Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 575: Real purpose

Chapter 64: Real Purpose

Li Xing promised to be so refreshing, but Mo Shu's heart burst into secret, secretly saying: "This man, I heard that even the mage has also beheaded, and is very strong. I can't take risks, I must set up a lore trap and attack one of them Kill, maybe you can get any secrets from him. "

Generally speaking, ordinary people with superb qualifications often have many secrets on their bodies. After being killed, they can occupy these secrets. For example, when Li Xing killed the magic wizard Hanquan at the beginning, he knew the whereabouts of the Ice Mage's treasure, and obtained the secret treasure of the Emperor Tianwu.

"Huh! OK, I will let you know how great I am after the Sanmei meeting is over!" Mo Wenshu said.

Li Xing's face was scornful: "I don't need to kill you in a hurry, I can do it at any time." In one sentence, the ink instrument was almost impossible, and he was about to start working with him immediately.

"Very good!" He smiled coldly and stopped fighting with Li Xing.

Aside, Huang Jiuzi took all this into his eyes, smiled forward and greeted Mo Wen, and the two knew each other.

"Brother Mo, I didn't expect to see you here. There seems to be a contradiction between you and Li Xing?"

Mo Wenshu and Huang Jiuzhan just nodded their friendship. As soon as his heart moved, he wanted to inquire about Li Xing's true strength through Huang Jiuzi and preached: "Brother Huang, how do you stay with this person?"

"Oh, his Master is a heavenly operator, and he is an old friend with his father, so he knew each other." Huang Jiuzi calmly said, "Actually, we don't have any friendship. Brother Mo wants to move him without asking me."

Huang Jiuzheng said nonsense, I can't move him, it's all about you! But on the surface, he was very polite and said, "That's it, that younger brother will be relieved." He paused, then tapped sideways to inquire about Li Xing's whereabouts.

Huang Jiuzi was like a mirror in his heart, and he thought to himself: This stupid ink instrument, thought he had beaten Li Xing? Feng Bo San Ba ​​was so powerful that he was chopped by this kid. However, this is the best. The Mohist is very powerful. If Li Xing kills Mo Wen, he will have a good show!

The yellow nineteen had two mental calculations, deliberately showing disdain and belittled Li Xing: "This man has a bad name. I fought with him that day, and he couldn't find North."

With a joy in his heart, Mo Jian was secretly not as famous as he was when he met. It seemed that Li Xing was not that great, and asked, "So, is this rumor that this man beheaded the mage is not true?"

Huang Nineteen said: "Mages also have three, six, nine, etc. When I was a god-man, I also beheaded and killed some weak mages. There is nothing to brag about."

Mo Jian had a bottom in his heart, nodded, and decided to humiliate Li Xing afterwards and let out a bad breath.

Unconsciously, it was Li Xing's turn, and he strode into the portal. As soon as you entered the portal, you entered a strange space. In this space, there was only a long, wide passageway, and I didn't know where to go.

The passage was formed by cloud gas condensing, and it was very flat. After taking a few steps, he heard a pleasant voice, "Do you have a beloved woman, this boy?"

When Li Xing heard this question interesting, he stopped and nodded: "Yes, and there is more than one."

The other person seemed to froze and asked, "How many women do you like?"

"Please give me some time to count." Li Xing solemnly stretched out his fingers and checked them, and then he said, "Six or seven *."

The questioning chick seemed angry: "You're too much, don't you even know a few women?"

Li Xing's face was unpredictable and profound: "The world is impermanent. Maybe I like it today, but I don't like it tomorrow. I like it now, but I don't like it the next moment. The feelings of people are changed. Love is like life. There are prosperity and decline, there are beginnings and ends, don't they? "

The other person was asked and said, "Anyway, make you feel like an irresponsible person."

Li Xing shrugged: "I didn't say I was a responsible man."

"Huh!" The other said angrily, "You can go!"

Obviously, Li Xing left a very bad impression on the first chick. He smiled "Hey" and kept going down.

After a while, a second pleasant voice asked, "What's your name?"

"Why should I tell you?" Li Xing said angrily.

The other party immediately flew up: "Don't you come to the Sanmei Club?"

Li Xing sneered: "I haven't seen anyone, who knows whether it's Sanmei or Ugly."

The other party said angrily, "Dare you say I'm ugly?"

"Miss, everything in the world, and men in the world have their own hobbies. Maybe you are a beauty in the eyes of others, but in my eyes, you are an ugly ghost." Li Xingzhen answered verbally.

"You ... you get me off!"

The success stimulated the second, and Li Xing was quite proud. He didn't take a few steps, and he heard a burst of laughter: "Brother Li, why are you angry with them?"

When he heard the voice, he laughed, and the master of the voice was the daughter of the owner of the nightly island, Zhu Qiqi.

"Juqi, listen to your voice, full of vitality, is it already practicing God?" Li Xing asked with a smile.

"Brother Li, Qiqi entered the level of God training yesterday, thanks to Brother Li." Zhu Qiqi expressed his thanks.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Give me plum blossoms, we have the scent of our hands, and we benefit each other." Then smiled bitterly, "It seems that the first two beauties hated me and hope that they all rest on you."

Zhu Qiqi was silent for a moment: "May I ask Brother Li a question?"

Li Xing nodded: "Of course, three are fine."

"Brother Li, who is the person you miss the most right now?"

The grinning expression on Li Xing's face disappeared, and his thoughts were suddenly pulled back a long time ago, bit by bit of sweet memories. He thought he had forgotten, but he remembered everything.

"Brother Li?" Zhu Qiqi called quietly.

Li Xing came back to God, and said lightly: "I think there are many people, let alone say."

Zhu Qiqi was silent for a while, and whispered: "If a person can think of another person in his heart, that person is fine."

Li Xing was a bit lonely, and smiled reluctantly, but stopped talking and strode forward.

Suddenly, before his eyes lighted up, he found that he had returned to the main hall. Huang Jiugui immediately leaned over and teased, "What? The beauty didn't look at you?"

Li Xing rolled his eyelids: "The beauty said she didn't deserve me, she gave up automatically."

Huang Jiuzi stayed, then "haha" laughed, he suddenly felt that this person was also interesting.

In fact, the final result has not yet come out, and Li Xing is unknown. After everyone walked through the aisle, the overnight islander came up with a list, reading the names one by one. Twenty-two people were eventually selected into the list, and Li Xing was among them.

Obviously, the person who left him must be Zhu Qiqi.

Those who were not selected were kindly invited out by the three island owners ~ www.readwn.com ~. Huang Nineteen is also considered a personal character, and was also selected, as well as Mo's instruments.

Twenty-two people stood in the empty hall at this moment, ready to enter the next level. The Lord of the Flame Island stood out. The Lord of the Flame Island, the flames around him, and the sevenfold cultivation of Fa Tian, ​​was also a prince.

"You guys, there is no second level!"

The words of Lord of the Flame Island, let everyone be stunned, there is no second level? what happened?

The Lord of the Flame Island explained: "The so-called Three Beauty Club is just a rhetoric. The real purpose is to keep you talented."

Mo Wen scowled: "Three island owners, please tell me what the **** is going on!" He wanted to hold a beautiful woman here. At this moment, he felt fooled.

The master of Tulong Island stood up. This man was equally powerful and imposing, and he said deeply, "To stay with you, I want to share an opportunity with you! An opportunity to enter the ancient battlefield!"

Li Xing's heart moved, and his heart trembled: "It turned out to be related to the number of places in the ancient battlefield! I don't know which of the three big islanders has something to do with it?"

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