Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 554: Tanding competition

Chapter 43: Dan Ding Conference

"The apprentice doesn't understand." Li Xingyi said, "What does this have to do with getting the essence?"

"Every few years, the Dan Ding faction will host a Dan Ding conference. Although the Dan Ding faction is not as strong as Wan Famen, it has a large number of Dan divisions, so it has a very high status, and the major factions have always been reluctant. Offended. At the time of the Danding conference, the world ’s Danshi masters gathered to discuss Dandao and exchange ideas. During this time, a lot of elixir transactions will be conducted. So if you can participate in the Danding conference as a Danshi, you may have Opportunity to touch the immortal. "

The day operator said that Li Xing finally understood that he meant to fish in troubled waters and act in a timely manner.

It is not a bad thing that Dan Xing can make many people when he communicates with him. Li Xing feels that it is very cost-effective to go to the Danding conference. So he nodded: "Master said, I just do n’t know when the Danding Conference will start."

"It's been a month," Tian said. "However, the Danding Conference lasts for three months. It's not too late for you to go now."

Li Xing was anxious now: "Oops! This place is too far away from Dan Ding to send, so I'm afraid it will take three months for a one-way trip. The Dan Ding conference can't keep up!"

The heavenly man rolled his eyes and said, "You are a teacher to eat rice? Don't worry about this, I will give it to myself."

The time was tight, the master and apprentice did not stay, and immediately went to the Danding faction. That day, the operator was a character of Fatian Jiuzhong, and Fei's method was many times stronger than that of Li Xing. I saw a ray of light jumping through the air, and every jump was thousands of miles away.

On the way, Li Xing had a rare time to spend a good time with the women. The women are very upset, and now they are all good and the worst, and they have reached the sixth level of training.

In the hall where Bai Yang's aura was condensed, Chen Shuang angrily said, "I'm just coming back, do I have to leave again?"

Li Xing smiled: "Now the enemy is around, how can I protect you if I am not promoted as soon as possible? You can rest assured that I will come back to preside over the whole situation after I gather the Supreme Baby."

Chen Xuedao: "Xiao Shuang, Xingge said it very well. In this world, weak meat and strong food, without strength, can not stand, you do not make trouble."

Chen Shuang hummed a few times, not a reasonable person. He approached Li Xing and gnawed again and again, biting for a long time. However, in her heart, she also knew that Li Xing was right, so she did not really let him go.

Three days later, Li Xing and the day operator reached the sphere of influence of the Danding faction.

The heavenly operator put down Li Xing and said, "Apprentice, continue to play in the South China Sea as a teacher, and you should cultivate by yourself. Qi Yun sends all the matters and handles them by yourself, without your questions."

Li Xing worshiped, bid farewell to the day operator, and flew to Dan Ding faction.

Dan Ding faction, located in the northwest of Tianyuanzhou, is remote. To the west is the boundless Osawa, to the northeast is the North Snow Wasteland, and to the south is the demon forest. However, the Dan Ding faction has its own uniqueness, with many Dan divisions and strong members, so it dominates the party and has a very loud reputation in Tianyuanzhou.

The foundation of the Dan Ding faction is a magic weapon, calling Shi Fang Ding. The ten-square tripod is high in the air, and there is no cave in it.

At this time, Li Xing saw that in the air ahead, a huge tripod was bigger than the mountain, and was set in the air, releasing a mighty might. This tripod is exactly where Shifang tripod, Dan tripods stand.

As soon as Li Xing's people appeared, they shocked Dan Ding's patrol disciples. A three-fold god-man flew in and asked, "Who is coming?"

The god-man held a magic sign in his hands. As long as he pinched, he could immediately alarm the senior officials of the Danding faction and come to reinforce him.

Li Xing held his fist as a gift: "Liu Changxing, come to the Danding Conference, one step late."

The god-man looked at Li Xing and asked, "Is there an invitation?"

It turned out that Dan Ding's police station had all named Dan Shi, a big name in all parties. Although Li Xing is a Dan teacher, he has no fame in the Dan teacher world and naturally cannot receive invitations.

This time Li Xing was stopped and was about to make a speech, and a mage flew behind him. The mage passed by Li Xing, Li Xing recognized that this man was a mage from Tianchen Kingdom who had participated in the Wanfa Conference with him.

He immediately stepped forward and greeted, "Gongye seniors!"

The mage stopped, looked at Li Xing a few times, and suddenly his eyes brightened, and he smiled, "It's you!" Apparently, he recognized Li Xing. At the Wanfa Conference, Li Xing made a splash and left a deep memory for him.

The mage was named Gongye Dan, who claimed to be a descendant of Gongye, so Li Xing was also impressed by him. He remembered his first name and surname.

Gongye Dan said: "Li Xiaoyou, are you here to participate in the Danding Conference?"

Li Xing repeatedly nodded: "Yes, the seniors, but unfortunately the younger ones have no invitations, so they cannot enter."

Gongye Dan smiled: "Anyway, if you go in with me, you say it is my Dantong. What do you think?"

Li Xing was naturally happy and thanked again and again.

"It's all from Tianchen. It's the right thing to help you, no need to thank you." Then, he took Li Xing and flew directly to Shifangding. Those gods and men dare to stop the mage, watching Li Xing enter, and dare not say anything.

