Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 48: Three masters practicing Qi

After this slam, Xu Guang fell on the ground in an occult position, unable to get up for a long time. He was embarrassed and angry, and his face turned blue. The servant rushed to help Xu Guang, Sen Leng's eyes looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing laughed: "It turned out that Brother Xu's fighting was so good that it was admirable."

He said that everyone laughed again, and even Murong Jiaojiao smiled.

光 Xu Guang left without face, turned silently and strode away, not even forbidden to quit the city.

When Li Zheng and Li Fei saw this scene, they looked at each other, and they saw the excitement of successful tricks from the other side. Li Xing actually offended Xu Guang, and that Xu Guang has always reported that he would never give up.

After a small storm, the Caizi Banquet continued. Because Li Xing and Chen Shuang had a wonderful song, no one came out to show the words.

Wu Murong Jiaojiao seems to see that Li Xing does not want to be high-profile, so he no longer lets him write a word, but frequently toasts him.

雪 Chen Xue heard Chen Shuang's words, surprised and surprised. When she sat down, she whispered, "Xiao Shuang, did you make this word?"

霜 Chen Shuang blushed: "Of course not." She also knew that she could not lie to Chen Xue, and she simply told the truth, "It was made by Zhao Yun."

雪 Chen Xue nodded: "I didn't expect that Zhao Yun was really easy. Last time you bought men's clothes, was it for him?" The woman's instincts have always been accurate.

霜 Chen Shuang was said to be broken, and immediately became embarrassed: "He saved my life last time, he must pay him back, right?"

雪 Chen Xue sighed: "It's nothing to be grateful to him. But Xiaoshuang, don't forget, you and me are not the masters of your marriage, so you better take that heart."

Chen Xue's words made Chen Shuang's heart sink, and he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Xun Sheng was born in a place like Sanyi Garden. Although there were brocades, but freedom was also restricted.

The imperial banquet was unknowingly coming to an end, and the guests left one after another. Li Xing was about to leave, but was pulled by Qian Biexie, and laughed: "Brother Li, Murong Jiaojiao will meet with you alone. The beauty is invited, and you must not refuse."

Li Xing stunned for a while, and thought it was nothing to stay and meet. When he wanted to come, Murong Jiaojiao must be a woman who liked words very much, so she would appreciate those who could write words.

All the people in the hall suddenly retreated, including Qian to dispel evil. In the empty hall, only Murong Jiaojiao was left. She smiled, her eyes crossed a distance of ten meters, and she looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing looked as usual, arching his hand: "What is the command of the county master to stay?"

Murong Jiaojiao stood up. The moment she stood up, Li Xing was taken aback. Because he felt a kind of horrible pressure on Murong Jiaojiao, this temperament, he only felt on one person, that is Li Ziran.

"She is a master of qi training!" Li Xing was frightened by her judgment. How old is this woman? He's already a practitioner?

Murong Jiaojiao is not much older than Li Xing, at most eighteen years old. Such a girl, even if she started practicing from the mother's womb, would be considered fast. Is there really such a highly qualified person in the world?

Murong Jiaojiao came to the opposite of Li Xing, and her eyes revealed a hint of coldness: "Li Xing, do you think I am a woman who is full and has nothing to do and moan without illness?"

Li Xing paused for a while, and it seemed that ... it seemed to come out of him, but how did she know?

"Why, dare not admit it?" A murderous look revealed from Murong Jiaojiao.

Li Xinggan laughed, without the slightest fear on his face, his thoughts turned countless times in an instant, thinking of a solution.

"This woman knows even a joke I inadvertently, it seems that Murong's news gathering method is really terrible!" Li Xing secretly.

"Hehe, this is a joke that was inadvertently told to others, the county master is not real."

"Joke?" Murong Jiaojiao stared at Li Xing, seemingly judging whether he was lying.

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "Without concealing the county master, there is not much interest in the word."

Murong Jiaojiao nodded and said coldly, "I can see that you seem to have confidence in yourself. What makes you have such confidence? The sixth practice of blood training, or is it your qualifications?"

Li Xing's heart was surprised, this woman has such strong eyesight!

He smiled slightly: "The county master laughed, and his qualifications are generally not as good as the county master."

Murong Jiaojiao shook her head: "No, a person's temperament is related to his status and strength. The temperament you show should not appear on your body."

Li Xing thought that because I am not a person in this world, but I could n’t say it, just smiled bitterly: "Maybe I'm sitting down and watching the sky, I don't know the sky is thick, so I'm so confident."

Murong Jiaojiao step by step, finally came to the opposite of Li Xing, and said lightly: "It seems you and I are the same kind of person. It is rumored that I am a poet, but in fact, I am writing words just to improve the state of qi."

兴 Li Xingyi stayed: "Lyrics can also improve cultivation?"

Murong Jiaojiao said, "When you reach my level, you will understand."

兴 Li Xing smiled bitterly: "The county master is really elevated. How can I be the same kind of person as the county master? The qualifications are dull and I have only been able to practice blood until recently. And the county master must have been a wizard for blood training since he was young."

The spirit of Tong Murong Jiaojiao suddenly disappeared, and she returned to her kindness. She smiled slightly: "Thank you Prince Li for staying together." Behind her, she walked out of a servant and sent Li Xing out of the hall.

After Li Xing left, a woman with white hair but ruddy face walked like a girl, she frowned: "Miss, it seems that he is not the person you are looking for."

Wu Murong Jiaojiao sighed, "No." Then he paused ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he was special. "

The white-haired woman laughed, "I don't see anything special about this kid."

Murong Jiaojiao said, "I have n’t been able to make progress after the triple practice of Qi. Master said that if I want to step into the fourth practice of Qi, I have to enlighten myself. I thought about it and decided to start with words. I first heard him I don't think he is a reclusive secular master. Unexpectedly, he is the sixth person to practice blood. "

"But this person is very special. There must be a kind of dependence on him. I have never seen such a confident person." Murong Jiaojiao was very puzzled. "But I do n’t think he is extraordinary."

The white-haired woman smiled: "Perhaps as he said, he doesn't know the sky is thick?"

Murong Jiaojiao also laughed: "I don't know people who are so tall and tall, they don't judge themselves like this, he ... is really special." Then said, "Aunt Feng, I'm going to live in Qingyun City for a while."

Li Xing left the city's main house and hit the horse home.

He did not say that Li Xing returned home, but said that the third son of Qian, after being beaten by Li Xing this morning, remembered that he was losing his temper at home at this moment.

"Go!" Qian Sanyi kicked his niece to the ground. This foot was extremely hard, and the maidservant didn't practice, and was kicked out of breath. For a moment, several strong slaves came to carry the dead.

At this time, a personal servant of Qian San stepped forward and whispered, "My son, the villain has a plan!"

Qian Qiansan's eyes brightened and he sat up suddenly: "Say!"

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