Chapter 62: Three Storms

The ninety-ninth floor of Wanyan Building is actually a small cave. Although the area is not large, it has mountains and water, and the scenery is pleasant. Surrounded by mountains, there is a huge square, and a tower is built above the square.

The tower had windows on all sides, extending a platform. On the platform, there are six beauties each. Around the tower, there are all kinds of figures, of course, most of them are men. They only have one purpose, that is, to choose the Hua Kui this year.

Li Xing glanced at and saw the twenty-four women on the tower, and she was indeed fragrant, some dignified, some charming, some shy, and some generous, each with their own advantages, which made people shine.

"Li Xing, how? Which one do you like?" Huang Jiuzhan asked, his mind seemed not to be above the beauty.

"It's okay," Li Xingdan said lightly.

Huang Jiugu laughed: "Really? Later, the flower queen will be selected. Someone will sell flowers in the back. A goddam can buy a rune flower. You can send flowers to 24 beauties. In the end, which beauty has the most runes, this year's Hua Kui. "

Li Xing's answer made Huang Jiuzhe vomit blood: "Oh, I forgot to take my elixir. Brother Huang, do you have a loan?"

For this loan, I am afraid that I have not repaid it. Huang Jiugui turned his face and said, "Sorry, I don't have much Dan capital. I only have enough for my own home."

Li Xing shrugged and said sadly, "That's it, just look at it."


A gong rang upstairs, and a middle-aged man in a Jinfu came out with a smile and shouted to the crowd, chanting: "New friends and old friends, the annual Fengbo Island Huakui Conference is about to begin. This time, Fengbo Island Twenty-four beauties were launched, they all have proud looks and wonderful figures! Below, the Hua Kui conference is officially started! "

Suddenly, the man turned to the back to buy runes, and only Li Xing and Huang Jiuzhan stood there.

At this moment, a young man, with a cold and arrogant face, had a bad look, and rushed forward. People who knew him saw him with a look of fear, and hurried away.

"Heisha Island's horse rushed here!" A familiar person secretly warned his friend, "Hurry away from him! This man is overbearing and must not be run into by him."

Ma Chong deliberately went to a crowded place. When he met someone, he held each other and said coldly, "Buy a hundred runes and give it to Miss Yan Bing!"

This person is Fa Tian's triple figure, with powerful strength. The vast majority of guests are not his opponents and can only obey. Soon, Ma Chong came to Li Xing and Huang Jiuzhai.

He rolled his eyelids: "Two, why are you standing?"

Huang Jikui smiled slightly: "Brother, it's been a long time."

Ma Chong glanced at Huang Nineteen, and then thought of it for a long time: "Oh, it was Brother Huang. It was a long time since I first saw you. Please buy a hundred flower runes for Miss Yan Bing."

"Naturally, Brother Ma's face must be given." Huang Jiuzi was very kind to him, and then said to Li Xing, "Brother Li, you have brought so many gods, why not send Yanbing some runes?"

Li Xing still said: "Remember to take elixir."

Huang Jiuzi smiled helplessly at Ma Chong: "Brother, this man is very stingy, forget it."

Ma Chong's face sank. On Fengbo Island, no one didn't give him face. He turned to Li Xing and smiled sternly: "No panacea, what are you doing at Hua Kui?"

Li Xing stared at him, and the noses of the two almost touched him, saying, "It's your offense!"

The muscles of Ma Chong's eyes were beating fiercely, and a cruel smile appeared on his face: "Interesting, it's been a long time since I haven't met someone like you who is not afraid of death. I have some fun today."

Li Xing sneered: "I haven't encountered such a silly person in a long time. It's really interesting."

It's silly. It ’s impossible for Ma Chong to know, but he also guessed that it was not a good word. He snorted and reached out to Li Xing. This catch seems to be nothing, and its implementation has exhibited a very powerful spell, calling it "space bondage".

To exercise the constraints of space, you must understand the laws of space, and the power of this spell is naturally extremely strong. Suddenly, Li Xing felt that the surrounding space was squeezed towards him, firmly bound.

Mana was close, Li Xing's King Kong did not break the magic array slightly, and an indestructible King Kong power burst out, "" a strange noise, and the space constraints were directly broken.

Ma Chong's body was unstable, he almost fell to the ground and looked over in surprise.

"He seems to be breaking my spells with his power alone! What exactly is this man from? How so strong?"

Li Xing's behavior is relatively low-key, but one thing he didn't like to be called and drank, so he decided to learn from Ma Chong. And most importantly, he felt Ma Chong's energy.

In other words, this person is likely to have ancient authentic text. The ancient scriptures on his body need a lot of ancient authentic texts. Why not miss this opportunity?

When Ma Chong was shocked, Li Xing turned and walked away. At this moment, the former thought he was scared, sneered, and caught up.

Li Xing stood up, and King Kong turned into a spear without breaking his body. As soon as he "drilled out", he immediately smashed a hole in the ninety-nine floor of Wanyan Building and rose into the sky.

