Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 553: Undyed skin

Chapter 42: Immaculate Skin

Sleepless Island Master said: "I have n’t introduced it to my friend yet. I ’m the oldest sleepless island owner, Zhu Yuan. The old daughter Zhu Qiqi, who was born inadequate since childhood, has a weak spirit, and barely feeds her until now. However, her health has deteriorated recently. , It looks like it won't last long. "

Li Xing reported his first name, and said, "The younger Li Changxing, who has no aptitude, has no one to do it." He thought to himself, "Congenital deficiency, but it is easy to recuperate. I only need my Baiyang Reiki and Chiyang Reiki to recuperate, and then You can recover by feeding a few more panaceas. "

The world is big, there are Baiyang Reiki and Chiyang Reiki, but they are alone. So in his opinion, simple things can't be done by others.

With such thoughts in his heart, he showed embarrassment and frowned, "Congenital deficiency is enough to cure, but ..."

Seeing that Li Xing was selling Guanzi, the owner of the nightly island laughed: "Little friends, rest assured! Medical consultation will never leave you!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "It should be to save people. However, in order to save the order, you need a very precious elixir, but this thing can still be used in the future."

At this moment, the owner of the nightly island was anxious. When he saw the hope, how could he let it go, he straightened up and said, "Little friend, rest assured! No matter what precious things are, old age must be double compensated!"

Li Xing said with a dilemma: "That thing, called a brilliant flame, can best repair the congenital deficiency. In addition, it needs a lot of gods and a number of natural treasures."

The muscles on the face of the main islander twitched a bit, and actually used the brilliant flame!

Looking at his expression, Li Xing took out the brilliant treasure flame on the spot, and suddenly, the breath of great brilliance was released, so that the entire hall was full of brilliant temperament, saying: "This brilliant treasure flame is a kind of medicine, and I can also use it it."

After a moment of groaning, the owner of the island never felt that Li Xing was a real person. Whatever he said, he couldn't be too stingy. He immediately said: "There is nothing to hide, and there is a treasure in the hand of the old, named Immaculate Skin. Like Baoyan, it is also one of the Qiqiqibao. If the younger friend is willing, can it be exchanged? "

Li Xing laughed secretly, but on the surface it was very difficult. He smiled bitterly: "The use of brilliant flames below is to consolidate the true shape, which is not suitable for the unstained skin."

The owner of the nightly island frowned: "What are the conditions for the little friend, despite asking, if I can do it, I will go all out!"

At this time, the day operator said: "Boy, don't be too greedy, anxious this old boy, he might use strong."

Li Xingdao: "Master, rest assured, apprentices know."

At this time, he said, "There is a treasure underneath that is broken and some repairs are needed. I wonder if the island owner can provide some?"

Hearing that Li Xing actually needed to repair the charm, the island owner was rather surprised, and laughed: "You want something else, you may not be old, but there are some repairs." He grabbed his hands and added three spells.

These three spells are all king charms, and they are sixty-four banned king charms!

Li Xing froze. He only wanted to try his luck. If the other party had any money, he would have made it. Unexpectedly, this night the island owner immediately took out three sixty-four banned king charms!

The patch of sixty-four statutes is extremely rare. These three cards add up, and the price is not under a magic weapon. It seems that this nightly island beloved girl is eager and can't care about anything.

"These three patches are donated by an ancient craftsman Fajun I saved at the time. They have never been used, even if they are needed by friends, just take them." The owner of the nightly island generously said.

Li Xing was a little bit sad, but this Wang Fu was extremely important to him. He could further open up the ban on fighting and fighting treasures. He couldn't avoid it. He said, "It's a big deal. I will take good care of his daughter to repay."

Thinking of this, he accepted Wang Fu and the undyed skin politely. The unstained skin is a glorious brilliance, with a strange atmosphere, and it really is a treasure.

Next, Li Xing was taken to meet Zhu Qiqi, the daughter of the never-night island owner. When he saw her, his eyes widened. I saw that Zhu Qiqi, who was so skinny and skinny, was not much different from a skeleton, and fell asleep.

Such a thin woman, even if so beautiful, couldn't see it.

Behind the Lord of the Night, followed by a beautiful woman, in luxurious clothes and dignified temperament, she paid homage to Li Xing: "Mr. Rao." She is from Zhu Qiqi

The master of the nightly island also arched his hand: "Little friend, please!"

Li Xing's method of saving people is not easy to be seen by outsiders, so he asked: "When treating, you need a place to be isolated from the world. Is there a place like caves?"

All night the island owner thought about it and said, "Yes!" Immediately went out to ask for the heavenly man, and borrowed his eight pole hole for one day, and the heavenly man was naturally willing.

So Li Xing took Zhu Qiqi and entered Bajidongtian.

In the cave, completely closed, Li Xing laughed: "Master, your old man is really clever and clever, so that the apprentice can easily get an unblemished skin!"

The sky operator hummed: "Don't be too happy, if this girl can't be cured, or if there is a deviation, then the island owner will desperately fight with you!"

Li Xing was confident: "No matter, I have my own way!"

