Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 569: Guiyuan cut. 3000 times the fighting power!

Chapter 58: Guiyuan Slash. Three thousand times the combat power!

Immediately, Li Xing planned to say in his heart that the women were angry and said, "We will never surrender!"

It turned out that Li Xing's plan was to open the gate of Baihua Mountain Villa, pretending that the flowers were stolen, and then he waited for the opportunity to capture it. However, it is clear that the women of Baihuashanzhuang are all dead-headed and refuse to do so.

The older sister also shook her head and said, "No! This is too dangerous. We would rather resist to the end than open the gate."

Li Xing was completely speechless. He shrugged and said, "OK, in this case, I have to go out to meet the enemy." In the horrified eyes of the girls, he swayed out of the villa, turned into a **** of light, and rose into the sky .

"Sister, this person is a god-man, can he beat the flower picker and Longdie Guyue?" A woman asked worriedly.

The master sighed, "I don't know. Since he dares to go out, there should be a way?"

Shenguang rose into the sky, Mi Chen was all unsteady, picking flowers and stunned, and shouted, "Who!" He urged the magic weapon to lock the changing light of Li Xing.

Divine light converged, and Li Xing's image appeared. He yelled, "Hey! Pick flowers and steal, you must do bad things. Grandpa will come to collect you today!"

Cai Huayao clearly saw his cultivation behavior, and angrily smiled back: "Okay! Now the world has changed, and even a small person like you is arrogant, let me die!"

Mi Chen hurled a billowing dust smoke and wrapped Li Xing all at once. Among the dust, there are sword lights, sword lights, and thunder lights, constantly attacking. However, these attacks had no effect at all in front of Li Xing's immortal body.

He "haha" laughed: "Picking flowers, do you do that?" Reaching out and taking out an "Ice Rune", this ice rune was originally obtained from the Ice Master Dongfu. There were only three. The powerful amulet has eighty-sixty-four heavy legal restrictions.

He input divine power, and suddenly, a shock of cold light came out. This cold light, like a practise, wherever it went, the dust was frozen and turned into a gray ice crystal.

At this moment, Li Xing punched out suddenly and shouted, "Broken!"


The ice crystals shattered, and the flower picker roared, and his magic weapon was not badly hurt.

"Abominable! How can this **** man be so capable? What is his origin?" Langdie Guyue was also shocked. This man is threefold in law and power, but he should not be underestimated.

Seeing that flower picking was a loss, Gu Yue released a white line, which was extremely bright. The white line shot straight, sweeping towards Li Xing.

"Deathline, kill me!"


As the white line approached, Li Xing was shocked. He felt that the white line had a strong cutting power, and seemed to be a fetish. He shouted, "Good baby!" .

"Si Lingling!"

The white line turned into a cutting light, which continued to lash in Li Xing's palm, and the fire splattered, but he could not hurt him. King Kong's body is not bad.

"Ruyi collects treasures! Collect!" He drank and performed an ancient divine skill, and actually collected the artifact directly.

Longdie Guyue felt that the induction between him and the kill line was cut off instantly, and she was shocked. The reason why he crosses the South China Sea is by virtue of this kind of power, and it must not be lost!

"Damn! Butterflies dance all over the world!" This wave butterfly, in the form of millions of flying butterfly phantoms, surrounded Li Xing layer by layer, a subtle force united, and actually caused the lifeline to shake again.

"Huh!" Li Xing's eyes flashed coldly, his big hands covered directly, and he shouted, "Three thousand crackdowns!"

Above the palm of the hand, three thousand haloes flow endlessly, representing three thousand kinds of divine magic, three thousand divine magic, already vaguely integrated into one. This is a state that he achieved after practicing Da Luo Jing Tian Gong's second emphasis on "Oneness of Vientiane," which completely combined the power of three thousand divine magic into one.

This blow combined the full power of three thousand types of divine magic, one thousand jade-level small magic, one thousand large magic, and one thousand ancient magic.


The Long Butterfly is a magnificent figure, and immediately knew that something was not good, screamed, and the illusion of the butterfly exploded, but a streamer shot out. It turned out that he used the butterfly shadow explosion to gain a glimmer of vitality and escaped from birth.

Under the attack of Li Xing, Langdie was injured but escaped. This time, he was frightened to pick flowers and thieves. He immediately ran away and immediately fled. He did see that the strength of this god-man, at least not under him.

Picking flowers and stealing things has always been careful. When he sees Li Xing's power, he is ready to retreat and not fight with them.

Li Xing smiled coldly: "If you see flowers and steal, if you run away as soon as you see me, maybe I can't do anything for you. Unfortunately, you underestimated me and gave me time to lay the heavenly net. Today, you ca n’t fly!"

His King Kong's indestructible body turned into a King Kong seal array, blessed by three thousand divine power, and shouted, "Three thousand seals!"


