Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 562: Recipes for feeding fetuses

Chapter 51: Recipes for Feeding Divine Fetuses

The supreme rune shook three times, emitting three thousand divine rays, and converged in an instant, returned to Li Xing's body, and lived in the heart of Xuanqiao. Among the runes, a chaotic array kept calculating and devouring the light of God.

The divine light descended and spread throughout every part of the body, giving Li Xing a sense of unity of form and spirit. Wherever Shenguang went, he felt that the physical body was greatly benefited, and King Kong's not bad God array became more compact and powerful.

"Finally, the runes are condensed! It seems that the realm is still high!" Li Xing took a long, relaxed breath.

"The rune has been completed, the next step is to condense the divine fetus! Li Xing, do you continue to use the Dharma Most Holy Method?"

"Natural!" Li Xing said, "To achieve the supreme fetus, we must use the mysterious method of fetal birth!"

The Emperor Tianxie mastered two methods of fetal concealment, namely the Xuanjie Dharma Most Holy Law and the heavenly order Zhenwu Xiaoyao Law. There are six major Da Luo sacred laws, the first can be a fetus, the second fetus, the third fetus, the fourth fetus, the fifth fetus, and the sixth fetus. Mysore.

This method is extremely difficult. The Emperor Tianxie did not dare to cultivate at the beginning, so he settled for the second and practiced the true martial arts method. In contrast, Zhenwu Xiaoyao has only four folds, and at best can form a fetus.

"If you use this method to condense Xuanjie fetuses, it is more than ten times more difficult than condensing Xuanjie fetuses. You must be careful." Tianxie Emperor had a solemn tone and a serious face.

Li Xing nodded, his face was full of decisiveness, and said lightly, "Master, apprentice, I have come along all the way. I have taken more than one adventure. Success is the best, unsuccessful, and no regrets!"

"Okay! To condense the fetus, you must have a fetal base. You have great luck. At first, you got the Tongtian spirit fetus in the secret place of the wilderness, and you can use it!" Tianxie Emperor laughed.

Tongtian Lingtu, the supreme fetish produced in Tongtian bamboo, was initially suppressed by Baiyangjing Tianfa. The Yuan Shen has long been refined into the source of the Xuanjie Yuanshen for the purpose of practicing the Xuanjie Yuanshen. At this time, the celestial spirit fetus is already an unowned thing, and it is best to use it as a base.

Tongtian Lingtai suspends in the air quietly, and has a kind of omnipotent temperament that penetrates the world. Li Xing supported the spiritual fetus with both hands, and then sat on the ground, silently transporting the Da Luo Zhi Sheng Fa, and officially began to practise the sixfold! Condensing mysterious fetuses!


Li Xing's body suddenly spread out and turned into tiny diamonds that were not bad, forming a golden light, wrapping a supreme rune. The rune plunged into the heavenly fetus. Subsequently, countless King Kong did not break the **** array, surrounded by layers of the spiritual womb, as if a golden cocoon.

The heavenly spirit fetus is extremely arrogant. When the rune enters it, it feels great pressure. The chaotic bursts of movement also slowed down. However, at this juncture, the Dharma Most Holy Law was effective.

The Celestial Blast exploded repeatedly, and every time it exploded, it was absorbed by the rune until it was fully absorbed.

The process of childbirth was very difficult, and the progress was extremely slow. For the whole of the past seven to forty-nine days, Li Xingcai completely took control of the Tongtian spiritual fetus and turned it into his own.

After the Supreme Rune fused with the Heavenly Spirit, the Supreme Divine Order was finally born!

Nine days of thunder and lightning, winds from all directions, all ghosts of heaven and man, waves of incense, waves of fairy music, landed in all directions, countless halo around Li Xing.

This is a vision of heaven and earth. When the legend of the Great Saint and Daxian was born, it would trigger the heaven and earth air machine and produce a vision.

