Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 547: Bayesian Book

Chapter 36: Book of Heaven

The golden light from Wang Fu was strangled in the sky, and the power was definitely still above the magic square. However, Li Xing's approach has caused Master Chaoyang to stare into the eye. He ignores the Wang Fu and grabs it with his hands. Is his hand made of steel? Even steel is chopped.

"You are really looking for death! Actually use the physical body to compete against the cutting of the Rune of the King!" Chaoyang Master looked stubbornly, and urged the Rune of the King, and suddenly, the golden light of the sky became sharper, and it was wrapped around Li Xing's palm.

"Nine lives, nine destruction, King Kong is not bad. The magic is eighth, and I don't know how hard it is. I want to know." Li Xing's right palm was hard to grasp. The flesh palm touched the sharp, sharp gold thread.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The dense golden iron and iron symphony sounded, sparks splashed, and Master Chaoyang was completely stunned.

"There is such a hard palm! Is he still human?" A hint of fear rose in his heart.

Li Xing, however, felt a slight tingling in the palms, and his fingers were cut into very shallow and fine wounds, but only the epidermis was injured, and even blood could not flow. Suddenly, he had a spectrum in his heart, knowing that the cutting of the gold thread could not hurt him at all, and he could not help but burst into pride.

"Give me!"

At this moment, the palm of the hand suddenly swelled, and suddenly he shrouded it, grabbing the cutting king charm. A group of sharp golden lights kept jumping in his palm, but could not escape.

At the same time, Master Dawn Xiaochun's refining magic tripod has been shrouded and will directly suppress Xue Aoxue. Proud to see Xue Chucheng become a mage, with limited strength, but he realized the five rules, and he could hardly stop a few blows without being injured.

Li Xing received the cutting king amulet, and Yokohama drew it.


Lian Mo Ding roared and was swept away twice, and Master Chunxiao was shocked to spit blood.

"Let's go!" Chunxiao knew that Li Xing was terrible. He definitely couldn't take advantage of it today. Master Chaoyang lost the cutting amulet, and the pain was so great, but he didn't dare to stay.

Li Xing used his palm to cut his cutting character, which scared the mage. He had never encountered such a physical character.

The two mages offered sacrifices to the sky and left. The people who came with them have already left, and one dare not stay.

Li Xing defeated the two mages, and the guests were shocked.

Proud to see Xue stepped forward and said, "Thank you."

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Nothing. Today, I have achieved a mage, a congratulatory gift, no respect." He took out the newly seized King of Rune.

The power of cutting Wang Fu is extraordinary, but it is optional for him. Whether it is Jiulongyu or the Tower of Tolerance, the power is above this Wang Fu, and it is not necessary. It is proud to see Xue Chucheng become a mage, and he should have something to defend himself.

Today, seeing Xue Ming's defeat, he was able to come forward, which made Li Xing appreciate him very much and all the old grievances had been eliminated.

Ao Jianxue was also very polite, took Wang Fu, and smiled: "It turned out that the Founder sent a gift of congratulations."

The banquet lasted for three days, during which Li Huosheng officially announced that he would be the master of Shenhuomen, and gave it to Aomi Xue, and he served as the elder.

In the secret room of the high-level talks of Shenhuomen, Li Xing was held as a prisoner and sat on top. Proud to see Xue, Bei Qing Qingqing, Li Huosheng and others.

"Li Shenjun, thank you for the last thing." Li Huosheng said, "However, we also offended the Yuding faction and Founder. Because of this, I have been informed that the Yuding faction and Founder sent before. They have another purpose. They want to take the opportunity to capture the fire of Taiyi, the **** of fire. "

"Taiyi real fire?" Li Xing was surprised, "Do you have Taiyi real fire?"

"Yes, Taiyi Zhenhuo is what Taiyi Daozun left behind. After Daozun's ascension, Zhenhuo went through several twists and turns and got it by Shenhuomen. This has always been my top secret. Unfortunately, some time ago, I sent one The elders betrayed and fled, and told the Founder and the Yuding faction in exchange for their interests. "

Proud to see the snow: "Taiyi real fire is the most precious for Danshi. Yuding faction needless to say, the ancestor of Jianding came from Danding faction. There are three Danshis in the faction. Of course, I want Taiyi real fire. "

"The Founder and the Yuding faction are the deadly enemies. After receiving this news, naturally the Yuding faction will not be able to succeed, and they are ready to come to seize it. But they can't think of it, you will step in and let them return without success."

Li Xing nodded, heart trembling: "Taiyi real fire is the highest quality among real fires, and it is still above the five elements of real fire! Ao Jianxue told me about this, what's the purpose?"

When thinking about it, proudly seeing Xue again, "Li Xing, I heard that you are also a Dan teacher, don't you also need real fire?"

Li Xing said lightly, "You have something to say."

A proud look at Xue smiled: "Taiyi Real Fire is like a chicken rib to Shenhuomen. If you can provide enough Shentan, we are willing to exchange it."

Li Xing thought about it, and immediately understood the other party's intention. Neither the Yu Ding faction nor the Founder faction are easy to deal with. Since they started to play Taiyi's idea of ​​real fire, it is naturally untenable. Rather than being robbed, it is better to send out and change some elixir.

Figured out this section, he said in a hurry: "It depends on how much magic you need."

