Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 586: Battle 1

Chapter 75: The First Battle

Twelve days of fighting, breaking through the space directly, opened a passage into the ancient battlefield. With the orders of Vientiane Taoists, sixty people rushed into the passage in a predetermined order. The fifth entry.

When all the sixty people entered, the Tiangan Formation closed up and turned into a small spot of light again. This light spot will last for two months to maintain the relationship with the ancient battlefield.

Two months later, a channel will reappear at the location of the light spot, allowing those who are still alive to walk out of the ancient battlefield.

He said that after Li Xing entered the passage, his eyes were white and bright, and he could not see things. But instantly, his people entered a vast world.

Looking away, it is full of ancient desolation. Nearby, a huge tree, broken from the root, has completely lost its vitality. Surrounded by extremely tall and dense wild grasses, they continued to expand.

In the distance, huge mountains are disconnected. The cracked earth, the bleak sky, the harsh environment, everything is full of decay, death, decay.

Obviously, everything is caused by war, this is the battlefield of ancient times!


The rest of them entered the ancient battlefield one after another and appeared behind Li Xing. They came from all major forces.

"Is this the battlefield of ancient times?" One person said disappointedly. "Isn't it all about babies? Why is it all grass?"

"Idiot!" The other laughed.

"What did you say?" That * anger.

The two quarreling were not too virtual, Li Xing didn't bother to pay attention to them, nodded to those who were too virtual, and took them away together. Entering the ancient battlefield, each other is an enemy, there will be no good things to stay together.

Of the fourteen people behind Li Xing, nine of them were Fatian triple, and five were Fatian double. To these people, he just knows the names, not familiar.

"Did you guys have any plans?" Li Xingdao said, all the people who entered the ancient battlefield had to take the opportunity to act.

One humane: "The battlefield in ancient times is very large. If we are together, we may miss many opportunities. I think everyone is still separated, in groups of three, searching in different directions."

The person speaking was Han Dong. He was not a disciple of Tai Xun Men, but a foreign aid invited by Tai Xun Men.

Those who can enter the ancient battlefield are very arrogant and disdainful of clinging to the regiment. Everyone agrees. Li Xing secretly sighed, but did not force it, nodded: "Okay, what do you do, please contact me in time."

After saying a few words, the crowd went their separate ways and went their separate ways, leaving only Li Xing in place. He laughed at himself, sacrificed the lamp of nihilism, and began the adventure.

He had to be careful, heavy flying armor, Dugu star marks entered the ancient battlefield, there must be a way to deal with him. These two people, one belongs to the troll gate, and the other belongs to the ten thousand gates, and the two martial arts will be against him.

The Emperor Tianxie once entered the battlefield of ancient times, so he knows it better. In ancient battlefields, it is easier to find relics and ancient authentic texts. Of course, there are other precious things, such as fetishes, heavenly treasures, and so on.

Li Xing flew in one direction. Before long, a huge mound appeared in front. Above the mound, the inch grass is not growing, the soil is blood red, and the rotten breath is emitted.

Above the mound, there is a huge hole, which emits five colors of light. Suddenly, Li Xing felt that the ancient Xuanjing in the divine fetus was shaking strongly.

"Did the Xuanjing sense the ancient authentic text?" When he moved in his heart and received the nimble lamp, he had to look into the cave.

At this moment, a sharp sword light suddenly fell in the air, severely chopped down at him. The person who shot it, Li Xing knew, was one of the troll gates, the law and the sky were double, and the name was called Liangu.

Li Xing gave a cold hum, and Jiulongyu went up, and he made a sound of "Boom", and the sword light shook away.

The tremendous strength shocked even the ancient figure, and he was startled, and said, "Flash strike a treasure rune!" Raising his hand is a light rune. This rune of light is bright and dazzling, and it will arrive in a flash, containing huge lethality.

Li Xing responded faster and immediately raised the "Sky Guard Shield" to block the attack.


Even with the sky guard shield, Li Xing was shocked and flew up. The power of Bao Fu was really powerful.

"very good!"

Li Xing was actually very happy. He did not mean that Lian Gu was good, but he said that the flashing baomu was very good. If he grabbed it, his lethality would be stronger than that of Jiulong.

"Bing Ning Talisman!" Lian Gu sighed and hit a second rune of light.

This fuguang was cold and cold, turned into a white light, shrouded in its head, and under the flow of the road, a huge ice stone instantly frozen Li Xing in it.

Lian Gu laughed wildly: "Li Xing! What about your talents? You aren't about to die in my hands today!" He waved his hands and played out the magic formula, a magic weapon flew out from behind, in the shape of a pocket.

A glaucoma shot from the pocket, which fixed the ice stone, and it was taken into the pocket.

"Huh! Enter the transformation bag and immediately let you die!" Lian Gu urged with all his strength, his eyes flashed with a ferocious color.

At this moment, the speed of Li Xing's entire body of light was soaring instantly, with each interest reaching 108,000 times!


Sealing his ice stone, it exploded instantly.

Lian Gu was shocked, slamming the treasure charm twice, and killing him again. At the same time, the solidified amulet also re-emerged to seal Li Xing.


Li Xing's intentions were clear, and the Jiulong Jiu played a hundred-nine Qiu in an instant. These nine hundred shadows are all over the air, and each shadow represents his doubled combat power.



Every three hundred shadows merge into one huge shadow. Therefore, the three-handled giant salamanders struck Bash Rune, Solidified Rune, and Shaped Bag respectively. Every moment, every effort was made.

After sending the attack, Li Xing didn't give up. He flashed across from Lian Gu and sneered, "Give me death!"

Jin Wujian growled out, two golden lights, extremely sharp, end to end, twisted forward.

Lian Gu was frightened, and immediately released a talisman of amulet. The whole body was so bright that Jin Wu's scissors were slowed down.

Unfortunately, Li Xing didn't give him a chance to hit the already prepared Thunderbolt Talisman. Hearing "Boom" made a loud noise, a Thunderbolt ray rushed up and broke the amulet light instantly.

Jinwu Shear took the opportunity to rush over, only one Sheared, not letting her head out of place.

"Li Xing! You can't kill me!" Lian Gu yelled, his head turned into a magic light, and he was about to run away.

"You can go?" Li Xing snorted coldly, the chaotic fingerprints were suppressed, and Faguang was sealed to death. At the same time, the Tower of Tolerance flew out, shooting ten thousand rays of light, and suppressing it.

"It's too bearable ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's entrusted to you!" Li Xing knew that Lian Gu could not escape, and let go of his hand to deal with the two treasures, a magic weapon.

The two charms were suspended in the air without being urged at this time. However, Baofu's psychic ability can distinguish his friends and enemies, and he will immediately flee. Just now, they had a spell for Li Xing and they didn't take advantage.

From the shots down to now, it is a long time to speak, but in fact it has only a very short time.

"Bao Fu, Bao Fu, let's go!" Li Xing's chaotic fingerprints repressed him, and he directly covered Er Fu with Baiyang Jingtian and suppressed it.

At this moment, the airborne bag in the air shook, turned into a streamer, and broke away.

Li Xing secretly called a pity, put away the magic weapon, and walked into the hole. He must start as soon as possible before he can start with Lian Gu. He must have shocked the rest of the trolls. I am afraid that he is coming at this moment.

As soon as he entered the hole, his eyes straightened, and he saw a golden, goose-like thing floating in the air, slowly rotating in front of him. Around this thing, five ancient authentic texts kept flowing away.

These five authentic texts are "righteousness," "belief," "ceremony," "loyalty," and "filial piety."

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