Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 574: 12 true sentences

Chapter 63: Twelve True Texts

The twelve ancient authentic texts are "big", "medium", "light", "heavy", "snow", "good", "fierce", "flying", "hidden", "potential", "Positive", "fairy".

Among the twelve authentic texts, the special word "xian" is surrounded by fairy tales and contains special truth.

The three mages exploded but did not die, and they all screamed, "You dare to kill us! You must not die! The teachers will not let you go!"

The Jiulongyan suddenly rushed out. This Jiulongyan has since refined the wreckage of the "Eating Heaven" magic weapon. At this time, a big mouth appeared at the end of the cricket, which was the transformation of the "Eating Heaven" magic weapon.

As soon as he swallowed his mouth, he swallowed down the origins of the three mages, and Jiulong Biao hummed with satisfaction.


The origin of the triple mage is not trivial. Sudden changes occurred in his body, and the third confinement was finally formed. Suddenly, Li Xing felt a strength and grew again.

"Kowloon owl, I wonder how many innate laws you can make?" Li Xing "haha" smiled and collected all the twelve ancient authentic texts. These authentic texts entered the divine fetus and were all taken up by the ancient Xuanjing, each taking their place, filling the blank space of writing.

The three tyrants in the storm, once worked together to kill a four-character figure from Fatian, seized twelve authentic articles, and divided them into four pieces each. Today, they wanted to beheaded Li Xing, but instead they were beheaded, and the real text was also seized.

After killing the three mages, Li Xing turned around and walked back, ignoring the yellow nineteen. However, by the time he returned to Bliss Island, Huang Jiuzan had already returned. Seeing Li Xing's return in safety, Huang Jiuzhan froze. The first sentence was: "Where are the three tyrants?"

Li Xing looked confused: "Who is the storm tyrant?"

Huang Nineteen said, "Is the one who chased you."

Li Xing was even more confused: "Is anyone chasing me?"

Huang Nineteen was completely speechless, and at the same time he understood in his heart that the storm is three, and I am afraid that it is more fierce than evil!

The heavenly man said at this time: "In a few days, the Sanmei conference will be held. Li Xing, what are your plans?"

After a while, I ’m going to Taixumen to participate in the Wizards Assembly. There is nothing to do in the middle of the blank time. After thinking about it, he said, “Okay, my disciples used to look at it.”

The island leader of Elysian smiled: "Heaven is an old ghost, you can't handle it, you apprentice can hook Mishima's daughter into your hands."

The heavenly man is full of pity: "It's a pity that he is old, otherwise he can go and see."

A few days before the Sanmei meeting, Li Xing went to the Eight-pole Tower to refine some elixir. His strength continued to improve, and the technique of danji gradually became exquisite. Even if he could not fully reach the level of the king of dan, it was similar.

Few days later, the Sanmei meeting was held as scheduled, and Li Xing and Huang Jiuzhai continued to participate.

The Three Beauty Conference is held on the island of never sleep. All Night Island, Tulong Island, and Flame Island, the daughters of the three island owners, are about to choose their husbands here.

Li Xing came here just to see the excitement. As for the husband and the like, he was not interested. A few girls in the family are full of jealousy, I'm afraid they can't stand outsiders.

In the city all night, people come and go, and there are really a lot of people who come to participate. Mishima owners had to take measures to restrict access to unrelated people. For example, women, elders, and those who are less than sixfold as gods and men have been banned.

Even so, there are still many people in the city that never sleeps. The young talents of the South China Sea rushed to try to win the beauty and become the son-in-law of the island.

The island that never sleeps, the palace that never sleeps.

As far as the guests could go, the three island owners sat at the head of the temple. Among them, the uninformed island owner sat in the middle. He reached out and pressed down slightly, and the scene calmed down immediately.

"Everyone, today is the day of the night, the island of Dragon's Dragon, and the island of Flames. The three families are recruiting relatives. Any male monk who is more than six years old and has a similar age can participate. The process of participation is as follows. Qualified people go through the 'channels' one by one and answer three questions. "

"This is the first pass. If you can pass this pass, you can enter the second pass. As for the details of the second pass, only those who pass the first pass can know." The owner of the night island sold off the pass.

Below, Li Xing said to Huang Nineteen: "Brother Huang, it seems we have enough conditions. Why not go for a walk?"

Huang Jiuzhan snorted, "Go and go, I'm afraid no one will look at you."

Li Xing said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if you don't look at me, you're afraid to look down on Brother Huang and leave empty-handed."

At the time of the second fight, the two boys moved out a portal. In this portal, the light flow turns and seems to lead to another world.

"Please enter the passage," the main islander said.

Suddenly, the crowd surged, and everyone wanted to enter first, trying to make a good impression. But the master of the night island said, "Everyone, please enter according to the serial number under your feet, you must not compete, otherwise you will be disqualified."

People bowed their heads, and sure enough, each person showed a number. Li Xing's number was fifty-six. This number rose slowly and stuck directly to his chest.

At this moment, people can't squeeze it, so they have to enter one by one. Number one is followed by number two, and number two is followed by number three. After this round, Li Xing entered the fifty-sixth.

While ranking, Li Xing suddenly turned around and saw an acquaintance, Mo Wen!

When he first entered the great wasteland, in addition to him, there were four other prominent figures. They were Mo Jian, Yang Lie, Dongmen Yuanyang, and Thousand Fantasy Purple. All four are from the big factions and have a prominent background.

At that time, Mo Jianshu was just practicing the vitality, but now it is already the weight of Fa Tian, ​​showing that the qualifications are also extremely high.

Li Xing's eyes projected into the past, Mo Wen immediately alert, turned to look at Li Xing. They stared at each other, very surprised.

"Li Xing!"

"Ink instrument?"

Two people ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one speaks, staring at each other. For a long time, Li Xing smiled slightly: "Ink instrument, you are still alive."

This sentence is a curse, Mo Wen sneered: "Li Xing, Li was also the number one character at the time, how is the Sixth God of Practicing God now? I have heard of you and is said to be wanted by Wan Famen?"

Although he knew that the other party was only a six-fold god, Ke Mowen had heard of Li Xing's name and knew that he was very strong, so he didn't dare to look down on him and laughed at his words.

Li Xingdao: "Mo Wen, I don't know yet, who are you from?" Is it in the South China Sea? "

"You should have heard of the Mo School in the South China Sea." Mo Wen wrote with pride, "One of the four great families in the South China Sea!"

Li Xing nodded and said, "It sounds great, but I think you are sparse and ordinary."

Mo Wen wrote coldly: "Li Xing, otherwise, let's find a place to fight? I'd like to see if you, the first **** of the World Law Conference, are really so strong!"

"I'm willing to accompany you!" Li Xing grinned fiercely, "I was always sorry that I couldn't fight with you in the great wasteland!"

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