Emperor Tianxie's heart was surging, and he said loudly: "Ok! Ok! Ok! Li Xing, it will be very difficult for anyone to obliterate you in the future. Your climate has become a reality! You are destined to have a bright future!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The divine fetus beats like a heart, and every time it beats, the whole Baiyang Jingtian will shake. The breath of the divine fetus coincides with the change of the heavens and the earth, which conforms to the four seasons rule and is extremely wonderful.

King Kong God array, also re-condensed the body, Li Xing's spirit is full of anger, can not help but howling to the sky, the wind is frightened by clouds, a great power that radiates from heaven to earth, his divine power is improved again.

"Below Fajun, no one is your enemy." Emperor Tianxie nodded with satisfaction. "However, the next step is to train the gods to raise their babies. This process is slow and difficult. You cannot relax."

It turned out that after condensing the divine fetus, it is necessary to borrow things to refine God. What kind of "God" you practice will break up the fetus in the future, and what kind of divine infant will be achieved. The higher the means of refining gods, the stronger the power of **** babies.

Moreover, while refining God, you must also feed the fetus. Different fetuses need to be fed with different things, each with its own recipe.

After hearing, Li Xing said, "Master, how do disciples cultivate God? And how to raise a fetus?"

"If you feed, you will have a set of recipes prepared for you by the teacher." With that in mind, I sent a thought to Li Xing.

After reading the recipe, Li Xing was so shocked that his jaw almost fell off. This set of recipes prepared by Tianxie is really amazing.

The growth of the divine fetus is divided into early, middle, and late stages, and each period must be fed with different "food". The fetus of Li Xing is the supreme fetus of the Supreme Order, and the food to eat is not trivial.

For example, in the early stages of the divine fetus, there are nine kinds of exotic treasures such as dragon balls, phoenix pith, and best beasts. In the middle period, you need to feed nine kinds of mysterious herbs and other nine kinds of rare treasures. In the later stage, you need to use the big Zhou Tianxing. Force, directly fed with star symbols.

These things, in addition to a dragon ball and Tianyishenhua, all of Li Xing's body must be found, and I feel a headache when thinking about it. How can these treasures be found?

Tian Xiedao: "You must go all out to raise a fetus, so that you can produce a peerless **** babies. Of course, refining the gods is more important than raising the babies. Raising the babies is the nurturing, and the gods are innate. Just like a person, No matter how good it is, if it is not congenital, it will be equally difficult to become a big deal. "

"If you refine God, use this thing." He pointed to Baiyang Jingtian, the supreme virtual shadow.

This ghost image was a portrait bought by Li Xing when he entered the sunset set for one thousand Xuanjing. At that time, when he saw the portrait of Bao Xiang solemnly, he bought it with one finger, one finger, and one boundless force, thinking it was extraordinary.

Later, the portrait shattered and rushed out of such a ghost image.

"I don't know what the origin of this phantom is." Li Xing smiled bitterly and used somehow to refine God. He always felt weird.

"Ordinary people use the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, and rivers to refine the gods, and the achievements of the Yuanshen are just as powerful. How can they compare to its might?"

Li Xing is not a day or two thing. Li Xing is not in a hurry to make adequate preparations. Besides, at this time he felt that the Xuanjie divine fetus he had cultivated actually had a strong sense of hunger, which showed that the divine fetus lacked nourishment and had to be fed.

Fortunately, a dragon ball was left on his body. He was taken from the Dragon King at the Wanfa Conference and has never been used.

The Dragon Ball was thrown directly into the divine fetus, instantly broken, and turned into a billowing aura. Instantly, there was a sense of satisfaction in Li Xing's heart, and the hunger disappeared.

However, he did not know how long this satisfaction could last, so now he must go out and follow the recipe to find the natural treasures needed to feed the fetus.

The tall mountain rushed out of a supreme light, showing Li Xing's figure, and he finally came out. At this time, he has reached the level of practicing the God of Six, and has achieved a supreme fetus.

