Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 557: Beheaded

Chapter 46: Beheaded

"Five spirits gourds, each result is a combination of five gourds, each gourd contains a kind of spiritual fluid. The five spiritual fluids are mixed together, called Wuling holy water, which can be used to refine the elixir. But It is difficult to grow all five gourds because of the lack of absorbed aura, which has led to very few five gourds in the world. "

"That's it! It seems that the price has to go up!"

"Fifteen thousand!" The first majestic voice was as powerful as ever, giving a kind of improbable momentum.

"200,000!" The second person also refused to let him down, putting a lot of pressure on him.

The price so far, the first voice said: "Brother Ming, you and I contend like this, how about splitting it equally?"

Another voice said, "Brother Bi, these five five-gourd gourds can blend a lot of five-spirit holy water. If they are evenly divided, it is enough. OK, I should!"

The host laughed: "The two, this is not the way to go. It is still taken by one person, and the two share it privately."

The price was 200,000 words: "So, I took a picture, 200,000."

"It's best." The host stopped saying anything.

In the end, this bunch of Wuling gourds was sold at the sky-high price of 200,000 divine fossils, which was removed, and Li Xing could get 160,000 divine fossils, which is enough for his repayment.

Hearing the final price, Li Xingxi smiled and thanked Gongye Dan.

Gongye Danxi laughed: "Congratulations to the high price!"

"Also, thanks to the help of the predecessors, this pantheon is no respect." Eleven divine pandans used 90,000 and 20,000 were left. He generously took out 10,000 of them as a thank you.

Ten thousand divine fossils is not a small number. This is a free gift. It is no better than an auction. Li Xing is a big deal.

Gongye Dan politely accepted it. As a matter of fact, it is often beneficial for the insured person, otherwise he would not rush to help Li Xing.

Dan Ding was extremely efficient. Before the next auction, all the 160,000 deified Dan had been handed in. Li Xing took out 120,000 pieces from it as the loan repayment fund, and in the end, there were 50,000 divine fossils left on hand.

With fifty thousand divine fossils in his hand, Li Xing really felt like the upstart, and continued to watch the auction with a smile.

The auction has come to an end, and the last few finalists are about to appear.

The host said: "The next item to be auctioned is an ancient text, please see!"

A word of "force" was held up by the host. This word reveals supreme power. Many people feel that as long as they get this word, they can double their power instantly!

"The starting price is one thousand ten methods! The price increase must not be less than one hundred!" The host reported a sky-high price, which directly strangled Li Xing's bidding idea.

"The ancient words were so precious! I don't know how much elixir can this" force "be worth in the end?" Li Xing said with emotion, one thousand elixir, but it is ninety-seven thousand deified, close to one hundred thousand.

"No less than 10,000 Fattans!" Gongyedan ​​stared at the changes in the field and said, "The ancient writings are extremely precious, they are simply priceless, and there are still less 10,000 Fatdans."

Only then did Li Xing find out that he was already a "multi-millionaire"! Because every ancient script is of great value, especially the words of life and death, yin and yang, rigid and soft, and the value is even more than the word "force".

"Three thousand fattans!" Someone immediately quoted.

"Five thousand!"

"Six thousand!"

Before anyone could respond, the price soared to 10,000, continued to rise, and finally settled at 17,000 Fadan!

Li Xing secretly said: "Master, 17 thousand pieces of ten methods, you were the first person in Tian Yuanzhou at first. Would you be nervous if you took out so many at once?"

"The richness of the teacher's collection cannot be measured by elixir at all. It would be easy if you took out 17,000 fats at once," said Tian Xie, the emperor. "At that time, the wealth of Tian Yuanzhou was all Belonging to the division, what is more than 10,000 Fadan. "

Li Xing thought of Master Hanbing. At this time, when compared with Tian Xie, he was no longer on the same level.

"I will open the treasure of the Emperor Tianwu in the future. I do n’t know how many elixir can I have? One hundred thousand elixir, one million elixir?" Li Xing's eyes were a little straight. He even thought that the treasures of the ancient emperor and the evil emperor were waiting for him to open.

"Be sure to practice hard! When I am strong enough, I will go open a lot of treasures one by one, when the time will be rich! Become the top one on Jiuzhou!" Li Xing opened his eyes.

"Don't dream first, wait until you start." Tian Xie the Great hit him a little, then said, "The next auction should be something more precious."

Sure enough, the blood of Xingtian, the scales of Tianlong, the water of longevity and other natural treasures were all sold at high prices. Li Xing couldn't afford it either, and stared.

"No better than no, only one knows how poor I am!" Li Xing couldn't help sighing. "Fortunately, the purpose of this trip is too good, and I have got the immortal essence."

The auction was finally over. Li Xing and Gongye Dan left the private room and returned to the house. The room where the two were located was stared at by a pair of eyes. These are cold, cruel eyes, hidden in the dark.

However, Li Xing has always been cautious in his actions. How can he be careless if he has fifty thousand divine divinities? So when he came out, he sacrificed a nimble lamp, covering the two of them and leaving quietly. In this way, those eyes could not find the true colors of Li Xing and Gong Yedan, and waited for a long time.