"Want to leave?" Ma Chong shouted and turned into a streamer, chasing after him.

At the same time, another voice said, "Brother Ma, who offends you, my brother is here to help!" Another Faguang followed, chasing after him.

"I'm here too!" Then the second Faguang rushed out.

With a smile on his face, Huang Jiuzi trembled: "Fengbo Island's three fighters shot together. This Li Xing can't win! He's dead, and he can't blame me!"

Li Xing escaped to try to attract Huang Jiu. He did not expect that two dead guys would follow him. He kept sneering and didn't care.

Flying all the way, unhappy and slow, always allowed the three people behind to keep up, but could not catch up. In this way, he unknowingly flew far and reached a barren sea.

Suddenly, Li Xing stopped, and three Faguangs rushed to him in a triangular orientation and surrounded him. Three people, in addition to Ma Chong, there are two others, all of whom are the same age as Ma Chong.

The three of them are obviously not very old, and they are all three of Fatian, who are definitely qualified as talents. In fact, anyone who can practice to the level of Fa Tian is not simple.

"Dude, Ji, this guy has two sons. Let's work together to suppress him and ask his origin." Ma Chong said.

The other two are Du Yun and Ji You, both brothers of Ma Chong and Yi Chong. They often run across the island of Fengbo, known as the Three Storms. Du Yun and Ji You, one is the young master of the floating island, one is a disciple on the island of Jinyu.

All three of them are Fatian Triple, and their strength is extraordinary.

Ji You looked at Li Xing and said, "Brother, Du, this man is obviously practicing the Sixth God. Why should he be so serious to him?"

Ma Chong stared at Li Xing and said, "I used to use 'space restraint' to take him down. I didn't want to be freed by his strength."

"What? Space constraints can't stop him?" Du and Ji were very surprised, and they were immediately vigilant. You know, Ma Chong's space constraints, even they are not easy to get rid of.

Li Xing's thoughts flew around and found that within three thousand miles of the circle, no monk appeared. After he accomplished the divine fetus, the divine thought can spread for three thousand miles. In general, a heavy heavenly mage, the law conception only spreads a few hundred miles, showing how arrogant his metaphysical fetus.

"Three, why are you chasing me?" Li Xing asked lightly.

"Boy! Contrary to our three tyrants, you are destined to die!" Ji You said fiercely, "Knelt down and ask brother Brother for mercy, you can die faster."

Li Xing sighed: "It turns out that you want to kill me. I have no grudges with the three. Why should I kill me?"

"You are a little god-man, just like an ant, kill and kill!" Du Yun said scornfully.

Li Xing nodded: "Very good, since you are going to kill me, then I have a reason to kill three of them. I feel that you all have morals, and you must have ancient authentic texts hidden in them, this ancient treasure If you do n’t have the right to own it, give it to me! ”The Extermination Knife appeared in the hands, and it was murderous.

"I can't help it!" Ma Chongsan * was furious and stormy, and shot at the same time, each playing a spell.

These three people, side by side, killed more than once together, so they cooperated tacitly. Ma Chong exhibited the constraints of space. Du Yun exhibited the "Hidden Fire", while Ji You exhibited the "Strangled Wind".

The space is bound, and Li Xing's figure is settled first; the black-purple nether fire burns spookily, and cooperates with the wind sting and strangulation to attack Li Xing.

In the face of the three men's attack, Li Xingdong didn't move. King Kong didn't break the God array slightly, so they directly broke these three mana. The extermination knife shot fiercely, emitting a sharp knife light.

Swordsman, arrive too. The true meaning of swordplay lies in domineering, fierce, supreme power, and fastest speed. Li Xing's sword technique undoubtedly achieved these, and even reached a terrible degree.


The sword flashed, and Ji Jiu head landed.

The law and the heavens are triple, and the fetus is in a "smart" state. The mage in this realm, the magic of the mind, can cast spells faster and more powerfully, and can even create law spirits to fight against the enemy.

Unfortunately, UU Kanshu's magical spells are overshadowed by the eighth-level Sword of Heaven, and lose their advantages.

Fortunately, the mage's body is unusual, scattered when he is alive, and gathered when he is formed, which represents the law.

Although he is in a different place, Ji You turns into a light, gathers together, and tries to escape. Du Yun and Ma Chong were astonished and looked away from Ji Yu, and immediately fled.

Li Xing's chaotic King Kong's big hand shrouded the Quartet and covered the three directly. The chaotic fingerprints are one with King Kong's flesh, and their power is endless.


Supreme power, supreme suppression,

The three triple-sky mages couldn't resist, and their faces showed fear.

"The killer, Renheng kills, three, all the way!" Li Xing's cold voice sounded.

"Bong Peng Peng!" Three beeps, all three Masters exploded, and in the tumbling light, there were a total of twelve ancient authentic texts, filled with glory.

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