Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 546: Refining the magic tripod. Founder Yin

Chapter 35: Refining the Magic Ding. Founder Yin

As soon as the six magical lights appeared, Shuirourou called: "Six beautiful pictures!"

Li Xing grabbed a large hand, grabbed the six Shenguang into the palm of his hand, and looked at the water softly. Shuirou Rou nodded to him and said, "This is the treasure of the palace of the misty palace. The misty palace can cultivate a lot of stunning beauties. With these six beauty pictures.

"Six pictures of beauty, each with a beautiful beauty, representing a kind of constitution. Between heaven and earth, women of six constitutions are the most beautiful. The body is moist, the body is cold, the body is cold, and the body is soft. "Shui Rourou explained.

Lan Ruobing suddenly said: "Mother, aren't you the body of cricket?"

Lan Gu's face sank, and he reprimanded: "Excessive!"

Lan Ruobing shrank his neck and didn't squeak.

Li Xing sneered, he put away six beautiful pictures, arched his hands, and turned away. Lan Gu's face was angry, and he wanted to stop, but knowing that he was not his opponent, he could only tolerate this tone.

When Li Xing went away, Shuirourou sighed, "Gu Sheng, you can't stop him. This is the end of the matter, don't worry about it."

Lan Gusheng hummed and said proudly: "After a while, I can make a breakthrough again, and then I want to look good again!"

Listening to him being so competitive, Shui Rou's face was anxious, she could not see that this Li Xing was more than ten times stronger than Lan Gusheng at the beginning! Such a character grows spontaneously and has an unlimited future. It is best not to list it as an enemy.

After settling down the misty palace, he got six beautiful pictures, and Li Xing went east. Within a few days, I arrived in the territory of departure and flew over the gate of God's fire, and suddenly saw the sky over the gate of God's fire.

A method gate flashed five haloes, rising into the air, and receiving the baptism of law robberies, it was about to succeed. He took a closer look, and it turned out that the man who had taken the plunder was proud of Xue Xue.

This proudly seeing snow is indeed an extraordinary character. When he was robbing, he had learned five rules, and his strength was not under the **** Hou Aojian. Seeing Xue Dujie proudly, Li Xing only glanced at it, and didn't take it seriously, and was planning to continue flying.

However, he flew out for a while, and a cry came from behind him: "Li Xing!"

As soon as Li Xing's heart moved, he settled down and saw a Faguang flying. He was proud to see snow. He stared at Li Xing and said, "It's been a long time!"

"I haven't seen you in a long time." Li Xing's expression was flat and his face was normal.

Proud to see Xue for a while, and sighed suddenly: "I thought that after condensing the fetuses, I could teach you a meal. But now, I still seem to be your enemy."

"See the snow!" Another Guanghua flew in, showing Bei Shi Qingqing, she said strangely, "Last time, you said, for me, I don't care about the past anymore, how can I find Li Xing unhappy? "

Ao Jianxue smiled bitterly: "What are you worried about, I can't beat him anyway."

Li Xing looked on the ice of the North Division, and it was not easy to rip his face with this person, but he nodded slightly: "The previous things have never happened, and I didn't take it to heart."

Bei Shi Qingqing laughed and said, "That's good, Li Xing, where are you going?"

"Travel the world," Li Xing said, "by accident here."

"Since arriving at the door, it is better to sit down. It is difficult for us to get a mage from Shenhuomen. We have sent out congratulations and invited people from all walks of life to come. You are a celebrity in Tianyuan. If you can participate, Shenhuomen will be honored.

Reaching out and not smiling, the other person was so polite and aunt by age, Li Xing couldn't refuse, and nodded: "That would bother me."

No matter which sect, if you achieve a mage in one day, you will definitely invite guests from all over the world, and congratulate, and Shenhuomen is no exception. Since the founding of Shenhuo Shen, there has never been a mage, and proud to see Xue is the first.

Therefore, the master of the fire door left the fire to win, and immediately sent out an invitation to publicize this happy event and invite guests. Beginning today, Shenhuomen will have the opportunity to become a big faction!

Every major faction has a mage to sit in, such as the Mad Sword Gate and the Star Gate. Proud to see Xue's extraordinary strength, there is still a chance to improve his strength in the future. If he sits at Shenhuomen, Shenhuomen is likely to become the Tianyuan School.

Li Xing was invited into the VIP hall and accompanied by Hu Shengsheng. Li Xing's name is now extremely loud. Of course, he also knows what Wan Famen wants. However, this matter has nothing to do with Lihuo, and Lihuo won't mention it.

On that day, all the sects who had contact with God's Fire Gate sent messengers. What are the Founders of the Zhongshan Kingdom, the Yuding School of the Jin Dynasty, and the Shocking School of the Overlord.

The voice of Shenhuomen was full of people, and there was a lot of people waiting. Among the congratulatory guests were scholars, gods, and even mages.

The two light rays almost landed on the Shenhuomen Square in succession, showing the two factions. The three on the left had a look of arrogance and nothing left. The leading one is a heavy master with a small tripod hanging around his waist. The Guanghua Shens are actually a magic weapon!

A group of four people on the right side are all rigid and self-use. The leader is also a heavy mage, holding a large seal in his hand, which is extraordinary. That big seal is also a magic weapon.

