Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 47: 倌 人 1 曲

Murong Jiaojiao said so, everyone looked at Li Xing. Is this the owner of this word?

At this time, Li Xing had to stand up and arched to Murong Jiaojiao: "Let the county official laugh."

Murong Jiao admired her face and smiled, "I have seen many poets and read many famous articles in my life, but none of them is comparable to Li Gongzi's."

Li Xingxin said that there is no one comparable to Su Shi. However, this was absolutely impossible to say, otherwise he could not explain it clearly, so he smiled slightly and did not express his opinion.

He saved money and stood up, pointing at Li Xingdao: "You! This is the original master of Fang Cai's first word," When will the moon be! "Li Xing Son of Sanyi Garden!"

"Ah! Actually from Sanyiyuan! Why have I never met him?"

"I know all of Li Zheng, Li Fei, Li Jue, and Li Jie in Sanyi Garden. I never knew there was a Li Xing!"

Among the crowd, there are also well-informed: "You don't know, this Li Xing is the only son of Li Nature in Sanyiyuan. Not long ago, he took the place to join the Qiyun faction, shocked Sanyiyuan, and now is also a celebrity."

For everyone's discussion, Li Xing only treated the moon as the breeze, he didn't care, and laughed.

Murong Jiaojiao said in her heart: "Although this person is talented, he says that I am a" full man who has nothing to do and groans without disease ". It is abominable!" Thinking like this, with a smile on his face: "Please continue on Words. "

Li Xingdao: "This word is used to sing. It is boring to read it. I wonder if there is a Qingren who can sing here?"

It turned out that this word brand corresponds to a kind of tune. Li Xing uttered the words of the water song, but it was not for singing.

Zhu Cheng, the master of the city, laughed: "The Qing people are right in front of him." He clapped his hands, and more than a dozen girls took the bamboo harp, lute, jade, silk, etc. and sat in the center.

有 一 One of the girls, with a beautiful appearance, presented a gift to Li Xingying: "Please give me your son."

Singing must have a score, but how can Li Xing know the score? He simply walked over, attached to the woman's ear, and hummed out the tone of the bright moon. This singing method of Li Xing is not the singing method of the ancient word brand, but the singing method popular in that era, which is gentle and beautiful.

The young girl first heard Li Xing sing and listened to her carefully, which was quite funny, but after listening to it, she showed a curious and joyful look.

I sang it again, Li Xing asked, "Can you write it down?"

The clear-minded man pouted and smiled: "The slaves took note, thank you for your advice."

Li Xing nodded, swinging back to his seat.

The guests did not know what medicine was sold in Li Xing's gourd, and they all looked curiously at that person to hear how she sang.

Qiongqing people saluted to the county master, and then saluted to everyone, and then whispered to several people around them. It turned out that she sang the word again. Each of these puppets is brilliant, and once you listen to it, you can write down the tone.

He touched for a few minutes, and the man laughed and said, "Let you wait for a long time." Now Yaoqin flicked, and the beautiful music sounded.

"When will the moon ... ask about the wine ..."

When Li Xing was in that world, he didn't like many songs. This "When Will the Moon Be There" is one of them. He hadn't expected how good the shy man would sing, just two or three points.

But what surprised him was that this humorous voice was very soft, and when he sang it, he listened to it. I just feel that this sound is even more beautiful than it was then.

Not only Li Xing, but the guests were also stunned. The lyrics and songs in this world are relatively rough to sing, and I have never heard such delicate and beautiful music.

The song was over, and the song was very satisfied, with a smile on his face. Because they know that by virtue of this song, they will be the red people of Qingyun City in the future.

"it is good!"

I do not know who shouted, followed by the applause of the mountains and tsunami.

Murong Jiaojiao heard such a good song, and forgot Li Xing's evil, and laughed: "These wonderful words are only seen in life! Li Gongzi, I wonder if I can make another word today?"

Li Xing didn't want to be a literati, and didn't want to reveal the so-called talents. Suddenly, he had a clever move and pointed at Chen Shuang: "The county master didn't know. This lady Chen Er is a great poet, far worse than him."

Tong Murong Jiaojiao was taken aback. When she looked at Chen Shuang, she quickly stood up and said, "There is one more person!"

霜 Chen Shuang blushed and gave Li Xing a stern glance, but she was panicked. She is not a word for everyone.

Li Xing reminded: "Ms. Chen Er, didn't you write two words in Qingyun Tower last time, how about letting everyone appreciate it today?" He did this to divert everyone's attention from himself. Come.

Sure enough, everyone looked at Chen Shuang.

霜 Chen Shuang's heart moved: "Yeah! Zhao Yun's two words are also very good!" At the moment, he calmed down his heart, stood up with a smile, and saluted everyone.

雪 Chen Xue is the strangest, thinking, "When will Xiao Shuang write a word?"

霜 Chen Shuang tried to calm herself down with her voice, and recited the words Li Xing told her: "A pot of wine among flowers ..."

I read this Li Bai's poem as a word, and everyone was startled and applauded again.

Murong Jiaojiao also looked surprised, and said: "In this Qingyun City, there are actually two amazing poets!"

I didn't say that Li Xing was in the limelight, that Xu Guang, who had thought of serious injuries, and Li Zheng, Li Fei, who had old grudges with Li Xing, www.readwn.com, can't wait to kill Li Xing.

As a person, facing the person he hates is so beautiful and so shocking, the jealousy in his heart is even worse than killing him.

"Abominable! This **** Li Xing, why did he make such a good word? Where must I buy it!" Xu Guang cried, this kind of mentality almost made him lose his mind, suddenly stood up, his wine glass was facing Li Xing walked over.

It turned out that Xu Guang thought that Li Xing was seriously injured, so he decided to make him ugly at this time. He is a five-tiered practitioner of blood, and he thinks that it can easily make Li Xing ugly.

With a jerky smile on Xu Guang's face, he raised his glass and walked forward. Such toasting is sparse and commonplace, and no one cares. Li Xing, however, felt hostility from Xu Guang.

I just found out that this person hurt himself secretly. At this time, he dared to come again. Even if Li Xing was a clay figure, he was going to be angry. He secretly sneered, but greeted with a smile: "Xu brother!"

"Brother Li's words are really wonderful, please accept the next glass!" Xu Guang sent the wine glass to Li Xing, secretly exerting blood.

Li Xing's injury is getting better. He has six blood strengths, which is stronger than Xu Guang. At this moment, the blood force rushed in full force, secretly using the power of Tianlei collapse.

如何 How is Xu Guang his opponent? Feeling a strong surge, the "crash" jumped up, and the monkey flipped three heels in a row, and then sat on the ground with one butt.

Suddenly quiet around, then burst into laughter.

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