Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 568: Li Xing came to 0 Flower Island

Chapter 57: Li Xing Comes to Baihua Island

After cutting off their tongues, Shenguang let his hands loose, and he slumped to the ground like a pair of wicked dogs, unable to move.

The eight kings quickly called the little demon, lifted the two down, took good care of them, and then laughed at Li Xing: "The younger brother reaches out his hand, I don't know how to call him?"

"Here is Li Changxing." Li Xingdao said, "I have heard the name of the Eight Kings for a long time. After that, I have to ask for something. After the birthday party is over, it is not too late."

The Eight Kings nodded and said, "Come here, arrange Li Xiaoyou to the guest position."

The strength revealed by Li Xing made the eight kings give him a high look. That's why Changgui got so absorbed that he sat on the VIP table with Li Xing. On the VIP table, all were mage-level characters, closest to the eight kings.

Opposite Li Xing, there was a middle-aged mage, who kindly reminded: "This friend, the two of them were the Heavenly Eaters and the Heavenly Eaters and Evil Sages. The Lord of Heavenly Eaters is the Heavenly Eater, and his strength is overbearing. You have to be careful."

Li Xing nodded: "Thank you, I will care."

The birthday feast continued, halfway through, the eight kings suddenly secretly sent a message to Li Xing: "Little brother, I just got the news. God eats both evils and returns to the door, and returns to God eats the king of law, and the latter is angry and ready to come to slay you. "

Li Xingdao: "It seems that the seniors have been affected."

"Anyway, although Tianjun Fajun is fierce, he doesn't dare to rip his face with me." The eight kings said, "However, you should leave soon, otherwise I will not be able to recover."

Li Xingdao: "The younger generation still has a question about it. The older generation knows the whereabouts of the flower picker?"

"What are you doing to pick flowers?" The eight kings were surprised.

"Kill him." Li Xing bluntly.

The eight kings groaned, "It is very bad to pluck flowers and steal, and if you can kill him, it will be a good thing in the South China Sea. Well, I will help you!" He secretly handed a sign to Li Xing, saying "I As soon as there is news, I will tell you through the sign, go, don't leave, the Heavenly Eater is coming. "

"Thank you, the junior will be a good newspaper in Japan." Li Xing arched back and retreated.

Soon after he left Fubo Shuifu, a persecution of Dharma Sweeping swept the audience, and the heavenly ruler came. However, at this time, Li Xing had gone.

On the way, the Great Emperor Tianxie said, "Li Xing, since you have offended Tianchimen, you might as well go to Tianchimen."

Li Xing blinked: "What does Master mean?"

"Fengzi doesn't itch, so go to Tianchi Door and rob and make a thief." Tianxie sneered.

Li Xing sighed, "It is indeed the apprentice's master, think of a piece!" He immediately opened the chart, searched, and locked the position of Tianchimen.

At this time, Tianjun Fajun was asking the Eight Kings in Fuboshuifu, and he happened to take advantage of the opportunity to directly smash Huanglong and go to Tiantian Gate to get a vote.

Heaven eats the door, can be regarded as a big faction, the strength is still above the mad sword gate. When Li Xing arrived near the Tianchi Gate, he saw a large bowl of blood in the distant sky. This big mouth leads to another space.

"Well! It is actually a magic weapon. Presumably there are no holes in it. People who eat at the gate of the sky will cultivate in it." Li Xing's eyes flashed.

"Are you sure?" Tianxie was a little worried. "In this magic weapon, there may be a mage sitting in the town. Then they will urge it, and your chance of success is not great."

"Anyway, leave if you don't succeed." Li Xing rubbed his hands and said, "I am a diamond-like body, and I have a little deified ability, today I will try its power!"

He was shocked all over, and a lot of light was released in the divine fetus. This divine light enters the body and temporarily merges with the body. Suddenly, his flesh turned into a Vajra miracle light, united with the divine light, and united into a large hand.

This big hand is the chaotic big handprint, carrying supreme power, supreme power, and severely suppressed it.

In the sky, there was a big hole in the blood basin. In Dongtian, three mages sit in the town. They are the three disciples of Tianjun Fajun, all of which belong to Fatian.

At this point, Sanzheng got together to deal with the issues of Tianchimen.


Suddenly, the whole Tianchidongtian was shaken.

"What's going on?" A mage said in surprise, "Is anyone attacking 'Eating Heaven'?"

"How is it possible? Eat sky is the treasure of the town gate, who dares to attack?" Said another mage.


Dongtian was shocked again. This time, the three of them stood on unstable grounds and flew up at the same time. Each one of them urged the magic weapon to "eat the sky."

