Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 565: Wizards Conference

Chapter 54: Wizards Assembly

At this time, another female voice said, "Li Xing, it's been a long time since you really did not let me down." This voice was very familiar.

"Princess Yurui!" Li Xing yelled and called a name.

The clouds dispersed, a woman stepped out, her face was peerless, and she nodded slightly to Li Xing. She was actually one of the high-ranking members of Taixumen. At the time, Princess Yurui had reached Fatian Jiuzhong and she was named Qingyu Master.

One of those six great shores is missing. Princess Yu Rui was on top of it, and she was also one of the three elders.

The remaining five people obviously knew the old things of Master Qingyu, and one laughed: "Since Qingyu, since you have previous knowledge, you are responsible for this matter."

Qing Yu stunned: "The head, Li Xingque is a talented man who will not be born for ten thousand years. If there is more than one year, it will be the battle for the quota once in sixty years. If he can join the too virtual gate, I will get one more point. Win. "

The head chanted: "Li Xing is the first Qi Yun faction, the apprentice of the sky operator, or the grandson of the King of Xia, the righteous son of the master of the Xingmen, and his identity is too complicated. Moreover, he is a wanted criminal in Wanfamen, how can we keep it? ? "

Li Xing came here to ask for help from Taixu Men. At this time, when the two talked about his joining the Taixu Men, he turned and pulled on Beichen Changqing and left.

"What's going on?" Beichen Changqing looked confused.

Li Xing said coldly: "Although the Taixu Gate is a big faction, even its head is afraid of the Wanfa Gate. How can the Tianxing Gate allow such a martial art to take refuge?"

Beichen Changqing thought about it too, turned around and arched, and left.

"Slow!" An upper elder was furious and got up. "You said that the door was too virtual and afraid of Wan Famen?"

"Isn't it?" Li Xing faced the big master, openly fearless. "The leader is too vain to accept even those who are wanted by Wan Famen, not to mention such major events as sheltering the Star Gate?"

"Boy! Remember, Taixumen has never been afraid of Wanfamen. As a big faction, Taixumen has to be thoughtful about everything. This is not a question of fear or fear, but it is not worth doing. "The elder Shen said," You junior, dare to talk nonsense in Taixumen, you said, how to punish you? "

As soon as Master Qingyu heard it, his face sank: "Qing Chen, Li Xing is my old friend, do you dare to touch him?"

"Okay." As soon as he saw that he was going to get up, the leader immediately stopped. "You have fought for two lives, haven't you fought enough?"

Sure enough, there was the majesty of the head, Qingchen stopped talking, and Qingyu shut up.

The head said: "Li Xing, Qingchen speaks loudly, you heard? Too vain is not afraid of any forces, and no one will say that he will not take you in."

Li Xing sneered: "Is anyone who is too virtual is so self-righteous? I'm really sorry, but I have no interest in joining Tai Xumen!"

"Bold!" Qingchen immediately reprimanded, "Dare you speak to the head like this!"

"It's okay." Taixu's head faintly said, "Li Xing, joining Taixu's door will be very helpful to your future. Of course, if you don't join, no one will force you."

Li Xing is not a person who does not know what to do, but he is very polite when he sees the host of Taixu. He said, "I have no protection from any sect, and I can still grow up! Door is not interested. "

If it had been before, he might have agreed. However, now that he is in a good position, his strength is strong enough. If he joins the martial arts, he will be restricted and his work will be fettered.

A too elder of Taixumen smiled: "Good temper! Boy, can you fight against Wanfamen alone? Tell you, Wanfamen is closely related to Lingshan, and the force is very powerful. Only Taixumen can compete. . "

Li Xing raised her eyebrows and said, "So what?"

"Okay! Have courage!" Another elder said very much.

Several high-level executives seemed to be discussing something. After a moment, the head of the bureau said, "Li Xing, have you heard of the ancient battlefield?"

Tian Xie immediately explained: "The battlefield in ancient times, a continent sealed by supreme power, is extremely vast, and there are a lot of ancient relics in it, treasures all over the place, and they went in as teachers."

Li Xing then said: "Naturally know, a sealed continent."