At Dingkou, a mage came to greet him and put them into Dongtian. The ten-square-hole sky is twice as large as the wind-hole sky of the eight-pole tower and has a vast area.

In the sky, there are good mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery everywhere, seeing Li Xing secretly nodded, and said that the Dan Ding faction really has some weather, thousands of times stronger than any crazy sword gate, this is the style of the big school.

The welcoming mage pointed at a bustling city below and laughed: "Brother Gongye, you are still in the old place of Dan King City, and your Dan room is ready."

"Oh, brother Zhang and Zhang." Then took Li Xing to land in a house.

Li Xing came here for the first time and didn't understand anything. When in doubt, he could only hold his belly temporarily. When I entered the house, I asked, "Senior, what is this place? Is it the place where the Danding Conference is held?"

"Yes, the so-called Danding Conference is actually to invite all Danshi teachers from all corners of the world to stay for a period of three months. During these three months, each Danshi teacher can freely communicate and visit the rest Danshi. Of course, there are several large trade fairs and Dandao fairs in the city. If you want, you can participate. "

"Every one of the Dan divisions we live in has a Dan division, of course the scales are different. The Dan division of the god-man class has a small house and a small land, and the mage level is larger. For example, here we are , It ’s wider. "

Li Xing nodded: "That's the case. It seems that the Danding Conference is relatively free and open."

"That's natural. The Dan Ding faction can have today, and it is inseparable from the preparation of the Dan Ding conference." Gongye Dan said a few words, and he went into the room to prepare for himself, leaving Li Xing free to come and go.

He said goodbye to Gongye Dan, and left the house alone, ready to walk around to see what the Danding Conference looked like.

The city of Danwang extends in all directions, and there are countless streets. On each street, there are Dan medicine shops, elixir shops, medicine tripod shops, magic shop and so on, which are dazzling.

Li Xing walked away at random, and found that the things used in the exchange here are no longer Xuan Jing, but elixir. Dan King City Central Exchange uses three types of elixir, which are divided into three categories.

The first class is Fadan, and the "ten methods Dan" shall prevail.

Intermediate is Shen Dan, with "Shenhua Dan" as the standard; inferior is Tianxia Xipin Dan Medicine, with "Yuan Ling Dan" as the standard.

Of course, other elixir can also be traded, but the elixir must be exchanged to the "Dan Danlou" sent by Dan Ding. The elixir of different grades and different grades has prescribed exchange ratios.

Three types of elixir can also be exchanged for each other. One ten-method dan can be exchanged for ninety-seven divine dans; one deified dan can be exchanged for sixty-three primordial dans.

"This Dan Ding faction has a very powerful background, and it is worth making a tenth payment against Dan Danlou," Li Xing said with emotion.

Walking around, I unknowingly came to a time-honored family, Tianyizhai. He moved in his heart and wondered if Tianyizhai had anything to do with the Tianyi organization? Immediately turned around and stepped into the store.

As soon as she entered the store, a beautiful woman came to her face, looking like a peach blossom, and asked with a smile, "What do the guest officials need?"

Li Xing looked around and found that only elixir was sold here. I thought I would buy some elixir lacking in Jingtian. I planted it and nodded: "Are all the elixir here?"

Women's Road: "Tian Yi Zhai is the strongest among the pharmacies participating in the Danding Conference. If we don't have one, there must be no other shops." She was very assertive and confident.

It turned out that not only Danshi, but also major business alliances came to do business. Of course, as long as there is business, someone will go to the Dandan House to exchange elixir, and the Danding Pie will also make money.

With a smile, Li Xing opened his mouth and said the names of a series of elixir, and in one breath he reported three thousand flavors of elixir, most of which were relatively rare.

The woman was not surprised. Apparently she had seen people from the world and smiled, "These three thousand elixir can be provided by Tianyizhai. I don't know how much the guest officer needs?"

"Every elixir needs only one." Li Xingdao ~ www.readwn.com ~ I do n’t know how much? "

The woman thought for a moment, and said, "A total of 1,300 Yuan Ling Dan is needed."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, please wait, I'll go and exchange for elixir."

Since the Tianyizhai time, whenever Li Xing has time, he will refine Xiaobaiyangdan in large quantities. The little Baiyangdan he has refined today is of the highest quality in jade grade, with a large number. At this point, 30 million Xiaobaiyangdan had been held in his hand.

Dudan Building is a small three-story building, and each floor receives different customers. The first layer is exchanged for Yuan Ling Dan, the second layer is exchanged for Divine Dan, and the third layer is exchanged for Ten Method Dan. Li Xing went directly to the first floor to exchange for Yuanlingdan.

Yuan Ling Dan, Tianjie Xiapin Medicine, the conversion ratio with Xiaobaiyang Dan is unknown. This little Bai Yangdan was invented by Li Xing again, and there was almost no circulation on the outside, so he couldn't get the exchange ratio in his mind.

On the counter, a ten-strong **** sitting there, saw Li Xing coming in, nodded, and said lightly, "How much Yuanlingdan will the guest officer exchange?"

Li Xing said nothing, first took out Xiao Baiyang Dan and said, "The shopkeeper, what is the conversion ratio of this elixir?"

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