Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 581: Lone Star Sword. Spear of Scourge

Chapter 70: Lone Star Streak. Sky Spear

Li Xing returned to the platform where Taixumen was located, all around it was a voice of praise.

"Li Shenjun is worthy of being the first **** man played at the Wanfa Conference, and my brother is extremely impressed." A mage slaps a horse.

"Li Shenjun is now practicing the Sixth God. When the **** becomes a mage in the future, he will be able to cross the sky!"

"Yes, yes, from ancient times to the present, there are not many gods such as Li Shenjun who have cultivated themselves! Such characters are destined to be proud of the group."

For these praises, Li Xing turned a deaf ear, but politely nodded slightly, and the voice of too virtual head sounded in his ears: "Li Xing, you are really pleasantly surprised, I wonder if you would like to join the too virtual gate? Join, Taixumen can give you absolute freedom, and the door rules do not apply to you. Even if you open the faction outside, you will be supported. Even if you are in trouble, Taixumen will carry it for you ,how is it?"

Li Xing couldn't help but be so impressed that he was obviously trying to recruit him. It not only grants absolute freedom and is not restricted by door regulations, but also provides so many favorable conditions.

"Li Xing, your strength is already strong enough, it will definitely cause some good people to fear, and even decide to strangle you in the cradle. Now, it is time to find a backer, too virtual door is a good choice." Emperor Tianxie made recommendations.

Li Xing nodded and said, "There is an acquaintance of Qingyu in the Taixumen and this cooperation, but it is possible to join. However, I have to ask clearly to avoid trouble later."

As he said, he said, "Head, what would I be like if I joined Taixu Gate?"

The head laughed and said, "Since you don't want to be restrained, how about giving you the identity of a big brother?"

The title of "brother" is not the earliest entry. The big brother, also known as the "master of the commander", has the same authority and authority as the master when he goes out.

Those who can be called "brothers" have a very high status, strong enough to cultivate and prestige. It can be said that the big brothers are often cultivated as a group of people.

Therefore, when Li Xing heard it, his heart was shaking too.

"Li Xing, how? If you join Tai Xu Men, Tai Xu Men will fully cultivate you and keep you growing. Until one day, you can cross the world, and you can shelter Tai Xu Men in turn."

Li Xingyi said: "Does Taixumen also need asylum?"

The head said: "This world is huge. There are many hidden and terrible forces inside and outside Tianyuanzhou. In case one of these forces breaks out, one must be astonished by a frightened character."

"Isn't the head enough to take on this heavy task?" Li Xing Yizheng, according to his observations, the head of Taixu is Taoist realm, and such strength is already very powerful.

The law of heaven is tenfold, and it is called Tao. There are three levels of state of affairs. They are called Taoists after the first round of consummation, Daojun after the middle round, and Dao Zun when they come to the end. Every Taoist person can perform Taoism with immense power.

Taixumen is in charge. People call Dongxu Taoist for more than a hundred years.

"A true superpower must have characters of Taoist ranks to sit in order to be invincible. At present, even 10,000 people can't do this, only characters like the demon emperor and the dragon emperor, Can be called overlord. "

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The head thinks I can also be a strong one like the demon emperor?"

"As long as you can grow, you can definitely." Dongxu Tao said with certainty, "Moreover, I am afraid that your master heavenly operator will break through and enter the realm. By then, will it become too virtual? friend?"

After a moment of silence, Li Xing nodded: "Okay, thanks to the love of the head. After returning from the ancient battlefield, I would like to join Taixumen."

Dongxu Dao * xi, laughed: "Yeah, when the time will be too Xuanmen will announce the world, to celebrate it."

Li Xing's choice to join Taixumen was not an impulse. After winning the title of First Man of God at the Wan Fa Conference, he intended to enter a certain sect. However, due to various reasons, it has not been achieved.

Later, he was strong enough and felt that joining the martial arts would be constrained. However, today's Taixu Men has given good conditions and will not restrain his self-confidence. As a result, he has no reason to refuse.

No matter how strong a person is, he is only a person after all, and there is a great risk of being strangled by his opponent. After relying on martial arts, he can develop better and impact the supreme realm.

The second round of competition was finally over. After this round came down, there were eighty people left. Of these eighty people, there are 28 Wanfamen, 19 Taixumen, 18 Dayi teaches, and 15 trolls.

Obviously, Wanfamen still has the absolute advantage, and the number of places far exceeds the other martial arts.

The next third round will be a drawing contest until the quota reaches exactly sixty. This round will be the most intense and the most dangerous round, because the masters have the most chance to encounter in this round.

When Qingyu came to the arena, he still released a roulette wheel. On that roulette wheel, there were two laps of names that were constantly changing. Each name corresponds to a quota.

Under the surveillance of the Quartet, the roulette cannot cheat, spins in a natural way, and then stops. In the end, the first group of names matched, and Xu Zheng played against Zhou Ziming.

