Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 594: Witch Origin

Chapter 83: The Origin of Witch Force

At this time, no matter how desperate Ren Chongtian was, he couldn't get rid of the fate of being beheaded. As soon as the evil spirit amulet was stripped off, the big poisonous art came down, and his physical body and spirit were directly corroded into a bad shape. Screamed screamingly. . .

"Ren Chongtian, reborn in the next life, find a good family." Li Xing said coldly, Shenguang twisted, Ren Chongtian completely disappeared from this world. Among the lights, seven treasures, including six things found in the ancient battlefield, and a town stone, fell into the hands of Li Xing.

"Zhentianshi and Wuxingzhen Yuanzhu were in the hands, and there was still a huge skylight, so they could use the heavenly map to consolidate the supreme treasures!" Li Xing was quite happy, and now he recovered his shape and rose into the sky.

A shock of heavenly light rushed up and disappeared, leaving the remaining nine dazed Wan Famen in a hurry. They rushed down the abyss, but where can they see the shadow of Ren Chongtian, the expression of fear on their faces And another one died!

Time is running out, Li Xing has no time to entangle with Wan Famen. He must search for treasures in the last three days. Especially in ancient ancient texts, ancient Xuanjing requires a lot of writing.

During the busy period, two days passed and Li Xing gained a lot. However, at this time, he must return to the place where he entered the battlefield and prepare in advance. Otherwise, if the passage is closed, he must wait 60 years before leaving.

He passed the sign and called all the virtual gaters to rush to the meeting place. At this time, there were eleven people who were too virtual, and one person was lost in the middle. However, the people who died were not too empty-minded.

On the way back, when passing through a swamp, Bao Guangyi suddenly became a masterpiece of light treasure. Three thousand miles away from the left, there was a huge flash point, similar to the original reaction to the ancient temple. With a moment of hesitation in his heart, he flew in a hurry and arrived in a moment.

He was going to take a look, and if the treasure was easy to collect, he would collect it directly. If it is difficult and takes a long time, give up immediately.

As soon as people arrived, they saw a rolling source of power in the swamp. Among the original powers, there is a scepter, carrying a load of sinking and floating, surrounded by three big Yichang people, it seems to be about to start. His heart was beating, was this what Ren Chongtian said about the ancestral witch?

The arrival of Li Xing, the three masters of Dayi taught immediately guarded, turned around and stared at him. All three of them showed their faces at the Wizards Conference, and Li Xing naturally knew each other. One is Han Jisheng, the other is Ma Dexing, and the other is Hu Jing.

All three of them are Fa Tian and Du Fei, whose strength is average, but they all have powerful magic symbols and magic weapons.

Obviously, unlike Wan Fa Men, there is a great move **** who can ingest this thing, so at this moment, they can only worry about it.

Feeling the hostile eyes of the three men, Li Xing smiled slightly: "Three men rest assured, I will not start fighting, you continue."

The three looked at each other, and Ma De said, "Li Xing, to be honest, we can't take this treasure, but seeing that the time is up, I wonder if you have a way?"

Li Xing blinked: "If there is a way, I don't know if you agree."

"Oh? Please." Ma Dexing asked quickly, time was urgent, and he should not waste it.

"I have three treasures in exchange for this thing, how?" Li Xing answered unexpectedly.

"What? What do you want?" Hu Jing said with an angry expression. "This thing is obviously what we discovered first."

"The problem is that you can't take it, and I can." Li Xing shrugged. "If you don't want it, you won't get anything. If you promise me, then there are three treasures. The treasures are also very precious. "

However, Han Jisheng was more wise and immediately said, "Okay! Let's promise that the three of us will protect the law, and you take this thing away."

Li Xing threw two treasures directly and gave them to three people, one for each. These three treasures were obtained by killing his enemies, and they did not feel bad. Compared to that magical source, this treasure is not much.

In fact, he can grab it directly, but this will inevitably lead to a fight, and there may be accidents, so it is not recommended.

"Three people, this matter has nothing to do with you, please." Li Xing smiled, politely.

The three looked at each other, and they knew that Li Xing's strength was really good, and they could seriously hurt them at least, so he said nothing and turned away.

Li Xing immediately launched Bai Yang Jing Tian and started to ingest the source of witch power. This source of power is very powerful, just like the chaotic source of the day, it is not easy to ingest. Fortunately, Li Xing had experience and skillfully changed strength.

The two tyrannical forces stalemate for a while, Baiyang Jingtian gradually gained the upper hand, only to hear a loud sound of "boom", this source of force, entering the kingdom of heaven, together with the source of chaos and strength, was suppressed.

These three origins are not trivial, they are precious and unusual. They are the three major civilization forces in the era of myth, the era of barrenness, and the era of destruction, and Li Xing always feels that they will be used in the future.

As soon as the Wuli source was collected, Li Xing didn't dare stop and immediately returned to the exit.

At the exit, we saw that everyone had arrived. At this time, there were still nine people in Wanfamen. It was the one with the largest loss, and ten died. Of course, this is closely related to Li Xing, and several of Wan Famen's powerful figures were killed by him.

Too empty. At this moment, there are eleven people, three spies are killed, one is killed and the rest are there. The loss is not great.

There are still seven people remaining in Tak Yi, Trolls Gate, and six others. All of them have lost more than half, which is no better than Wanfamen. Half of Wan Famen's losses were caused by these two factions.

As soon as he arrived, the other ten people came around. Li Xing nodded and said, "Congratulations, you can survive."

Everyone was feeling ~ www.readwn.com ~ This trip to the ancient battlefield, everyone died nine lives. Li Xing has also been seriously injured several times. If there is no silkworm skill, the consequences will be unpredictable.

The Quartet, each standing in one place, waiting for the passage to open, so as to leave the ancient battlefield. Not far away, Chong Feijia stared at Li Xing with a bad eye. On the heavy flying armor, there was a layer of five-colored divine light flashing. Obviously, what treasure was obtained in the battlefield, which caused the strength to rise.

Seeing the other's provocative expression, Li Xing sneered. Chong Feijia's face changed slightly, he suddenly strode forward, and said loudly: "Li Xing! It is still a while before the opening, so why not understand your grievances?"

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't want to live, of course I'll fulfill you, old friend, this face is still to be given."

Zhong Feijia sneered: "Li Xing, you don't know what adventures I have. Today, let you know how powerful I am! Take back the source of my strength!"

Li Xing said lightly: "There is so much nonsense, do it!"

Chong Feijia's face was full of cruel smiles. With a wave of his hand, the five-colored light burst into the sky, turned it into a five-colored hand, suppressed it to Li Xing, and drank, "The hand of samsara, destroy me!"

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