Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 563: Machine sword. Little boy

Chapter 52: Ji Fengjian. Little boy

Beichen Changqing was desperate. Suddenly he saw Li Xing's appearance. He couldn't help but shouted, "Li Xing!" He hurried forward and looked up and down the righteous son.

Li Xing worshiped and asked, "Father, how could the four families suddenly join forces to deal with my Star Gate?"

Beichen Changqing sighed: "It is not yet the Wan Famen that got involved. At the beginning of the Tianchen chaos, there was the shadow of the Wan Famen. After Tian Chen was divided, I saw that the Tianxing Gate was gradually stronger, but Wan Famen came again."

Beichen rushed: "Wanfamen not only wants to dominate the kingdom of heaven, but also wants to incorporate the kingdom of heaven into its rule!"

Li Xing thought about it, knowing that if Wan Famen really had this plan, if there was no foreign aid, then the Star Gate must be destroyed. After thinking, he said, "Father, three elders, in my opinion, Star Gate wants To compete against all kinds of methods, we must obtain the support of the great forces. "

Beichen Changqing looked sad: "At this point, we also thought about how time is limited and the four companies suddenly shot, how could they have time to unite."

Li Xingdao: "Anyway, these people let me deal with it."

Beichen was eternally stunned. Although he knew that Li Xing was very strong, he was still practicing the Sixth God. After all, it was impossible to win ten mages, and he quickly advised: "Li Xing, the matter of confrontation should be considered from a long-term perspective. They asked the Star Gate Immediately surrender, not forcibly attack for the time being, and still have some time to work. "

Li Xing stepped forward and put a ray of Baiyang Reiki into Beichen Evergreen. This Beichen Evergreen is now the Ten Greatest Success of Practicing God.

"The righteous father is assured, they can't do anything about me." Li Xing's tone was so confident that Bei Chen chuckled at each other.

After losing his aura for a while, Li Xing stepped out, and the man went outside. A supreme light of God condensed his big hands and propped up. He immediately clicked and the mana restraint was directly broken.


Ten moments later, ten figures appeared in front of Li Xing. Of these ten people, all of them were mages, but only two of them were Fatian dual, but the rest were Fatian dual. Among them, an old acquaintance, the Tiantai Mingjing of the Tianbo family, has also reached the weight of Fa Tian.

This Ming dynasty on the rooftop originally conceived of Li Xingweicheng, then rebelled and became one of the core figures of the Tianbo family.

"Li Xing!" Ming Tianjing recognized him at a glance, looked at it, and narrowed his eyes. Li Xing's ability to break the legal ban at once showed that his strength is very strong, even if it is a sixfold god, he cannot be underestimated.

"Marshal! Let's meet again." Li Xing's expression was full of mockery.

The Tiantai Mingjing's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "Li Xing, you are a personal talent. If you trust in my Tianbo family now, I can be the master and spare you."

Another mage stared at Li Xing and chilled, "It turns out that you are Li Xing! Many of my young people died in your hands!"

This mage is an old ancestor of the Qing family. At that time, Li Xing led the Shenren camp and killed many gods in the Qing family. He still remembers it.

Li Xing sneered: "Today, even you are going to die!" Suddenly, he released an immense arrogance around him, all of a sudden shrouded everyone present.

Ten Masters, their faces changed greatly, and had no time to react, Li Xing had already shot. The Tower of Tolerance and the Jiulong Tower were shot separately, with murderous power, soaring into the sky. Under the urging of Li Xing's horrific divine power, the ten gods could not move.

"What? It's so powerful!" A magician with dual abilities was astonished and snarled to play the strongest spell.

It is a pity that Li Xing has been repaired to become a great success. King Kong is not bad at accomplishing great feats, but also condenses the fetus. The climate is complete and can completely suppress ten people.

The Jiulong Jiu hit "Om" with a bang, and the Tiantai Mingjing took the brunt of the scream. Before the screams were too late, he was blasted out, turned into the source of the mage, and was absorbed by Jiulong Jiu. The Tower of Tolerance also landed fiercely, suppressing another Fatian duo at once.

The other eight people were so scared that Li Xing completely overturned their common sense. Can the god-man be so fierce?

"Little boy! Help!" A mage screamed desperately.

Li Xing sneered: "Little boy? Big boy is useless!" The martial arts big move, chaotic big fingerprints cover the sky, and all of them are smashed down.

At this moment, a shocking sword light came from the east, and it was extremely sharp, carrying a powerful mana. Everywhere in Jianguang, Li Xing's seal power was dissipated. After a strange noise, the eight masters became free and fled away.

That Jianguang then met Li Xing's chaotic big hand. At this point, Jiulong jumped, fell into the big hands, and slammed into Jianguang fiercely.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Instantly, the two sides fought thousands of times, regardless of strength.

After a breath, Jian Guang pulled back automatically, Li Xing didn't chase, and looked intently.

A teenager, fifteen or sixteen years old, is already a cultivation practice of Fa Tian! This man is handsome in appearance, but his spirits are extremely strong. He stared coldly at Li Xing and said, "You are very good. You can take my Jifeng sword if you are a sixfold god!"

Li Xing was secretly surprised that this man was so young and so cultivated. He must have a history. Is it a person of all kinds? On the surface, he said indifferently, saying, "little guy, you have a bad smell, don't come out desperately and let your adult talk to me."

When the boy heard it, his face suddenly became iron-blue, apparently there was no time to raise his breath, and he shouted, "I don't know anything! I will teach you today the strength of my little boy!"

The young man raised his hand with a sword qi, the sword was bright, and the murderous spirit was soaring. He condensed a sharp sword array by himself, and beheaded Li Xing.

"Sword!" Said Tian Xie, the emperor. "You have to be careful, this sword is very high."

Li Xing put away the Jiulongyu and the Tower of Tolerance ~ www.readwn.com ~ The extermination knife was held in his hand, and sneered, "Just use him to try the sky-killing method!" .

Eight mages, with a lingering fear, hid behind the little boy one by one, and argued, "As soon as the magic sword comes out and kills everything, this person will be difficult to win without the magic weapon of a flying sword."

"Yes! The little boy will surely chop him under the sword. This machine sword is one of the eight swords of Tianyuan. The machine sword was created by King Fengdao.

Jianguang came rolling, strangling in the vertical and horizontal direction, Li Xing pointed out one by one, and the sword-like sword light was not inferior to the sword spirit, and the two sides fought together. His sword is everywhere, his strength is endless, his skill is exquisite, and the mystery of the chaotic martial arts instantly prevails.

"Impossible! The little boy is still in a disadvantage!" The mage's hearts mentioned in his throat. Little boy, but the strongest of them, if you can't beat Li Xing, then today is dangerous.

The little boy was also shocked. He suppressed the anger and palpitated: "This man is very powerful. He will grow up in the future, and his strength must be above me. I will be the first master of Tianyuan in the future, this man must kill!"

Envious of jealousy, he surging and urged Feng Jian to slash Li Xing under the sword.

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