Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 555: Nameless Seeds. 5 Spirit Gourd

Chapter 44: Anonymous Seed. Wuling Gourd

The shopkeeper took over Xiaobai Yangdan and input a divine power. Suddenly, Xiaobai Yangdan exploded and turned into Baiyang aura, very pure.

"Purely formed by the confluence of Baiyang aura, ah, the condition is good, the jade grade is good, and the effect is very good for the patriarch." The shopkeeper is obviously a connoisseur, and he immediately understood the situation of Xiaobaiyangdan and began to price.

"The average jade-grade Chinese herbal medicine is exchanged to Yuanlingdan for 1,31: 1. However, your elixir is relatively rare and can be exchanged at a price of 900: 1. Would you like?"

This nine hundred to one, which already includes one-tenth of the commission, Li Xing thought about it and nodded and promised: "Okay, I have 30 million pieces on hand, all of them are exchanged."

The shopkeeper said: "According to the ratio, you can get 33,300 Yuan Ling Dan."

Next, the two sides exchanged elixir, 30 million small white Yangdan, not a small number, but in the eyes of the shopkeeper is nothing.

Suddenly more than 33,000 Yuan Ling Dan were added to his hand, Li Xing felt a sense of wealth. Xiaobai Yangdan had almost no effect on him, but Yuan Lingdan was different. It had a very good effect on the god-man, especially before practicing Qiqiong.

Heading to Tianyizhai again, Li Xing delivered 1,300 Yuanlingdan and took away three thousand flavor elixir. A total of 3,000 jade boxes were placed in a magic weapon, with a large number.

As soon as Tianyizhai was released, these elixir were put into Baiyang Jingtian, and the slaves were responsible for cultivation and cultivation for the future alchemy.

After a brief lap, he didn't hear about the immortal essence, but he knew a lot about Danshi. It turned out that in this world, Danshi has a unique class division.

Among the Dan divisions, other than ordinary Dan divisions, those with higher levels are able to refining all the heavenly rank panacea, called Dan king. Most of the Dan kings are at the level of Fa Tian, ​​and their strength is also strong. No matter where they are, these people are detached.

On top of the King of Dan, those who can make xuanjie elixir, or even more advanced elixir, are called Danjun.

Above Dan Jun, there is Dan Zun. Dan Zun's level is definitely far beyond Dan Jun. They are the existence of a series of Gongye Taixu, which can make the elixir that directly breaks the void.

At the Danding Conference, there are no more than five people in the Dan King series. The Danjun series is said to have been reached by Danding Taoists alone.

The King of Dan can refine all the known gods. This standard cannot be met by Li Xing for the time being, so he is not a King of Dan.

When Li Xing returned to the house, Gongye Dan was preparing to go out and participate in a trade fair. In fact, the level of Gongye Dan is no better than that of Li Xing. However, he is a mage, so he has a high status and can blend in with everything.

"Li Xiaoyou, just right, you went to the auction conference organized by Dan Ding faction with me, and I have a long experience." Gongye Dan laughed, a kind of elder style.

Naturally Li Xing would not refuse, and immediately agreed to go with him.

The auction meeting of Dan Ding School was held in a huge circular building. This is a higher-level auction, and the people involved are at least mages, so there are not many people participating, and the total number does not exceed two hundred.

After Gongye Dan and Li Xing entered, they were directly invited into a private room. A ban was set up in the room so that people outside could not know who was in the box.

In the private room, a table and four chairs are simply furnished. Through the shadow wall in front, you can clearly see the auction process taking place below.

"Senior, what are you selling at this auction?" While waiting, Li Xing asked.

"Danding's previous auctions were all extraordinary shots. It is said that this auction involved many heaven and earth treasures, such as the blood of Xing Tian, ​​the ancient writings, the scales of the dragon, the heavy iron, and the water of eternal life. Immortals in the Seven Treasures, etc. "

"What?" Li Xing was startled, and asked quickly, "Predecessors calculated, how much elixir can that immortal immortal be worth?"

"It ’s hard to say. If you do n’t use it, there are too many one hundred divine dandelions. If you use them, one million divine dandelions is not enough. It depends on the situation. However, according to previous experience, treasures such as immortal pith Without five or six thousand deified Dan, I can't win it. "

Li Xing's heart suddenly became cold, five or six thousand deified Dan, but it is hundreds of thousands of Yuanling Dan! Where does he go?

Gongye Dan did not notice Li Xing's expression, and continued: "Five or six thousand are still small. If I can't make it, I must break through one million deified Dan. I can't even afford it."

Soon, the auction meeting began. Li Xingxin said that since he couldn't afford it, it was good to have an eye addiction.

In the middle of the lobby, above the high platform, a three-day mage walked out, saluting everyone, saying, "Dear friends, it is the day of the Danding School auction conference. New friends and old friends can join us, Dandingmen is very honored. "

"Gossip less, now, please give me your first baby!"

In the rear, two or three masters struggling to carry a piece of black meteorite, and the meteorite, the size of a watermelon, was extremely heavy.

