Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 556: Capture the fairy pulp. High price gourd

Chapter 45: Taking the Pills. High Price Gourds

"It's developed now!" Li Xing said fiercely, and then asked Gongye Dan, "Senior, if I have a baby, can I auction here?"

"Of course you can, just call it." Gongye Dan laughed. "However, the Dan Ding faction wants to extract 20% of the profits."

Li Xing nodded, stretched out his hand and patted in the private room, shouting: "Excuse me, I will borrow your expensive gourd for auction!"

Immediately, a mage came and smiled slightly, and said, "I don't know what the customer wants to auction? After you negotiate the price, you can auction immediately."

Li Xing smiled, reached out, took out a bunch of Wuling gourds, and was picked up by a vine.

"Ten best five gourds, starting at twenty thousand gods!"

In the stagnant light of Gongye Dan, the mage took the Wuling gourd, left the rune voucher, politely retreated, and went to auction.

"Little friend, you ... where have you got so many Wulinghulu?" Gongye asked in amazement.

Naturally, Li Xing couldn't tell the truth, saying: "I came by accident some time ago. I didn't expect such value, because I don't need it anyway, I would rather sell it."

Gongye Dan ’s eyes changed when he looked at Li Xing. Like the rich man, he said, “These five gourds are in excellent condition. They are much more precious than the one just auctioned. Hit the 100,000 mark! "

Speaking, the next auction begins.

Coincidentally, this auction is actually immortal.

A jade box was carried to the stage. In the jade box, a piece of fairy pulp was placed. Fairy, in the legend, a cultivation branch in the era of the Great Destruction, along with witches, bones, and so on, has risen, but has fallen.

"This immortal immortal is the legacy of the Heaven-Breaking God. It is said that it is an immortal object in ancient times. It is very precious. The starting price is five thousand divine fossils, and each increase is not less than five hundred divine divines!

Li Xing was anxious, and quickly said, "How many deities are there in the hands of the seniors? Can you borrow them for the younger ones?"

If you don't see Wulinghulu before this, Gongye Dan will never borrow it generously. Li Xing is a big rich man, and he is naturally not afraid of stumbling. He laughed, "I have forty pantheon on my body, which should be enough."

He turned his eyes and said, "Little friend, do you still have five gourds on your body? If so, why not sell them to me?"

Li Xing thought the old guy wanted to cheat me cheap! He regretfully said: "There are only five in the juniors. If the seniors said earlier, there is no need to auction them, and they are sold directly to the seniors."

It was a pity that Gongye Dan screamed in his heart, but he laughed and said, "No problem." Then he said, "I will pay the elixir when the friend asks for it."

Below, the auction has already begun, and the competition is quite fierce.

"I'm five thousand five hundred!" Said a young voice.

"Six thousand!" An old voice followed immediately.

"Six thousand five!" The third sharp voice rushed out.

"Ten thousand!" Suddenly, a cold voice said, squeezing everything down.

However, this does not mean that others have given up.

"Fifteen thousand." The young voice was steady and followed closely.

"Twenty thousand!" The cold voice enraged a little anger, and it seemed that others would not be allowed to compete with him.

At this moment, Li Xing's heart was cold, and the heart said that there was something wrong with this dog's head? I thought that Shenhua Dan was fried beans, and dared to rush to 20,000!

"Two thousand and five hundred." At this time, only the young voice bid.

"Thirty thousand!" Said a cold voice.

"Three thousand and five hundred." The young voice's master is obviously rich in money, but his character is more stable, and he is sure to get the immortality.

"Forty thousand!" The cold voice was completely furious, and there was already a killing in it.

"fifty thousand!"

Suddenly, another old voice jumped out.

Li Xing sighed in his heart, it seems that today there is no chance to buy this immortal essence! There are only 40,000 deified Dans in Gongye Dan, which is not enough.

At this point, the price of the Immortal Pill has risen ten times more than before, and has exceeded its value. Fifty million divinations are a huge wealth, enough.

However, the bid is far from over, and the young voice is still in a hurry: "50,500."

Suddenly, Gongye Dan suddenly said to Li Xing, "Li Xiaoyou, do you really want to compete for this thing?"

Li Xingyi: "Is there a way for seniors?"

Gongye Dan smiled: "I have an old friend here, I am a security guard, and asked Dan Ding to send you my medicine, but it takes 10% interest."

When he heard it was "usury loan", Li Xing immediately wanted to refuse. But then, together, this immortal immortal is so important to him that he must not give up, but he has to grit his teeth: "Okay! Thank you for your seniors! The younger ones will borrow 120,000 deified Dan!

Gongye Dan smiled and called out: "Please Mr. Wu come and talk."

There was a sound outside, and it didn't take long for a silver-haired middle-aged man to walk slowly into the private room and said lightly, "Gongye Dan, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Naturally I borrow some elixir for medicinal purposes." Gongye Dan said, "120,000, only one day."

