Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 578: Mysticism

Chapter 67: Mysterious Order Divine Technique

"Yes! You are a wanted person of Wan Famen and you have been rude to Seventh Brother. Today, I will cut you under the sword!" Liugongzi proudly said, a masterly style.

Li Xing laughed at him: "In the beginning, the little boy said the same thing, but then I was beaten up and almost died of death. It seems that your six son's ability to brag and talk big is not worse than the little boy, worthy of being a brother. "

The six sons were furious, and a ray of light rushed behind them, condensing into a method. Beyond the Famen, there are a total of twelve halos of condensed light, showing great power.

"Ah! Actually practiced twelve kinds of spells, and all the great magic spells evolved from ancient divine spells! So, this person originally practiced twelve ancient divine spells?" Someone said in shock, the ancient divine spells .

Li Xing also showed different colors. He was the first time to meet someone who was also practicing ancient magic, but it was only twelve. He had a thousand ancient magic.

Divine magic, there are small magic, great magic, ancient magic. Spells also have their own points. They evolved from small magical arts, and because of the lack of understanding of the rules, they are called small realm spells; they evolved from large divine magics, and the rules are complete, called large realm spells; as for the ancient gods, Spells evolved into spells are called upland spells.

Among the three realm spells, the small realm spells are difficult to enter; the big realm spells have one or two hopes; the upper realm spells have a great opportunity to enter the realm. The three realm spells are vastly different.

"Li Xing, my strength is not what you can imagine! Kneeling down, I read that you are an extraordinary person, you can avoid death, but you have to worship Wan Famen!" Sixth son proudly said that he seemed to have won the battle.

Li Xing sighed and said, "Six sons are really extraordinary. They look like me and have only practiced three divine skills."

As he said, many people who were too virtual were worried.

"Actually, only three types of magic are practiced! How can such a person get him into play? Even if the sixth son is not a mage, he can still kill him. Twelve types of ancient magic have an absolute advantage over the three types of magic. No suspense at all! "

The sixth son of Famen shook, releasing fear and coercion. Obviously, he didn't believe what Li Xing said: "What do you say? You have only practiced three divine magic? Three divine magic can sweep the gods of the world?"

A person who can only have three divine magics cannot cross the Ten Thousand Fa Conference and become the first **** in the world. The six sons are puzzled.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Three are enough." Among his divine fetuses, he suddenly burst out with three divine lights, one divine light representing the power of a thousand small divine magic; a rune, representing a thousand large divine magic Power; the last one represents the power of a thousand ancient gods.

Cultivation of Da Luo's shocking power is the second most important. Vientiane reunification, three thousand divine magic, condensed into three runes, infinite power.

These three magical lights are extremely brilliant, majestic, and radiant. They shine on the Quartet and ten, and suddenly the momentum of the Sixth Prince Famen is suppressed.

"My God! What kind of magic is this? How can it be so strong!" Even some veteran mages were shocked and couldn't believe their eyes.

"What kind of magic is this?" Liu Gongzi widened his eyes.

"Little divine magic, big divine magic, ancient divine magic." Li Xing said, "Or, it is a mysterious mystical magic, chaotic divine magic!"

During speaking, the three gods' light merged into one, and the chaotic will penetrated into it. Suddenly, this god's light had a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Xuanjie Divine Art! A kind of divinity that transcends the ancient divinity, it has not appeared on Tianyuan continent for a long time!

Da Luo is shocked with heavenly power, except for the sword-killing technique, the only Xuanjie technique known to Emperor Tianxie! This method, combined with three thousand magic skills, has finally achieved a mysterious magic skill!

Xuanjie Divine Art, in the legend, can be compared with Taoism, or it can be infinitely close to Taoism.

Liu Gongzi was shocked, and then a heart sank. Can he surpass the mysticism of the mystic order? Suddenly there was a strong sense of war in his heart, and he drank loudly, and actually shot first!

A sword of light, traversed the rivers and mountains, cut through the earth, dazzling and great, strangled over. This sword has immense power, making the sun and the moon dark, and the stars eclipsed.

"Mountain sword! One of the Eight Great Sword Techniques of Tianyuan!" Someone exclaimed.

Sword art can exist in divine art, or in magic and Taoism. It is a means of attack. Mountain and River Sword, one of the eight powerful swordsmanships of Tianyuan, is now being exhibited as a spell.

Facing the glorious sword light, Li Xing had no trouble in Gu Gu's heart, took the ice sword, and said, "Ice sword!"


The sword body shook, the ice sword Guanghua rose sharply, and the battle was boiling.

With a sword in hand, Li Xingchangxiao said, "Six sons, I will teach you today, what is real swordsmanship!"

Li Xing has practiced several types of swordsmanship, such as the Eight-pole Sword, and he is mostly involved in swordsmanship. However, no matter how strong swordsmanship is, it also belongs to the martial arts category, and he is the master of martial arts, and created chaotic martial arts!

Frozen sword flickered slightly, he stood up and raised his sword to meet the enemy. This is obviously not a divine spell, nor is it a spell, but an authentic sword art, but this sword art embodies the chaos of martial arts.


The sword light issued by Hanbing Jian was extraordinary and collided with the sword of mountain and river. For a moment, no one seemed to have the upper hand.

Every sword of Li Xing is so wonderful that it looks like an antelope with horns and no trace. Obviously a simple sword, but the Tao Tao sword meaning of the mountain and river sword was sealed to death.

