Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 561: Gathering runes! God 5 Great Success!

Chapter 50: Gathering Runes! Five Great Successes in Practicing God!

The 170,000 heavenly gods of heaven, eventually fell into the hands of Li Xing, 153,000, these gods, enough for him to condense the ancient magic.

The steward gave Li Xing to Li Xing and laughed, "Brother, if you have any treasure in the future, you must come to me." Then, give a sign to Li Xing. This sign is a VIP voucher for Tianyizhai. With it, you can enjoy discounts on future transactions.

Li Xing thanked each other, and then walked God's will again. There are also some shops on this heavenly Shenzhou, selling elixir, etc. He is going to purchase some elixir to fill the medicine field.

His medicine field has now cultivated more than 70,000 elixir, and is managed by several drug slaves such as Simon Duxiu. In Jingtian, elixir grows rapidly. A kind of elixir can often be replicated and cultivated within a year to achieve mass production.

Over the years, he has accumulated a lot of elixir. Some elixir, because it grows too fast, even covers tens of acres and thousands. Of course, this is also due to being in Baiyang Jingtian, otherwise such a situation would not be possible at all.

Each elixir must absorb the heaven and earth aura, and can grow in a specific environment. The quantity is scarce and it is not easy to produce. Baiyang Jingtian, however, allows elixir to ignore these conditions and grow like crazy.

The older the elixir is, the higher its value is. A 300-year elixir can be worth a lower-grade elixir; a 600-year elixir can be worth an ephemeral elixir; as for the millennium elixir, Can only be bought with Shendan.

Li Xing's medicine field is full of thousands of years of elixir, and even has thousands of years of elixir, which is his great wealth.

Tianyizhai's drug store did not disappoint Li Xing, and was able to provide a lot of elixir. After a few selections, he bought 30,000 elixir in one breath, as long as each one was less than 300 years old, and the price was cheaper.

Thirty thousand elixir eventually cost fifteen thousand gods of heaven. Suddenly 30,000 elixir would be needed, not a small amount, and the supply would take seven days to dispatch, so he could only wait a few days.

Nothing happened, Li Xing met many people. There are many Dan masters appearing on God's Will.

At this time, in a gazebo, several Dan divisions discussed Dan Road, Li Xing was at the last seat and listened with an open mind.

A seven-strength elf master, who has the style of elders, generously shares his experience of refining alchemy: "The road of eternal dharma is endless. As far as we know, the elder dharma in the world is nothing more than three types. Great furnace Dingdan method, heaven and earth furnace Dingdan method. "

Li Xing couldn't help but say, "Teacher, in the rumors, is there still a way to go too far?"

When he asked like this, the elder laughed and said, "Little friend, that is the way to go to the top of the stove, the way to cultivate your heart, you must reach the level of love, flesh and blood, in the world, how can my generation forget it?"

Li Xing together held a ceremony: "The junior was taught."

The elder continued: "Small furnace Ding-Dan method, supplemented by utensils and ground fire, is actually a better method of Dan. Unfortunately, the current master of Dan, it is a pity to work **** it."

"Otherwise, any kind of Danfa can produce good Dan as long as it reaches the extreme." Another elder expressed his opinion, "The big furnace DingDan is good, but it is too demanding on itself. How much can I do? "

Both of them were Dan Dao and started a debate. The stones of other mountains can be used to attack jade, and Li Xing has benefited a lot.

Speaking of halfway through, the focus of the debate shifted to the essence of the big pot. One party believes that the method of refining alchemy is the method of refining alchemy, and the core is refining alchemy. The other side believes that the core of the Dadan Dingdan method is to refine the shape and form the body, combining Dan Dao with cultivation.

Li Xing himself practiced the Dading Dingdan method, and even used it to practice the nine lives and nine destroyers. It is natural to accept the second statement, and he stood up and said, "The younger generation has some simple ideas about Dan Tao. , Seniors please correct me. "

Most of these people sitting together discussing and thinking are broad-minded and do not judge others by their looks. Although Li Xingxiu is inconspicuous, they still treat it equally, and do not feel that Li Xing's class is arrogant.

"Please tell me, my friend." Yi Dan said.

Li Xingdao: "The juniors had contact with the Dalu Dingdan method, and thought that this dharma had exceeded the scope of the dandao. When everything reaches a certain level, it will transcend itself and cause qualitative change. The warrior, the emperor, the god, the mage, and even the Tao, reach the heaven and earth. The same is true of the furnace Ding Dan method. Naturally, the Dan method can be used to refine Dan, but it is a trail. With this method, temper yourself and achieve extraordinary results. This is the avenue, and it is the greatest magical use of the furnace. "

Dharma holding this view nodded approvingly. They knew that it would not be possible to say such things without firsthand experience.

The one who disagrees is Dan Shi: "Li Xiaoyou, do you have any personal experience?"

This sentence asks for ideas. There are not many people who can master the masterpiece. Even if you have mastered it, few people use it to shape the body, because it takes a lot of risk.

Li Xing smiled slightly, a ray of light burst out of his head. Among the divine light, there are thirty-six flavors of elixir, all of which have a thousand-year medicinal age, and one flavor of medicine, Baiyang Lingguo. Thirty-seven flavors of elixir were twisted by Li Xing's magical light, and instantly turned into a billowing aura, turning into a rune.

