Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 587: Flower of war

Chapter 76: Flower of War

The five true texts, upright justice, magnificent magnificence, emit five rays of light, suppress the yellow light group. In the yellow light, it reveals a breath of decay and decay, which seems to contain extremely evil forces.

The time was urgent, Li Xing could not think too much. With a wave of his big sleeve, Bai Yang Jing Tian issued a huge suction power, and Huang Guang together with the five true texts were absorbed into Jing Tian. Because of his new development, his Chiyang Jingtian cannot be fully controlled. Instead, this Baiyang Jingtian can be manipulated freely.

After this thing entered Jingtian, it failed to seduce the magic circle, Li Xing immediately sacrificed the nimble lamp and pulled away.

As soon as his forefoot left, six light rays landed, and the heavy flying armor of Troll Gate searched for the whereabouts of Liangu. Before, they all received a signal for help from Lian Gu, so they hurried.

"What about people?" Zhong Feijia looked around, and his eyes fell to the entrance of the cave, and then he looked into the cave. At first sight, he couldn't help sighing, "Lian Gu is probably killed! There are several extraordinary breaths in this cave. Treasure must be taken away. "

"Lian Gu has two treasures, a magic weapon, and the strength is relatively strong among us. How could he be killed in such a short time?" Another mage showed shock.

As soon as Lian Gu asked for help, they rushed forward, back and forth, but it took a dozen breaths. In such a short time, even Gu was actually beheaded and killed, and the **** was not left. How strong is the other party?

Zhong Feijia's eyes flickered: "The sixty people who entered the ancient battlefield have only a handful of them! We must be careful. In the future, we will be in a group of two. In danger, we must not fight in love!"

However, he said that Li Xing got the baby, and immediately asked Tian Xie: "Master, your old man has such a bright eye that you can recognize what it is?"

The clone of Emperor Tianxie walked around Huang Guang a few times and said, "It is a powerful will, and it does not belong to the world, it may be the will of heaven and man."

Li Xing suddenly lost interest. What he valued was the five authentic articles, so he didn't think too much.

Moving forward, along the way, he encountered many legendary elixir. Yuan Yuanguo, Soul Returning Grass, Ice Crystal Ganoderma, etc. These things are all treasures of heaven and earth, some of which can feed spiritual fetuses, and naturally cannot be let go. They were collected one by one and cultivated in the Baiyangjingtian.

After walking for a long time, a huge sky hole suddenly appeared in front. This crater, which is thousands of miles in length, has no bottom, and it does not know what terrible force caused it.

There are occasional flashes of light in the tiankeng, and apparently someone has entered it. He said, "I don't know what treasure there is in this big pit. Don't miss it, just go and see!"

Thinking of this, he urged the false magic lamp and landed silently.

In the tiankeng, the area is vast, and many elixir have actually grown, but Li Xing has not picked it, so as not to alarm others. At the bottom of the Tiankeng is a low-lying basin, in which there is a virgin forest.

After the flash point was locked, it didn't take long for Li Xing to arrive at the scene. In the middle of the virgin forest, there is a sky above the open space, which is actually covered with all kinds of elixir. It seems that there is any power to promote their growth.

There are actually three people in Wanfamen, one of them is a lonely star mark. They all stared at a huge skull, half-buried in the soil, half the size of a house, dark gold.

A plant grows on the skull. The plant grew straight, and then in the sky, it formed a huge flower and bone, emitting a strange brilliance, and it was very extraordinary at first sight.

Dugu Xingchen said: "In ancient times, there should have been a terrible fierce battle here. Both sides of the battle have amazing powers. This skull, I don't know who the character is, contains a huge aura, which gave birth to this strange flower. . "

"Brother, what kind of flower is this?" Another triple mage asked.

"One thing is recorded in Wan Famen's 'Visit Ancient Collection'. In the era of ancient disillusionment, there was a race named 'Batian'. According to legend, the blood of fighting flowed in their bodies, and after death, above their bodies There will be a 'flower of war'. "

"This is the flower of war?" The other two mages laughed. "Brother, what is the flower of war?"