Later, he released the Tower of Tolerance and arranged the people of Shenhuomen to Bajidongtian. These eight pole cave days are full of aura, and there are several veins stored by Li Xing, which are most suitable for cultivation.

Li Huosheng and Ao Jianxue were very satisfied, and felt that it would be a beautiful thing to settle here. At the top of Shenhuomen, they met with Tianzhu and others, and everyone was resettled.

Three days later, Li Xing began to treat Zhu Qiqi within Bai Yangjing day. He rubbed his hands and put a ray of pure Poyang into Zhu Qiqi's body.

He practiced Bai Yang Gong, the Bai Yang aura in his body, the purest, reaching the first grade. A product of Reiki is ten times more powerful than ordinary Reiki. It is very magical and has an effect immediately.

I saw that Zhu Qiqi slowly opened his eyes and felt very comfortable. He had never been so comfortable today. This Zhu Qiqi is congenital and lacks the internal organs. He has a loss. The day after tomorrow is not easy to recuperate, so even the owner of the nightly island is helpless.

But this Baiyang Reiki is the best way to repair congenital damage and cure the disease.

"Where is this?" Zhu Qiqi asked softly, his eyes locked on Li Xing.

The woman's eyes were so bright that Li Xing looked at it for a moment, then smiled, "I was invited by your father to heal you, did you feel better?"

"Well, thank you, can my illness be cured?" Zhu Qiqi asked.

"Yes." Li Xing continued to inject Baiyang Reiki into her body. "But it will take some time. You have to cooperate with my treatment."

"Yes, I listen to you." Zhu Qiqi was well-behaved.

Bai Yang Reiki, for Zhu Qiqi to wash muscles and easy to marrow, took seven or seven forty-nine days. By the forty-ninth day, Zhu Qiqi was evenly fleshed and no longer as skinny as that.

At this time Li Xing found out that the chick was very beautiful. These days, while Li Xing helped him to treat, he usually talked to her and gradually became familiar.

"Brother Li, I feel like I've recovered now. I'm so comfortable." Zhu Qiqi asked with a smile on his face.

Li Xingdao: "You have suffered a serious loss, and it will take some time to fully recover." Next, he gave Zhu Qiqi one by one to take.

Dragon Tiger Refining Dan, Baiyang Shendan, Zhengqi Dan, etc., were all fed to Zhu Qiqi by a special technique, unconsciously, it was another seven hundred forty-nine days.

In order to recuperate her, Li Xing can be said to do her utmost to study the Confucian classics that are too vacant, and select the appropriate Danfang for refining.

After Shen Dan's recuperation, Zhu Qiqi's complexion is much better than normal people, and he is full of energy.

"Brother Li, is it all right now?" She asked with a smile, blinking and wondering what she was thinking.

Li Xing faced up: "It's still early, be honest, continue to treat."

The so-called treatment was actually very comfortable, so Zhu Qiqi did not resist and continued to act as Li Xingshi.

This time, Li Xing had to use the Tianzhu Xingdan that he had accumulated so hard. He used these Xingdan to train Zhu Qiqi's body.

In this way, seven or forty-nine days still passed. The natural strength of the heavenly stars is not trivial. Under its continuous tempering, Zhu Qiqi's physique has far surpassed the patriarch and reached the level of God. At this time, if she is willing to cultivate, she can make a thousand miles a day, and she can be a god-man in a short time.

With eight poles in the sky, Li Xing stayed for five months. Outside, the nightly host couple was worried day and night, anxiously waiting.

On this day, the day operator smiled slightly and said, "Congratulations!" Then he waved his sleeves, and Li Xing and Zhu Qiqi traveled from the Bajidong sky.

Zhu Qiqi is refreshed and radiant. What looks like a patient? What makes the island owner even more happy is that he feels that his daughter's constitution is already very good, and it is definitely a good seed for spiritual practice.

Li Xing's hand said: "I can't live up to my trust, I have cured the lady."

The beautiful woman held Zhu Qiqi in her arms, and the mother and daughter laughed.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The islander thanked again and again.

Li Xing said: "It should be." Then said, "Senior, there are still things to do underneath, so don't stay."

Whereever the island owner is willing to let go, he must stay, but the hospitality is difficult. Li Xing stayed for another three days and ate three days of wine ~ www.readwn.com ~ before leaving.

As soon as Li Xing walked away, the rear foot of the sky operator also left, and the two met outside the nightly island.

"Apprentice, what's your plan?" Heavenly Man asked with a smile. Recently, he visited his old friends in the South China Sea. He was at ease and was not consciously pursued by Wan Famen.

Li Xingdao: "Master, the disciples decided to go to the Danding School to look for the immortal immortal among the seven treasures."

The sky operator nodded: "Looks like you are going to gather up Qiqiqibao? I don't know, how many pieces you have now."

"Six." Li Xing did not hide, "only one immortal is missing."

The heavenly man looked happy: "It was so bad!" He thought for a while, and said, "Danding sent a master like a cloud. Robbery is not good. You must think of a way."

Li Xing was also having a headache, and took the opportunity to ask him: "Master, can you give me pointers?"

The heavenly man thought for a while and said, "Danding School, known as Dan Tao, that immortal spirit itself is also a blind medicine, you can start from here!"

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