Returning to the Dan Room of the House, Li Xing immediately resigned to Gongye Dan because of his purpose.

But he said that the master of that cold voice was scolding the old servant at the moment: "Why didn't you find it?"

"The other party should hide his body." The old servant said, "But the son is assured that they can't get away. Anyone who is so careful will try to leave the Danding Conference as much as possible, and the old servant will stay outside Shifangding, not afraid that he will not come out."

The son nodded: "Okay! Catch the man, put him to death immediately, and take away the immortal immortal! That immortal is very helpful for practicing Xiaoyao Xianjing, and we must get it, let alone lose!"


Li Xing out of the ten-square tripod, identified the direction, and flew to the northeast. To the northeast is the ice and snow wasteland, and he is going to find a quiet place to break through the ninth time of King Kong ’s unbreakable magic.

Flying tens of thousands of miles, a sneer came suddenly behind him.

Li Xing wasn't surprised, and calmly stayed in shape. In fact, in the private room, he felt murderous, otherwise he would not sacrifice the nimble lamp.

In addition, when he left Shifangdongtian, he also felt murderous. Obviously, the person who followed was not so clever, because the murderousness was too obvious, he was directly sensed and exposed the position.

The son-in-law's old servant appeared in front of Li Xing. The old servant laughed: "Boy, you dare to compete with our son for something, it's really beyond your control, and immediately arbitrate!"

Li Xing looked at the other with an idiot, and asked with a smile, "What is your son?"

"Huh! That's me!" Another Faguang descended, and a young man with a suffocated face appeared, which was also Fa Tian.

Li Xing blinked: "It was you, the one fighting for immortality."

"Yes, boy, kneel down and ask for forgiveness, and be a slave to my mad son, I will spare you. Your qualifications are good, but it is a pity to kill him." The boy was arrogant and authentic.

Li Xing remembered when he heard the mad boy. To the northwest, there was a big martial art that was on par with the Danding faction, named tian mad gate. Tiankangmen, known as a mad Taoist, has a son, and behaves arrogantly. He claims to be a madman.

Li Xing's eyes narrowed, and his mind calculated: This boy, if he's bothering to find me, let's kill him! This person is the master of the heavenly door, and there should be many treasures on his body. I remember that the seven drops of blood of Xingtian was bought by him at a high price of 150,000 gods!

In his heart, Li Xing deliberately showed a look of fear, angrily: "Heavenly man, you and I have no resentment, why should we be embarrassed? If you want immortality, I will give it to you, but please let me go ! "

"Releasing you a horse?" Heavenly mad son "Haha" laughed wildly, "I suppose you have more than immortal essence in your body? If you hand it all over, if my son is happy, maybe he will let you go."

"Yes! Give up everything, our son may be able to spare you." The old servant echoed.

The pair of masters and servants thought that the winning coupons were in their hands, and did not take Li Xing, the god-man, as their fish, and regarded themselves as swords and swords, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

Just when the two were proud, Li Xing was ready to finish, and the Jiulongyu and the Tower of Tolerance came out at the same time. The tower that is too forbearing emits the light that is too forbearing, and it is covered by servants at once.

And Li Xing ’s Jiulongyao, he hurled fiercely to the mad son.

As soon as Jiulongya came out, the ghost cried and shouted.

"Let's die!" Li Xing yelled violently, attacked with all his strength, and showed no mercy.

The mad boy is also a personal talent, otherwise he cannot practice this step of the mage. Moreover, since his childhood, he was empowered by his father's mad Taoists, and his strength improved rapidly. Unfortunately, it is for this reason that the foundation is unstable. How is Li Xing's opponent?

In the face of supreme power, a huge fear appeared in his eyes before he called a "No", and his body was directly crushed and directly absorbed by Jiulong.

Li Xing unexpectedly moved too fast, and the mad boy couldn't respond. A magic weapon in his body was killed before being urged. It wasn't until his physical collapse that there was a ray of light rising to the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ to resist Jiulong.

This is a simple silver and white bracelet with a strange rune drawn on it.

"Magic weapon!" Li Xing slammed his fist, sealed the retreat, and decided to capture the magic weapon.

But on the other side, the old servant was also completely suppressed by the Tower of Tolerance, and it was taken into it at once and began to refine. At the beginning, when the Tower of Tolerance had not yet been sacrificed, it was possible to suppress Master Dayun's black cloud. At this time, the power was stronger, and it was natural to suppress this old servant.

Li Xing didn't move, he was shocked by the action and suppressed the two in an instant. That little shield was just an innate confinement, and it was a non-Kowloon opponent. After a moment, the light dimmed and was captured by Li Xing. It was suppressed by Bai Zhenjingtian.

"It seems that the things of the mad boy are stored in this magic weapon, and I will talk about it after refining." Li Xing turned his mind, cleared the bones, and continued to fly northeast.

He left before a mage suddenly appeared on the scene. This mage is also Fa Tian. He was pale and murmured happily, "Fortunately, he didn't take the shot first, otherwise he would be dead! Who is he? It's so good! Yeah, I'm going to mad Taoist! "

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