The characters of these two factions were led by mages and appeared with magic weapons. Shenhuomen did not dare to underestimate. Xue was greeted by her, and smiled, saying: "It was the Spring Dawn Master of the Yuding School and the Founder's Chaoyang. When the mage arrived, he missed him! "

When the mage arrived, the crowd held his breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. In this world, there are very few mages, and they will be respected no matter where they appear.

The Founder's Chaoyang Master looked cold, and said, "Why! Shenhuomen despise our Founder? Why put the name of Yuding and the name of Founder?"

Seeing Xue stunned for a while, isn't this arrogance? However, the visitor was a guest, and he could not bear his heart. He said, "The Founders and the Yuding factions are both big factions. In my own mind, there is generally no difference between them."

Then Master Chunxiao sneered, "What is the Founder faction! Can it go hand in hand with my Yuding faction?"

"You're looking for death!" Chaoyang mage was furious, with a big impression in his hand, and it was a miracle that he was about to shoot.

Master Chunxiao wasn't afraid either, Xiao Ding twirled around his waist, and he was equally radiant, with a thousand spirits, and raised an eyebrow, "Think I'm afraid of you?"

Proud to see Xue finally fall into anger, with a long whistle, a mighty power exudes: "Where is the two, are you looking for trouble?"

Chunxiao and Chaoyang both slanted at him, their eyes full of contempt, as if to say that you are worthy of us for trouble?

Proud to see Xue's anger, she was going to take a shot, but was pulled by Bei Qingqing, and whispered, "Seeing Xue, you can't bear to be a mess!"

Proud to see Xue just banned the mage, the foundation is not solid, and he really started to play, not his opponent at all. He obeyed, and endured it, and finally pressed the anger, but his face was already extremely ugly.

"Two people, today is the day of great joy for the God of Fire Door, not suitable for fighting the wind and fighting spirit." Suddenly, a **** man rose up and stood opposite to the second mage.

The first person was naturally Li Xing. When he saw the two coming out to disrupt the situation, he calmly approached the ground and persuaded him. Speaking of which, he and the Yuding and Founder factions are still somewhat related.

At the time of mysterious discussion of swords, Yu Ding San Jie and Founder Shuang Ying both met. Among them, Qin Bo of Sanjie and Ye Kai of Shuangyingzhong played against him and were let go.

Would the two mages see Li Xing in his eyes and not even look at him? At the same time, he waved his sleeves and issued a mana to bounce Li Xing. This sleeve seems relaxed, but it can completely kill the five gods.

Unexpectedly, the two forces of platooning before Li Xing suddenly disappeared.


This time, the two began to face Li Xing squarely.

"Who are you?" Master Chaoyang asked.

"I'm Li Xing." Li Xing said lightly.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, as soon as he reported the name, the face of the second mage changed greatly.

"You are the Li Xing who is wanted by Wan Famen? The first **** of the Wan Fa Conference?" Master Chunxiao yelled.

"Exactly! The two also know me, I wonder if I am qualified to persuade you?" Li Xingdao said.

"Huh! No matter how famous you are, you are also a fivefold god, so you want to order me?" Chaoyang mage smiled with a disdain, "I caught you today and gave it to Wanfamen!"

Li Xing's eyes were cold, and he didn't talk nonsense. He directly performed martial arts moves, chaotic fingerprints, and grasped the other side. With this grasp, the mighty power was boundless, and the Master Chaoyang screamed, offering the big seal in his hand with all his strength.

That seal, called the Founder's Seal, is a magic weapon with extraordinary power and is a treasure of the Founder's town.


Baoguang came shockingly against Li Xing's big hand. When they contacted, they made a loud noise. Fang Zhengyin was beaten up, and after seven or eight fights, he stopped.

"Fang Zhengyin can't do this! Let me go and enjoy the reward!" Chunxiao Master also screamed, playing the magic weapon, "Let me make the magic tripod!"

Refining the magic tripod is not only a magic weapon, but also a treasure of the town gate of the Yuding school.

Li Xing's Jiulongya shot, and he trembled, pumping hard.


Refining the magic tripod was like a spinning top, and it was pumped and rotated, and it was thrown away. In terms of quality, this magic weapon has only one inherent injunction, and naturally it is not an enemy of the Jiulongyu.

The two ~ www.readwn.com ~ heard of Li Xing's identity, they became greedy and wanted to catch them and went to Wanfamen to receive a reward. However, their move angered Li Xing and made this confrontation no longer a persuasive nature, but a dead one.

"Want to appreciate it? I'm afraid you don't have that ability!" He smiled coldly, standing proudly in the air.

The Founders and the Yuding factions have always been at odds with each other, however, this progress has been consistent.

"Chaoyang, you and I join forces to kill this person, how about one half when receiving the reward?" Master Chunxiao said.

Master Chaoyang nodded: "Since you can't stop shooting, OK! I promise! Let's kill this son together! I don't believe that a god-man can turn the sky!"

Proud to see Xue seeing that the two were actually trying to kill Li Xing, they couldn't help but yelled, "To kill Li Xing, go through this first!

"Then cut it all together." Master Chunxiao said coldly, refining the magic tripod, and proudly saw Xue suppress the past.

The Chaoyang Master struck a king charm, spreading golden light, and strangling to Li Xing. The power of Wang Fu is not trivial. Even a five-fold mage can block it, and Li Xing's expression calms down.

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