At this time, outside of Dong Tian, ​​Li Xing's chaotic big hands have suppressed the magic of "eat the sky". Suddenly, its treasure rose soaring, and that huge mouthful bite hard at Li Xing's big hand.

Li Xing was startled, and quickly flinched.

However, "Big Mouth" was very fierce. He chased Li Xing all the way and collided with his upper and lower teeth. He was accidentally bitten.


Bite in a big bit, King Kong is not bad, the big hand that God array and God light condensed, it can't hurt it. Li Xing shook his hand, but he couldn't help it anymore, he could not help screaming.

"What? Actually, even" Eating the Sky "bites constantly!" The three wizards who urged the magic weapon were shocked, and desperately delivered mana to bite Li Xing's thumb.

Li Xing had a slight pain in his hand, was bitten anxiously, and said angrily, "I don't believe you can eat me!"

Suddenly, that King Kong's big hand split into two. With one hand, the upper teeth door was pinched, and with one hand, the lower teeth door was pinched. He exhaled and yelled, "Give me!"

The supreme power of Li Xing, at this moment showed the majesty, that "eat the sky" huge mouth, slowly opened. In Dongtian, the three mages sprayed blood at the same time, showing fear.

In the distance, it happened that two fellow monks passing by saw this scene, and they opened their mouths in shock.

"My God! Isn't that the heavenly treasure? The heavenly treasure is the supreme treasure of the prince. It is said to be able to devour everything and grow quickly, and it was successfully refined only three years ago!" One person said in shock.

"Yeah! It is said that Tianjun Fajun uses the teeth of 'eating rats', 'rips off the skin of a raccoon', and the stomach of 'huatian python', which is made of three pieces of supreme treasure, with infinite power, even for some conditions." The characters are jealous. "

The two spoke a few words, and Li Xing suddenly shouted, shouting, "Tear!" The chaotic martial arts exerted the supreme power and produced a tearing force.


This magic weapon "eat the sky" was big-mouthed, and it was torn open. The cave sky inside collapsed instantly, and all the disciples and disciples were shaken out. Li Xing grabbed it with his hands, and took away all the useful things like elixir and elixir.

The three mages saw the machine quickly and fled as soon as they came out.

Li Xing gathered up the remnants of the two "Eating Heaven" magic weapon, and said, "Go!" The body disappeared for a while, and I wondered where to fly.

After dozens of breaths, Tianjun Fajun came hurriedly. As soon as Li Xing started, he felt it and returned immediately. Unfortunately, it was still one step late. All the disciples were scattered on the surface of the sea.

This day eating Fajun is also a big fat man, full of fat. His fat shivered and roared: "Who is it! Who took my 'eating sky'! This Falun goes to heaven and wants to go to earth. Find you out! "

Baiyang Jingtian, Li Xing was studying the magic weapon of eating heaven and said, "Master, this thing is not bad, but unfortunately it was torn by me and the Yuanling in it was broken."

"It's better to try it with a patch. I think this magic weapon is very strange and has strong vitality." Tian Xie's knowledge is wide, and he suggests.

Li Xing nodded, and immediately took out a sixty-four heavy forbidden repairing amulet, and shot it into the magic weapon at once. Suddenly, the thunder was rumbled, and the broken "Eating Heaven" magic weapon gradually merged into one.

However, the "Eating Heaven" after the close-up no longer has the original image. It is just a strange circle of glory, and it seems that it cannot be completely restored.

Li Xing was very sorry, saying: "A good magic weapon, it's so useless."

At this moment, Jiulongyu suddenly heard the idea: "Master, please give this thing to the small refiner."

Li Xing nodded, and threw "Eat Tian" directly to Jiulong Ao, but he asked no more, and began to count the things he got from the door.

As a matter of fact, all the good things in Tian Tian Men are brought to him by Li Tian Xing, and Li Xing didn't get much benefit. They are all ordinary goods.

In this way, I waited for a few days in the Baiyang Jingtian. On the seventh day, the sign left by the Eight Kings suddenly lighted up, and his voice came up: "Li Xiaoyou, there is news of picking flowers and stealing. Get ready to start against 'Baihua Villa', you can go there. "

Baihua Mountain Villa? Li Xing immediately took out a chart search and found that there was a place called Baihua Island one hundred thousand miles away. On Baihua Island, there was a lady of Baihua who founded Baihua Villa. There are many beautiful female disciples in the village.

"A group of beautiful women are gathered together, isn't it obvious that they are picking flowers and stealing them at the door, 'picking flowers'?" Li Xing shook his head, recognized the direction, and flew quickly.

