Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 548: Emperor Silkworm

Chapter 37: The Silkworm Change

Master Chaoyang said for a moment: "The ancestor wants to invite him?"

Master Founder's eyes flashed and said: "He is very strong, and may be able to use his strength to deal with Master Yuding."

Chaoyang Master immediately became clear, and smiled: "It is still the ancestor's clever trick!"

Founder sent the hall, Li Xingzheng was in the hall. He did not rush to fight, and decided to look at the true strength of the Founder before making plans.

"Oh, Li Xiaoyou, I have heard of your name for a long time, and my friend can come. I founder Pengzheng to be brilliant!" Founder Master, smilingly, walked out from the rear, his language was gentle, as if Li Xing was an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time. of.

Li Xingwei nodded: "Mr. Founder is polite. I'm here to resolve the dispute between the two parties. What happened before must be known to the mage. I won't say much, just want to ask how the Founder will deal with it."

Master Founder turned and shouted, "Chaoyang, come out!"

Chaoyang mage stepped out and worshiped: "Patriarch."

"Miscellaneous! Who asked you to go to God's Fire Door?" Founder Mage rebuked, "And offended Li Xiaoyou!"

Master Chaoyang was neither humble nor arrogant, and said, "The ancestor, please listen to me, there is a treasure in the **** of fire door, Taiyi true fire. Yu Ding sent to snatch, and when the disciples learned that, they went to stop, and there was no harm to the **** of fire. "

"That was the case." Master Founder nodded and smiled at Li Xing. "Li Xiaoyou also heard that it was Yu Dingmen's bad intentions that the Founder sent in to stop. I didn't expect to have a conflict with the friend, which is really regrettable. . "

Li Xing sneered, naturally he did not believe what Master Chaoyang said, but since the other party released goodwill, there is no need to investigate. So he nodded slightly and said, "It seems to thank Master Chaoyang again."

"Li Shenjun is polite." Mage Chaoyang said, "Yu Dingmen has always oppressed the weak sects. I have never been used to it. Moreover, this time Li Shenjun broke their good deeds, Yu Dingmen will definitely retaliate." . "

"Oh?" Li Xing disagreed.

Master Fangzheng said: "The acting style of the Yuding School has always been revenge. It is unwise to offend them."

"Anyway, I'm at ease, and I'm not afraid of Yuding's trouble." Li Xing said.

"Little friends are not afraid, aren't they afraid of the Shenhuomen?" Founder Master said, "Yu Dingmen will not let go of the Shenhuomen, or even destroy them in one fell swoop."

In Li Xing's eyes, the cold light flashed and said: "Then I will set foot on Yu Dingping!"

"Okay! Domineering! But I can't do it with the strength of the little friend alone." The Founder Master was in the middle of his arms, his eyes lit up. "Our Founder's Gate has always been ashamed of Yu Dingmen's actions, and is willing to help the little friends!"

Li Xing's mind is like a mirror, the other is killing someone with a knife. He said calmly, "The Founder is willing to help, that's the best. But if it's just for a moment, it's impossible to believe it."

Master Founder sighed: "It's true that there is a half volume of Bayeutian books for both the Yuding and Founder schools. No one can participate in the research of half volumes of Tianshu. Only when they obtain two volumes of Tianshu at the same time can they have the opportunity to practice the above-mentioned peerless skills. law."

"I don't know the origin of that book, how did it come?" Li Xing deliberately showed a startled expression, with an open mind asking for advice.

Master Founder also put his face on his face and said, "This is the Founder ’s secret, but Li Xiaoyou and the Founder are enemies, so there is no need to conceal it." At the moment, he told the origin of Beiye Tianshu and told Li Xing to listen.

Beiye Tianshu, originally without a name, is called Beiye Tianshu because its village quality is made of bay leaves. At that time, Master Yu Ding and Master Founder were originally a pair of friends who practiced together and called each other brothers and brothers. The relationship was quite harmonious.

Until one day, they entered a practice cave house of a senior monk together and found many treasures. Among the many treasures, there are many gods and magic symbols, which can quickly promote the two to cultivate.

Among them, there is one thing that is most seriously kept, and that is the Bayeutian Book. Both knew that this book was a trivial matter, so they both wanted to seize it, and they had a conflict.

In the face of interests, friendship became worthless, and the two of them conspired against each other and fought with each other. Of course, in the founder's mouth, Master Yu Ding is a despicable and shameless man, but he has been patient until he finally turned his face.

In the end, the two of them won half of the Tianshu Book, and they parted ways from each other. With the help of the treasures, they founded the Yuding School and the Founder School.

Half of the book, Ye Yetian, could n’t see the doorway, so neither of them could practice, and they both wanted to seize the other half, so the two majors have been in a state of struggle and continue to this day.

At the end of hearing, Li Xing nodded: "So it seems that the two do not know what exercises are recorded on the book of heaven."

Master Founder sighed, "How can the book of Bayeux be divided into two? How can you learn it? However, if you can get another book, you will definitely be able to practice."

"That's why you are willing to help me? About half a volume of heavenly books is your condition?" Li Xingdao said.