"An ancient battlefield was sealed by a force that was so powerful that no one could break it. However, the seal would loosen every sixty years. At this time, if there were twelve mages, the Battlefield, they can open up a passage to send some people to the ancient battlefield. "

"Five hundred years ago, the four martial arts team, Taixumen, Wanfamen, Trolls Gate, and Dayimen, joined forces to create a large array called the" Twelve Days of the Great Array. " The Mage of the Realm can open up channels and send sixty people to the battlefields of ancient times. "

"The sixty people entering the battlefield must leave within two months, otherwise the seal will be strengthened, and the Tiangan formation will also lose its effect. The Tiangan formation is jointly created by the four majors, and the twelve masters are also joined by the four majors Out, so each of the four majors has fifteen places. "

Hearing here, Li Xing immediately understood. Together, the four factions can send sixty people to the ancient battlefield, each with fifteen places. Presumably after entering the battlefield, there will be **** scramble.

Sure enough, the head of Taixu said: "In the battlefield, there are different treasures everywhere, and the four factions will inevitably compete for me. The ancient battlefield was opened nine times, and each disciplinary will lose many disciples.

"Is this something to do with me?" Li Xing pretended to be confused.

Qingyu explained: "Li Xing, Wan Famen has developed rapidly in recent decades, and ambitions have also begun to expand. Just a few months ago, it suddenly announced that the four factions would no longer evenly distribute places. In other words, by the time the Big Four The factions compete for places on the basis of their abilities, and whoever has strong disciples will have more places. "

"Isn't the other martial arts opposed?" Li Xing asked. Among the four factions, Wan Famen is the strongest, which is naturally in its best interest. The other three factions have no reason to support it.

Qingyu smiled bitterly: "Wan Famen is very tough this time, indicating that if the three factions do not accept them, they will refuse to open the ancient battlefield."

"Huh?" Li Xing was silent, as if thinking about something.

"Li Xing, how about we discuss it?" Said one elder elder, "Tai Xu Men will give you a place for free, so that when you fight for the place, you can fight the power of Wan Fa Men."

"After the fact? Can I enter the ancient battlefield?" Li Xing asked.

"Of course you can. If you can suppress Wanfamen, Taixumen will definitely get more than 20 places, more than you." Elder Tai said.

Li Xing thought to himself: there must be many strange treasures in the ancient battlefield.

After a moment of thinking, he nodded and promised, "Okay, I'm willing! But what about the predecessors?"

"It's easy. Taixu Men immediately issued a statement that Tianxingmen belongs to the Taixumen branch sect. No matter how ambitious he is, he would not dare to move the Tianxingmen!" That elder said.

In this way, Li Xing finally settled down, and Beichen Changqing was also very happy.

"Qingyu, detailed steps, you and Li Xing to discuss." Taixu said, the five great shore disappeared.

Qingyu smiled slightly and said, "Come with me." As soon as she waved her sleeves, a scent of incense blew. Li Xing and Beichen Changqing's eyes flickered, and they had already reached another place.

This is a garden with flowers and birds everywhere and fresh air.

"This is where I live, Changchun Garden." Qingyu talked, took the two of them to a small kiosk and sat down, and there was a girl offering fragrant tea.

"Qingyu senior?" Li Xinggan laughed. "Do you know if this is appropriate?"

Qing Yu gave him a white look: "Let's do it."

Li Xing introduced Beichen Changqing: "This is my righteous father." Then he couldn't help asking, "Qingyu, what level has the cultivation of ~ www.readwn.com ~ reached?"

"Fatian is ninefold, and if you go further, you can restore the original cultivation." Qingyu Weiwei said that her last life was the cultivation of Fatian's tenfold condition.

Next, Qingyu told Li Xing about the detailed process of this place dispute. It took 60 years for those ten thousand disciplines to cultivate a group of powerful disciples just to fight for the quota.

Those who entered the battlefields of the ancient times before must be practiced under or above the law. Therefore, those who are vying for the quota this time cannot be more than Fa Tiansan.

This competition for places will be held half a year before entering the ancient battlefield, and there are still more than nine months left. At that time, the four factions will host a "Wizard Conference" in Taixumen.

Hearing and asking, Li Xing had a doubt in his mind at this time, saying, "How many people will the four factions participate in?"

"I'm not sure." Qingyu said, "I heard that Troll Gate and Dayi Jiao will join forces with Tianyimen and other big factions to share places, so the specific number will not be known until the last moment. But there are One thing is certain, this will be a veritable 'Wizards Congress', where the world's elites will gather together. Its influence is probably not under the Wanfa Conference. "

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