There is no light in the sun and the moon, the color of the storm changes, and Mi Chen stuns this magic weapon, which is directly anchored and cannot move. Surrounded in all directions, up and down by ten, surrounded by three thousand Taos of God, the water is leaking.

The three thousand seals were the result of Li Xing's full strength accumulation. From the moment he accumulates strength, it erupts in a fraction of a thousand.

Three thousand magical arts, each exhibiting magical magic, all of a sudden the seals of flower picking were stolen. Even the Longdie Guyue was sealed and could not move.

Even with such an overbearing power, they can't seal each other for a long time, so Li Xing still has a late move. A golden mountain, shining brightly, rises in the sky, illuminating countless golden light, each golden light is extremely heavy.

The flower picker was sealed instantly, as if frozen. Although this was a short time, it was enough for Li Xing to kill him.

"Heavy mountain, suppress!" He pressed it with a big hand, hitting the heavy mountain steadily.

In the eyes of Cai Huatou, there was a great fear, and he wanted to shout, but he couldn't say a word, he was still sealed.


An angry voice sounded from thousands of miles away, apparently not under the power of picking flowers.

Li Xing knew that the visitor was not good, and opened his mouth to blast a divine light into the heavy mountain. Suddenly, the mountain body emits more intense golden light, suppressing the flower robber, and sinking the force of the mountain, suppressing it.

This heavy mountain of holy relics, at the moment, was urged by Li Xing with all his strength, and he had already exerted a power of seven or eight points.


With a crisp sound, the flower picker was smashed into a meatloaf. That's right, a pool of meatloaf! Total death! The source of his mage was also absorbed by Jiulong.

"Dare you kill my 13th brother, **** it! You **** it!"

A terrible big hand stretched out from the void and grabbed it so fiercely. Just listening to the "wave", Li Xing's three thousand seal was broken, ignoring everything, and shrouded.

"What!" Li Xing was shocked, and he urged the heavy mountain twice and slammed into the other side.


The mountain hit a giant hand, this heavy mountain was shaken, Li Xing was also shaken back and forth, King Kong's not bad God array was slightly loose.

And the big hand rescued Langdie, and a man appeared. The man, wearing a black robe, was surrounded by a mass of black light, just like a flower picker.

"One of the thirteen thieves?" Li Xing stared at the other, asking coldly.

"Little thief! You killed my 13th brother, how do you want to die?" The man in black robe roared, "I am a thief and I am going to break you to death!"

Li Xing's heart sank, and the other's cultivation seemed to have reached the sixth level of Fatian! Even Fatian Qizhong!

It's completely okay to leave at this moment, but he understands that as long as they leave, the two will probably not let the people of Baihua Island pass, and they will certainly end miserably.

"What do these little girls have to do with me? It's better to leave immediately." He thought in his mind.

But the next moment, he remembered the past, when he was fighting with robbers, how similar is it to today? Suddenly, my heart was full of pride. The Immortal Emperor immediately knew it was broken, and he sighed, "Heroes often don't end well!" But he did not advise Li Xing.

The flying thief has already shot, and waved a spell. A shocking white light, hitting him in the head, white and misty, inherently murderous.

Li Xing held Han's lightsaber in his hands, and he smiled, "Han lightsaber, would you like to fight me?"

The cold light sword slammed, emitting thousands of cold light, and the cold sky was soaring.

"Okay!" Li Xing cut it out and killed Bai Guang.

This sword, carrying three thousand magical lights, has performed the "three thousand beheadings", which is extremely powerful. An exquisite white light broke through everything, directly tore the white light, and beheaded and killed the Flying Thieves.


The thief blasted out with a punch, only to hear the sound of "Boom", Jian Guang was broken, Li Xing's body shook, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The opponent's strength is too strong!

"Little god, how to compete with this mage?" Feitian sneered, "you have a good body, and you can use it to build a body in the future!"

Li Xing wiped the corners of his mouth, a weird smile appeared on his face, and said, "Put your mother's fart! No one can take advantage of Lao Tzu!"

The next moment, his expression was so solemn, he slowly lifted the ice sword, and said word by word: "Gui Yuan chop!"

"Sen! Sen! Sen!"

One sword light, condensed in the air, one ~ www.readwn.com ~ two, three, densely packed, there are as many as three thousand! Due to the forced transport of Shenguang, his supreme mysterious fetus also cracked.

King Kong is not bad, there are cracks, one by one King Rune is not bad.

Three thousand swords! Represents a real 3,000 times combat power! This blow was equal to 3,000 Li Xing, and a full blow was issued at the same time.

The sky is falling apart! The stars are shaking! Whimpers!

Heaven and earth were filled with sword shadows. The proud Butterfly was suddenly exploded, and was strangled by the supreme power of Guiyuan.

"What? Impossible!" Fei Tian roared, his voice filled with fear.


Li Xing's voice was cold and ruthless, full of killing gas.


The three thousand sword images were merged into one, and turned into an extremely glorious and extremely great one.

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