"Of course it is useful. In legend, if you swallow the flower of war, you can condense the body of war, fight against the sky, and be fearless. But this is only a legend. I do n’t think things are so simple. , Let's figure out a way to take it all away. "

The conversation between several people, Li Xing heard clearly. When he observed the huge skull, he suddenly thought of the **** coffin found in the ancient tomb. There is also a golden skull in the **** coffin. The temperament is very similar to this skull. Is there any connection between the two?

The fighting amulet and the 72 ancient artefact seeds all originate from that ancient tomb.

"This skeleton is ten thousand times more powerful than in the coffin of God. Isn't there any treasure left?" Li Xing moved his mind, he ignored the three people's discussion, but quietly went looking for it.

In the basin, the area was huge, and Li Xing took a circle to spend a lot of time. However, he did find that, in a swamp, he felt a breath of fighting, similar to the spirit of fighting.

"What?" With the help of the nimble lamp, he plunged directly into the swamp to see it clearly.

Under the swamp, more than ten miles deep, he found a huge car. This car is three to five kilometers long and is thousands of meters wide.

On the car, many institutions were built, including a crossbow, a bow, and a net. At the center, there was a huge throne. However, the throne was chopped off by something good, and that part fell not far away. .

Because he was in the swamp, Li Xing couldn't see the whole picture for a while. However, he felt that this was a treasure, but it was obviously damaged and repair was not easy.

Below this big guy, there was a faint strange breath, and Li Xing went on. After dropping more than a thousand meters, I saw a large blood cell of watermelon, motionless in the mud.

This blood cell transmitted a Yuanshi will, and the Emperor Tianxie called out immediately: "The blood of Yuanshi!"

Li Xing knew that as soon as the Emperor Tianxie was excited, he must have encountered the baby. He didn't ask, and he took the blood cells directly. Due to the depths of the swamp, this move did not attract the attention of Dugu Stars.

As he continued his search, he asked, "Master, the blood of Yuanshi, what use can it have?"

"Yuanshi is a state of cultivation. According to legend, in the era of ancient times, there was a group of cultivators. What they were after was" Yuanshi ", and then the Yuan Dynasty evolved into the Three Qings and everything.

While talking, Li Xing found another broken charm. This rune, unlike ordinary magic runes, has no mana fluctuations on it, but resembles the characteristics of a fighting treasure rune.

For a moment, he couldn't see the doorway. He closed it before he continued to search. In this swamp, there were a lot of scattered things, most of which were fragments from the cart, which were collected by Li Xing one by one.

In the end, when there was nothing in the entire swamp, Li Xing said: "There should be a lot of secrets on this frame, it's a pity to drop it." He immediately ran Baiyang Jingtian and ingested it as soon as possible.


It doesn't matter at this point, the frame is huge, causing the entire swamp to shake.

"What's going on?" Sudden stardust and others rushed to the swamp immediately.

Although the car was large, it was taken into Jingtian at once, and Li Xing swept out of the swamp. At the same time, Dugu Xingshen and others rushed into the swamp without saying a word, and they felt Bai Yang's qi, thinking that Yibao was born.

Li Xing passed them, sneered, and flew directly to the flower of war. This flower is huge, and people such as Dugu Stars are scared to damage Shenhua and are afraid to act rashly, so this treasure is still here.

Naturally, Li Xing was not polite to them, shrouded his hands, and ingested both the skull and the flower of war. Then he fluttered and disappeared.

"not good!"

The dugu star marks three listened to the movement ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately returned to their place, but where is the flower of war.

"We're doing it!" Dugu Starscream roared, Fa Nian swept away, and wanted to knock the enemy out, but unfortunately he couldn't find Li Xing.

At this time, Li Xing, dark heart, quickly left the tiankeng. The three people in Dugu Starsprint were together. If he did it, he wouldn't have much confidence. If only Dugu Starsing was the only one, he would have already shot.

Not long after leaving, the sign on his body suddenly flashed, and a tense voice came out: "Save me!"

Li Xingzhi was under siege and was about to rush over. Suddenly, the sign turned on again, and a second voice appeared: "Save me!" Then the third and fourth.

There are a total of four people calling for help at the same time. What is going on?

Li Xingwei pondered, rushed towards the first place for help, thinking of all kinds of possibilities in his heart. All the way down the road, it didn't take long before we arrived at the scene.

A desolate mountain, a huge hole, and crying out for help. He thought about it, took out an amulet, and rushed in.

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