"This is an immeasurable heavy iron. It is most suitable for building heavy weapons for the magic weapon. The starting price is one thousand yuan. The price of each increase must not be less than one hundred yuan." The host called the price and immediately scrambled.

"One thousand and one!"

"One thousand and two!"

"One thousand five!"

The price was quickly raised, soaring all the way to 5,000 yuan. It was obtained by a buyer.

This immeasurable heavy iron was of no use to Li Xing. Although he had the strength to buy it, he did not bid.

The second baby was then carried up. As soon as this thing came out, everyone's eyes widened and no one could see the doorway. This is a fist-sized thing, black, revealing a touch of aura.

The host said: "This is a foreign object. After identification, it should be a seed. Although it is not certain what kind of seed it is, this object is not afraid of fire and lightning strikes, and even real fire cannot be refined. "

At this point, someone in the booth asked: "So why don't the Danding faction plant it and see what can grow out of it?"

The host laughed: "It's not a secret, the seed shell is extremely hard. It has been used in Danding for more than 300 years. It has used various cultivation methods and has not germinated or somehow."

This time, most people are driving interest. If you don't know the origin of the seed, you can buy it and plant it and see what amazing things can grow. But since this thing can't sprout, what's the use of it?

The host said: "Because it is not easy to sprout, we only quote 300 yuan Lingtan, and each time the price increases, not less than 30 yuan Lingtan."

The price was called out, and some people shouted, "Three hundred!"

Since Li Xing came here, he felt like he was a poor man, and he almost humbled himself. At this time, when I saw such a bargain, I thought that it would be better to buy it and plant it in Baiyang Jingtian, maybe I could germinate.

With that in mind, he also called up the price: "three hundred and thirty."

Gongye Dan looked at him with a smile, and said, "Little friend, it's no use buying things, it is a waste of elixir."

Li Xing grinned: "There is not much elixir in the younger generation, so I can only buy such a gadget."

Gongye Dan listened to the music and said, "Since you think so, it doesn't matter if you buy it. Think of it as a plaything."

The person who bid three hundred yuan immediately gave up when they heard that someone had increased the price, so Li Xing successfully seized it with three hundred and thirty yuan. Immediately, a mage walked into the booth and delivered each other's elixir.

The seed started to sink. After finally buying something, Li Xing became a baby puppet, directly into the Yuanshen, and burned it with the five elements. Sure enough, the real fire burned up, and this kind of reaction did not matter at all.

After that, I started to burn with Taiyi, but still no response.

"Strange! What the **** is it? The real fire can't be burned!" Curious in his heart, he threw it to Baiyang Jingtian.

The seeds were soaked in the rich Baiyang aura, but still did not move. Now Li Xing regretted it: "I can't germinate if I don't make it."

The Emperor Tianxie also came to make fun, observed a long time, and said, "I don't know what it is, it looks very old, maybe it is the seed of ancient times, and it has lost its vitality."

Li Xing shrugged, stopped looking at it, and continued to watch the auction.

The third baby is a gourd. This gourd looks familiar to Li Xing, and then, once again, it widens his eyes. Isn't this Wuling gourd?

At the time of the Qi Yun faction, Song Jian gave him a Wuling gourd seed in exchange for the elixir for You Bikong. These five-element gourds did not grow until 3,000 years, then they blossomed in 800 years, and yielded in 800 years.

Therefore, in order to get the Wuling gourd, theoretically, it has to wait for 4,600 years, and Tao Zun can not live that long, so it is a chicken rib and useless.

The day in Baiyang Jingtian is equivalent to growing outside for more than a year. As long as a strain of elixir grows in it for three years, it can reach the power of the millennium elixir.

Wuling gourd is no exception. It has grown for more than ten years since it took root and germinated in the day of Baiyang. The five spirit gourds are filled with Wuling Yuanshui.

Wuling Yuanshui is very precious. With it as the main medicine, Yuan Yuan Dan can be refined. That Yuanyuan Dan belongs to the Xuanjie elixir, and few people can make it, so the Wuling Yuanshui is also very rare.

"Five spirits and one gourd ~ www.readwn.com ~ This five spirits gourd blooms for 800 years and results in 800 years. It is not easy to find. It starts at 3,000 divine gods! Each time you increase the price, it must not be less than 300 divine Dan! "

Suddenly, the mages began to compete.

"Three thousand three hundred!"

"Three thousand six hundred!"

"four thousand!"

"Five thousand!"

Under Li Xing's stunned expression, the price was called all the way to 11,000 divine Dan!

"A five-element gourd is worth eleven thousand divine Dan!" Li Xing muttered to himself, and then began to count the white Yangjing sky, the long, large gourd vine, the gourd on it In a string, each one is more than double the size of the auction gourd.

"One, two, three ..."

There are 156 mature Wuling gourds. As for those who are not mature, there are more than three or five hundred. Of course, over time, more Wuling gourds will emerge!

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