As soon as he came out, he took out the destiny sign and found that there were dozens of acceptable tasks on it, most of which were rewarding. After looking through it, one of the tasks was finally found, and the employer offered a reward for the supernatant.

The supernatant fruit and the Tianyishenhua, Yuliu and other things are the same level of fetishes. They can also be used to feed the divine fetus in the early stage. Li Xing's eyes suddenly light up.

Of course, willing to use this baby as compensation, the task is also very difficult. The purpose of the employer was to kill the thirteenth flower picker among the thirteen thieves in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is immense, with a large number of monks living there, but also bandits. They kill people and do more things, and do no evil. Among the bandits, their fame is loud, known as the thirteen thieves.

The thirteen thieves were all repaired. Even if it was repaired as the shallowest flower picking pirate, it has reached the quadruple level of Fatian, with a magic weapon in his hand, called Michen. As soon as this encounter came out, Feiyu quickly, even the figures higher than him could not catch up.

Picking flowers, as the name suggests, this is very profane. Whenever a woman is nun, she will commit adultery and then kill.

It's okay to deal with the theft of flower picking. The biggest problem is that the trace of the flower picking is erratic.

After a moment of hesitation, Li Xing still took on the task. The supernatant fruit was really useful to him, not a pity.

After receiving the mission released by Destiny, he immediately set off and went to the South China Sea to look for flower pickers. Whether you can find it or not depends on your luck and try your best.

Flying all the way, flying out of the kingdom of heaven, passing the edge of the demon forest, entering the territory of the kingdom of heaven. Li Xing intentionally flew over the sky gate, so take a look at the situation of the sky gate.

The Star Gate is the place where he started, and the host of the Star Gate, Beichen Changqing, is his righteous father, and he will naturally be very concerned.

The Star Gate was being blocked by a mana at this time. People inside couldn't get out, and people outside couldn't get in. A movement in Li Xing's mind set his body in the air. Because he didn't hide his body, he immediately shocked several god-men, and the light of God soared and surrounded him from all sides.

The four god-men who appeared were all practicing the God of God, and their strength was not weak, but it was not enough for him to see.

"Who are you? The Tianxingmen Mountain Gate is closed, no one is allowed to enter, and leave quickly!" The monotheistic man yelled, Li Xing's cultivation was too high, but he was restrained and people could not see the depth. Ordinary sixfold gods.

Li Xing's heart moved, and he held his fist and said, "I'm just a person passing by. I don't know which sect friends?"

"Huh! We are the gods of the Tianbo family. The Tianbo family, the Ji family, the Qing family, and the Nanshan family have joined forces with Wanfamen to slaughter the Tianxingmen in one fell swoop! You better go quickly, so as not to hit the pond fish," the man threatened.

Li Xing nodded, leaving no room for a big grab, covering the sky with his hands, a few gods exploded instantly, turned into the source of the gods, and was stored by him.

"It turns out that these companies are going to work on the Star Gate ~ www.readwn.com ~ I really don't know how to live or die!" He snorted quietly, sacrificed the nimble lamp, and entered the Star Gate silently.

At this moment, there was a gloomy cloud in the Tianxingmen Hall, and all three mages were seriously injured and their faces were pale. Beichen Changqing, the master of the Star Gate, was seriously injured. He was almost assassinated by the enemy and was sighing.

"Four families joined forces, and there are thousands of ways to help, my sky gate is dead!" Beichen Changqing sighed and looked even older.

A divine person in the hall sighed: "Four families joined forces and sent a total of ten mages. How could we have fought! And Wan Famen was so unreasonable and intervened!"

At this moment, the whole hall suddenly shook violently, and a cold voice came: "Three, my four families have set up a lore, and you don't decide, everyone in the Star Gate must die!"

"Am I the Star Gate, is it really going to perish?" Among the three mages, Beichen sighed to heaven.

"The righteous father!" Suddenly, a flash of divine light appeared, and Li Xing appeared, he said lightly, "These people do not know whether to live or die, dare to deal with the Star Gate, and the children will teach them to come back!"

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