Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 577: Conference starts

Chapter 66: General Assembly Begins

Master Qingyu showed anger and wanted to punish him. This wind and thunder mage is so bold, dare to yell at his site. Li Xing stopped her with eyes, took a step forward, and said, "I am!"

Master Feng Lei, a man of heavy law, surrounded the two masters with pride. He looked scornfully at Li Xing and said, "The elder just told me that I was excluded from participating in the Wizards Assembly. After I asked carefully, I realized that there is such a figure as you, which has topped my quota."

Li Xing shook his head and corrected his mistake: "It's not because you topped your quota, but you have limited strength and are not eligible to participate."

"Presumptuous!" Mage Fenglei pointed out, and with this finger, a wind blade slashed at him.

The latter did not dodge at all, hit the neck with the wind blade, and the "wave" broke open without any damage. Then in Master Fenglei's astonished eyes, he pushed his right hand forward, and the rules of the wind moved with thought. There were three hundred wind blades, each of which was above the one just before, howling and beating.

Mage Fenglei exclaimed, and quickly gathered a shield of wind in front of him, trying to resist it.

"Bang, bang!"

After a dense explosion, Master Feng Lei sat on the ground with his butt, vomiting blood, and was not badly injured. Although Li Xing is not a mage, in the eight-pole tower, he has long understood the rules of the wind. To a certain extent, he can also control the power of the wind.

Moreover, he has the word "Wind" in the ancient authentic text, the rule of wind control, and with the wind blade issued by the supreme divine power, of course, the power is still above the Mage Wind Thunder.

Defeating the opponent, Li Xing no longer shot and did not explain. If Master Feng Lei's face is dead, he stands up and fists at Li Xing, turns his head and leaves. Li Xing used his strength to explain why he was selected, but he couldn't.

After Feng Lei left, he left Taixumen directly, and seemed to remain shameless. However, he actually flew all the way and flew to Wanfamen, then entered the hall of Wanfamen, and met several high-level members of Wanfamen.

No one expected that this wind and thunder mage was actually a man of ten thousand ways!

"Several elders! The disciples entered Taixumen and observed all those who were about to participate in the Wizards. Among them, there were indeed a few very powerful people who could threaten Wanfamen."

"It's okay. It's too deep, and naturally has some strength. Otherwise, how can you be qualified to sit on equal footing with me?" The above one said humanly, disapproving.

"In addition, the disciple also found that Li Xing, who was wanted by Wan Famen, was actually in the virtual gate, and he had to participate in the Wizards Assembly. The disciple fought with him for an excuse, and found that this person's strength was unfathomable. If he If you want, you can kill your disciples in one move. "

"Oh?" The high-level was surprised. "This man, with the ancient heavenly machine inheritance, dared to show up. This is a good thing! At that time, someone will kill him and deprive him of everything!"

Master Feng Lei knew that there were a group of extremely powerful characters in the door, all of whom participated in the Wizards Conference. They were equally unfathomable, so they dared not ask more questions and retreated.

The next time, Li Xing began to consolidate his practice. Unconsciously, the day of the Wizards Conference came. On this day, all eighty people who attended the conference gathered in the Taixu Hall.

Above the main hall, a tall figure appeared, saying: "This Wizards Conference was held in Taixumen, and there were 80 people in each of the four martial arts. There were 320 people. Among them, there are many experts, please be careful Handle."

Next, it is about the rules of the conference. The Wizards Assembly implemented a system of elimination until sixty places were selected to enter the ancient battlefield.

After the rules were announced, everyone entered the venue under the leadership of Qingyu and several other mages.

The Wizards Conference is located in Taixumen Square. Four huge platforms are located in four directions. The central position is a huge arena. In order to prepare for the Wizards Conference and show the prestige of this door, Taixumen was fully prepared.

On the battlefield, a powerful prohibition was set up, and even the Taoist figures couldn't break through. In this way, outsiders cannot intervene during the battle. At the same time, there is no difference between victory and defeat, and neither side of the battle can come out.

In addition, there are also bans on the four major platforms. In the event of an accident, Taixumen can quickly control the situation.

The head of Taixumen, as well as a number of high-level officials, went out to greet the guests from the Quartet, and all powerful magical lights descended on the platforms. unconsciously

On the four platforms, there are already full of people.

Li Xing, on the platform of Taixumen at this time, looked around and saw the difference between the strengths of the factions.

