Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 582: Sky Star

Chapter 71: Heaven Penalty Star

Originally, Li Xing seemed to suffer a lot of trauma every time the spear of the Sky Penalty was killed. Du Guxing's heart estimated that it could be killed by up to 50 hits. For something that can be done easily, Dugu Starscore never wants to spend more energy, so he decides to use the spear of heaven punishment to exhaust Li Xing's life.

It is a pity that when he sent out the starburst for the 21st time, Li Xing brightened all over his body, and suddenly absorbed the star power sent out.

"What?" The stark mark of Dugu was shocked, and the spear in his hand was shocked. He tried to assassinate Li Xing. This time, the spears of other people were united, and Li Xing was to be killed in one fell swoop.

The sharp spear came to him in an instant. Li Xing didn't blink, staring at the tip of his spear and yelling, "Broken!"

The star map of the whole week was so bright that a peculiar light went out, and the spear of sky punishment in the hand of Dugu Star Scar was directly broken, turned into a bit of starlight, was suddenly drawn into the star map, and then turned into sky punishment. Landed in Li Xing's body.

"Da Zhou Tian Xing's chart really works infinitely well!" Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he tried his best to draw out the power from Da Zhou Tian Xing's chart. Strands of silk, colorful, pierced like steel needles.


These silk threads, which are formed by the change in the suction generated by the star chart, specifically restrained the stars, pierced into the body of the Duksu star mark at once, plunged into the heavenly punishment meridians that were hard to condense in his body, and greedily devoured the stars.

This time, Li Xing saw the mystery in the other side. The celestial punishment force condensed into a tiny star array in his body. The star array was more powerful than any law array.

At this glance, Li Xing benefited a lot, with a full effort, a large amount of suction rushed into the star array, like a whale sucking water, and quickly extracted the natural penalty.

On the face of Dugu Xingshen, a shocked look first appeared, and then fear, he growled, "Dare you take my star power! Damn it! Damn you!"


The star map of Da Zhou shook fiercely, and the celestial star array shattered, completely transformed into astral force, absorbed by the astral chart, and then turned into a powerful celestial force, and landed in Li Xing.

Once the star array in the duksu star disappears, he is no longer restrained by the star map. This person is not only practicing celestial punishment, but also a triple master of law.

"Broken King Boxing!" A roar filled with resentment, Dugu star marks shot fiercely.

Li Xing snorted: "Without Xingli, you are not even a scum! Give me a break!" Pressed it in the palm of one hand, and displayed a chaotic fingerprint.


Dugu star marks were directly shocked by flying, vomiting blood.

The senior members of Wan Famen were all pale. They know the secrets of Dugu Starstrip best. What happened just now, they also saw the scores, that **** Li Xing actually stripped the star power of Dugu star mark all! How did he do that?

Dugu star marks were suspended in midair, staring at Li Xing. Behind him, a tall method was revealed. Above the method, fifteen kinds of magic light condensed halo, all of which were magic spells of the upper world!

"The strength of Wan Famen was really overbearing. This man actually practiced 15 ancient gods!" Li Xing was surprised, and the two people he saw who practiced ancient gods were all Wan Famen.

"Dugu Lianxing, no need to fight again." Suddenly, an elder of Wan Famen ordered Dugu Lianxing to surrender.

"I'm alone, I will never defeat you!" Tokusei cannot accept the fact that she was defeated by Li Xing. She actually disobeyed Wan Famen's order and showed a magic weapon, the sword of punishment!

The Sword of Penalty, a magic weapon of the Golden Order, contains three innate bans, and its power is not above that of the Nine Dragons. That sword, which is nine feet nine and one foot three wide, is an epee, and its treasure is shining.

"Slay the enemy in front of me with my life, growl! Sword of punishment!"


Suddenly, the giant sword shined brightly, and the layers of the sword filled the air, cut vertically and horizontally, and its power soared thousands of times!

"The lonely star mark is crazy! He actually performed a 'batter of life'! This blow has consumed at least a hundred years of his power!" A Master Wanfamen said in shock.

"This is also worth it! With a hundred years of life, Li Xing was beheaded, and it was me who was willing to do it!" Said another mage, "This person has too much potential and does not belong to Wan Famen. Can't let him grow up! "

Life Strike is an extremely powerful spell that can increase its strength by hundreds or thousands of times in an instant! Its mystery and Guiyuan strike, the same song.

The difference is that the blow to Guiyuan has extremely high requirements for the physical body, and even Li Xing ’s diamonds are not bad and are subject to creation. The blow of life is at the cost of burning life, and the consequences are even more serious.

"Li Xing! Let's die! For this attack, I used a hundred years of life for a thousand times the combat power! Even if you are a prince, I will be beheaded and killed in one fell swoop!" Cold, fiercely cut a sword.

This sword is full of rich life, so that the sword of punishment cannot be fully supported, and a small crack appears on it.


Supreme sword light, beheaded and killed, shrouded in the sky and in all directions, Li Xing could not escape at all.

Jian Guang is not fast, but extremely heavy and extremely great.

In Li Xing's heart, there was a strong sense of crisis, which was a threat to life. He didn't look, his eyes opened slightly, and he made a full three thousand punches in the air in one instant!

Three thousand boxing shadows, condensing mid-air, each one represents his doubled combat power.

Three thousand times more combat power!

However, after undergoing two transformations of the sericulture, Li Xing's body and fetal fetus were greatly improved. Although he was seriously injured this time, it was not as serious as the last time.

"What! What the **** is this? It seems to have the same power as Life Strike! Thousands of times of combat power, how can his body consume it?" People all stared at their eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ No Can't believe this scene.

"A return to Yuanyuan! Hehe!"


Three thousand fist shadows, in one instant, are united into one huge fist. Three thousand times the combat power, which is equivalent to three thousand Li Xing, making a punch at the same time, the power of three thousand fists gathered together!

This kind of power is too powerful, and when the algorithm junker runs into it, he has to frown and avoid it.

However, the life hit of Dugu Starscar was also very tyrannical. Moreover, his mana quality is extremely high, all of which are magic spells from above. Mana itself is a higher level than divine power, and this blow is unpredictable.

Two horrible forces, a huge fist, a huge sword light, are equally brilliant, equally great and incredible, they are approaching in that way, and are about to emit the brightest light.


A dull sound, like a thunder and a sinking sound, was slowly released, then louder and louder. The light curtain of the arena shook violently and seemed to be broken.

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