"Borrow a day? With 10,000 interest, you can get 110,000. At this time tomorrow, you must pay it back, otherwise the interest will double." The gentleman said lightly.

Li Xing was so scared that it was too dark! One day's interest is 10,000! Doubled after one day!

Gongye Dan apparently knew the market and smiled: "Okay, that's it. I'm the guarantor. It's this little friend who wants to borrow."

"Gongye Dan, when have you been so bold and dare to be a guardian?" Mr. Wu laughed at him, but he clearly believed in Gongye Dan and readily agreed, "Well, this is one hundred thousand deified Dan. "

While talking, he took out a sac of sacrum, which contained a lot of 110,000 deified dans.

The two sides delivered the elixir, and Li Xing was sweating in his palms. He didn't dare to think about it, just borrowed it like this, he secretly hoped that Wulinghulu could sell for a good price!

"Li Xiaoyou, among these people, the young man is the most difficult to get involved. Although the price increase is not much each time, but the most difficult to get involved, you must be careful. If it exceeds 110,000, you give up immediately." Gongye Dan warned.

If the quantity of the elixir exceeds 110,000, Li Xing's strength cannot be reached. If the price is falsely reported and cannot be obtained in the end, the end is not ordinary misery, and it will be executed by the Danding faction as a felony.

Li Xing gritted his teeth and nodded, "OK! I know!"

At this point, the bidding was more intense.

The young voice said: "70,500."

The owner of the cold voice actually gave up at this time, and only the old voice continued to follow up: "75,000." However, the bidding in this regard has also been careful, and no more is the increase in the price of 110,000 deified Dan.

"75,500." The young voice was still tepid.

At this point, the old man finally gave up. It seems that 75,000 is his limit and he is unwilling to pay an extra point.

Li Xing breathed a sigh of relief. Now it seems that the enemy has only such a young man, and he said in a deep voice: "80,000!"

In all the private rooms, the guests were a bit shaken. 80,000 is not a small number, even some majors can not take out so much at once.

In one of the private rooms, there was a cold-looking young man. He said in a yin, "Today, there are so many fake products coming out! Huh, give me a close investigation. We must find out their identity and dare to argue with my son. All have to die! "

The man's face was full of radon, and his intentions were boiling. Behind him, there was an old servant, the servant said lightly, "Yes, rest assured, they can't get out of the Shifang Tower."

As soon as the price of 80,000 was called out, even the young voice's owner paused for a moment, but still called out the price: "80,500."

"90,000!" Li Xing went out, his bottom line was 110,000, so far. Such an increase of 11 thousand yuan, on the contrary, has a momentum that makes the other party discouraged.

Sure enough, the young voice's owner remained silent for a longer period of time, eventually no longer issued. Nine thousand is the final price. The host called it three times in a row, and no one stood out. This immortal essence was finally returned to Li Xing.

"Nine thousand, although a little loss, but still acceptable." Gongye Dan laughed.

A mage held the jade box of immortal immortal and sent it to the private room where Li Xing was located. The two sides delivered the elixir and 90,000 divine elixir.

Put away the immortal immortal, Li Xing loosed his heart, and finally gathered Qiqiqibao, the next step, you can conflict nine lives nine destroy King Kong is not bad, the magic is ninth! At that time, we can absorb the origin of real people and completely reach a realm of terror!

"Gongye seniors, thank you very much!" Li Xing thanked him sincerely, although he knew that the other party was also planning.

The auction continued, and the next auction was temporarily inserted. Li Xing's five gourds. Five gourds are connected together, and there are green leaves on the gourd vine, shining.

This gourd is more than double the size of the previous auction, and looks much better.

"Ah! Five gourds are still so big, good stuff!" Dan Master was immediately impressed.

"You, five gourds, starting at 10,000 gods! Every time you increase the price, not less than a thousand!" The host quoted.

"eleven thousand!"

"Twelve thousand!"

"thirteen thousands!"

The price has risen rapidly, and Li Xing's heart has tightened. His requirements are not high, and he can sell it for 100,000, which is enough to pay back the "Mr. Five" 120,000.

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ A majestic voice said: "Five thousand!"

Immediately, another majestic voice raised the price: "60,000!"

"80,000!" The owner of the first voice added without hesitation.

"One hundred thousand!"

Everyone on the field was shocked. What happened today? Everyone shot fiercely!

In a private room, several Dan divisions secretly discussed.

"The two bidders must be the king of the Dan, otherwise there is no such thing as a big deal."

"Wuling gourd, doesn't seem to have the price?" Said another person. "It's worth a hundred thousand."

"You are wrong. Five gourds are connected to a vine. Each gourd has its own mystery and contains different Wulingyuanshui. You know, what is the meaning of the five spirits?"

"Oh, I'm ignorant, please tell me." The man was also humble and asked doubts.

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