On the side of Wan Famen, one hundred and forty mages came, and their mana was united, rising, and condensing into a canopy, covering the sky and covering the sun, powerful and surging.

The Troll Gate and the Great Yijiao have more than a hundred masters. The mana canopy condensed on the top is obviously not as powerful as the Wan Famen. As for the Taixumen, the canopy is also brilliant and magnificent. It is due to the host's sake.

In fact, among the four martial arts, Wan Famen was the only one who did not seek foreign aid. From this point, it can be clearly determined that the strength of Wan Famen exceeds that of the other major schools.

The masters are all on their own, Master Qingyu rises into the air, and she is the host of the Flash Wizards Conference.

"You, the Wizards Assembly, now officially! Now, I announce the rules ..."

Below, Li Xing sits in a forward position. In front is the back of a too elder of Taixumen. It's just that the elder's body is surrounded by light, which makes people unclear. He only knows that he is tall.

"Li Xing, this time, Taixu Men should win first. In the first game, you must win the beautiful. As for the things wanted by Wan Famen, you can rest assured that in Taixu Men, they dare not act rashly." That elder The sound sounded.

Li Xing nodded and said, "I understand."

At this point, Qingyu had announced the rules and took out a huge roulette wheel. He stretched his finger a little and the roulette wheel spun up. Above the roulette wheel, there are two circles of numbers, each of which represents a place for the Wizards Conference.

The roulette went round and round, and gradually stopped. In the end, the 160 numbers corresponded to another 160 numbers. Qingyu said in order from small to large: "No. 1 vs. No. 25!"

Prior to this, each school had eighty places, and each place corresponded to a disciple. On the 1st, stood out from Taixumen, on the 25th, stood out from Trolls Gate.

These two were all three of Fatian, and they landed on the battlefield at the same time. Suddenly, a layer of light curtain rose and shrouded the battlefield. No one could come out unless the victory and defeat were separated.

"No. 1 is Zhou Guanyu, who is too imaginary. This person is extraordinary in strength. He knows six types of spells, and the troll gate must not be an opponent!" Disciples of Tai Xumen argued.

"That twenty-fifth, seems to be Troll Gate Xu Shaoqiu, the strength can not be underestimated! This person is also very famous in Troll Gate, it seems that this battle, the outcome is unpredictable."

As soon as the two mages entered the battlefield, they started a fierce battle. The two were of equal strength, and saw that the spells were flying wildly, murderously, and they fought extremely well.

Li Xing watched it for a while, then shook his head secretly. The strength of the two was actually no better than the Three Storms. At that time, he killed the three tyrants a few times.

"It seems that the masters are still behind, I don't know, what kind of characters can the four martial arts come up with?" Li Xing couldn't help expecting a battle with the masters.

Zhou Guanyu and Xu Shaoqiu fought a few tricks and released a magic weapon at the same time. The two magic weapons have nothing to highlight, all of which are Jinjie's one-step ban and limited power.

After three hundred strokes, Zhou Guan's fishing skills were superior, and suddenly he shot a killing stroke, which directly injured Xu Shaoqiu. The latter knew that there was only one way to go, so he wisely chose to surrender, and the first game was over.

The layman looks lively, the layman looks at the doorway. Many mages cheered again and again, but Li Xing just watched quietly. By observing the battle, he is assessing his true strength and at what level.

"Next game, number two vs. eighty-six!"

Li Xing slowly got up ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was lucky, it was the eighty-sixth.

On the side of Wan Famen, there was also a person who was actually only Fa Tian and he was not too old. He was fifteen or sixteen and was obviously a young genius.

A sixfold young man and a young mage fell on the field at the same time, and the light curtain shrouded, and Qingyu announced the start of the fight.

"Huh? That person isn't Li Xing?" Among the various factions, some people who knew Li Xing said one after another.

Li Xing smiled, and said, "Too fierce, Li Xing!"

The young man's eyebrows were clear, his expression was indifferent, and he said, "It turns out that you are Li Xing. Listen to the seventh brother, you are strong."

Seventh brother? Li Xingyi raised an eyebrow: "Who is your seventh brother?"

"Doesn't you remember the little boy in the Battle of the Star Gate?" The other side sneered. "I'm his sixth brother. You can call me the sixth son!"

Li Xing understood this and said, "It turns out that you are the son of Mage Tianzhang!"

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