"Yes, the Founder only needs half a book of Tianshu." Master Founder nodded, "Will Li Xiaoyou cooperate with you?"

"Of course I do." Li Xing promised very easily, "Don't remove the Yuding faction, Shenhuomen will be implicated."

"Okay! What do you need, Li Xiaoyou, even if you say it!" Master Founder also showed enough sincerity.

"Then I'm welcome." Li Xing blinked. "I want to borrow half a volume of Tianshu for your use."

Upon hearing this, Master Founder's face changed. However, after Li Xing expressed his thoughts, his face slowed down and said, "Tianshu is a treasure, how can you easily give it to others? Li Xiaoyou, this matter will be discussed again."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Since the Founder Master does not believe in it, then cooperation is not necessary. You must know that the Yu Ding faction is very strong. Without some means, it will not be possible to win. I will notify the Shenhuomen and let them Move out of here and avoid trouble for the time being. "

With that said, Master Founder was hesitant, and he was heartbroken: only half a book of heavenly books, and he was not afraid of what he saw. Besides, there was a vicious means that I planted on that day, and he was not afraid of taking it!

On one hand, the Founder mage claimed that there was a way to finally secure the book of heaven, and on the other hand, Li Xing's method was very good. He could not help but hesitated, and after a few thoughts, he actually agreed.

"Okay! Li Xiaoyou, I believe you once!" Founder Master stared at Li Xing and solemnly delivered half a bay leaf to his hands.

This half of the bay leaf is as bright as jade, glittering, and has the size of a door panel. There are many strange and unreadable characters drawn on it. However, each paragraph has only a half sentence, and even if you know it, you cannot practice it.

With the Ye Yetian Book, Li Xing thought: This old thing is not at ease, he wants to borrow me, huh! I left him empty!

Tian Xie also said: "Li Xing, this person must have something to tell you. This Tianshu is definitely not as simple as what he said, otherwise, how would the two fight for it for a hundred years?"

"Master said so, that's why I have to take this approach. The purpose is to scam the secret of Tianshu, to know what it really is, and what wonderful use it is." Li Xing immediately took the idea in his heart and fully entrusted it. Out.

After Tian Xie heard, he said, "Although there are some risks, it is feasible."

Li Xing put away Bayeux and said lightly, "Mr. Founder, I must do what Li Xing said, so you don't have to worry. I will go to the Yuding School, and the Founder will also be fully prepared."

Master Founder nodded: "Li Xiaoyou take care, we will see you then!"

After Li Xing left the Founder, Master Chaoyang finally couldn't help but said, "The ancestor! Why did you hand over to Bay Ye Tianshu? In case he discovers the mystery of" Sky Silkworm ", he will be greedy!"

The Founder muttered a smile and pulled out a black charm. This witch charm is filled with an extremely dark and degraded breath. With just a touch of this breath, a heavy mage can fall directly!

"Ah! Decaying witch charm! This Li Xing is as long as he dares to move the heavenly scriptures!" Master Chaoyang's eyes brightened, and he clapped his hands happily, "The ancestor is really nothing!"

Master Founder narrowed his eyes and said, "I have fought with Yu Ding for hundreds of years, and my life limit is running out. If I do n’t get the full volume of Tianshang and practice the silkworm change, this life is over. However, Yu Ding's strength Comparing with me, if we fight, we will only lose both. But now, with a fierce man like Li Xing, I will have more chances to win! "

"He can really win the other half of Tianshu?" Master Chaoyang still couldn't believe it.

"Of course not. Master Yuding had an adventure with me at the beginning. There are many powerful methods. It is almost impossible for Li Xing to kill him. However, this son is also very powerful, at least he can hurt Yuding."

Master Chaoyang nodded: "There are only two results. One is that Li Xing killed Yu Ding, but this possibility is very small. The second is that Li Xing is killed, Yu Ding wins or is seriously injured. But whether Li Xing or Yu Ding, after getting the book of heaven, he will inevitably practice the transformation of the silkworm, which will cause the witch charm of decay, and his life will be whimpering! "

Master Founder smiled slightly: "So ~ www.readwn.com ~ Every result is favorable, we don't have to do anything, just wait for the news."

However, he said that Li Xing had obtained half a volume of Tianshu and flew to the Yuding School. He couldn't help laughing while he said, "This Founder Master, I don't know how he counts me?"

"This person is very motivated and must be prevented," reminded the Emperor Tianxie.

Li Xing smiled "hehe": "Just count! Both people want to count each other, both want to get the heavenly script, they can use it!"

It didn't take long for the Yuding faction to be in sight. Li Xing released powerful coercion and immediately shocked the characters in the faction.

"Where's my friend?" A cold voice sounded, reaching deep into the soul, shocking people.

Li Xing embraced his arms and stood proudly in the air: "Under Li Xing, there is something to discuss with Master Yu Ding!"

Suddenly, a divine light flew out, and an old acquaintance appeared, which was Qin Bo, who was encountered in the misty discussion of the sword. Qin Bo smiled and arched, "Brother Li! It's been a long time!"

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