These runes are arranged and combined in a mysterious way, generating mysterious power to land. Wherever this power goes, it nourishes the body, and the effect is obvious.

Everyone saw that Li Xing's body was overflowing with fragrance and a layer of glory was flowing.

Revealing his hand, he continued: "Take yourself as a stove, use God as fire, and endless use. The younger generation is shallow, and can't make full use of it, laugh."

Zhongdan division nodded and applauded, all glanced at Li Xinggao. Those who opposed all nodded, and even asked Li Xing for mystery.

Unconsciously, after seven days, Li Xing made many celebrities in the alchemy world. Among them, there were a few Dan kings, who appreciated him so much that he forgot his friendship.

Seven days later, he took 30,000 elixir, left God of Heaven, and sought cultivation.

The elixir is enough, it's time to complete the five major training exercises.

Tianxing Country, in a barren mountain, there is a peak that sticks into the sky. Li Xing hid in the peak and practiced with all his heart.

Ancient divine magic was condensed into runes one by one. These runes are as big as fists, and each of them is composed of many Tao Runes. It contains the supreme power and is the foundation of Li Xing's future practice of Taoism.

Day after day, month after month, more than two years have passed. One thousand ancient gods have finally condensed successfully and consumed 120,000 gods.

Originally, Li Xing decided to practice with Xingdan, but since she is available, Xingdan is retained. The Xingdan he has taken down is of high quality. If he exchanges it out, each Xingdan can be exchanged for hundreds of Fadans, which is worth nearly a thousand deified Dans.

One thousand small runes, one thousand large runes, one thousand ancient runes, all floated among the gods, and were eventually accommodated by Zhenwu Tianzhen. Among the heavenly arrays, the twenty-four stars are the most dazzling, representing the twenty-four martial arts mastered by Li Xing.

Three thousand runes, around these three thousand martial arts, operate with a wonderful law.

At the core of the sky array, the chaotic nebula controls everything. Among the chaos, there are the ancient Xuanjing, the big Zhou Tianxing map, the Tianwu map, and the big five elements furnace, all of which have become the array of chaotic Vientiane.

Li Xing's celestial array is like an independent celestial system, which is very mysterious.

"Three thousand magical arts, transformed into runes, Da Luo shocked, and finally can break through!" Li Xing screamed, the entire Zhenwu sky array, suddenly shocked, chaotic Vientiane large array, constantly running.

Da Luo was shocked, and the first was called "all-encompassing", and the second was called "unification of everything". Since Li Xing wants to condense the amulet, naturally he wants Vientiane to be unified and comb all magical arts so as to achieve the best results.

"Three thousand return to one, evolve three or three!"

Li Xing gave a loud sigh, gazed at the light, and urged the exercises. Immediately, a thousand small runes were held in a ball, arranged and combined in the way of Da Luo, and finally condensed into a Da Luo Rune.

Immediately after that, a thousand runes and a thousand ancient runes also formed a large Luo Rune.

The three big Luo Run arrays are exactly three or three. Li Xing now realized that the great intention of the Emperor Tianxie had him practice three types of divine magic. Three or three lives, Da Luo Sansan, suddenly produced the supreme mystery.

"Many martial arts are chaotic!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Xing sang again. On the 24th, representing 24 martial arts, they were all thrown into the chaotic nebula, causing a series of explosions.

This Da Luo Jing Tian Gong merges with the chaotic martial arts and promotes each other to produce a wonderful effect. The twenty-four martial arts are completely merged into one and turned into chaotic martial arts!

In the ancient Xuanjing, countless ancient characters radiated light, radiating large arrays; the star map of Da Zhou also released two kinds of star power and blessed him.


As if the sky collapsed, the entire Zhenwu sky array was instantly shrunk to a point, just like the scene of the end of the universe, and all the magic, martial arts, exercises, and feats were shrunk into it.

Subsequently, Li Xing's Yuan Shen was also shrunk to a point and incorporated into the Zhenwu Heavenly Array.

The unity of the Yuanshen, a moment of shrinking, produces supreme power, and the ability to calculate can be improved as never before.

Time seems to have passed 10,000 years, and it seems to be a moment in a thousandth, very long and very short.

The bright light condenses on a tiny point, as thin as a needle.


Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ This point is magnified infinitely again, a shocking sky, rising into the sky, turning into a long river of light, three thousand miles long, vertical and horizontal Baiyangjingtian.

In the long river, there are three thousand runes, chaotic martial arts, and various visions. Li Xing's Yuan Shen has obviously undergone a transformation. The book of earth and earth that day was enlarged in Yuan Shen, and Li Xing's Yuan Shen, three thousand runes, many martial arts, Zhenwu Tianzhen, etc. were all contained in it.



Infinite thunder and lightning, countless fires, countless demons, countless calamities, falling from the sky, and I do not know where they came from, all hit Li Xingyuan, but all were bounced off, and none approached.

Baiyang Jingtian, the beasts looked at this scene blankly, completely shocked.

"My God! Just condensing the runes, you have to experience such terrible calamities! The mage's magic calamities are nothing more than that!" The Tianshi couple murmured.

After the loud noise, a supreme rune, magnificent, noble, supreme power, supreme trend. This rune is three thousand miles long and eight hundred miles wide.

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