Aoxian Xue: "Two thousand Shendan, how about?" Two thousand Shendan is enough to train a group of outstanding disciples, even a second mage.

Li Xing did not want to think: "Well, give me a period of time, within three years, I will give you two thousand gods."

"I believe in you." Ao see Xue reach out and hold up a ball of real fire, this real fire, chaotic. Taiyi means Taiyi, and Taiyi means Chaos, so Taiyi True Fire, also known as Chaos True Fire, is not trivial.

Li Xing carefully stowed the real fire, and nodded: "This real fire is extremely precious, and two thousand gods are cheap. The two martial arts of Yuding and Founder will definitely not give up. I will solve this problem for you. . "

Li Huosheng and Ao Jianxue were taken aback. They solved the two martial arts by themselves?

"The two schools have powerful masters, especially Master Yuding and Founder Master. They are both masters of the law and heaven, and it is not easy to deal with them." Pride see Xuedao.

"Anyway, as long as it is not a prince, I will not be afraid." Li Xingdan said indifferently, these words heard everyone's heart beating, how strong is this person? You can't be afraid of Fajun!

At the end of the banquet, when the guests were gone, Li Xing also said goodbye and went to the Yuding and Founder groups.

Dare to go to the Founder and Yuding factions, it can be said that Li Xing took a risk, and the four figures of Fatian are not easy to deal with. However, he had long heard that the Yuding School and the Founder School each had half a volume of "Bay Ye Tianshu".

This trip, on the one hand, is to help Shenhuomen solve the trouble, and on the other hand, I want to see Tianshu.

From ancient times to today, ancient relics such as sacred objects, heavenly books, and heavenly charms have appeared in Tianyuanzhou. Some of these things are extremely powerful and some are not. The only thing that can be inferred is that none of these things belong to the world.

In particular, Tianshu is the most mysterious. It is said that if you can understand Tianshu, you can cultivate the power of heaven and the art of heaven, and urge the power of the holy things completely. In addition, some people in the history did practice successfully, but the end was miserable, and ultimately failed to soar.

The power of heavenly art is above the Taoism. It is a supreme means. The power of human beings cannot be controlled. Therefore, all those who practice the art of heaven can explode and die.

Even so, Li Xing still wanted to see what Tianshu looked like.

On the way to the Founder, Tianxie said: "I have collected six volumes of Tianshu for my teacher, but have not participated in the research. In my opinion, the things in this heavenly book are not suitable for cultivation. The power of the sky is too violent to control. "

"After the apprentice enters King Kong's nine-strength martial arts, he may be able to enlighten the heavenly scriptures." Li Xingdao said, "Master was so shocked and brilliant at first, but failed to ascend, which shows how difficult the cultivation process is. Heavenly books may help. "

Heavenly evil said: "It makes sense that your constitution is tyrannical, maybe you can cultivate."

The Founder sent the main hall, and Master Chaoyang was sulking in despair at this time, and asked the people around him: "When does the ancestor say he will leave?"

A disciple of the gods came and respectfully said: "Master, it takes at least a year for each time the ancestor to participate in the study of Bayeutian. Today, it is still half a month before the one-year period."

"Can't wait!" Master Chaoyang frowned. "There are powerful figures to help the **** of fire, and the ancestor must be sent out of the mountain, otherwise the Yu Ding faction may get on first and seize Taiyi real fire, then the consequences will be serious!"

"Chaoyang, why is it so panic?" Suddenly, an old voice came.

Master Chaoyang's face was all over, and he bowed his hands in worship: "The ancestor!"

An old man who came out of the temple had to be white and smiling, this man was the Founder, the founder of the Founder.

"Is the ancestor so happy, hasn't he realized the meaning of Bayesian Book of Heaven?" Master Chaoyang asked, moving in his heart.

"How easy is it to be enlightened by Bayeux? When you were enlightenment as a teacher, although there was no progress, it turned out to be a higher level, and you have already entered the fifth step of Fatian."

"Congratulations, Patriarch! Congratulations! The end of the Yuding School is here!" The disciples ecstatically bowed down.

Master Founder slightly waved his hand: "Yu Ding's old ghost is not easy to deal with, it is difficult to destroy him, but I can press him now." Although he has made great progress, his head is sober and very rational.

At this point, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mage Chaoyang stepped forward and said about the battle between Shenhuomen and Li Xing.

Master Founder didn't take it seriously, but the more he listened, the more surprised his expression was: "Is there such a powerful person? God and man are five-fold, and I will be able to defeat you. After he becomes a Master, isn't it great?"

Master Chaoyang smiled bitterly: "Even the disciples can't believe that there are such strange people in the world. He grabbed with one hand and got the cutting Wang Fu given by his ancestor."

"The ancestor, this person's disciple has heard of it." Suddenly, one stepped forward and it was Ye Kai who had fought with Li Xing on the ethereal sword.

"Speak." Master Founder said.

"This Li Xing is very remarkable. He is the first **** man at the Wanfa Conference. He has beheaded and killed the mage and worshiped the heavenly man as a teacher. I heard that Wan Famen is looking for him recently, and it shows that there is a lot of energy."

During the conversation, someone hurriedly reported: "The ancestor! There is a man outside who claims to be Li Xing and let the ancestor go out to meet him!"

Zhu * was surprised, Master Founder thought for a moment, and Shen said, "Please!"

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