Xu Zheng, Trollmen, Zhou Ziming, Taixu Men, both sides appeared.

Both of them are Fa Tian and Du Fei, but they are equally capable. They were in a dark battle for a while, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat. In the end, Zhou Ziming was superior and approached his opponent with a lore.

After the first game, there were seventy-nine names left on the roulette, which was disrupted again and a second lottery was held.

So reciprocating, each time a lot is drawn, a competition is decided. Some people were too bad luck and were drawn twice. They played one more for nothing, and they were scarred.

In the first seven innings, the four factions each had victory and defeat, and in the eighth inning, Li Xing was finally drawn, and his opponent was Wanfamen's lone star mark. From the previous point of view, Li Xing has some knowledge of this person. He is a lonely star-studded man, and the law and the heavens are threefold.

When Dugu star mark stood in front of him, Li Xing felt that the fetus was in the divine womb, and the big Zhoutian star chart oscillated slightly. Above the star graph, one of the three thousand nodes, the node representing the "Sky Penalty Star" suddenly became bright.

"Huh? This person has star power!" Li Xing's eyes narrowed, this person obviously has the body of heaven punishment!

"Wan Fa Men, Lone Star Scar!" The other party named.

"It's too fictitious, Li Xing." Li Xing stared at the other side. "The destiny-level killer, the first star mark, with the same name as you?"

Unexpectedly, the answer of the lonely star mark was extremely direct: "I am the star mark!"

The conversation between the two people could not be heard at all. Although people only saw the two of them facing each other in silence, they did not immediately start.

"You actually know me, it must be the thunderstorm of the god-level ninth." Dugu Xingshen said, "You are the one with the most potential among the people I have seen. However, today you meet me and are destined to fall. "

"Is that right?" Li Xing said with no expression, "Who knows who has lived and died will have to fight before. Duksu Starspot, although you have cultivated the sky punishment star, I am not afraid of you!"

"Yes, you seem to be an astral body too, but the grade is too low! It can't be my opponent!" Dugu star mark is full of confidence, "Today, let you see the power of the Fivefold Heavenly Penalty Body and feel the invincibility of astrology!"


Li Xing's pupils contracted, and this man actually practiced astrology!

Only those who have a deep understanding of Star Force and condensed a star array in their body can perform astrology. If Li Xing wants to perform astrology, the body of heavenly kill must reach the fifth level.

The diamond of Li Xing's body is not bad, and it runs quickly, saying: "Very good! I will see today, what is astrology! In the legend, astrology can be compared to beauty Taoism, I do not know if it is true or false!"

Dugu Xingshen pointed his right hand to the sky, the starlight flickered around him, and he said, "The spear of heaven punishment!"

Suddenly, countless starlights descended above the nine days and condensed into a spear. This spear, silver and white throughout, waved, the astral lasing, cloud and moon shaking. On this spear, a violent scourge of the heavens was lifted.

"This is astrology?" Li Xing frowned, "but that's all!"

"His astrology is still very immature and has limited power," said Tian Xie, the emperor. "He can cultivate to the fifth highest body of heaven punishment. He must have special means to capture this person and force him to ask his secret!"

"That's what it is!" Li Xing mentioned Han Guangjian, and one sword cut it off.


Sword-like swordsman, swept across. Dugu star mark waved a spear, star power surged, and directly repelled Jianguang. At the same time, a sharp curved starlight slashed to Li Xing.


The speed of the starlight was too fast, Li Xing had no time to dodge, and was hit in the chest. The terrible star power suddenly broke through the layers of Vajra and finally entered the fetus.

Fortunately, ~ www.readwn.com ~ King Kong God Array is strong enough, when the star force enters the divine fetus, it is very gentle, causing limited damage.

The divine light shook and forcibly introduced this power into the star chart of Da Zhou. Tian Xing Xing Li, entered the Da Zhou Tian Xing chart, was guided to open the nodes of Tian Xing Xing.


Li Xing gave a sigh of magical light, and seemed to have suffered a minor injury.

Dugu star mark said coldly: "Under the astrology, you have nowhere to run, to die!" The spear of heaven punishment in his hand kept stabbing, and with each hit, a starlight broke into Li Xing's body, breaking the Diamond Formation , Into the divine fetus.

Li Xing was beaten back and forth, but all the power of the sky penalty was introduced into the Dazhou Tianxing map.

Finally, after having suffered 20 attacks, the star map "boomed" and the node of the penalty star was opened that day. Suddenly, in the midst of the sky, the star power of heaven punishment descended and was felt by Li Xing.

In addition, the star chart of the big week also gave birth to a mighty sky. When the starlight struck again, before it was close to Li Xing, it was taken directly by it, turning into a gentle force of heaven punishment, tempering the flesh.

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