In his arms, he hugged the Lord of Forgetfulness and said to Li Xing, "You can't kill this person."

"Who are you?" Li Xing was rude. He could see that the other party was Fa Tian's dual cultivation, but not afraid.

"I'm Lan Gusheng." The man said, "I owe her. Saving her life today is like paying off the debt." Lan Gusheng sighed.

Li Xing suddenly remembered, Lan Gusheng, wasn't it the character who rescued the soft water from the misty palace? He heard the legend of this man from Chen Xue's mouth more than once, and didn't want to meet today.

"Just want you to let me go?" Li Xing sneered. "This is too cheap."

Lan Gu frowned. Suddenly, two Guanghua flew behind him, showing the two of them. These two are two beauties, one younger and one older. At that young age, Li Xing knew that it was Lan Ruobing.

When Lan Ruobing saw Li Xing, her expression was a little complicated, and she rarely came forward politely: "I have seen Brother Li, this is my father."

Li Xing now understood, dare to love Lan Ruobing is Ruo Gusheng's daughter. Presumably, another gentle woman is water soft.

"Brother Li, please don't kill her. The Lord of Forgetfulness is actually very pitiful. She had a crush on my father in the first place, but because of love and hatred, she caused a heart disorder." Lan Ruobing sighed.

As an old man, Li Xing was not embarrassed. He waved his hand and said, "Stop it!" Turning away, he was ready to pack the misty palace.

"Stay here!" Lan Gusheng stopped him.

Li Xingmei raised his eyebrows: "What? You still have something?" Although Lan Gusheng is a legend, he doesn't get his attention and doesn't pay much attention to it.

Lan Gusheng laughed: "Li Xiaoyou, the misty palace has something to do with the insiders, please raise your hand ..."

Li Xing didn't listen, he sang loudly, and Yuanshen rose into the sky. What kind of **** is this? As high as three kilometers, it is extremely brilliant and extremely great. Three thousand gods of light and condensed halo surround the surrounding gods.

Hundreds of heavenly lights flickered above the Yuanshen. Each heavenly light represents a kind of heavenly force, which is the effect of Li Xing's practice of the Heavenly Order.

In addition, there are two star lights, a layer of fighting **** light, a layer of King Kong not bad God light, and a white Yang God light, Chiyang God light layer by layer. There are many more martial wills to bless it.

All these make Li Xing's Yuan Shen, the supreme and noble, showing the supreme power.

"Xiao Miao Palace dare to deal with me, you have to pay the price. Letting go of the temple of forgetfulness is for Lan Ruobing's face! But this thing can never be done again!" Li Xingyuan God, extended his hand, and cracked down on the misty Gong Qunfeng.

Now that you are in the misty palace, you cannot stay afflicted, you must break its foundation.

When Li Xing took the shot, Lan Gusheng had to forcibly block it ~ www.readwn.com ~ However, when he saw Li Xing's great primordial spirit and unmatched divine power, his face was shocked.

"What a powerful Yuan Shen! Is it the Xuanjie Yuan Shen? The power of this Yuan Shen cannot be resisted even by me!" He screamed in his heart, his face changing.

Lan Ruobing also widened his eyes and murmured, "He ... is he so amazing?"

As soon as the Yuanshen came out, the people in the misty palace were shocked. All the people, regardless of the warriors, the warriors, or the gods, screamed and fled.

Li Xing is not a murderer. His move is not to kill people, but to flatten the foundation of the misty palace and make it lose its foundation.

All of them fled for a while, of course, the eleven masters had been beheaded before.

The huge Yuanshen's palm was pressed down heavily. As if the sky is falling apart, the end of the day, with a loud noise, the entire misty palace is turned into fly ash. All buildings, mountains, forests, etc. were all wiped out.

In the infinite dust, six divine lights rise into the sky, and in each divine light, there is a beauty image.

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