Baihua Island is located in the vast sea. This island has a large area, and there are countless strange flowers and grasses planted on it. Many of the disciples of Baihua Mountain Villa are humans who are transformed into flowers and plants.

Baihua Villa has always been undisputed with the world. In addition, Mrs. Baihua is a five-character figure of Fatian. There is a powerful magic weapon, but no one dares to provoke him.

However, today is an exception.

Baihua Villa, a group of beautiful women Yingyingyanyan, some two decades, some two or eighteen years old, are anxiously gathered together, surrounded a 17-year-old woman. This woman was actually Fa Tian's heavy practice. She looked dignified and was negotiating with her sisters about the enemy.

If a man comes in, he must find that he has fallen into the pile of fat powder and flowers, and is so happy that he doesn't know what is north or south.

"Sister, what can I do! Master is not in the village, how can we be able to defeat the flower pickers? And this person also brought an accomplice, and his strength is also very strong." Still pity.

The sister looked resolutely: "It is notorious to pick flowers and steal them. If we fall into the hands of this person, we will die better. Sisters, the master once told us that it would be better to be broken than to be broken! You cannot surrender to such people! "

The beauty people nodded one after another and said, "Yes! We would rather die than let these animals be tarnished!"

"Haha ... my little beauty! Have you discussed it? Obediently opened the Zhuang door, greeted the uncle to enter, and promised to make you ecstatic and happy!"

"Yes, yes, in addition to picking flowers and stealing, there is also my Longdie Guyue!"

Baihua Shanzhuang, at this moment was wrapped in a black light group. In the black light, there were two men, all of them with vicious faces and fierce looks. These two people are the flower picking and Longdie Guyue.

After the two men threatened, Zhuang Zhong heard the master's decisive voice: "Picking flowers and stealing! Longdie Guyue! You can't stop thinking about it!"

"Hmm! I don't know what Xiaolang goods are, brother Lang, let's capture Baihua Villa in one fell swoop, take them as slaves, have fun, and torture to death!"

"Okay! Let's get five or five, one for each!"

"Boom!" Amid the dark clouds, black flames and black lightnings descended, and they continued to bombard the Baihua Villa.

Baihua Villa also has a defensive array, and suddenly a hemispherical five-color ray of light rises, blocking these attacks one by one. However, the Baihua Mountain Villa continued to shake, and the beautiful people looked disappointed.

"Not good! What magic weapon did the other party cast? I'm afraid it won't last long for a hundred flowers!"

"Why isn't his wife back yet? Is something wrong?" These women, who had been sheltered by Mrs. Baihua before, lived carefree. At the moment of distress, many people are helpless in tears and are very pitiful.

Cai Huayao was wearing a black suit, and his body was full of black gas. He laughed and said, "I am so dusty, I am a defensive team, and Baihua Villa can't hold it for long!"

However, when Li Xing arrived, he saw Baihua Island covered with a black light, and there was a faint thunder. He moved in his mind: Has the flower picker already started? With this in mind, when you bring up the Jiulongyu, you have to rush over.

Tian Xie yelled, "Good disciple, this is a great time for a hero to save the beauty. Don't miss it."

As soon as Li Xing rolled his eyes, he thought of something, saying, "Master, this plucking of flowers is very slippery. You have to think of a perfect way to prevent him from running away."

Tian Xie nodded: "This person has four abilities. If you run away with all your strength, you may not be able to catch it."

After thinking about it, Li Xingji raised a nimble lamp, silently passed through Michen, and entered the Baihua Mountain Villa, and even the hundred flower array did not stop him.

In the hall of hundreds of flowers, the master urged the magic circle to resist the attack of the opponent, and there were beauties all around. This place is really beautiful, and Li Xing's eyes are straight.

However, now is not the time to admire, he showed up and said, "I'm disturbing Li Xing."

"Dog thief!"

Who knows ~ www.readwn.com ~ When he appeared, the beauties were frightened and thought that the enemy had broken in, so various gods and spells attacked. The divine magic of the chicks is really good. The red, green and green are full of flowers flying around, but the power is really limited.

Li Xing didn't move. Ren attacked and hit him. He was bombarded by the King Kong array. He frowned and said, "Lao Tzu came to save you kindly. Thank you so much?"


The older sister finally saw that she was wrong, and drank the sisters. She looked at Li Xing and asked, "Who are you?"

"In Li Xing, the purpose of this trip is to hunt down the flower picker. However, this person is very cunning. I hope you can help me. Of course, when I kill the flower picker, your danger will disappear. Speak the purpose directly.

The master sister thought for a moment and said, "OK! I believe you, but how do you want us to help?"

Li Xing smiled "Hey," "It's actually easy, but let the beauties suffer a little grievance."

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