If he can use one point of strength, Li Xing will not use one more. And the six swordsman's mountain and river swords are vigorous and every effort is used. In this way, he judged with high vigor, and said, "Xing Li has won."

An elder nodded his head: "The sword of the mountains and rivers cannot last. As long as it is weak, Li Xing will give a fatal blow."

Wan Famen, in a cloud of air, sat a Taoist monk and said, "He is about to lose, and is ready to save people."

Sure enough, after even cutting more than a hundred swords, the power of Shanhejian gradually weakened. Li Xing seized the opportunity, all his divine power, rushed into the Frost Sword at once, and performed a lore.

"Sen! Sen! Sen!"

The sky is full of sword shadows, one after another, there are as many as 300! Three hundred sword shadows spread all over the quartet, completely sealing off the escape route of Liu Gongzi, the intention of killing was pervasive, and the danger was perilous.

Li Xing once again exhibited the Guiyuan slash, three hundred swords, and three hundred times the combat power. After the metamorphosis of the silkworm, his physique improved again, and it was quite easy to perform three hundred times his combat power.

The sword of heaven is about to be beheaded, and the horror is revealed in the eyes of the sixth son, hissing, "Father save me!"

Suddenly a voice sounded: "Li Xing, spare his life, you can make a condition."

Li Xing expected that Wan Famen would not let Liugongzi die. He settled Jianguang and simply said, "Okay! I can promise, and dare to ask who you are?"

"The head of all ways, Vientiane." The master of the voice said, I do not know where it came from.

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, you are the master of the door, and you won't be able to do what you say."

"That's natural, but your conditions shouldn't be too much, and you can only mention one. Otherwise, Wan Famen would rather give up saving people and never die with you!" This sentence has a threatening element.

Li Xing sneered: "Okay! Then I put forward a condition that Wan Famen must stop the killing of himself and Qi Yunpai!"

"This is easy. You are a generation of wizards, and Wan Famen is happy to see you grow up." Vientiane Taoists promised to come down.

Li Xing nodded and received Jianguang. In fact, even if the other party didn't mention the conditions, he couldn't kill the people of Wanfamen so brazenly, otherwise it would be endless.

Liu Gongzi resentfully stared at Li Xing and withdrew from the battlefield. Although he recovered his life, he was disqualified from entering the ancient battlefield.

The battle continued, Li Xing returned to the Taixumen platform and continued to watch. At this point, those people looked at him differently. Originally, many people dismissed him as a god-man who was able to participate in the Wizards Conference and felt unfair.

But at this moment, they finally knew the reason. It turned out that the god-man can be so arrogant, and the Fatian triple figures have no power to fight back!

The third match, No. 3 vs. No. 211, started the match.

At this moment, the Tianxie Emperor said: "This battle is weird."

"What's weird?" Li Xing said for a moment. "Which six-seater has a magic weapon on his body, but it hasn't been used yet. Isn't this strange?"

"He has magic weapons?" Li Xing narrowed his eyes. "I would rather fail than use magic weapons! Why is this?"

"There is only one explanation," Tianxiedao said, "that magic weapon will appear at a critical moment and be used against those who want to deal with Wan Famen most."

"Willn't it be me?" Li Xing smiled bitterly.

"It's very possible," Tianxie Emperor analyzed, "because once you enter the ancient battlefield, it will pose a major threat to Wan Famen."

"Huh! The soldiers came to block, the water came to cover the soil, that's nothing!" Li Xing smiled proudly. "The strongest is not the triple mage. Is it stronger than the flying thief?"

The battles continued, and the first round was finally over. In the first round, the quota occupied by the four majors has changed. Wan Famen was really strong, and the family occupied 55 places exclusively.

As expected, the serious death did not occur, and the four major factions all took full control of the situation to avoid killings. Even if it is a million methods, it is not dare to easily die, otherwise, the opponent can also take brutal measures.

Perhaps it is the reason for Li Xing to set a precedent. The loser does not mean letting go. The martial arts in which he belongs must agree to the conditions. Some get a panacea, others ask for treasures. In short, there are gains, which are considered to be the welfare of the Wizards Assembly.

Outside the Wanfa Gate, there are forty-two places for Taixumen, thirty-three for Da Yi, and thirty for Trolls.

In the third round, it took three full days. In the early morning of the fourth day, the second round of the Wizards Assembly began.

In this round, Li Xing's number is sixty-six.

It is still a field to play down, and one person is eliminated in each game.

"Next game, the 55th, the 66th." Qingyu announced.

Li Xingfei entered the court, this time his opponent was not a person of Wan Famen, but at Troll Gate. In the troll gate, a tall young monk came out, his face was black and blue, his eyes were dismal.

Because in the first round of ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing showed super strength, the other party was extremely careful, and a magic weapon appeared in a moment.

This magic weapon is a black * with a layer of black light flowing on it.

With a smile, Li Xing also revealed the magic weapon Jiulong Yao. Jiulongyu has three innate bans, and the power is still above the opponent's *, occupying an advantage.


Upon seeing the Jiulongyu, above the Troll Gate platform, a prince frowned. If Li Xing saw him, he would recognize that this man was the angered warlord he encountered in the forbidden ground.

"That magic weapon has three innate confinements, and it is not easy to defeat him by re-flying." Anger battle.

An elder Troll Gate said: "Furious battle, this person is the one who has the inheritance of heaven?"

"That's right, it's him!" Lord of Fury warfare said, "I hope heavy flying armor can kill this person!"

"Absolutely! He has a great move!" An elder, his eyes flashing fiercely, was somber and authentic.

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